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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 400x400, YHXpJ-WP_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11435998 No.11435998 [Reply] [Original]

get trips and i tell it but otherwise u dont have much time. good luck anons, i tried to warn you since you helped me get mega rich on eth. im just returning the favor.

>> No.11436006

fuck off just tell me

>> No.11436061

off by one why even live

>> No.11436066

you don't know anything about this that I don't...but i'll roll anyway

>> No.11436081


>> No.11436110

okay, then since you know the project really well im sure youre familiar with the liquidity problem RLX faces. well, lets just say in a short while, there won't be anymore of those kinds of problems. thats all i can say for now until digits are get.

>> No.11436116


>> No.11436125

yes anon, i require trips. otherwise sharing it just isnt meant to be.

>> No.11436126

why should I believe you?

>> No.11436128


>> No.11436137
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>> No.11436154


>> No.11436171
File: 149 KB, 375x500, sirdid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hit me up on TG if you want to chat with a non-brainlet about this project in private. otherwise, good day.

>> No.11436209


>> No.11436217

222 give it up

>> No.11436226


>> No.11436235


>> No.11436263


>> No.11436311

please sir, i desperately must know your RLX secrets!

>> No.11436342


>> No.11436348

he already pretty much told you.
if the team isn't able to secure a liquidity provider to stabilize the platform, it's not going anywhere. OP wants you to believe they have figured this out.

>> No.11436366

>can't you just play along?

>> No.11436367


but the (((who))) is wat is really important

>> No.11436393

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum?
Barbara Corcoran?
David Siegel?
You're not going to get trips anon.

>> No.11436427


>> No.11436442
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>> No.11436445

If you read the whitepaper you would know how they plan on solving the problem nothing new here. And you know what OP fuck you. Banks are going to finance their debt through relex.

>> No.11436464
File: 71 KB, 500x528, banananafucku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very intelligent comment, anon. you seem to really have thought this thru.

>> No.11436482
File: 489 KB, 472x470, 5463456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op is faggot we all know about coinbase adding rlx nothing new under the sun but i really wanted to get a trips

>> No.11436496
File: 431 KB, 500x588, 1518746191008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop it anon, this is srs business

>> No.11436556


>> No.11436563

Fuck me. One off

>> No.11436570

Rollin, also michael in the relex trader tg is a giant faggot cock smoker.

>> No.11436583

so you mean the devs are gonna dump even more coins onto idex?

>> No.11436601

Why do you hate Michael? What'd he do to you?

>> No.11436630
File: 139 KB, 497x499, 1518745088625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even think before you post?
clearly you dont

do you honestly think the devs are going to drump a little $1 million fucking dollars? woop dee fuckin doo $1 million dollars!! whew what a massive fortune!! you stupid fucking poorfag.

do the rest of us a favor on biz and lurk for 3 fucking years before you post here. all of us had a 3 year probationary period, do the same.

>> No.11436651


>> No.11436666

will quads get it?

>> No.11436672

Rerolling. Pretty sure OP has nothing, though.

>> No.11436673
File: 95 KB, 935x536, 65745674567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me the info

>> No.11436674
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>> No.11436678

Give it up OP

>> No.11436685
File: 390 KB, 204x200, 1526940088458.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no anon, i said trips. nice try tho using that post counting bot. well played indeed. but learn to read the OP before you go thru so much trouble.

>> No.11436686

Checkt and rekt.

>> No.11436689

omfg yo

>> No.11436690
File: 36 KB, 655x527, 1525462142404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will op deliver?
t. 3.5MM rlx/rlxi holder looking for info

>> No.11436693
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>> No.11436696

>imagine being this mad and having such an intense knee jerk reaction anytime mentions how shit this coin is

it's time to let go of those bags anon, it's never gonna go anywhere

>> No.11436698


>> No.11436699

what the fuck is a post counting bot? GFYS OP

>> No.11436702

Yep. OP has nothing. Quads count. It's trips with extra credit.

>> No.11436707


>> No.11436714
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>> No.11436715

cringe and redditpilled

>> No.11436717

>tells people to lurk moar
>doesnt understand the hierarchy of post gets
>thinks a quad doesnt count as a trips get
>biz, 2018

>> No.11436719

t. illiterate /b/ag holder

>> No.11436720 [DELETED] 

OP is a FAggot.

>> No.11436806


>> No.11436815

I am a bag holder. And you are a pajeet.

>> No.11436852
File: 2.30 MB, 500x281, 1518377385789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even my butler is richer than you.

