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11420423 No.11420423 [Reply] [Original]

Is the

>dude live with your parents until you're 30 to save money

meme a meme or is it sound advice?

>> No.11420430

Its a meme

>> No.11420441

it's a meme, I'm 35 and still living with the parents even if I can afford to move out

>> No.11420444

I want to suck that bulge.

>> No.11420445

Depends how good your parents are. In the UK I can live in a shared house for about 4k bong a year (bills included). This is about a fifth of the average salary after tax, so honestly unless your parents are great I don't think it's worth it.

>> No.11420446

It's great advice if you like being a loser who can't bring a girl home ever

>> No.11420505

it's a trap fren

>> No.11420512

I pay my parents £40 a week inclusive of everything (food, bills etc) but have:

this problem.

I make £19,300 a year (recentky graduated, will go up), do I move out? I live up Norf and my job is in the most expensive part of the city possible.

inb4 leech

>> No.11420515

you wish

>> No.11420518

Only works if you're a man. Women are not meant to stay at home and 99% of them will fight constantly with their mothers. They need to go live with their husbands family.

>> No.11420525
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Sound advice if you are saving

>> No.11420531

True, but if you can't get a girl home anyway, no point in paying for a place to live.

1. Chad living independently
2. Incel living at home
3. Incel living independently

>> No.11420541

It's a meme. The tragedy is that im 29 and I can't move out anytime soon unless my youtube channel and btc blows up. Wages are shit so don't even tell me to work. It's literally impossible to move on your own, everyone is moving with a gf.

>> No.11420547

there is only one reason to move, if your parents suck and your life is shit cause of that

>> No.11420554

Not really. If you are incel you still want privacy to fap specially to new vr porn, also to go see an escort and come back and not have to see your parents there lmao its fucking devastating

>> No.11420565

Can you actually get a woman? Like if you were living on your own right now, do you know some women who would rush right over to "Netflix and chill?"

Remember you suddenly won't become Chad because you got your own place.

>> No.11420585


I have so many that would be willing.. Sigh. 26 this month, 77k plus bonus salary still living at home and saving rather than moving out and fucking girls like crazy.

fuck man. What do I do!!!

>> No.11420591

You can just FAP when your parents go out or just shut your door.

And who would see a hooker in an out all to your own residence? Lmao that's a textbook way of getting your shit stolen

>> No.11420599

I don't know but I'm put off from trying right now because what's the point.

The shy-qt who bagged my microwave curry in Tesco today couldn't keep her eyes off me though, so I'm basically Chad I'm pretty sure.

>> No.11420608


Depends on your prospects. I moved out when I could afford a decent down payment on a mortgage. I didn't move out until I was 27.

Out of my close circle of friends (about 14 people) I was the first one to move out into a house of my own. Christ about half of them still live with their parents at 30+.

I sometimes miss not living at home because I love the parent I was living with and how much easier life was but it's totally worth it to live on your own.

It's all subjective but I don't look down on people who live with their parents when they're older. It isn't easy especially since you typically care for the parent as they get older. As the middle class gets more and more beaten down it's becoming the norm. No different than Japan for the exact same reasons.

>> No.11420613

>I have so many that would be willing
If you're 100% sure of this, move out and bone some girls, my man. Money isn't worth being voluntarily celebate over.

>> No.11420620

This exactly.
Best is being financially indepenent Chad.
Living with parents lets you accumulate shekels, at the cost of absolutely no pussy.
Poorfag bleeding money on (((rent))) will be forever resorted to ugly landwhales anddrinking down his depression alone every evening.

>> No.11420626

not a meme

it's financially a good move. socially maybe not so much but its a worthwhile trade for some

>> No.11420628


Yes, it's hard to live like a degenerate when you live with your parents.

That isn't a bad thing.

>> No.11420633


I know it because I just go to their houses to bone at the moment.. They are not as attractive as I am capable of hitting, but they have their own places so it works out... Not celibate.

>> No.11420634

Yes it is. Gains are a lot more permanent than snatch

>> No.11420640


I regularly fucked my girlfriend when I lived at home.

When I decided to move out I suggested that she live with me and now we are married.

