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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 304 KB, 1562x1562, holochain_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11331196 No.11331196 [Reply] [Original]

17 is the new low, lads. We will hover between 17 and 19 sats until the next big wave up. Daily reminder that if you don't own at least 1M HOT, you will never make it.

>> No.11331249

I swinged with XRP, I used to have 600k
now I have 1.2M round round


>> No.11331387

only have 335k bought @17sats. Should I DCA my way yup to 1m?

>> No.11331390

reply ben zona

>> No.11331391

Its 1M enough?

>> No.11331637

1M is a great start, for sure. Buy as much as you can at these levels. Volume is so low right now but all it takes is one exchange listing, one big piece of news etc and this thing will break through those flimsy sell walls.

>> No.11331721

im about to go all in in ethereum classic

>> No.11331738

Feels good when people think 1mil is enough now. Month ago it was 10mil to be safe.

>> No.11331858

GTFO my thread Lenocinium

>> No.11331893

1M is absolutely not enough to make it.

>> No.11331897

it still probably is though. And i have 1.2M

>> No.11331930

yeah but at least he'll have $1 million in seed money to build another business. sure it's not enough to make it but that's still plenty. don't get greedy out there folks.

>> No.11331952


21 BTC is ~ 175k . I think that'd be enough to make it eventually. More is better obviously

>> No.11331965

>21 BTC is ~ 175k . I think that'd be enough to make it eventually. More is better obviously
what kind of math is this?

>> No.11332183

6 mil here, ico buyer

>> No.11332357

oy vey!

>> No.11332798

Deluded newfags thinking some social justice warriors will make them rich lmao. The total opposite of what they stand for.

>> No.11332872
File: 6 KB, 207x243, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay poor, faggot

>> No.11332916

I'm nazi and gonna make it with hot.

>> No.11333004

I think with 3m you will be comfy.

>> No.11333298

>not making money off dumb liberals
Moralfag detected. Cucked and bluepilled.

>> No.11333457

we mooning boyos

>> No.11333626

I wouldn’t go that far, but volume seems to be picking up.

>> No.11333789

lets go goyims and goyettes!!

>> No.11333872

Its going to keep rising with BTC because of the arbitrage from the ETH pair

>> No.11333925


>> No.11333927

This. That is the beauty of this coin. It is one giant volume feedback loop.

>> No.11334006

I try to point out to brainlets that this token will continue to rise for not just ONE reason... but MANY reasons. When you have this man factors contributing to the rise of HOTs value, you have an inevitable rise that will most likely top out between 500m-1billion market cap by EOY. I feel like 100 sats is the target for EOY with a real explosion of HOT happening soon after. These are un-ironically conservative estimates.

>> No.11334013

I concur

>> No.11334099
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>> No.11334148
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inb4 15 sats with 8.5 million cones. am i gonna make it?

>> No.11334156


of course u are you faggot, why do u even need to ask this

>> No.11334182


lol thanks anon, i feel like i need another digit maybe 1.5 mil more will do the trick

10mil sounds like a nicer wholesome number

>> No.11334192

all these holochain posts are being created by the same marketing company chainlink uses.. its fake hype.. dump your coins now. its worthless because its centralised

>> No.11334215

you are going to regret not having 10 million

>> No.11334261

I broke 10m, feels good

>> No.11334271

There was literally no proof that the website was real. Some anon could have just made that.

>> No.11334288

Weird. The dollar is centralized yet I use it everywhere.

>> No.11334308
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 1526551080474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks people fell for that retarded shit

>> No.11334313

WHy buy holochain? isn't it the same as skycoin?

>> No.11334318

Liberals create all new tech doe

>> No.11334921

>about 5-10 HOT threads a day for a token that has an american team and will have actual use case
>Roughly 40 chainlink threads for a useless meme token that is run by a philosophy major.
>Actual intellectual people replying to Holo threads as opposed to circle jerking about MUH SWIFT and MUH PARTNERSHIPS

Retarded anons think they can even draw a remote comparison of two projects that have almost nothing in common other than excited bag holders.

The saddest part is, I don't doubt for a second there are a handful of little brainlets that will actually believe you and think Holo threads can even come close to the zoomer drivel that is chainlink threads.

poo poo pee pee out

>> No.11335154

seacrest out

>> No.11335164

>t.paid shill

>> No.11335268

Again.... is this the best you idiots can do? Apparently I was paid to research Holo 5 months ago when it was shilled here at 50 gwei 1 day after it hit IDEX. Was I also paid to research Holo for 30+ hours over the course of a week? Then paid to sell all my other shitcoins and go all-in on HOT?

Let this bounce around your empty skull a bit... a small handfull of Holo threads a day, with sometimes only 1-3 Holo threads showing up in a day, while at the same time you have about 40+ link threads a day for just about the last 6 months.

So please, with all your infinite brainlet logic, explain again how you came to the retarded conclusion I am getting paid to tell you how much of a retard you are.

