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11409480 No.11409480 [Reply] [Original]

How well do you guys act around normal functioning people? I've worked in shitty warehouse jobs for the past 8 years and I finally somehow got a job for an office position. I'm scared that I will not be able to connect with my new coworkers and I'll end up getting let go. I've always worked with shitty druggy people, even in high school. So acting like a normal adult seems terrifying to me.

I'm also getting nervous about the jobs itself. It's just a data entry job, but I'm scared that I'll fuck up on the job and make everyone mad. At the warehouse people would fuck up all the time, but nothing would happen. I feel like if I fuck up just once, I'll get fired.

AHHHHH I don't want to go back to the warehouse life, guys. I finally found an escape and I really don't want to fuck things up.

>> No.11409492

I'm literally you OP. If you're white, just be cordial. You're way overthinking it.

>> No.11409508

Just enter your fucking data and don't make anybody go to HR

>> No.11409523

>data entry
you will be typing shit all day and probably not have time to mingle with coworkers. just make sure to stay on top of your shit and don't get behind. if you do your job well and work hard, you will be fine. also, if you get caught up you can ask your boss if there is anything else you can do. this will show them you're interested in doing more and will aid in getting a promotion. you will do fine; it's not a difficult job.

>> No.11409530


Data Entry is the office equivalent of loading a pallet. Just chill out, do your shit, and try not to act like a fucking sperg.

>> No.11409571

just bee yourself

>> No.11409577

I work in office and don't talk to anyone

>> No.11409588

get a standing desk or your body will start to degenerate in 4-8 Weeks

if your body is already degenerate, you'll develop cancer in a year

>> No.11409589

Automate your job OP by learning Python, segue into machine learning from there. That’s your career for the next 50 years sorted for you. You won’t do this, of course.

>> No.11409590

Honestly you are way overthinking this. You're probably going to want to go back to your warehouse chilling with the druggy jobs after your first day doing data entry lmao.

Just be yourself. Be nice, be respectful, don't be a faggot and everything will be fine.

>> No.11409633

true, but now youre that guy awkwardly standing in a room full of people sitting down. normies get really uncomfortable and angry when everyone but one guy is standing. i think its linked to some primitive survival instinct regarding to people standing up indicating that its time to leave quickly. so they cant fully relax until everyone is sitting thus indicating that the herd believes it to tbe safe to sit.

>> No.11409641

The problem is you have anxiety

>> No.11409647

Don't I have to go to school for this? I mean I know in IT you don't always have to have a degree, but I feel like for the most part, companies will want someone that has a degree.
Idk man. The warehouse job was taking a toll on my body. I was also embarrassed telling people that I worked in a warehouse. Telling people I work in a office is less embarrassing even though it's only a data entry job.

>> No.11409658
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This book is a great manual for interacting with normies.

>shitty druggy people
I worked in a warehouse before, and then I moved into IT where I'm constantly interacting with executives, and lemme tell ya, they're way bigger druggies. They just hide it.

>> No.11409674

congrats OP. landing this job was huge bump up for you. you're moving from lower working class to middle class, whether or not the money reflects that shift yet or not. this is significantly harder than a lot of people you're dealing with realize...but I know. don't worry about it too much, you'll get comfortable with your new environment....assuming of course you aren't a broken lower working class lifer, but you wouldn't have even applied to the office job if that were the case.

>> No.11409690

>you need a degree to program
when will normies learn you can just program if you know how. Christ next thing you know we'll need degrees for owning houses and breathing air.

>> No.11409718

this is an excellent book. Should be required reading in high school every single year.

>> No.11409723

I always thought that book was a meme, but since everyone keeps saying how great it is, I feel like it might help me after all. Thank you.

Also, what area of IT do you work in?

Thanks man. Yeah I feel like I'm finally tuning my life around. I hope I can move up in the corporate world.

>> No.11409737

Portfolios > degrees
Proof of work > Proof of stake

>> No.11409752

Don't tell any dirty or offensive jokes and you'll be fine.

