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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 1440x1080, maxresdefault-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11466437 No.11466437 [Reply] [Original]

"Wait and see how bad it gets when there is blackouts and food lines. You think social justice warriors are bad now? We are going to have generations of socialism."

>> No.11467045

nobody listens, but they will

>> No.11467066
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It's been a long time coming, but the future is here brothers and sisters. We are almost there.

>> No.11467083
File: 46 KB, 1024x538, THpTdVKQ3Rt9HH6EUkOJZrzkEkvFedl75F_-T1crkLk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'll run out of money eventually.

the good thing about socialist revolutions is it predominately murders socialists.

>> No.11467095
File: 16 KB, 304x288, images (2)(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peter will be one of the first people to lose their head
sharpen up those guillotines boys

>> No.11467119

Did you know that if income was equally divided in the United States, everyone would make $152,000 per year?

And that's just income. Everyone would also have $4.3m in assets.

>> No.11467138

you're not very versed in history, are you?
the opportunists will judge the idealists, fren.
you and your loved ones will perish in show processes to cement comrade ray dalio's power grip.

>> No.11467154
File: 12 KB, 274x184, imageofpaultodorjoneswithfamousquoteinbackground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that if income was equally divided in the United States nobody would generate income?

>> No.11467166

>it'll run out of money eventually.
Implying that stopped the Nazis and Commies from just forcing people into the work factories

>> No.11467171

and how much would the price of good be genius?
things are priced a certain way due to price equilibrum

>> No.11467173

Well, that's not true. The inheritor millionaires and billionaires would have to get off their lazy, worthless asses and contribute to society. So it would add labor.

>> No.11467188
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>> No.11467195

I have no real life anyway. I just want to watch the world burn. Who cares what happens to me.

>> No.11467208
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true. but what else are we supposed to look forward to?

>> No.11467224

>I just want to watch the world burn. Who cares what happens to me.

then kill yourself. if you don't care, kill yourself.
you are a burden to your fellow men.

>> No.11467240
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nope, I'm far too entertained by seeing all of you idiots burning everything down
it's absolutely hilarious

>> No.11467260
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you are a talking abortion. kill yourself. why are we supposed to suffer for your inferiority? kill yourself. people are absolutely right to despise you.

>> No.11467274
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hahahahaha omg so much salt
I live for your anger
It's soo entertaining

>> No.11467278

kill yourself. I am being serious.

>> No.11467283
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you're funny anon

>> No.11467293

you know she will never come back to you. kill yourself. you are ugly and a loser.

>> No.11467300
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>Guys, you may not like it but capitalism is right. It incentivizes companies to serve the public

>> No.11467308
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tell me again! I want to feel your anger!

>> No.11467315

if you don't like a product you are perfectly free to not buy it you idiot.

>> No.11467317

ronald reagan said medicare would lead to a communist dictatorship within his life time.

>> No.11467330

>i don't care
>no i don't want to

you're a pussy. do it.

>> No.11467345
File: 42 KB, 380x62, food insecure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys, capitalism is the correct economic system.
>The purpose of an economic system is to allocate labor and resources in the manner which generates the greatest amount of human happiness and wellbeing.
>The fact is this: those rich men paying $100,000 for champagne showers in Las Vegas right now? Their happiness and wellbeing matters more than the 20 million children going to bed hungry in the wealthiest nation on the planet.
>Yes, if we used that $100,000 to feed those children, it would generate 50 "points" of wellbeing and happiness for all of them, collectively creating thousands of "points" of happiness and wellbeing for the nation, but it's more important that the rich people receive 3 points of happiness instead.

>> No.11467346
File: 16 KB, 300x293, LOOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, you nailed it. fuck, you are hilarious. endless fun.

>> No.11467348


>> No.11467355
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ahahahahah you say it like it's an insult

>> No.11467363

>What is a monopoly

>> No.11467366

nice blog

you have no real friends. take the easy way out.

>> No.11467371

>minimum wage
>agriculture subsidies
I have a better idea of how to fix the problem you mentioned instead of creating more rules and regulations.

>> No.11467378

do you sometimes wonder why women don't like you?

>> No.11467384

Both of those things exist now and are not working. Great attempt at diversion from the essential problem though, which is that capitalism only cares about those with capital, that being its essential nature.

