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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11468949 No.11468949 [Reply] [Original]

Was 6k the bottom?

>> No.11468971

All of these women have tattoos or are black. Also they are probably not virgins. Shit taste OP

>> No.11468975

Certainly not. Low interest rates and credit cards fueled the runup. Now credit cards are not allowing crypto and the fed is increasing rates, so people aren't speculating.

>> No.11468982

Spotted the virgin with 2 inch pee pee

>> No.11469000


hahahahah oh my god you fucking bears are getting desperate.

>m-maybe t-the lack of credit cards will drop us thru 5.8

exchanges have always been difficult to get money into. that's ONLY gotten easier as time has gone on. anyone who wants to buy crypto can ACH transfer or wire transfer a few hundred/thousand dollars into the exchange of their choice.

the lack of buying crypto on credit is completely irrelevant. it's literally the equivalent of saying a butterfly flapping its wings in mongolia is what caused a recession.

>> No.11469008


i remember ach transferring into dwolla back in 2013. you couldn't buy bitcoin on credit then, and that didn't stop the meteoric rise.

>> No.11469030

>muh pure virgins
Kill two birds with one stone by acting like your pathetic virginity is a point of pride + cope by pretending that it's you rejecting women, not the other way around

fuck right off

>> No.11469044


not asian and roasties. fucking disgusting, i think you’re on the wrong website OP.

>> No.11469079
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Chocolate brapper best brapper.

>> No.11469080

>literally the equivalent of saying a butterfly flapping its wings in mongolia is what caused a recession.
Like it didn't? Were you even there you dumb fuck how would you know it didn't?

>> No.11469092

t. eunuch who sucks out another man's cummies

go prep the bull faggot.

>> No.11469122
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>> No.11469217

sure is

>> No.11469321

I could go downtown and bang a drugged out whore. Find me a hooker. Or get me a low self-esteem slampig but Id rather wait and find the right one.

>> No.11469629

Tattoos on girls fucking disgusting

>> No.11469633

BTC will never be 6000 again.

>> No.11469885

Braaap braaaap brrraaaaaap braaaaap

>> No.11469902 [DELETED] 

All 4 of those women are disqualified on being a potential wife for having tats or being black. Also highly doubt any of those 4 women are virgins.

>> No.11469963
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6000 was the top

>> No.11470165

We are stealth bull now anon.
Ppl will wake up @8k

>> No.11470179

Best way to know is if Bitcoin bounces off of 6k again.

>> No.11470383


When the fuck did /biz/ turn into a virgin worshiping shithole?

Back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.11470407


>used degrading words for free market sex merchants and tries to associate them with drugs
>wants to wait till he finds his ideal waifu

Hello future wizard.

/pol/ is ruining the lives of so many young men by getting them to idolize virgins.

>> No.11470527

I did not associate hookers with drugs. I can fuck either a crack whore OR a hooker. Sorry I dont want to be with a bitch who has taken 40 dicks in 2 years bro

>> No.11470559

>muh meaningless sex
every time

>> No.11470572


>if it's not on the wedding bread breaking your wifes hymen it's meaningless

Every time this dumb meme. Fags that act like there's this great difference between sex with your wife/gf and sex with a random whore/hooker are retarded overly emotional wrecks.

>> No.11470753

t. used up worthless roastie

>> No.11470803

No he's right. This is the real world, not some reddit red pill fantasy land you cum to in your sleep. Virgins are terrible at sex, are 99% of the time ugly and are no less likely to cheat than a non virgin woman

>> No.11470804

Be aware, we could test 4-5K easy. The Chinese can mine BTC with profit even at those levels. The Chinese do more then 50% of all BTC mining.

>> No.11470813

t. used up worthless roastie

>> No.11470847

>No he's right. This is the real world, not some reddit red pill fantasy land you cum to in your sleep. Virgins are terrible at sex, are 99% of the time ugly and are no less likely to cheat than a non virgin woman

>> No.11470863

> implying that virginity and abstinence are bad and "ruins" lives, because you want for white males to continue breeding and carry on the white race.

nt false flagger.

>> No.11470935


I'm a guy not a girl you fucking turbobeta faggot.


Idolizing virginity is bad because instead of going out there, getting a gf, settling down and marrying her, being happy together and having kids and starting a family, you are obsessing over whether this person is a virgin or not when it literally doesn't fucking matter. The longer you stay a virgin the more you fall behind in social development, the less chance you have of climbing out of your rut, the more chance you will stay a social outcast virgin loser for your whole life?

How many /pol/acks out there have an alternative version of themselves in another dimension that instead of going to /pol/ and getting redpilled, instead went out, met some girl at work, took her over and banged her (he was her third bf, she had slept with 4 other men before him), became gf and bf, realized their personalities really matched and they worked well together, had tons more sex for fun, accidentally knocked her up, ended up marrying her and living a long happy life together and having 4 kids.

You know, how the boomers, the GI gen, hell even the gen Xer's did. None of them consciously went out there trying to save the white race, thinking of white birth statistics when they fucked their wives on their bedsheets. No they fucked for fun and most times knocked up their gf's and married them.

>b-but condoms

They are uncomfortable, you don't want to wear them every time, and the pill changes your gf's behavior and tastes, she doesn't want to keep taking them as well.

You retards have dug yourself into a whole and doomed your entire race because of your own sexual insecurities. Virginity is a fucking dumb meme.

>> No.11470988

This poster is a woman

>> No.11471037

>muh white race
>muh family
>muh kids

kys, let this shitty ass world fucking burn to the fucking ground

>> No.11471089


I personally don't care and aim to stay single forever the way I like it. I am just sick of /pol/cucks shitting up the board with their whinging.

>> No.11471092

Hey they are mighty fine asses but I through my support behind the Anon.

>> No.11471400
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>going out there, getting a gf, settling down and marrying her, being happy together and having kids and starting a family

>> No.11471510

Last one seems like a tranny.

>> No.11471532

when the beta uprising comes, you will be the first on top of a pitch fork

>> No.11471676


Good thing beta's will never rise up then, because you are too beta to ever stand up for yourself.

I will tell you one thing, beta's will be the first to go on the day of the chad uprising though.


>> No.11471735

Why do you stupid fucking niggers always judge every women with wife standards??????? No one wants to fucking marry these whores we just want to fuck them retard

>> No.11471777

t. babby dick virgin

>> No.11471807

trips of truth

>> No.11471847

You seem confused or mentally ill to contradict yourself like that.

>> No.11471873

Choose one

>> No.11471919
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You're never getting your money back faggot. Now clean the shart off the bathroom wall wagie wagie.

>> No.11471942


So you've never heard of making an argument to prove a point? I guess your an NPC as well then.
I think that NPC's need to get married too be happy, they are lost without structure in their lives and need to follow their programming. The idolization of virginity is a glitch in the system and preventing these NPC's from progressing and they are causing trouble as a result. So I am trying to help them, despite not being an NPC, and not ever wanting to marry personally, because I am sick to death of seeing these fucking incel faggots complaining about women and badmouthing sluts and putting virgin pussy on a pedestal. I like sluts and I don't want to live in a world where every girl is a nice virginal christian who wants to get married and that's what these virgin incel faggots are aiming for with all this alt right crap. Just fucking get over your virginity, marry a white girl, knock her up and mellow out already you fucking annoying faggots, and leave my sluts and whores alone. Loose women need to exist.

>> No.11472350

Would do 1 and 3. Best asses and ok to actually good face.

>> No.11473394
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Bottom is 0 as should be the price of the dinosaur tech bitcoin. Btc is done with, move on.

>> No.11473470
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So you're saying they are all virgins?