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File: 733 KB, 1124x1064, Screen Shot 2018-08-27 at 02.48.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11398219 No.11398219 [Reply] [Original]

>opened up a 50x short at 6233
>currently at -4%
fuck anons. tell me it gets better

>> No.11398228

degenerate gamblers will always get rekt

>> No.11398240

idk OP. leveraged gambling is bad for both sides, exchange only wins.

>> No.11398242

lol fuck you faggot. 10% a day for the next 57 days and im at $60k. meanwhile your still "le hodling".

>> No.11398247


What made you think it's gonna tank from here?

>> No.11398257

i just need it to go to 6221 and ive made 10%

>> No.11398262

good luck, faggot~

>> No.11398263

you will get liquidated... simple

>> No.11398273

its been 3 days so far and i havent been liquidated once. lmao at this cope. it has to go all the way to 6327 for me to get liquidated. never gunna happen

>> No.11398705

it will go to that tonight dumbass, I hope you learn from this

>> No.11398719

well, now you made -4%, what's the next step on your master plan?

>> No.11398725

>shorting the literal bottom
why do retards do this

>> No.11398733

same reason they longed the top

>> No.11398735
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>> No.11398744

>says the increasingly sweaty man for the 5th time in a month

>> No.11398769

Anon, technically your liq is at 6326.5. I'm a bitmex whale and I'm going to do something that will hopefully teach you to respect the markets.

Remember the following price: 6464

>> No.11398953

bamp for interest and op getting liquidated

>> No.11399195
File: 33 KB, 242x204, allinanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in anon here. Post your position or you're larping.

>> No.11399220

t. owns 1 bitcoin

how is a screenshot proof? you can literally just edit the html to make the position whatever you want..

>> No.11399231

If you can just edit it to "show" us you're in a 50x short, then you should have no problem posting a screenshot regardless. LARP.

>> No.11399242

Oof. Enjoy getting bullied off the paint

>> No.11399250

>10%/day = 60K faggot
you fail and will never make it with this mindset. zoom out and think big picture

>> No.11399266

It's probably to make 10%, since there's no question shit shit is going down from here.

>> No.11399293
File: 10 KB, 234x124, Screen Shot 2018-10-14 at 21.17.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


c o p e

>> No.11399296

This has to be a bait right?

>> No.11399302

So much cringe ITT. Bet you guys are making huge gains with your 0.05 btc stack lmao

>> No.11399303
File: 1.99 MB, 332x215, 1522406829769.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it has to go all the way to 6327 for me to get liquidated. never gunna happen

>> No.11399311

sort of bro. We might break out downwards soon, but expect the bulls to hold up a little more
Also be aware that we could get BARTed too so if that happens, RIP your position

>> No.11399319

White themed bitmex means you're not even logged in. Have fun with your shorts.

>> No.11399321

You are actually going to get liquidated. At least gamble when fate favors the bearish side not when we are about to bart up....

>> No.11399337

is this bait or are you actually retarded? you know you can change the theme right? kys

>> No.11399345


>> No.11399350

Again this bait thread.

>> No.11399359
File: 21 KB, 302x302, Screen Shot 2018-10-14 at 21.22.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11399572

looks like op survived
genuinely surprised gj

>> No.11399601


looks like i win again faggots lmfaooooo. i made a similar thread two days ago and you all called me a retard back then as well, and i came out with 30%. now i come out with 30% again abahhahahahahahhahahaha get fucked stupid fucking boomers lmaoo

and you >>11398769 stupid fucking whale lmfao dumbfuck boomer bahhahahahah

>> No.11399613

Just opened up a 50x long btw. if you want to get rich follow my trades. stop being so arrogant

>> No.11399621

bitmex shills are getting out of hand

btw you can stop with the overcompensating. we all see it.

>> No.11399629

kek, same for me and i'd be at 4,34 million. but something like this won't happen anyways since you're begging to get liquidated if you're trading with more than 10x leverage. i hope you didn't use more than 3% of your portfolio for that position

>> No.11399632

bump. looks like your all silent now huh?

you get fucked lmfaooooooo lmao lmaoo lmaoo


bahahaahahhahhah stupid stupid fucking retards should have just listened to me and made sick fucking gains bahahahhahahahhahahhahahaha

>> No.11399641

btw that dump was to liquidate all of the high leveraged longs before we bart up again. on this next bart im going to 10x my stack>>11399613

>> No.11399659

Now I understand that I'm pretty degenerate myself but this is just unhealthy. You're gonna get rekt. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But you will. I can all but guarantee it.

>> No.11399665
File: 14 KB, 334x138, Screen Shot 2018-10-14 at 21.53.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already up 12% on my long. feelsgoodman.
>1% of traders make money
>0.05% of traders can consistently make 10% a day
thats me. your part of the 99.95% that isnt me lmao

>ill be riding shotugun
>under the hotsun
>feeling like a someone

>> No.11399699

t. nocoiner
how are those forex gains faggot?

