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11408863 No.11408863 [Reply] [Original]

>had gf since 5 years
>she wants to marry
>no money, honey
>don't worry anon, my parents have set up a marriage savings account that I can cash in once I'm married
>oh ok cool then

I'm now going to marry next year, we plan on flying to Hawaii and doing it there without friends or family because we don't have many friends and I couldn't handle a wedding. Gimme tips, how the fuck do I get a nice prenup? I'd rather put the money into crypto but fuck it, she's the one. If I'm wrong though, I need a prenup.

>> No.11408873

her parents are paying everything and you want a nice prenup?

>> No.11408878
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She is marrying you so that she can get the money and then will divorce you btw.

>> No.11408885

>even considering not having a prenup

i'll look forward to reading screencaps of Women Have No Souls and Fuck Everyone Over Volume 34980919523 when you post it on some cuck forum or subreddit in a few years.

>> No.11408886

You may have heard the case of Elizabeth Petrakis, the woman who got her prenup thrown out.

Here is the full story as a reminder: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2013/04/n-y-prenup-battle-winner-destroyed-family-with-affair-cousin-says/

This woman meets a successful millionaire who's built his own fortune through his life's own hard work and investments in real estate.

She wants to marry, being a smart guy he naturally is wary that she could be after his money. She doesn't want to sign a prenup, but he says there is no way they are getting married with out one, so she reluctantly agrees.

Well, come several kids later, she hits the wall and wants a divorce. She claims the prenup is the reason for their marriage falling apart, even though she never was forced into it. She could have always refused the marriage and refused the prenup. But those were his conditions and she accepted it.

Well it turns out she was full of shit. She was cheating on her husband with her cousin's husband. When her cousin comes out against her with this, she has no option but to admit to it. But she still insists her affair wasn't the reason for the marriage falling apart, oh no, she still insists it was the pre-nup.

Here's the real kicker:

She tells the judge that her husband had promised her he would get rid of the prenup after they had children. That's what she says, that he made an oral agreement with her. She has no proof of this promise or this oral agreement, its just his word against hers.

Well the judge believes her, and throws out the prenup, and now she is entitled to half his money, even after she cheated on him, even after he thought he was safe by signing a prenup.

Remember guys, not even a prenuptial agreement can protect you. Marriage can and will destroy you, there is absolutely no point.

>> No.11408889


this will go over well.

>> No.11408892

Prenups are for people who are making money. You have no money...

>> No.11408894

Probably not. Too many KHVs on here.

>> No.11408896

>getting married

oh holy fuck lmfao americans...

>> No.11408903

Don't have money yet but if I make it through biz shitcoins I wanna be covered.
I'll pay a share but she'll probably cover most of the costs. And yeah it's a few grand on her side vs a lifetime wealth on mine if it goes downhill, of course I want a prenup.

>> No.11408922

Okay so am I safe once I make money during marriage or what?
German actually

>> No.11408935

prenup bro

>> No.11408938

No the money from her parents, you are just a tool to get such. This is a material marriage anyway, hence why you are considering a prenup. Bound to fail.

>> No.11408942

Fuck but that's a one-time case, isn't it? Aren't prenups pretty safe? My dad has one concerning some property.

>> No.11408951

Oh I get it. Well that's incorrect probably because she knew only after we started talking about it and then chatted with her mom and she told us both.

>> No.11408955

Prenups can be overruled and voided
The working solution is an irrevocable trust
Spread the word
You are welcome

Sounds like that faggot wasn’t smart enough to get an irrevocable trust

>> No.11408968

That is why smart contracts are the future. No fucking judge can overrule a self fulfilling smart contract.

>> No.11408976

> And yeah it's a few grand on her side vs a lifetime wealth on mine if it goes downhill, of course I want a prenup.
> has no money

Ah, I remember being young and naive, thinking you're going to be rich one day due to entitlement.

I know you won't listen but screencap this. You still have a lot to learn fren.

Sorry but you sound very dumb. And suggesting to a girl (whose parents are paying for the wedding) that you want a prenup when you have no money is very stupid. You just sound like a moron. And wait until she tells her parents that. Can you post the text convos later so we can get a good laugh? Thanks.

>> No.11408978
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Thanks will look into it

>> No.11408990

Stop projecting, lost cause boomer

>> No.11408998

The secret is to be dirt poor and marry, in essence becoming a slave by working paycheck to paycheck. Maybe in 500 years we'll be liberated

>> No.11409036

you've heard of this shit called crypto right? It's the new stock market, for millenials and gen z. About to get really big.

>> No.11409145

Dump her and go all in crypto

>> No.11409255

Prenup comes with a price of trust.
By not having a prenup you might get rekt in a divorce, but at the same time, you will have trust in a relationship. It's a lose-lose situation if you don't trust your wife anyway.

>> No.11409294

Op you know she can say she signed the prenup under distress right? And void it.