>> No.11467393

I don't think that's the only shower gel available in Russia, my dude.

>> No.11467395

kekekekek omg please keep going!

>> No.11467401

please tell me you're trolling, because no one is that dumb

>> No.11467407
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>> No.11467412

no I mean get rid of them bucko.

why is college expensive?
>federally guarenteed loans
why is housing fucked?
>freddie/fannie...zoning laws...section 8 etc

it's almost like everything the goverment has tried to solve, they make much much worse

>> No.11467414
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hey you didn't tell me why I'm not liked! I'm dying to know!

>> No.11467427

>anti-communism is the same as communism
Imagine being this retarded

>> No.11467429

you can deflect all you want, but in the end you know that you are a miserable excuse for a human being and you see that in the way people look at you. That is why you say things like 'I don't care, I wanna see the world burn' So it doesn't hurt - but we both know it hurts. Because they are right. You're a let down, a loser. You can say you're laughing all you want, but in the end we all know what a self-deprecating sad little fuck you are.

>> No.11467433
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You'll definitely be a millionaire some day, corporate slave buddies! Just keep defending your masters.

>> No.11467444

>We are going to have generations of socialism."
they will be the first to die because they're waiting for someone else to save them. we would wipe out socialism in 6 months.

>> No.11467450
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unlike you I don't lie to myself. I know and I accept it. but it brings me so much joy to see you burn in anger about it.

>> No.11467455
File: 67 KB, 700x612, FMBAi5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

envy is ugly, fren

>> No.11467460

lmao he thinks that income is only generated through work

do you know what a fucking portfolio is, anon? do you know where you are right now? do you actually think that people with 500 mill are generating income through "muh creating jobs"

>> No.11467462

I'm not angry. I genuinely believe the world is better off without you. Kill yourself.

>> No.11467467

I just want fascism. I don't care if it comes from the left or right.

>> No.11467475
File: 15 KB, 251x242, E4056AF3-0B20-4D9E-8A82-0E1A588183D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for giving me a laugh
this is what I live for

>> No.11467479

equality is a myth and life isn't fair, brainlet. grow the fuck up

>> No.11467487

What dumb, circular logic.

>we should make life fair
>Life isn't fair!
>ok but we should make it fair though
>No, we can't because life isn't fair!

>> No.11467493
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>> No.11467498

look at nature, retard. it's how life works

>> No.11467514

Value of goods is determined same way in communism as it is in capitalism: by demand, and supply

It's just that there is no force artificially manipulating supply. See how much better that is?

>> No.11467516

yeah, I don't believe you're laughing. At this point any person normal person would have already given up replying. You do damage control. You hate yourself. Cut your losses, m8.

>> No.11467519

the weak and stupid die and the strong and smart survive and thrive. nature is a testing grounds in order to perfect itself

>> No.11467524

If the weak and stupid died, you would be dead. Instead they just work retail jobs making Jews richer.

>> No.11467525

hahahahahaha dude you're relentless. I love it. Keep the fire burning!

>> No.11467543

>Value of goods is determined by demand, and su

so you're saying there's no surplus value? no exploitation? so all you want is other's people money because you believe the world owes you for existing? you're a brat.

>> No.11467545

hilarious, but you still can't refute my point. keep begging for gibs, it looks good on you

>> No.11467556

this rly:

>> No.11467558
File: 187 KB, 479x365, 100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US GDP per capita is $59k
>Everyone would make $152k

>> No.11467572
File: 59 KB, 515x821, 1019D647-F8CE-4A99-B19C-CB0639184162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you keep replying! it's amazing

>> No.11467585

you do the same. like you're enjoying the attention, even if just by some random dude on the internet who tells you to off yourself. I mean, c'mon: you haven given up on yourself. the world doesn't care about you. a rope, friend, will never let you down.

>> No.11467589

t. neolib npc

>> No.11467607

This is a pretty excellent response. Witty, well-times, have a (you) .

>> No.11467611
File: 195 KB, 798x770, 1440654767714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love your attention anon! You really haven't yet caught on that I was serious! I love feeling your anger. It really does bring me happiness. Please tell me some more how worthless and lonely I am

>> No.11467642

>I love feeling your anger. It really does bring me happiness.

you do realise it's not uncommon for the political left to fetishise their inferiority complexes?