>> No.11409767

You have to turn into an NPC. But it will kill your soul and you'll be drawing monthly self portraits in post it notes that document your decent into terrible depression

>> No.11409780

Random other thoughts:

Smile, make eye contact, say "good morning" to people. Try to remember the names of their kids / spouses / etc (this shit is hard, because they'll tell stories with 15 different names you've never heard before and act as if you're supposed to know who the fuck they are). Randomly ask how they're doing now and then and say things like "that's great!" or "that's too bad" depending how they answer.

Eventually, office drama will happen. Listen and act sympathetic when people vent on you or try to draw you in, but don't take sides.

>> No.11409797

Just smile at people when they pass by you, nod your head as well, in the olden days this signifies that you dont want to kill them and an indication to females that they wont be raped.

>> No.11409807

you need to mark your office with your urine or the normies wont see it as your territory and will disrespect you

>> No.11409863
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i dont
i barely see anyone
sometimes i wonder if i should work just for fun

>> No.11409876
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So if you want to be a good goy
- dress business casual, be shaved and don't show any tattoos
- always be on time
- add some small talk but not to much
- be polite
- don't talk about drugs, sex or the hood
- do your work, always try to get a task above your function level
- try to not use headphones when walking through the building.

- get some coffee for your co-workers once a day

Do this and you will outperform 90% of your workplace

>> No.11409897

> youre that guy awkwardly standing in a room full of people sitting down

Look bro, all those NPCs in your new workplace, they are imploding human beings, and if you don't have the balls to overcome office peer pressure, you are going to become one of them

>> No.11409910

I was in exact same boat, worked warehouse from the time I was 18 to like 25, finally got a nice cushy office job around 26.

Trick is to just pretend to be a normie, if you don't have a wife/girlfriend or kids or anything like that, you might want to lie and say you do, invent a whole life that you don't even have. Obviously easier if you actually have a home life though.

I ended up lying, said I was married with 2 kids, invented ages, names, backstories, it was pretty funny in retrospect but it worked. I even used it to get time off work sometimes, "oh ya Tom is sick today and couldn't go to school, I have to leave 4 hours early to take care of him when my wife goes to work", shit like that, worked like a charm.

Basically just behave like a normie, don't spaz out or do anything crazy, don't say anything confrontational or radical, keep politics and religion and all of that stuff out of work even if it's something you feel strongly about. Learn a few light jokes though, people don't want you to be a robot, you have to at least have some surface-level personality, people need to be able to label you as a particular sort of person and not just view you as an empty shell. So decide that you're going to be the funny guy, or the serious guy, or the knowledgable guy, or the tech nerd, or the car guy, whatever just have some low-key passion you can talk about at the water cooler.

Also be cautious of office politics and power games, especially from women since they're more prone to manipulation and subterfuge. It helps to join a clique and not be on the outside or it makes you an easy scapegoat for them to blame problems on, whereas if you're part of the clique they'll look at someone else to blame (usually). Also don't be too agreeable in terms of doing anyone elses work - you can politely refuse, like if some office girl comes and asks you do such-and-such you can say "I'll try if I have time" but then just make sure you don't ever actually have time.

>> No.11409913

Degrees show companies they arent risking as much by training you if you have no experience, but this is becoming less true. Show employers youve already trained yourself and they won't care about some stupid piece of paper. Assuming you prove yourself well, degree requirements can become a filter for overly controlling employers. Certs can help scaffold you up with confidence, but executable skills are what is important.

>> No.11409934
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>> No.11409958

You out drapered Don Draper. Congrats on this. How would you have handled a coworker who wanted to expose you though, if they figured it out?

>> No.11409972

Solid advice Anon. I'm the Switzerland of my work force. Just be the cool guy that listens. No more. No less.

>> No.11409998


also throw that person's first name in when saying 'Good morning' - using a persons name is like 'crack' for them to think you're personable, and literally means nothing

>> No.11410010


> Hey, good morning faggot OP, how was your weekend?

