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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11410313 No.11410313 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11410331

Research complete. Conclusion: it's a shitcoin lmao.

>> No.11410336

unironically 10 $ EOY.

Just needs some more fucking brand awareness and recognition.

Literally the Monero slayer

>> No.11410345


>> No.11410366


>> No.11410384

Let me see: You're a pajeet, correct?

>> No.11410392
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GTFO, fucking pajeets. Only >100 IQ allowed here.

>> No.11410447

>testbed for monero
>monero slayer
You guys are the same as litecucks.

>> No.11410464
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>funds literally siphoned off to fund ISIS in Syria

Looks like the Jihadist nigger is back to shill his Allah token. How many people you ran over with a tank today faggot?


>> No.11410474

Ignore that anon, Masari's purpose isn't to surpass Monero, but to try some different scaling ways.

>> No.11410488

Anyone who says DYOR = pajeet ranjesh

>> No.11410513

I know. Did my own research. I threw a couple hundred bucks at it a couple weeks ago, gonna sell for monero if/when miners pump it with uncle mining pre hype.

>> No.11410522

I would await for Bittrex at least.

>> No.11410593

Go back to your LINK thread, brainlet.

>> No.11410784

It's one of few legitimate crypto projects but biz will never recognize this and rather shill ERC-20 scams

>> No.11410858

Well, many of them apparently still appreciate those useless tokens with their teams holding 50% of the total supply, or something similar.

>> No.11410875

shhh... accumulate..

>> No.11411126

>Literally the Monero slayer
I think this has merit and its smart to own a small bag, but this is delusional.

>> No.11411469

I agree. XMR is and will be the privacy king for long years ahead. MSR may be possibly the queen or the prince.

>> No.11411663

Isn’t the main dev a jihadi Muslim?

>> No.11411688

Have they implemented uncle mining yet or is this still coming Soon (TM)

>> No.11411703
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Ey serious question.

This is that fake monero right? If I buy this do you think people mistake it for monero so I can sell it higher ?

>> No.11411749

They're already testing it in testnet. They'll publish the WP soon.

Well, when it reaches $50 (and Monero $1000), you can take a nice profit.

>> No.11412604

Been accumulating since August.

>> No.11412829

This is worse than dero.

>> No.11413708

Nothing is worse than Dero.

>> No.11413744

This is some next level FUD lol.
Regardless, this is extremely undervalued right now and will undergo several important developments in the coming months.

>> No.11413808

This. At least MSR contributed something (supposedly) upstream to Monero and seems to have some respect for the Monero community. The only thing I've ever heard Dero shills spout about Monero is that it's bugged and people who support Monero are Monerocucks.

>> No.11413969

>uncle mining functional on testnet
>contributions absorbed upstream by XMR team
>AEON market-cap halved in the past month; MSR's doubled
The real flippening is MSR to AEON. Screencap me papi.

>> No.11413992

nice volume ROFL

>> No.11415351


>> No.11415373


Isn't this just like...a worse version of Nerva?

>> No.11415470

Nerva forked from Masari, but has a completely fucked emission curve, and most of the coins were mined by few people.

>> No.11415600

That last statement is completely false. Honestly, I thought someone shilling masari so hard would show some respect for a fork coin, especially one as promising as Nerva. gnock from Masari is currently implementing some script created by the Nerva dev for both Monero and Masari.

>> No.11415601


Yea but it's pool resistant

>> No.11415652

If you don’t think someone with massive has power mined most of nerva you are actually brain dead. I know of one person that had 70 cpus on it and they aren’t even like a sysadmin

>> No.11415694

Nerva isn't very known outside of CN forks space. So, this added to the fact that the emission curve is very steep and set to issue more than half of total supply (11.1 of 18.5 million already issuead and in circulation, genesis block was in early May) in less than 6 months brings us the fact that yes, few persons will hold a monstruous amont of the coins. Also, you're probably ignoring the fact that people in control of more than only one CPU (or even sys admins) were possibly mining it with zero cost and a lot of mining power. So you can't deny that Nerva is possibly one of the most unfairly distributed PoW coin ever.

>> No.11415737

Could you please stop shilling now anon? I don't think anyone from masari would appreciate what you are doing.
Show me proof that Nerva was mined by a small number of people. There were lots of people who latched onto the project from the start, as it is a solid project with an emphasis on fair mining. Don't just make blanket statements, with no merit because you have an obvious bias against something you are not invested in,

>> No.11415765


>I know of one person that had 70 cpus on it and they aren’t even like a sysadmin


>> No.11415808

>Could you please stop shilling now anon? I don't think anyone from masari would appreciate what you are doing.
I'm not shilling anything, just recommending people to do some research about a very nice project.

>Show me proof that Nerva was mined by a small number of people. There were lots of people who latched onto the project from the start, as it is a solid project with an emphasis on fair mining. Don't just make blanket statements, with no merit because you have an obvious bias against something you are not invested in,
This is obvious, you must be a complete brainlet to not see it. Don't pretend you don't know it. Explanation is above (>>11415694). If the emphasis was on fair mining, the emission curve should be less slope, even less than XMR's one. Also, it's possible to perceive this too by just checking the trading orders from the only exchange it's listed (TradeOgre). Common orders are generally made with tens of thousands of XNV.

>> No.11415883
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>> No.11415950

Thanks for showing me Nerva. This looks great. How is tradeogre to use?

Mining looks easy. Am going to give it a try tonight. I love that it's cpu only

>> No.11416295

TradeOgre is one of the best exchanges I've used. Apparently is safe, never had or saw anybody having any issues with them since April. Don't forget to activate the 2FA.

>> No.11416386
File: 35 KB, 304x278, nottrue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats obviously not true.
Just checked the sells on XNV.
Not even one is above 10.000

>> No.11416410

That fucking bitmoji lmao

>> No.11416776
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>> No.11416806
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>people make a Dero thread, give explanation what it is, answers questions
>get flooded by Monero and Masari faggots calling it a scam

>people make a Masari thread, immediately link to a website called "GETMASARINOWNOWNOW.org", and then tell /biz/ to DYOR as if people are stupid


Even Monero hodlers aren't this bad.

>> No.11416947

Go shill your scam somewhere else, fucking pajeet. Only ASIC resistant open source coins allowed here, Rakesh.

>> No.11416954

...you do realize Masari has ASICs mining it right now.....right?

>> No.11416971
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Funny pajeet. Now come back to your work, Prandeep. Boss is watching you.

>> No.11417067


No it has not!

>> No.11417390
File: 172 KB, 1920x1080, 1488382307366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shills project
>doesn't even say what project is about or how it's different from anything
>say a fact about Masari
>response is, and I quote:


>No it has not!

>> No.11417515

>shills his own shitcoin
>doesn't even know that his shitcoin is completly centralized on one pool
>say a untrue fact about Masari
>response is just worthless

>> No.11417692

I usually ignore Masari threads as the project has no value whatsoever but seeing some faggot literally put a website URL in an image and then tell people to DYOR while not even putting a comment in the OP is just the bottom of the barrel shilling

>> No.11417844

i am not OP if it's that what you want to tell me.

>> No.11418795

fuck it, im buying it

>> No.11418891


>> No.11418934
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Thanks, bought 100k

>> No.11419216

Exactly. His argument about XNV has no merit. Plus, he is fudding a project which is currently sharing developments with the project he is shilling, kek.