>> No.11467654
File: 42 KB, 500x333, 1534007593780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah yeah please humiliate me some more

>> No.11467664

Y'all are both fucking gay

>> No.11467688
File: 31 KB, 960x540, 1540051762141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awwwww no more?

>> No.11467697

ffs just exchange your contact info and go fuck already

>> No.11467726

Reminder that commies are worth less than the lead and rope they deserve.

>> No.11467738
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>When someone tells you killing communists is a crime

>> No.11467788

nah, m8. I was just getting me some beer at the corner store. I'm thankful for capitalism offering me this convenience.

>> No.11467840

You can still be yourself and hate yourself. It's called self-hatred.

>> No.11467878

GDP and income are different things sport.

>> No.11468004

and the economy would instantly collapse

>> No.11468006

Socialism and communism are 2 completely different forms of government. Socialism works best because you allow for economic expension without giant bubbles or extreme depressions. Market regulation keeps everyone afloat instead of the 1% being extravagantly wealthy. The rest of the top 10% afloat and 90% wageslaves, homeless, starving, or dead.

>> No.11468018

How do we know socialism doesn't work if we've never tried it?

>> No.11468022

Actually the opposite would happen. You'd have way more mom and pop shops opening prompting healthy competition and healthy economic growth.

>> No.11468058
File: 162 KB, 500x521, but-its-okay-because-it-wasnt-real-socialism-you-tryagain-14507682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You'd have way more mom and pop shops

because people love opening shops in an environment where everything can be taken away from them at any moment.


you're being too obvious. go away.

>> No.11468092

Yes they are. So explain how an economy that produces $59k of goods per year can support paying everyone $152,000 per year. Even if you exclude children too young to work from the number, all you'd get is rapid inflation to the point where you're down to $59k per year per person in 2018 dollars anyway. Giving people money in their bank accounts doesn't increase the amount of actual wealth that's available.

Also, if you divide total household net worth by population, you only get $300k in assets per person, not $4.3m, assuming all their debt is also paid down to zero.

>> No.11468099
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>If you can't be a millionaire, you must support communism.

Why do communists always use this black/white argument?

Hypothetically, if communism is implemented, would every poor person become a millionaire?

>> No.11468128

where are they now?

>> No.11468137
File: 72 KB, 550x550, cb3868985b0e8051e73005fd9fe6f5b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do communists always use this black/white argument?

more importantly: why are there communists on this board?

>> No.11468141

Economic hard times don't bother me. I already sold at the top so I'll just stay home and watch anime, play vidya games and order pizza.

>> No.11468161

Capitalism is good for the status quo. You don't need to invent cures for cancer when you make more money trying to treat the cancer. You don't need to have designer babies with perfect genes when you can treat defects and bankrupt parents. In that type of system, nothing has to change. Maybe the elites hoard these discoveries for themselves for all we know. In capitalism knowledge can be worth a lot of money too.

>> No.11468173
File: 79 KB, 550x375, ThatcherQuote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commies won't allow that

>> No.11468197

1mil isn't much today anon

>> No.11468204

What would encourage communists to create cures for cancer?

>> No.11468209

I was just quoting that anon's number.

>> No.11468213

The mean income of the United States is $152,000. Just google this for yourself.

>> No.11468228

So you basically want everyone paid to be paid the same regardless of how much they produce.

>> No.11468239

Good bait, made me actually google it. Latest number I could find on the first page was from 2014, when mean household income was $72k. That's mean household income, not individual, so mean individual income is well below $59k, as expected. Income is less than GDP, not more.

gtfo with your made up numbers

>> No.11468245

It's more like, to each according to need, from each according to ability.
But even a flat income would be better than one dude having more money than the bottom 70% of the country.

>> No.11468246
File: 105 KB, 500x522, socialism-is-an-alternative-to-capitalism-as-potassium-cyanide-is-7011679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a political commissar threatening them with a gun. just like in ww2.

by the way: every day I see at least 5 biotech stocks soar because of some rumor of a improved cancer treatment. healing cancer isn't easy - especially since it's not a single disease and capitalism has literally invented cures to some ... though .. cure is in regard to cancer an oversimplification. but well ... commies are uneducated idiots and know jackshit about the stuff they criticise.

