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File: 141 KB, 1080x1206, 9F5nq9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11470147 No.11470147 [Reply] [Original]

I just want a fucking girlfriend

>> No.11470164
File: 91 KB, 565x565, Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11470174

How the fuck can one possibly get such jawline
As in, even the chads in high school never had such jawline

>> No.11470176
File: 168 KB, 450x360, 1526076314732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see pic related

>> No.11470264

Stop being a fucking pussy. It’s not that hard

>> No.11470277

I just want a fucking boyfriend.

>> No.11470299 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 645x968, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants to involve women in his life in any way

>> No.11470324

Actor here, I have a girl deeply in love with me and I could take my pick of around 6 other orbiter female 'friends' to be a girlfriend. I'm also a poorfag.

Take your /r9k/ shit back to your containment board you fucking loser.

>> No.11470339

If you would breathe through nose

>> No.11470412

Nice larp

>> No.11470422
File: 186 KB, 1069x1617, 7C447DBE-0E63-4F80-9E5E-16F0FE253912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>split bills
>regular sex
>weekly surprises
>no longer feel like killing my self even though im doing the sameshit prior to gif

Not gonna lie, if you find a decent girl, it’s the best decision you can make.

>> No.11470432

Sounds very nice, where'd you meet her?

>> No.11470438


Working a literal fast-food job.

>> No.11470443

Coworker or a customer?

>> No.11470446

>Working a literal fast-food job
What's a figurative fast-food job?

>> No.11470449

Yeah, everyone on 4chan is an undesirable uberloser who's never been glanced at by a woman. Whatever helps you sleep at night faggot. If being an actor at any level while being found attractive by multiple women seems like a 'larp' to you, you have real issues.

>> No.11470451


>> No.11470452

cosmetic surgery

are you a boy or girl (biologically)?

>> No.11470460

I'm a guy(male lol).

>> No.11470466

I used to have a gf which was really into me. Dumped her after 5 months cause I was feeling like in prison and never looked back. Grass is greener on the other side.

>> No.11470467
File: 343 KB, 539x585, 1533383322249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brags about being an actor
>"hey guys I'm also incredibly poor, I literally have no money"
really makes me think

>> No.11470468

Yeah whatever, I've been here long enough to know a larp when I see it.

>> No.11470473
File: 12 KB, 267x400, laughing salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coping this hard

>> No.11470474


‘Literal’ in the escalatory millennial definition and usage.


Longer your around a person, the more attractive you will seem. Getting a couple of mcjobs is sometimes way more worth it for the experience than the shit money.

>> No.11470491

You're falling for every single line of bait I'm putting down. This is beginner level bait which is catching you. Brainless can't into larping lol

>> No.11470493

>calls out others on being millennial
>uses reddit spacing
>«shit minwage jobs are actually great»

>> No.11470515

>troglodyte thinks Actor means A-Lister
>troglodyte doesn't know the 'starving actor' stereotype

Are you literally 12? Do you know anything about the world outside of Mommy's house?

>> No.11470528

kek, nah. the thing is I hung out with the theater nerds in high school, so I know how much of a faggot you are and how disgusting the women chasing you are. I'm sure your fedora looks great though.

>> No.11470537

>theater nerds

I've never been in a theater you retarded KHV. I've been doing this since I was 24. You have no idea, do you?

>> No.11470546

buddy I make six figures at my day job and bought into ETH under $10. my biggest problem is making sure some thot doesn't rob my blind. consider yourself lucky that you got nothing to lose, because once you make it the party is over.

>> No.11470562

I would pick both of you up, with my fucking strong arms. My sweat glistering on my perfectly maintained skin.

>> No.11470581

You have it backwards retard. I know who loved me when I was broke, I've had girls take care of me when I really had nothing at all. When I make it, I already know who wants me for who I am. You don't have this luxury it seems.

I bought ETH at $8. When I say poorfag, I mean in /biz/ terms, not. $100 to my name.

What the fuck is 'glistering'? Don't you mean 'glistening'?

>> No.11470593

english not first language solly

>> No.11470597

yeah that's exactly what I just said. you're clearly 18-22 though so enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.11470635

>>>>>>I've been doing this since I was 24

I'm 28, looks like you fucked up too but at least I know its because I haven't slept yet.