>> No.11409330

brah just dont tell her bout crypto

>> No.11409346

Prenups get thrown out all the time, how old are you?

>> No.11409422







>> No.11409792

Waiting for your post in a year when you come home from work and see her getting fucked by Ahmed.

>> No.11409835

Anon is retarded

>> No.11409858

>tfw my girlfriend's dad put her 8 million dollar inheritance in an irrevocable trust that, in the event of her death, goes to her children or if she's childless, to her cousin

>> No.11409866

The only anon in this thread with a brain

>> No.11409891

op u know she can say she signed the prenup under distress right?

>> No.11409932

>now she is entitled to half his money,
this is how i know its made up
legal nonsense

>> No.11409980

Don't get a prenup, if you ever think you're gonna get a divorce just start funneling money into a monero wallet and cash it out slowly once you're solo

>> No.11410017
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I dated 3 girls during the week end
Fucking 2 of them
I don't understand how yo can fuck just one girl until your last breathe
You guys are gay

>> No.11410094

Kek, what an absolute delusional brainlet.
>Crypto will make me rich guys
>need a prenup for my imaginary magic bean gains in the future, nevermind I'm a broke loser now and all the money is coming from her side
Absolute fucking kek

>> No.11410142

wedding is a meme anon there is literally no use of it its a religious ritual ceremony to offer your soul to sat...i mean to her.

>> No.11410241

Prenuptial agreements are worth as much as the paper they're written on. Anyone with half a brain has known this already for a long time.

>> No.11410284

we dont, we marry one and get action on the side like real men

>> No.11410309

I'm divorcing my wife. We have two kids, both under 4. The fucking bitch cheated and lied. No prenup either

>> No.11410358


any more pics of this roastie?

>> No.11410472
File: 64 KB, 1081x461, How to nuke a marriage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to post this gem.

>> No.11410475

irrevocable trust, you stupid idiot

how come all you faggots continue to talk about prenup after this anon >>11408955 posted the solution


>> No.11410503

>you've heard of this shit called crypto right? It's the new stock market, for millenials and gen z. About to get really big.

imagine still being this delusional in late 2018. you must both pump and dumps. you're fucking retarded if you think anything else is going to happen.

>> No.11410505

or just do an irrevocable trust

>> No.11410592

Hiding marital assets in order to avoid having them divided during a divorce is fraud, you dumb fuck. Have fun explaining that clever maneuver to the IRS when they realize you've been hiding a mountain of cash from them.

>irrevocable trust
This isn't as bulletproof as you think, brainlet. If one spouse deliberately moves marital property into a trust without the other's consent as a form of "divorce planning", a judge can deem this a fraudulent transfer and order the trust to be dissolved.

>> No.11410744

Yeah I'm sure the people at the IRS are gifted with omniscience and can find it or prove I didn't gamble it all away.

>Oh my God, that's illegal!
The words of a slave.

>> No.11410771
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>not supporting womyn's rights

>> No.11410773

actually there is a simpler way, you have to be able to show equal dept to the assets you have gained SINCE marriage. because she gets jack shit from what you already had.

so yeah hide your real wealth and what you flourish to her always should have equal liability (doesn't have to be real just have paper of it)

>> No.11410798 [DELETED] 

>granted, still, an irrevocable trust does work as a bulletproof prenup

>> No.11410817

granted, still, an irrevocable trust does work as a bulletproof prenup

>> No.11410882

Here in the Netherlands you have a prenup is standard. You have to opt-in to share your shit.

>> No.11410896

>you have a prenup is standard
For some reason that came out wrong. I meant to say a prenup is the standard here.

>> No.11410953
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>2000 + 18
>not hiding massive amounts of wealth in untraceable crypto hardware wallets
>not stashing stacks of paper money in an offshore bank vault
>not hiding money orders in a secure vault in a building owned by a nameless LLC

It's like you guys enjoy paying for roastie fairytales.

>> No.11410991
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Don't worry OP, I know hebrew and Aramaic so I can translate

>Oy Very Anon, your soon to be ishshah's parent have a couple thousand goybux saved for your marriage? Why would you prepare a sub-contract for this coming economical contract that could protect you from losing half your current and future wealth? Oy vey!!!

>> No.11411130
File: 10 KB, 225x225, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful post, saved for future

>> No.11411591

Avoid the prenup and instead separate your savings accounts and never intermingle the money

It is the way the law is structured now and as a bonus it apparently works out well in the marriage as far as a lack of fighting over money

>> No.11411610

Back accounts of any kind

Keep a slush account that is shared

>> No.11411614

I've had various girls in my life, but pic related with brains would be my unicorn and if she has blue eyes. God damn it, the fact she can pukk this kinky retarded shit off is something that makes me diamonds. I can't put into words why.

>> No.11411656

You're fucking poor, retard, you don't need a prenup.

>> No.11411657

>people shitposting irrevocable trusts
You cant touch the money you fucking retards, thats the point of the trust.