>> No.11436889


>> No.11436899
File: 231 KB, 200x235, 1518746174656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fine god damnit, i'll partially delivar but only because im calling it a night and won't be back to the thread until the early am.

the liquidity provider is being taken care of a jew in the fortune 500
thats how big this is. no joke, it would appear that this time biz was also right about RLX.
now is the time to be greedy.

>> No.11436930

Biz hates RLX. They've never been right about relex. And you're larping. But I still have faith in the project.

>> No.11436939
File: 71 KB, 640x360, 5436563456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source?This should be literal insider info....

>> No.11436958
File: 64 KB, 481x406, 1527752659797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if true, it is.
if larp, op will die in his sleep tonight

>> No.11436964

wat does it mean?

>> No.11436987
File: 247 KB, 1024x683, 64563456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

means what number 11436958 said

>> No.11437116


Anon fomoing on biz
Buy or to buy.

Shit I dunno

>> No.11437640

Let’s see if I get trips

>> No.11437921


>> No.11438431

Oh god please let us makeit with rlx. I hold just over 1mil, will it be enough?
I want to fuck hookers regularly, my sex drive is too much for my gf. I just woke up from a wonderful dream

>> No.11438824

1m is plenty I reckon. If it gets to ten cents you're already pretty well off

>> No.11438895

Mau be enough, I'd be more comfy with more though

>> No.11438909

Exit scam when

>> No.11438950

Trips and I tell you

>> No.11439585

0.1 and i'm the happiest man on earth.

you sonovabitch why are you doing this to me? i've promised not to sink any more fiat into crypto and now you post this. thanks a bunch

>> No.11439598

The irony of that MDE sketch is that he says 'I think you're right.' You just admitted to being a pajeet lmao

>> No.11439776
File: 75 KB, 500x575, 25daebe4209d3a9871c792c2fd92cc7256db1b6f6531530a1e4bd245d46108d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u dont even know who sheldon adelson is, faggit.

>> No.11439828

Go on fag

>> No.11439879

Hahaha. New kids around the block... Falling for this scam coin...

>> No.11439896

Since last December they are handing over the lollipop of institutional investors. Suck on it.

>> No.11439934

Just when I thought this cancer was over, we get a new thread! Great!

>> No.11440013

can you even post without being off by one?
Tell who you are at least or why do you know what you said.U from team or you know someone from team?

>> No.11440533

he doesn't know anything, it's a fucking larp.

>> No.11441655
File: 151 KB, 428x539, 1539596376607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know anything, it's a fucking larp.

>> No.11441689

Pls sir

>> No.11441927
File: 102 KB, 685x600, 1539247174774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you can conjure decent dubs but you still dont even give any hint about where you come from so......

>> No.11441993
File: 1.96 MB, 2954x1737, 1539723150129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an American. That's all u need to know and I infiltrated RLX by dropping the dev's a big bag of ETH. So I'm something of a partner with priv information. I never signed an NDA.

>> No.11442621

Implying this is no larp
When do we expect this to be officially announced? 2019?

>> No.11442760

Q4-Q1 yeah. Mass marketing starts Q1

>> No.11442770

still no trips so im not dropping the kikes name

>> No.11443126

you the cunt they been dumping too all year?

>> No.11443225

so they're just going around revealing information to random amerifats? i'm getting worried lads

>> No.11443246

spill the beans

>> No.11443259

Rolling for trips. Op is a faggot

>> No.11443307

the contract has already been signed so the next stage is to make it public. negotiations were ended last week. you'll be finding out about it in a few months on official channels. but (((who))) it is will really shock you.

>> No.11443322

Ffs guys stop being dumb faggots and read the thread, op already spilled the name: Sheldon Adelson

>> No.11443375

So would they only providw stabilty for the coins already spent on projects?

>> No.11443425

For the sake of argument, let's say you are telling the truth. If rlx gets what its planning (Russian bank, finra, whatever), where do you see it eoy, 1yr, and 5yrs from now?

>> No.11443443

I need someone to acknowledge them digits pls

>> No.11443446


>> No.11443465

the price and stability of RLX tokens are linked to the liquidity provider powering the platform.
RLX is not linked to BTC prices - the price is determined by the platform itself.
this provides a real financial powerhouse in and of itself - just do the math on it.
and the pharma platform is going to be bigger than you think although it will receive lots of attention by the sjw left of the world because it will be their chance to "save the world with great medicines"
the RLXI drop is coming up soon so get your bags ready.
i already said it was a time to be greedy, i just hope some of you were paying attention.
im paying it forward for all the posts years ago that got me to buy ETH sub $1


>> No.11443472 [DELETED] 


>> No.11443484


>> No.11443512


>> No.11443515

I know where you live canadian bastard

>> No.11443522

>buying scams in q4 2018

>> No.11443531

What are you implying?