Why do you guys have such shitty taste in women?

>> No.11420647

Like I said previously itt, if you have girls to fuck, move out. Living at home is meant for the physically undesirable men as there's not a point in paying for your own place when you'd be doing the same things (not having sex) at your parents.

>> No.11420655
File: 288 KB, 484x750, The prophet 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get rich and spread the KEK's word.


>> No.11420657

you're already commuting, so why not do it from your own place? no need to get a place right in the expensive part where your job is

>> No.11420666
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I put in the wrong numbers...


>> No.11420669

But what if I spend all that money on rent and get no women fho.

>> No.11420674

As long as you're under 25 its fine, once you are older than that it becomes cringe

For example, Im going to school, living at parents, and working part time. Not only do i have no debt but due to making enough money a cunt hair below the tax bracket ive been able to save up a fuck ton of money every year. feels good meng

>> No.11420688

I'm guessing you don't live in America, right?

Living at home here is basically pussy repellent since it's socially unacceptable. For some reason, you're more of an adult throwing your money down the drain paying rent for some apartment than saving for your future.

>> No.11420689
File: 312 KB, 839x1174, The Prophet 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


KEK, I can feel your message in my veins.

I shall recruit warriors for your coming conquests.

Praise be to you, my friend.

>> No.11420703

Get job. Rent a room

>> No.11420707

If you want to solidify your autistic tendencies, then go ahead. Most of the people who lived with their parents till 30 were incapable of cooperation and destructive in unexpected ways.

>> No.11420721

How do you make so much amd live at home?

>> No.11420722
File: 60 KB, 500x725, The Prophet 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


KEK confirms for living at home being gay as fuck.

Warriors of KEK cannot feed of his mothers milk.


>> No.11420727


Lived in upstate NY my entire life. Pulling women while living at home isn't anymore difficult. I didn't have a dry spell from the age of 22-27. People who have trouble ether have shit taste in women (shallow) or no game.

Or both.

>> No.11420735

then you're learning to live independently which is in and of itself a plus

>> No.11420736

Then sounds like you're in a lose-lose situation. I'd buy you a beer if I knew you in real life.

>> No.11420774

Never been to upstate NY. Maybe the girls up there are less picky.

>> No.11420785

having rich parents shower you with unearned income and status would help as well

>> No.11420815

I live with my parents at 20 and I pay my own rent and shop for my own shit. As long as you're upholding some sort of responsibility you'll be fine, just don't go full leech and expect them to do everything for you because it'll make you too dependant.

>> No.11420817

Kudos on making it. I just don't think it's normal (longterm) to violate your gf loudly while momma is cooking in the kitchen and dad is watching some cuckball.

>> No.11420820


Idk, I moved back in after college, worked a job for a year (2 hours of commuting a day) and then just got a new one (~25 min one way commute) for much more money. Never moved out - too miserly...

>> No.11420827


Raised by a lower-middle class single mother.

Try again.

>> No.11420834
File: 798 KB, 1280x1811, The Prophet 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Senator Armstrong is a true warrior of KEK


>> No.11420856


Meh, my room was on the other side of the house. Plenty of opportunities. Not as liberating as living on your own but not bad.

>> No.11420902

You certainly act like a person who doesn't respect your mother, as shown by your sex escapades and living at home with your mum. Such people have this false sense of self-worth that allows one to poach women without problems. Women love their narcissists.

>> No.11420924

Why would someone with a single mother respect women? Single mothers are the worst of the worst and they don't have a male setting them straight so they just keep doing dumb shit their whole life.

>> No.11420940

It's great through like 24, then. GTFO

>> No.11421001

Stahp doing this

>> No.11421019

Worst advice ever, they'll drain your soul. Get a wagekek that's not too terrible and persevere instead (if you can)

>> No.11421022


>Le I'm going to psychoanalyze a handful of post to correctly assume the kind of person you are.

Cute post.

>> No.11421039

Not really the worst of the worst, but weak enough to not be able to defend themselves against being accused of being th worst of the worst - usually coming from the brat she is raising. Such a mentality can help with women, but also is the cause of higher incidence of criminality amongst guys like that.