>> No.11468255

>Hypothetically, if communism is implemented, would every poor person become a millionaire?
If communism was implemented, money wouldn't exist. But yeah, fucking basically dude. That's the entire point. For people to live well.

>> No.11468257

You are looking at median income. Median income will obviously be much lower because most of the income in the US is in the people making millions per year, an extreme figure that barely factors into the median. The mean (average) income, the one properly including all those rich people, is $152,000 per year

>> No.11468275

>It's more like, to each according to need, from each according to ability.

That's just a more complicated way of giving everyone the same income regardless of what they do because:

>from each according to ability.
Means the more capable people will have to do more work and handle more responsibilities because they're more capable.

>to each according to need
Means the lazy and/or incapable workers would still get money because they need it..

>> No.11468285


>> No.11468293


The encouragement is no longer seeing people you love die of cancer. Or to actually help people. The man who created the polio vaccine turned down billions he could have made from patents to rid the US of polio, because he wanted to. Not because of money.

>> No.11468298
File: 529 KB, 843x403, image2.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, it means the capable worker would do all the work while the lazy gets the value produced because without costs associated to choosing the superior product there is no reason to choose inferior work.

communism is the enslavement of the good by the corrupt.

>> No.11468307

If money doesn't exist, there would still be bartering. There would still be people who would piss away their given wealth for stupid reasons without thinking about the future. Many people who win lotteries end up losing the money in a few years. You can't live well simply because you got resources thrown at you if your mind and heart is rotten.

>> No.11468310

No I'm not, you absolute faggot. I specifically looked for mean income. Here is more up to date source, the mean household income for 2017 was $86220. At 2.54 people per household in 2017, that's a mean individual income of $33944.


gtfo with your commie fantasies

>> No.11468315


>> No.11468318

Most of the backers during a communist revolution are capitalist that want to keep themselves in power and broker a deal with the rebels. You don't just pull a logistics empire out of your ass, these revolutions require resources and connections.

This is why communism is failed to doom, successful chad-like people will get to a position of power no matter what political system you design.

>> No.11468326

But, if both people have everything they need, what does it matter?

>> No.11468327

Doubtful. He's probably got property in Singapore, New Zealand, and who knows where else. He also is ready to drop his US citizenship at the drop of a hat. I guarantee that he's prepared af to bail.

>> No.11468329


>failed to doom

Lulz, idiot.

>> No.11468332

>The encouragement is no longer seeing people you love die of cancer.

Why would you need a State to order people to do that? That's not encouragement. That's coercion. Right now, people can freely donate their money towards cancer research.

>> No.11468337

Notice how it coincides with growth of government.

>> No.11468346 [DELETED] 
File: 370 KB, 600x600, 1536614937701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board has IDs you moron

>> No.11468351

Whatever you're looking at is probably only counting work income, not investments etc. which make up the bulk of rich people's income.

>> No.11468361

The government was immensely stronger in 1949-1953 than it was today.

>> No.11468363

You don't need backers when you kill all the rich people and take away their resources. That's how it had occurred throughout history. Stalin and his friends all came from poor backgrounds. The rich backers just got killed off later after they were no longer useful.

>> No.11468365

Okay... what does that mean? No force artificially manipulating supply? That is literally communism in a nutshell

>> No.11468371

Right, and who is going to drive the truck to deliver your diabetes medication when everyone is a multi millionaire?

>> No.11468374


I don't think that's how public funding works.

>> No.11468377

Leftypol's desperation is hilarious

Sorry but you arent convincing anyone besides 15 year olds

>> No.11468379

retard. not like the government grew at all in the 30's and 40's or anything. it coincides with neolibs and neocons
sorry I should have said fiat

>> No.11468390

Anyone who finds purpose in delivering things to people.

Or, more probably, these types of jobs would be rapidly automated.

>> No.11468397

Fasism was made to stop you faggot commies from spreading
Learn some history

>> No.11468402

No it wasn't. Look at all the agency's and departments that have sprouted since the late 20th century. Government is a fucking behemoth compared to then. You're clearly a fucking retard and should kys.

>> No.11468415

Do you not understand what GDP is?