You're going to freeze your money on the off chance of a divorce?

>> No.11411675

read more about it

>> No.11411676

wow saved

>> No.11411680

I'm a lawyer dipstick

>> No.11411695

I am a projecting he is a projectin everybody is a projectin. Just do us a favour and post the caps .This smells like comedy gold. Please you are loser anyways that asks for marriage advice on o mongolian basket weaving forums full of weebs and neets. Don't pretend you got honor or dignity. Just post the fucking convos faggot.

>> No.11411706

>she's the one
you don't know that and it's irrelevant, you have no reason to go into full on autism unless you are hodling hard on some bags

>> No.11411739

He actually means sex crimes by saying he fucked them

>> No.11411763
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> mfw paying for idiot son's wedding and giving him cash once he's married
> thinking absolute recipe for disaster, God no
> reread, oh it's the gf
> mfw I realize why the bride's parents should pay for the wedding
> ancestor's weren't stupid; women have always been fleecing men

It makes so much sense now.

> be worthless 20 year old with no money
> rich high school gf wants to marry and her parents want to pay for everything
> have severe autism so think this is a bad deal and ask for a prenup
> rather put my $500 in crypto

Nigga, broke-ass shithead newly-weds like you are going to be a $250,000 loss for her parents. Ride that shit, have fun, and if worst comes to worst; disappear like a baby daddy.

>> No.11411862

Ameriburgers get married at 30 when chance of having kids with minimal defects is over

>> No.11411873

>late adopter cope
not to mention OP sounds like a turbonormalfag, which means he's bound to stay a wagecuck

>> No.11411878

You’re a fucking idiot.

>> No.11412692

hnnnggg dat white supple in black lingerie ass

>> No.11412872

Goy all over the place.
I'm from an extremely wealthy white area. Rich people don't get divorced if they earned their money. Their woman respects them, does what they say and gets beat up/shunned from her family if she cheats.

If she is a quality girl, marry her, don't ever fucking give up on the marriage and even if she acts like she has, she hasn't and you prove to her that you still have faith and will do everything to make it work.

Women are aids, yes, but the real smart men who are successful know this. Same way rich differ from the poor in the fact they use credit to make themselves richer; Smart men know women and their personality/instinct, and will account for it.

t. 98% white area in straya where there are literally no divorces, plenty of young families, and good conservative women.

>> No.11413585
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lmao just wait for the judge to request your win/loss statements from the casinos

>> No.11413767

Day 1 of gorillionth nofap cycle, please don't post thots

>> No.11413813


A prenup is for money you have before you entered a relationship. If you marry next year and make it in crypto 2 years later, you owe her half. It doesn't count for future earnings you will make together

>> No.11413892

That girl is fucking ugly in others shots.

>> No.11413931

shut the fuck up faggot. the vast majority of white aussie bitches are trashy whores at best if attractive and feminazi landwhales at worst.

you keep thinking that shit while your 'quality girl' is riding the BBC carousel while you're out wagecucking. bet she loves that somali cock.

>> No.11415299

Getting married younger is the key to avoiding divorce and actually having a good marriage. The divorce rate goes exponentially higher the older the couple is/higher body count.

>> No.11415326

I ain't married. Houses cost 3 million here, you sound a little triggered bud? Suck my white cock faggot. It's eight inches.

>> No.11415683
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>she's the one
yeah thats gonna be a yikes from me

>> No.11416351


A prenup is supposed to protect pre marriage wealth. Now, you on the other hand are a poor peasant. If you win money during the marriage by gambling of course you have to share it. Looks like you don't even get the concept of marriage. If anything she should get a prenup.

>> No.11416373

Just hide all your cash in crypto dummy.

>> No.11416391

Is the chick in the picture her OP? If so marry her.

>> No.11416703
File: 72 KB, 618x410, 1512913343891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elizabeth Petrakis
look in her eyes, you can see she has no soul. I knew before I googled her that she would look like this.

>> No.11416863


>> No.11417054

>prenup is for money you have before you entered a relationship
money you have from before is yours without prenup anyways. it's the appreciation for example on a real estate you brought into marriage that is shared.

>> No.11417080
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>> No.11417088

best thing about crypto is plausible deniability.
once you move the coins a few times from different ip addresses you can claim you no longer have them and nobody really has any means to prove otherwise.

so yeah crypto gains are easily hidden.

>> No.11417092

all the law students now are sjws and feminazis. this world will crash in 20 years

>> No.11417107

> her parents have a marriage savings account for her that she can cash in once she's married,
Im pretty certain she and her parents will be pushing for a prenup aswell.

>> No.11417136

thats horrible man.
instead of working at it,
claim that you are working at it and make everything 10 times worse and extend your missery by a bunch of years.
not only ruining your own life but also the life of someone you (maybe once) held dear.
only with the outlook that you might cope with it while the damage done to your wife is ireperable.

>> No.11417201