>> No.11421046

I been doing this since college. Parents paid for degree, but ended up working retail and office jobs. I make 35k but work about 70hrs per week. My job is close so I ride a bike to work. I save about 20k per year and invest in cds mostly. I got about 250k right now, but I'm still increasing the amount. An extra 10k per year guaranteed would be nice. Also, fucking at hotels or some girls place isn't a big deal.

>> No.11421056

quick rundown on investing in cds pls

>> No.11421067
File: 50 KB, 768x384, 00C1C50E-3517-49F3-A3F1-271D15F7739B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Originally from Los Angeles (a 1 bedroom is at least $1.3k/month there, IN THE HOOD where you can hear gun shots at night). So, I moved to a different state to avoid living at home.

Where I moved to, at age 18, I only had to pay $350 a month for a 1 bedroom NOT IN THE HOOD.

Have some balls and don’t be afraid to move, cucks.

>> No.11421088


Meh, I don't hate women and I am the breadwinner of my household.

As long as you are not a crybaby faggot you don't need a male to set you straight.

>> No.11421112

>Not really the worst of the worst, but weak enough to not be able to defend themselves against being accused of being th worst of the worst - usually coming from the brat she is raising. Such a mentality can help with women, but also is the cause of higher incidence of criminality amongst guys like that.

>Being this much of a fucking retard

The only reason the figures show that is because 90% of men raised by single mothers are black.

I'm white. Never been to jail, never had anger issues, never did illicit drugs outside of weed.

Stay mad, my life has been blessed.

>> No.11421155

I was getting 2-2.5% on 3-5 year cds when interest rates were terrible. I just keep rolling them over at better rates and reinvest what I make.. I amassed over 250k because I put most of my money into them with no risk.

>> No.11421320

nah man, save up

>> No.11421340

30yo boomer here. been living with mom for over a year. paid off all existing debts and have saved over 10k. haven't had a gf or been laid as long as i've been at home. it may be a great way to save, but you pay the price with your soul.

>> No.11421380

Im 25 and my parents threw me out last month. I slept in the park which I broke into, for a week under a tree, imagining myself as the King Hedgehog

true story. it was amazing actually

>> No.11421410

You need a male for you to not become an abusive bag of dirt. This is why fatherless homes produce much more criminals.

>> No.11421414

>I slept in the park which I broke into, for a week under a tree, imagining myself as the King Hedgehog
>King hedgehog
Fucking LMAO

>> No.11421429

Well that's what I'm doing, saving money going to school trying to get a better job. Don't be ashamed of your circumstances, seduce bitches, workout, save money.

>> No.11421439

holy fuck that pussy mound

>> No.11421490

>responding to accusations with a straight up insult first and foremost.
Typical narcissistic temper-tantrum throwing product of a single mother household. Predictable to a T.

>> No.11421612
File: 1.24 MB, 1622x1788, vayne_chibi_by_chachimina-d8k0x4l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its literaly impossible to get an aparmtnet let alone house in any of the big cities in norway.

Rent is absurdly high. 1.2-2k a month + parkin spot

I have only one friend who managed to move out and buy his own aparment but that was cause he had a gf, and double income lets you buy atleast a small aparment

rest of my friends have aparments houses there parents for them. literaly impossible to get a house aparment

Boomers sits on everything driving prices skyfucking high

I rent. outside the city. still fucking borderline mongloid

atleast i inherit multiple houses and land.

but still fucking dumb as shit

should be a HARD CAP on how houses/aparment/land you could own.

boomers owns 5-10 hoouses aparments borderline mongloid. and they wonder why people live in cars. in campingwagons etc.

lmao even high paying saleries in norway 80-90k still have you fucked over.

>> No.11421637

That is guaranteed anyway, why not save some money in addition? Rather be a 30yo loser with 300-500k in the bank than a 30yo loser with nothing in the bank and suicidal from constant waging, bills and no comfort.

>> No.11421664

Nah dude put all that bread in the oven I'm talking high interest savings and shit. No need to move out unless you can find something reasonably within your earnings that covers everything and still lets you save.