>> No.11468414

No shit retard. But it's gotten exponentially bigger ever since WWII.

>> No.11468433

Americans shouldn't be allowed to talk about communism. The propaganda is too strong.

>communism is when the government (the state???) does stuff!!!

Get nuked, hamplanets.

>> No.11468435
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>everything will just be automated
the state of communists

>> No.11468443


>implying the jews on /biz/ understand anything about soul or creating just for the sake of it


>> No.11468446

Whatever I'm looking at is the census bureau's data on household income. They include all income, not just work earnings. Stop grasping at straws and admit you've been comprehensively btfo on your bullshit numbers.

Here's the census bureau on how it defines income:

>> No.11468447

it matters because the good person wastes his life in service of a useless sperg who's only quality is that he is a terrible human being? it incentivises being bad. the corruption of the human soul?

look at it this way: if lazy person had to pay non-lazy person, non-lazy person can reinvest his earnings into his business, scale it and thereby provide better services to more people - which means increased good for everyone, while the lazy person also has to be useful to others.

>> No.11468454

wow so a jew equates nazim to communinsm..... really makes you think

>> No.11468456

Or better yet, all communists should be killed so we never have to talk about it again :)

>> No.11468457

>not real communism

Repeating the same shit over and over won't give you different results.

>> No.11468458


>> No.11468463


Americans really deserve the wall.


Okay, porker, tell me what communism is. If you can equate even the USSR to communism then I'll concede. Just because you burgertards meme it doesn't mean it's true.

>> No.11468464
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>> No.11468482

what are you doing on /biz/?

>> No.11468491


I enjoy seeing the crypto threads. I think they're interesting even though I wouldn't take part.

>> No.11468497

It doesn't matter what I say because I know you're going to say it's not real communism. It's just an excuse for Leftists to implement it again and again, ad infinitum. Every time it fails, they'll just say it's not real communism.

>> No.11468506

Obviously, he's trying to convert impressionable people to communism.

>> No.11468512

They are 2 just branches of authoritarian government. It's like Shiite and Sunni, both hate each other and want to kill each other but still the same muslim shit. Communism and fascism are still the same authoritarian shit. Learn some philosophy, liberal faggot.

>> No.11468521


Nice one, Amerilard. Really tried there. Clap.

>> No.11468523

is this the anti orange buffon thread???

>> No.11468527

you don't belong here. go back to pol.

>> No.11468528

You pulled that straight out of your ass.

>> No.11468530

Get the fuck out of this board.

>> No.11468539
File: 208 KB, 1066x800, Ideology+Mussolini+was+initially+a+member+of+Italy+s+socialist+party.+However,+he+was+thrown+out+because+of+his+view+that+Italy+should+join+WWI..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right, created to stop commies fro spreading.

>> No.11468541
File: 284 KB, 980x809, Icons_of_Doom_PC_Mod_Case_Pics_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failed to doom

>> No.11468544


Back to your factory farms, you uneducated pigs. Oink oink.

>> No.11468552

Sorry, that's for psychopathic communists like you.

>> No.11468557

>9. The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern leftism we call “feelings of inferiority” and “oversocialization.” Feelings of inferiority are characteristic of modern leftism as a whole, while oversocialization is characteristic only of a certain segment of modern leftism; but this segment is highly influential.

>> No.11468561

Socialism is when you pay taxes, prove me wrong

>> No.11468566

uncle Ted was right all along.

>> No.11468573


Oink oink. Reeeee. Morons.


Not quite! You're still pretty cold.

>> No.11468577

It's a waste of time to debate with Leftists. They never use logical arguments. They expect their opponents to do the heavy intellectual lifting then attack them with insults.

>> No.11468589

Capitalism is when people exchange things and socialism is when they pay taxes, if you deny this your gay

>> No.11468590


>it's an americans jerk each other off with their ignorance and fallacies and then clap for each other whilst wallowing episode

>> No.11468592

Stop talking, just shut the fuck up.

>> No.11468598


Why is "gay" an insult? Also, wrong.


What's socialism, porky worshiper?

>> No.11468600

>Oink oink. Reeeee. Morons.