>> No.11443645

Hmmmm... You have piqued my interest

>> No.11443672


>> No.11443774

op is a fag

>> No.11443780

This is benis

>> No.11443794

Do I get RLXI tokens by having my RLX on IDEX?

>> No.11443896

its 1:1 and it will drop to the same erc20 you have your rlx in

>> No.11443919

His question was will he get tokens if he is holding rlx on idex

>> No.11443934

RLXI will be listed on IDEX so yeah.
still dont know when the snapshot is happening

>> No.11444191

What are you talking about? The rlxi airdrop already happened. The team doesn't have enough to do another 1:1.

>> No.11444221

It is still ongoing

>> No.11444259

Pretty sure Cprop will dominate real estate

>> No.11444268

airdrop ended a long time ago....RLXI is distributed already.
trips mother fucker

>> No.11444293
File: 969 KB, 312x213, 1508552281178.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u got me anon. i was memeing.

>> No.11444326

you shouldn't get their hopes up like that anon. RLX has some of the saddest bagholders in crypto right now. that was unkind...

>> No.11444371
File: 344 KB, 192x144, 1510330120052.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen bro, my RLXI drop posting was to get some anons to fomo.
my intentions were to help them long term.
RLX is one of the dark horse investment vehicles of the biz whales and elitists

>> No.11445076

Trips being rolled, time to deliver op

>or else you are a larping faggot and i will dump my bags

>> No.11445120
File: 1.80 MB, 204x255, 1521195851900.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really are dense and dont pay attention.
i'm betting you hold mostly XRP

>> No.11445591

You literally lost the small amount of credibility you had left after that RLXI airdrop misinformation now

>OP confirmed several times he is a faggot

>> No.11445617
File: 170 KB, 300x300, casino.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing OP already delivar'd

>> No.11445660

EZ trips

>> No.11445868

This is a fucking gem

>> No.11445877

Bitch scroll up I already know its Sheldon Adelson but you never gave any details

>being as retarded as OP

>> No.11445907
File: 39 KB, 338x435, lambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought i heard a little bird tell me "its secured for $2 billion"
but i just cant be sure anon, ive been wasted since then

>> No.11445933

Like 2billion as marketcap?

>> No.11446046

if i had to guess what was just suggested i'd put my money on $2 billion in liquid securing the platform.

>> No.11446184

Kek. Entertaining thread anon, even without the trips. Might even get a bag of relex.

t. NPC

>> No.11446220
File: 757 KB, 1026x613, whooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw we now have the ability to gentrify the fuck out of the United States at an unprecedented level

>> No.11446225

He pulls some stuff out of his ass but this is a real gem. Read the news from 24h ago. It's one of ~50 articles in the last three months

>> No.11446245


>> No.11446252

looks like this anon has been paying attention bc hes talking about this:


no RLXer's eternally btfo'd

>> No.11446265

Why are you trying so hard to pump this shitcoin, faggot

>> No.11446293
File: 21 KB, 248x248, 1538131732996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason I made this thread was for reasons I've already said but let me just say it again: I'm giving back to the anons who made early day ETH posts because I got in really early because of those threads. I just hope a few of those anons have seen this thread and react the same way I did to their posts ages ago.

>> No.11446383

This is a bit cringey. UN ambassador? Fucking why? Also, a worldwide network or relex delegates?

>> No.11446394

Yeah my understanding of it is that they need a network of people who will work with local governments where the properties are being developed. That's the main point of having them act as real estate agents basically. Just think of them as real world nodes that keep the whole platform in operation.

>> No.11446405

NO. During the snapshot, you have to have your RLX in your own wallet. If they are in the smart contract you will lose out.

>> No.11446664


>> No.11446717

So when’s the snapshot?

>> No.11447101
File: 58 KB, 540x391, 1539626478518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its already happened anon. i was memeing and getting anons who didnt dyor to fomo in so they could get the airdrop that already happened. i kno i did a bad shitpost but at least u fell for it tho rite

>> No.11447110
File: 9 KB, 251x228, 1539908944364 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted wrong pic

>> No.11447163
File: 46 KB, 564x424, 79d8792803795b2a8072b29297e45ead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only using trips to tell OP to not tell the secret and let the thread 404.

>> No.11447173


>> No.11447216


>> No.11447223


>> No.11447229


>> No.11447297


>> No.11447298

>Anonymous (ID: x2h+et4p) 10/17/18(Wed)20:51:23 No.11436081▶
>>>11435998 (OP)


>> No.11447299

dont even think about posting ITT, supremeleader

>> No.11447306

of course u were denied.