>> No.11335329

stop shiling your COIN here u JEW begone! we know ur a JEW!

>> No.11335415
File: 56 KB, 500x638, 1535673498646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore these haters. I had a similar path, first buying on IDEX, holding through the storm then consolidating all of my binance holdings to HOT. These idiots will never make it, stay strong HOLOCHAD

>> No.11335726
File: 44 KB, 385x480, Whut+in+tardation+_ef8dd221936c03a484a1d29b04cb74fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


came to this thread for comedy and entertainment.

these HOT bags feel comfy

>> No.11335847

>Researched Holo 5 months ago
>Researched Holo 30+ hours over the course of a week
>Discovered MANY resons token will continue to rise
>Discovered that that this MANY reasons for HOT to rise guarantees an increase to between 0.5-1 billion dollar mcap or at least a 5x.by EOY, and that is being CONSERVATIVE.
>Unlike Holo, ChainLink is scammy, unintelligent, unironic, unfunny, and unwanted on this board.
>So please, with all your infinite brainlet logic, explain again how you came to the retarded conclusion I am getting paid to tell you how much of a retard you are.

>> No.11335856
File: 88 KB, 987x717, 123562346234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I do ignore them most of the time. I was one of the main people making threads the first few weeks after IDEX, and one of the few who could actually type more than two sentences to defend Holo while actually being able to articulate why it would pump. I now make a thread every now and then, while at the same time I am seething that these stinky linkies are allowed to get away with making 50 threads a day, and to make it worse, we then get another 50 anti-link threads a day.

I actually think EOS is a wayyy bigger scam than HOT will ever be. And look at the current state of EOS.... If you look at pic related, and honestly think anyone needs to be paid to shill this.... you aren't the smartest tool in the shed, and you most definitely hate money.

HOT will be Top 10 in 2019. Easy.

>> No.11335874


>> No.11336056

I researched HOT for about half a year now and I'm going to tell you why HOT is the hottest coin in the market today. in 2018 cryptocurrency took a major hit. Bitcoin and shitcoins lost almost all their value and it never recovered. Through that painful storm of loss one project fought through it all to begin its rise to greatness. HOT doesn't need to use any marketing for its rise, Hot is all development and hard work from the HOT team. HOT is a revolutionary concept in making you rich if you buy HOT. HOT will 10x in 2018, and 100x in 2019. The bigger HOT gets the more big partnerships it will make. Google partnership? Amazon partnership, Apple partnership, Facebook partnership? Believe me, there are powerful interests backing HOT and HOT is basically too big to fail. Brainlets don't get it. Idiots don't get it. Stinky Linkies don't get it. /biz/ will become /hot/ by the end of 2019 screencap this.

>> No.11336142
File: 60 KB, 625x773, 5sdm9dhq0d411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google partnership? Amazon partnership, Apple partnership, Facebook partnership? Believe me, there are powerful interests backing HOT

"Each of us wants to have control over how and with whom we interact. In order to evolve and thrive, our communities must support everyone's uniqueness. Yet today, our online relationships are dominated by centralized corporate web sites.

Holochain enables a distributed web with user autonomy built directly into its architecture and protocols. Data is about remembering our lived and shared experiences. Distributing the storage and processing of that data can change how we coordinate and interact. With digital integration under user control, Holochain liberates our online lives from corporate control over our choices and information."

>> No.11336159

so based

>> No.11336306

Holochains each have their own established validation criteria for merkle blocks. Any agent that violates those criteria are forked from the holochain. Since Holo doesn't use global consensus, every holochain is essentially under a "sybil attack" domination by the proprietor of the given Holochain. Power over block validation allows any needed censorship, penalties, and agent exclusion to occur. There is no reason that corporations and government wouldn't support this technology.

>> No.11336432

>100 sats
>equivalent to .006 USD

Fascinating digits there anon.

>> No.11336556
File: 145 KB, 1474x788, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at 8.27.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11336755

this is one of the better holo threads I've seen, so I'lll ask. Where do you really see this going in terms of sats or USD once it really takes off?

I can wait years if need be for good returns as I'm not a poorfag.

>> No.11336774

I think 10 cents if it really takes off is realistic and fairly conservative. $1 is a long shot.

>> No.11336789

someone gave me 1000 holo, I desperately need this to take off I'm in such a shitty place in my life right now

>> No.11336857

thank you for the sane answer. I only recently bought my first bag and will begin DCA'ing as mentioned earlier, I've been keeping an eye on it for about three weeks now and notice its pretty durable in terms of price. Higher lows and all that.

>> No.11336909

Gratuituous Holo link dump:


>> No.11336944

eh, XRP hit 130 bn mcap.

>> No.11336984

Oh I know. I’m selling part of my bag at 7 cents and would be set for awhile. The rest is gonna ride and see if we can break a dollar.

>> No.11336987


Me to anon, I don't even know if making it will make me any happier.. ofcourse it will, but I'm so deep in shit right now

>> No.11337426


Holo in top 3 buy support/market cap ratio