>> No.11421699

>should be a HARD CAP on how houses/aparment/land you could own.

socialism serves you right, commie

>> No.11421714

bruh see me
IF you can afford a nice place, in a nice neighborhood, cover all your costs of living and still save then fucking ok go get a dope ass apartment and live it up. If you said no to any of the three things above then maybe save up. Also it depends on whether or not your down with the whole room mate situation. If you can split the rent with some normies then ok if you want to live alone and cant afford then that's a nono.

>> No.11421739


>> No.11421754


>> No.11421918

The only reason I can see moving out early being a good thing is if you're some kind of ladies man that can easily hookup (or you have a girlfriend you want to settle down with). If you're not that and your parents aren't insufferable you're better off staying home and saving/investing.

>> No.11421944

Live with them until you are about 21 through 23. Any more and your brain will finish developing before experiencing full independence, which leaves a lasting imprint upon your psyche for life.

>> No.11421963

>not even considering what your parents think in this situation
>If they don't complain, abuse them to your hearths content
literal autism

>> No.11422024

This is important. Having a decent ass savings for some rough shit occurring AKA LIFE is way more important than getting your dick wet my dude. If you can afford to live independently and still sock away a good amount then by all means. If moving out means living hand to mouth and dwindling your emergency funds god forbid your retirement shit then fuck to the no.

I speak from experience I've moved out of my parents home twice. Layoffs have fucked me when I had my budget running like a well oiled machine. Currently vacating my dope ass apartment to move back in with my parents now until I find a much better position with more security.

>> No.11422039

Phos you stupid bitch go back to the moon and quit fucking shit up.

>> No.11422048

more like wont get laid until 30 advice

>> No.11422050

Depends on how autistic/ social you are and how rich you are. If you don't like socializing and you're broke then it's not a meme. If you want to have a normal social life then it's a meme.

>> No.11422054

Why did you get a 'dope ass apartment'? That doesn't indicate having a well-oiled budget. You blew it on a frivolity knowing, you'll can always return to your folks

>> No.11422058

If they don't want you around they'll let you know, either through their actions or flat out telling you to get the fuck out. It sounds like you're just trying to justify it to yourself by using your parents.

>> No.11422078

Whats wrong with bringing girls back to your parents place?

>> No.11422082

>If they don't want you around they'll let you know
People who consider staying with their parents late into early adulthood tend to be prone to temper tantrums. The parents are usually very well aware of that if they imply that the screecher is incorrect in some way, they'll have to deal with hell.

>> No.11422165

Just buy link and an apartment in a few years. Sincerely, a fellow nord

>> No.11422233

If you can bank a couple thousand dollars for a year or 5 then you can see some great gains from C/Ds. One of mine is expiring in November and it's nice to see that 5K and change turned into 8K that I can use in the interim.

This shit sucks I know a lot of people in this situation. It's hard to find a job in other states without the right education or background. When they pop up it's worth asking for a stipend or bonus for relocation but I'm sure most anons would be too anxious moving to a new state or some shit.

>> No.11422360

Anyone know of a good cds investment in the uk? I just did a quick google and HSBC are offering rates of 0.45% .... seems a bit pointless

>> No.11422388

It's only a meme in America where once you're off to College, you're basically kicked out of the house. Which is why you have a bunch of losers who can't get a job after getting their degree and have to resort to working in McDonalds because they can barely pay their rent for a shitty one room apartment.

Why the fuck would you not want to save some amount of money first and buy a house/put down a downpayment or what have you.

If your partner can't understand the logic behind it or is uncomfortable with it, leave her because she's also being an idiot and it will allow you to cut your losses. Find a better partner because fortunately for you not everyone is a retard out there (male or female).

Don't be like these shut ins who can't get a job and have to stay at home with their parents just rotting away. At the same time, don't be a loser that has to work at McDonalds wagecucking for minimum wage.

>> No.11422402
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That's some broad ass painting straight out of your ass statement right there. People can learn to be independent so long as they are willing. Outside of extreme cases like being conditioned to be co-dependent by a bad relationship this is complete bullshit. It will always be a case by case basis.