>> No.11447313


>> No.11447511

with any luck anon, I'll be posting a similar thread in the future thanking you for getting me mega rich

>> No.11447564

>t when you got 50k rlx before the 77k rlx drop, split it into 5 wallets each of 10k rlx and ended up with a 385k token airdrop
>t when the 385k tokens have a 1:1 split to rlxi
>t when you spent 0.25 eth and you bags are now worth ~40eth
you already missed a big opportunity on this one, anon but theres tons of room to grow

>> No.11447603


>> No.11447808

well.. might not be as well off as you but can I still make it? this seems too good to be true.. but so did raiblocks in the early days

>> No.11448090

at least its in smart hands

>> No.11448268


>> No.11448327

theres a reason i havent sold yet, anon. take that for what you will.

>> No.11448447

tfw massive thread but no trips

>> No.11448476

That's just the way it goes sometimes.

>> No.11449029

Trip me baby

>> No.11449046

wut dis?

>> No.11449197


>> No.11449332

Roll, roll, roll your boat

>> No.11449359


>> No.11449376

And I thought I was lucky to get that random March airdrop and the 77k one twice . Well played.

Wen 1$?

>> No.11449382
File: 62 KB, 500x597, 1488394933802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11449409

Q1 2020

>> No.11449493

Kek I know it’s already happened, was trying to piss off that other nigger
Also, roll

>> No.11449503

It’s not going to 100x in the next 6 months

>> No.11449591


>> No.11449765

Learn to read fag

>> No.11449770


>> No.11450774

New stuff coming. Probably a deal with a mexican company

>> No.11451132

*kisses hand - ROLL

>> No.11451329


>> No.11451357


>> No.11451394

its 5 am

>> No.11451408

that price action this morning tho

>> No.11452037

Q1 2020, not 2019

>> No.11452088


>> No.11452498


>> No.11452505
File: 427 KB, 1024x768, 1530086895007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11452650

If I don't get tendies, milkies or fucking trips right fucking now something is getting smashed

>> No.11452700

All buys will be going over the exchange routes. Bullllllish

>> No.11452719

this doesn't seem to make too much sense. what are you talking about please anon?

>> No.11452750

JT shilling in tg... Wow... Team has gotten desperate to sell its bags.

>> No.11452798

OP is still a fag.

>> No.11452913

He's the CMO you absolute retard. Shilling rlx is his job

>> No.11452941

There won't be direct sells from relex to an investor on a fixed price

>> No.11453104

I have a million and probably won’t buy more, I just want a 100k, not much to ask for yeah?

>> No.11453114

10 cents should be doable within the next 12 months

>> No.11453149

assuming their scope and current connections, Binance could be a possibility yeah? if so, I wouldn’t sell at all and just swing for eternity

>> No.11453465

Don't justify everything motherfucker. It's pathetic the way he is showing his desperation.

>> No.11453749

Binance is not out of the reach, especially considering raven

>> No.11453750

so the seller must fud his product? a true /biz/ way. buy high sell low and now this

>> No.11453893

What he wants to show is the results of his work that he really is a capable person and above all else he wants the project to be successful as he holds quite a lot of RLX too i believe

>> No.11453965

Probably about 20mil

>> No.11454851

still no trips?


>> No.11455251

wait, so this isnt a scam anymore anons?

>> No.11455445

it never was, u got biz'd

>> No.11455466

No this is legit a shillcoin scam

>> No.11455470

It never was a scam. Just a victim of some bad groupthink.

>> No.11455824

I don't influenced by biz you idiots. I know this and RLXI will do reasonably well. But I wouldn't get carried away like the literal autists in the relex traders telegram - the other coins they've shilled include thingschain (KEK) and, unironically, $ HELP

>> No.11455837

no one ever said the relex telegram wasnt cancer.

>> No.11456099

is the price being supressed?

>> No.11456122

No. The price isn't linked to BTC, it's instead linked to the RLX platform and supply and demand. When the liquidity provider makes the $2b deposit - that's when you will see instant price action. You'll just literally wake up with a 60x if not more.

>> No.11456344

Gawd make this happen, I'll go on a fucking pilgrimage

>> No.11456573

You don't have to speak about the most retarded shills exclusively

>> No.11456644

that's not what a liquidity provider does brainlet. You sure you even understand what that means? I can't believe this thread is still going and anons are rolling for this larp.

>> No.11456661
File: 800 KB, 220x220, 1539957975110.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11456663

You have nice digits


>> No.11456676

Finally a real faggot. Checked

>> No.11456889

Close as well. The odds are against us