>> No.11399768

i know you are a larp, but btfo

>> No.11399786

keep dreaming lul

>> No.11399788

only down -3% on the long so far. cope more faggot

>> No.11399807

Can you make a discord, I'd follow you.

>> No.11400115

OP you’re acting like some hotshot retard while making $2 a trade lmfao kys

>> No.11400133

10% a day for 60 days and im at $60k. kys. ill surpass whatever you have by 100x in 6 months

>> No.11400146

You really shouldn’t be so fucking cocky when you started trading like a day ago. Have some god damn humility while you make your pennies. You’re an insect to me.

>> No.11400152

>this retard again

Anything more than 10x is stupid because normal market gyrations can liquidate you. You're going to lose it all until you learn to tell the difference between being process and outcome oriented. Just because you made money on a trade doesn't mean it was a good trade

>> No.11400169

>sometimes the best trade is the one where you lose everything
What did he mean? Buy this?

>> No.11400168

And you're on what, day 3? Top kek good luck projecting your 3 day "winning streak" during the least volatile market time in months out further than a few more days

>> No.11400187

Process vs outcome. If you follow your process and the trade doesn't work out, you still did the right thing. Following the process will work in the long run vs doing stupid shit and mistaking luck for skill

>> No.11400344

> Shorting the bottom.

>> No.11400353

clearly you didnt read the thread... i made 30% from that short. fucking retard. read the whole thread

>> No.11400562
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>process vs outcome
Let's hear it.
>if you follow your process and the trade doesn't work out, you still did the right thing
Only if by "the right thing" you mean "following an arbitrary process". Awesome, you follow a unique process which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't - this is apparently doing the "right thing". Nevermind the efficacy of the process, the following of the process is the "right thing to do".
>following the process will work in the long run
Will it? How do you know that the process always works in the long run? By "works in the long run" I hope you don't just mean "has followed a process". Also, which process works in the long run? All of them? One of them? Some? Few? I think it would be good if you actually IDENTIFIED a specific process instead of alluding to one in an opaque way. Which process is he talking about? Oh, one that WORKS OVER TIME? AMAZING!

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.11400585
File: 18 KB, 492x78, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

degenerates. here's my position

>> No.11400786

nice anon. how are you up 700% on cross margin tho? how does that work?

>> No.11400962

that number is the unrealized PNL as a percentage of the initial margin allocated to the position (1% in the case of cross)

>> No.11401194

op btfo again

>> No.11401289

Imagine being this fucking stupid

>> No.11401292
File: 388 KB, 514x508, Screen Shot 2018-09-01 at 06.48.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-35%.... fugg lads please tell me its gunna be ok

>> No.11401298

Get rekd faggot

>> No.11401336

Kill yourself you cocky piece of shit

>> No.11401368

Thi is the end? ;_;

>> No.11401528
File: 292 KB, 1266x920, Screen Shot 2018-10-14 at 21.28.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11402434

>10% a day
so in 60 days you'll have 60K! wow anon! if you keep going with 10% a day from that point you will QUICKLY be the richest man ever to live

>> No.11402530

single digits IQ everyone

>> No.11402534

am up 5% now lmao. kys loollllll

>> No.11402737

i sneeze and make more than 0.005 btc lul

>> No.11402934
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>> No.11402944

take profits

>> No.11402973

OP will make bank on this then make another thread next week where he tries to become a millionaire and loses it all

>> No.11403110

>that liq price
anon must be playing with a significant amount at low leverage

>> No.11403172

no. it will bart up to 6300-6400 in 7 days or less... 50x lev here will double my stack. just gotta wait. then trade sideways on barts hair with 50-100x lev and short after a few days with 50x lev. thatll put me up like 10-15x on my current stack

>> No.11403530

eh fuck it. i closed w/ 13% profit. gunna try snipe one more buy in at 6190ish range

>> No.11404086

are you ok

>> No.11404114

i went full short on ETH with 3.3x leverage at 198
we are gonna make it, op, have faith in your intuition

>> No.11404157

Might want to check your liquidation price...

>> No.11404180

it's a double digit shitcoin. i refuse to believe the market can be irrational for long enough to make me liquidated.

>> No.11404197

Welp, took a couple hours longer than I thought but there you go OP. Hope you learned your lesson.

>> No.11404204

shorting all the way this far down is irrational

>> No.11404216
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Rest in peace, fren

>> No.11404233


>> No.11404244

Oh okay seems like you’re fine

>> No.11404613

>posted 12 hours ago.
fuck dude. you obviously got liquidated at 6326.0 a while ago, but how much did you risk exactly?

>> No.11404629


>> No.11404646

absolutely fucking destroyed, we're going to 8k before it's over anon.

>> No.11404820
File: 330 KB, 1080x1040, 1538097891677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post live stream of your mental break down, OP. Don't be a degenerate gambler AND a 'fraidy-cat at the same time.

>> No.11404835

Looks like Stop Hunters are at play right now.