>> No.11410067
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Diversify your entry portfolio
8-9 am items from a-c
9-10 am itmes from d-g
and so on
you'll be safe

>> No.11410218

i work from home. everyday is pants optional.

>> No.11410297

Anyone else in an office environment enjoy treating subhuman lower class plebs without degrees such as OP like shit? Personally I would never hire someone without a degree but occasionally some low class peasant will sneak into our office somehow. These uneducated apes waste company resources on such mundane and trivial things due to their limited brain power because most have a 10th grade education, I make use of them by having them bring me coffee and pushing my reports off onto them.

>> No.11410335

I worked from home for 2 years. Always thought it would be my dream life, but that wore off after 6 months or so.

Once I make it and don't have to work anymore, I'm definitely going to have to join some clubs or take some classes or some shit that will get me out of the house and interacting with fellow humans, lest I fall into a pit of depression and alcohol/drug/porn addiction.

>> No.11410494

>Trick is to just pretend to be a normie
then you become a normie

>> No.11410510

>pushing my reports off onto them.

If they're able to do your work then I guess you're at the same lvl of intelligence as they are.


>> No.11410559

>interacting with executives, and lemme tell ya, they're way bigger druggies. They just hide it.
Real life isn't like the Wolf of Wall Street. What a daft thing to say

>> No.11410606

agreed, the guy that runs our drug testing program youll never believe it.but guess what?....he sells drugs
Upper management white collar folks party hard but typically keep their shit functional if they have any drive for the future.
OP just be nice to people and do your job most of them will be idiots but tolerable people. Listen to them talk about theor kids, dog and what they had for dinner and talk no more than 1/3 of the amount they do. If its on 4chan dont mention it, even /fit.

>> No.11410871

for the love of god.dont take sides. The trick to it is not taking a side while appearing to take everyones side while also not looking like an ass kissing doormat.

>> No.11411065

I'm in your position, except I managed to get hired by a big bank. I'm shitting my pants, but we're going to make it. I know we will

>> No.11411252

Data entry is the best position of all time stress free and no damage to your body so you can put all your effort into the gym. Do you have to answer phones also OP? or is it just data entry if so I'm jealous.

>> No.11411433

why is every cuck stressing about some shitty jobs when you can simply buy link and spit on other wageslaves next year, at least that's what Im doing

>> No.11411446

How much is enough? Will 50k do?

>> No.11411447

because we own LINK but also have other projects and shit in our lives like anyone who isnt a retarded gay autistic nigger

>> No.11411529
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Yea man, that should be enough at some point next year, unless you live in some ridiculously expensive shithole like Jew york city, LA, seattle etc.

"projects" lmao, thank God you didn't call it a "career" like americans always do when refering to their wage cages

>> No.11411807
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This, I can't tell how much left wing bs we read in HS. Not one of those books actually helped me as an adult. English classes now are a fucking joke.

>> No.11411844

Everyone fucks up office shit all the time. Don’t worry about it.
Offices are easy as fuck and probably way more crude than you expect. Yeah there’s this phony “professionalism” going on but in the break room people are people. We’re all just trying to stay out of HR’s crosshairs. And HR just wants to keep people from quitting.
That’s professionalism at its core. The whole goal is to make Stacy feel comfortable so she won’t quit. You’ll be fine. Don’t be a slimeball, sperg is just fine.

>> No.11412066

why can't i find a mommy gf, /biz/

>> No.11412943

underrated post

>> No.11412979

Yep, I love making people without college degrees feel insecure. If you don't have a college degree you are inferior to educated folks!

>> No.11413093

Make a habit of not talking bad about fellow coworkers or your boss behind their back, ever. Good advice for any job honestly. Don't slack off and if you have to pick up slack for other people don't conplain about it or let it alienate you. Do it with a optimists attitude. Time filters out the shitty employees eventually whether it takes two weeks, two months or two years. The cream rises to the top. Sweet, sweet cream.... mmmm