>10. By “feelings of inferiority” we mean not only inferiority feelings in the strict sense but a whole spectrum of related traits; low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, depressive tendencies, defeatism, guilt, self- hatred, etc. We argue that modern leftists tend to have some such feelings (possibly more or less repressed) and that these feelings are decisive in determining the direction of modern leftism.

>> No.11468602

>believing in theories instead of results

Leftism in a nutshell.

>> No.11468612

I know, but I still hope that one of those depressive broken fucks commits suicide and I have like 1/(10^60) responsibility because of what I said.

>> No.11468613

Why is the sky blue?

>> No.11468614

He is completely wrong, more likely there will be a fascist police state. I don’t see what about our current political climate inclines him to believe we would have socialism.

>> No.11468617


>still hasn't said what socialism is despite us all being on the world wide web and can easily look it up

Americans are really insufferable.

>> No.11468622

results are all worthless bullshit compared to theory, read Mises

>> No.11468632


Molecules and blue light and the sun.

>> No.11468635

The one good thing about Socialism in America would be the weight loss

>> No.11468637

What shithole country do you live in?

>> No.11468639

>>it's an americans jerk each other off

I'm a pole living in germany.

>> No.11468653
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>> No.11468658

All you're doing is just throwing random words together. You have access to the internet and you still can't explain how it works.

>> No.11468662

I'm going to drop a redpill on you. Communism as envisioned by Marx and others is not possible to implement in the real world.

>> No.11468667


Still retarded.


Why are you deflecting? What's socialism, oinker?

>> No.11468672

Big brain shit

>> No.11468674

everyone who says it isn't "whenever people pay taxes" is a commie

>> No.11468682

You're the one defending communism. You should be the one defining it.

What shithole country are you from? Are you too embarrassed to mention it? Yes, definitely embarrassed because it's irrelevant.

>> No.11468691

>a powerpoint
Its almost like you havent read the Doctrine of Fascism or Kampf... Because Everything about Fascism from the beginning to end is about destroying Communism and bringing together both sides of the political spectrum to fight marxism

>> No.11468701

socialism is comming. wont be the first time wont be the last. its the natural answer to capitalism after capitalism reaches its monopoly stage. the system will reset again just like before.

>> No.11468710

>disregard fact
>never admit failure

it's like you're oozing inferiority.

>> No.11468715

socialism has been the prevailing mode of production since Babylon
capitalism hasn't existed since and we will have to forge it ourselves from our enemy's resources

>> No.11468716

fuck off, jew

>> No.11468728

anti-semitism is a socialist urge, Jews are the greatest force behind the establishment of true capitalism, that's why Hitler and Stalin conducted shoahs

>> No.11468773
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a state is virtually indistinguishable from a company. the only real difference is the state's ability to use force and as such through it's monopoly on the use of force the state itself it the ultimate monopoly.

honestly, and that is something I was thinking of the other day, because commies are such inferior disgusting gollum like losers: because you suck so much the only equity you have is equity in the state - and honestly it's more dependency than anything else.
your whole 'social justice' brabbling is just you trying to increase the power projection ability of your allied partner (the state) from which you hope to get pussy.

really, it all boils down to you being the loser of the pack with no skin in the game hoping to get some tail. (heads up: even if you succeed, you'll fail, because status is given to the physically healthy, good people. not you. never you)

>> No.11468778


>> No.11468787
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If I say it enough times it'll eventually come true

>> No.11468788
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Communism... socialism. Fascism... capitalism...

The white man is crazy. Fucking crazy.

In the war party there is fascism. In the teepee, socialism. In the camp, communism. In trade, capitalism.

Why is the white man so obsessed with absolutes? He is stupid, surely he will kill himself before the Earth.

>> No.11468867

We've had socialism since the 60s. It was just minute then, starting with the great society and the war on poverty, then just accelerated in its totalitarianism, yet for some reason people believe the current paradigm to be peak capitalism.
Pro tip: It's not.

>> No.11468877

we've had socialism since 3000 BC

>> No.11468910

Godamn so many bootlickers in todays thread. I have also got a quote for you

"I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops"

Any system of government boils down to socialism, if you think you need a military and roads and shit you are just as cucked as the lefties you make fun of.

>> No.11469023

>It's another JEWS ARE PURE CAPITALIST argument

>> No.11469046
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>> No.11469074

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