>Why did you get a 'dope ass apartment'? That doesn't indicate having a well-oiled budget. You blew it on a frivolity knowing, you'll can always return to your folks
Speed reader????? I got a dope ass apartment because I was making 70K annual which provided the assets to do so. It allowed me to save money by commuting on foot to and from work removing car insurance and gasoline during the time I was here. I was able to save half my income after rent and minimize my spending to put everything else in the bank/ROTH IRA/401k.
>my budget was directly involved with mass layoffs from a merger
>my budget was directly involved with the merger occurring 4 months after renewing my lease

Fuck are you talmbout boy?
>9 posts by this ID
Oh you're the salty projecting neet making ridiculous unfounded statements against people trying to provide OP and other readers good advice.


>> No.11422414

I wish I still lived with my parents. Having my own place isn't worth the $1.7k/mo in rent/expenses. Doesn't seem like a lot of money but to a poorfag like me it is. I'd be golden if I found a decent wagekeking position

>> No.11422449
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>been making 30-40k most of my adult life
>still own my own apartment in a fast rising city

It's...really not that hard just save for a down payment via conventional loan and your mortgage is like 600-700 bucks a month. That's it, your done. No car camping or burning shit to save on gas, just live with mom for a couple of years and buy a place.

>> No.11422480

people who live at home past their early 20s will always be failure at life
unless they have to look after their unwell parents or something, that's a just exception and makes anon a good anon

>> No.11422510

>all over the place, not addressing the main point
You returned to your parents because you couldn't afford your 'nice apartment'. Your budgeting skills are utter shit, and you seem awfully resistant at admitting this obvious fact. Are you incapable of taking criticism? On the verge of a autistic screeching session? Typical adult babby living with mommy behavior.

>> No.11422511

>stayed home during hs
>stayed home during college
>stayed home after graduation
>still home at 23

Am i a momas boy? Im too comfy

>> No.11422555

Sorry /biz/ bong as a burgonian of clapistan I can't point you towards a good C/D in the UK. I can tell you though that that is a shit rate. I have a credit union which I don't use as my primary checking and they offer great rates. You should be looking for something at least offering 3% or more and keep in mind this is a long term passive investment. You could easily get way more by buying the same amount in aggressive stocks. The tradeoff is this though your money in a C/D is ensured for the amount you put in so no matter what happens in the stock market your still getting what you put in and the interest that you locked in out. You just can't withdrawal it until the specified date I mean there are loopholes but just don't do it it can be as bad as forfeiting all interest accrued.

>> No.11422601

Anon... I don't think that's a...

>> No.11422779


As long as you keep working and stacking.

It makes things much much easier when you move out.

>> No.11422810
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absolutely ridiculous. urnevergonamakeit

lol. moving the goalposts neetmeister alright lets dance. It's not that I couldn't afford to continue living the same at all. let me ask you what reason would I have to continue paying premium prices when I have no guaranteed income? I certainly could blow through savings and take the first job offer that pops up but what do I have to gain from that? my ever so masterful budgeting is leading me to the oh so desired making it. by making use of this familial security net it will allow me to maximize my continued budget. I can continue to save and adhere to the very same budget in question and earn more in the longterm. far more in fact than I would by spending more in the short term. by voluntarily entering this situation I am also providing my parents the benefits which come with a live in family member. I can be held accountable in providing support and assistance in everything from bills to day to day chores. you wouldnt know anything about that I suppose as being a burden just comes natural to you .

>> No.11422845

Now that's a loaded question. I can't answer that but so long as you are working and saving up while looking for better employment there's no real issue. The problem rather is that if you grow complacent and spend the rest of your life resting on your laurels. As long as you aspire to more then keep on keeping on and you'll make it.

>> No.11422856


>> No.11423083
File: 243 KB, 687x768, 76974F74-3E0A-4AEA-8395-A23911BB6012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giga Chad here. I make 200k and live at home paying absolutely nothing. I will buy a 500k house in cash once the interest rates increase past 6% causing house prices to crater

>> No.11423106

its a meme, I'm 30 and live with parents, I want to KMS every fucking day

>> No.11423122

home prices will never crash, theres too many mexicans and panjeets

>> No.11423134


Its fucked m8. Most normies would shit bricks if the billionaires bought up all the water or oxygen but apparently when they own all the land and shelter it’s cool.

>> No.11423156


House prices are already crashing in many parts of the world including US. A year from now will be -15% at least

>> No.11423173

I became a millionaire doing it. Granted, I got lucky with the crypto boom, but I still managed to get 50k in savings before then. I'm sure I wouldn't have thrown so much into bitcoin if I was on my own.

There are trade-offs of course. As nice as it is being with the family, sometimes being stuck at home during family fights was terrible. And it made my social life and relationships with girls difficult. I'd go over to my gf's apartment, but things would have been much easier if I had my own place.

>> No.11423186

why didn't you live with your gf?

>> No.11423198

I'm not sure. I almost did, but never went through with it before we broke up.

>> No.11423458

Once again the only reason people can come up with to leave is to sleep with women.

I'm not going to pay rent so that I can do a little song and dance and appease a fat ugly cow so that I may get some sex doled out.

>> No.11423583

t. abraham

>> No.11424249

>Why the fuck would you not want to save some amount of money first and buy a house/put down a downpayment or what have you.
because a house is for families with children
taking care of an entire house is a pain in the ass and home ownership is a massive meme

>> No.11424805

The confidence gained from living on your own accord will likely lead to you earning more in the future anyway.

At least, that is what it is looking like for me currently.

>> No.11424911

I graduated and move out of my parents place when I was 26. Being able to smoke weed with no worries and having friends over has been the biggest positive. I'm almost 30 and dating has been a total crapshoot though. I'm not outgoing enough and I work too much.

>> No.11424960
File: 6 KB, 505x384, npccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wagecuck to uncomfortably live in someone else's shithole

>> No.11425073

Is to check police, community, and threats. The save money is ridiculous. even base year can invest or coop with business. covering a thousand consumers in a 4 month time frame plus collecting college fund and low-middle class retirement funds with white parents is EZ.

>> No.11425075

>go see an escort and come back
t. a kid under 18

>> No.11425222

Or no-wage cuck to live in your parent's shithole.
Which is worse?

>> No.11425262

>Complains about not being able to move out
> doesn’t get a job

You’re 29 for fucks sake man what have you been doing

>> No.11425480

I moved out when I was 28. I saved up enough to buy a house, car, motorcycle with cash. Still have enough savings leftover that I could go full neet mode for at least a decade and maintain my current quality of life. If I had to do it over again, I would move out in my early 20s and wagecuck while banging tinder thots

>> No.11425540

If you had been working these 9 years while living at your parents for free you'd have almost $150k if you weren't blowing it all.

You're a fucking failure and now you'll have to eat shit for the rest of your life probably.

>> No.11425578

As soon as you move out and have a nice pad of your own some cumdumpster will roll in and establish herself in your life, put her shit all over your bathroom, take half your closet and you'll spend most of your finances on arbitrary shit she thinks you guys 'need'. And get fucked if she has a kid.

>> No.11425791

...so are you saying to move out or not?

>> No.11426086

>make a shitload from work and crypto
>save like crazy
>could buy house (mortgage) now if I wanted
meh if my job was in the city I would move out and it would be fun
Home is comfy too though, no girls, but oh well

"Independence" is the real meme half my friends who live alone are subsidized by family or live meager existences working min wage, getting high and playing video games.
I probably pick up more home ownership skills here than I would renting an apartment in the city.
And when I want to test myself I go off into the woods alone.

Nobody ever quantifies what these skills are that you gain from paying rent. Some intangible esoteric knowledge apparently. Meanwhile I'm perfectly content to spend long amounts of time by myself when most other people need to constantly be in company of others and chatter about bullshit.

>> No.11426115

So many disgusting normies in this thread

>> No.11426999


>> No.11428016

This is true, I didn't train my snatch for a month or two and I couldn't even get within 10kg of my PR while my muscle mass stayed about the same. Don't neglect snatch people!

>> No.11428044

you have to be the one who wears the pants to have a situation like this work. i even made my mom allow my girlfriends to live with us. me and my hoes upstairs and boring as old mom downstairs living with the dogs. its perfect ive saved 70 grand on rent already. mom on suicide watch

>> No.11428130
File: 744 KB, 1020x1020, 988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord, again

>> No.11428152

It's not fair to be a burden on others, especially on the people that raised you.

I'm not saying not to live with your parents for a while, but 30 is ridiculous. An extra few years while you save enough to be able to move out and/or train in a profession is a perfectly good idea, but no more than that. Once you have a reasonable amount in the bank and have held a stable job for three months then get out.

>> No.11428229

My parents tried to rush me out at 17 near the end of my courses because they didnt want me living at home like my brother at the age of 30 working at a supermarket with no qualifications

>> No.11428261

Living at home with the parents doesn’t effect the amount of pussy you get, unless the chick is tagging you as beta bux.

>> No.11428368

Not in Europe. D:

>> No.11428683

>living with parents
Not worth all the sheckles in the holy land

>> No.11428693

I've bought a property and still live with my parents. Why wouldn't I? Rent out the property for extra income, mom cooks well and does laundry, just air bnb an apartment if I want to fuck a girl.

>> No.11428753

How can a vagina be this puffy?

>> No.11428766

Can we talk about this fat ass pussy sitting right here??

>> No.11428773

an easy life will almost definitely destroy your motivation to actually do something meaningful. if your parents aren't making you pay rent or kicking you to the curb by 21, you're gonna grow up to be a piece of shit. you'll be fat, lazy, bored, tired, no gf, no future, no talent, no skill, no happiness.

trust me, leave the nest as soon as possible. staying with parents as an adult is one of the most unhealthy things you can possibly do to yourself.

>> No.11428970

Do it! I wish I had!

>> No.11428972

Source so I can fap

>> No.11429062


Having been in the military and putting up with countless people bitching about uniform standards....
I can’t help but feel triggered af by the fact this dude is wearing his go fast tennis shoes with his uniform.
Legit the first thing I noticed in this pic and not that chicks sexy juicy thighs

Kill me now

>> No.11429087

>I sometimes miss not living at home because I love the parent I was living with and how much easier life was but it's totally worth it to live on your own.

It's not always worth it.
my mum and dad divorced and I live with my dad. Not becaus I don't have money to move out but because this house is huge as fuck and my dad is easy to live with.

I have girls come over to my room regularly.
so I don't know what you plebs are talking about with

> you can't bring home girl if you live with a parent

that's just bull crap.

im 27 and choose to stay here cause the house is big and dad is almost never at home plus confy and does not annoy me.


Going to live on your own is a fucking Jew.

>> No.11429089

In terms of sheer numbers it's sound. Paying rent is kind of pissing money away. Having your own space has its own value which could translate into all kind of shit though and so does doing something like moving to somewhere with better jobs. So it really depends person by person

>> No.11429129

If you're in your 20s and you live in a country with a housing bubble like Australia, then it is absolutely not a meme.

>> No.11429154
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The problem with bringing girls over is the only downside i can see, honestly

While it is a problem, consider the following:
a) It is likely the girl has a place you can go to. Come up with some random excuse as to why you can't go to yours.
b) you could rent 3 (three) nights at a good hotel and still be spending less money than you would at rent. Three intercourses a month should be more than sufficent
c) you can afford 3 (three) escorts a month from the money you are saving

In conclusion: It is not worth it to live on your own just to have the options of bringing a girl over for sex.
If we are talking about getting a gf, it's ofc a different discussion

>> No.11429218

>all these saucefags

>> No.11429323
File: 85 KB, 938x974, npcmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you had been working these 9 years while living at your parents for free you'd have almost $150k if you weren't blowing it all.

>> No.11429336


>> No.11429340


muh holes

>> No.11429355

This. The reason why I starved for 3 years and paid a house debtless

>> No.11429681

It depends if you want to enjoy your entire life or just start living when you're old. I moved to my parents few years back after divorce to get my shit back up and it was the worse time.. I felt comfy but beta as fuck and did not even have sex the entire time I was living there (1 year and something).

>> No.11430375

I think it depends on where you live. Here in California it's become the norm to stay at home until a late age because no one can afford $1500 rent or a $1.5m house in their 20s.