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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11320973 No.11320973 [Reply] [Original]

I work in an financial institution in toronto on a high ranked board. I shouldn't be giving out infos to you biztards, but if you want to become rich in short time this token is a safe bet. They are currently looking for altcoins to compete with the already banker occupied xrp ltc coins. huge manipulation is planned by eoy. jump in and sell at the right price ---> live care free.

>> No.11320990

Help me beat the living shit out of coinbase and I'll join you

>> No.11320994

larp but still a good bet

>> No.11321029

is this the same as holochain?

>> No.11321050

The holy feet will lead us to the promised land

>> No.11321051

top 10 eoy

>> No.11321059

you dont even need to shill this project, so stop because idont want holochads to be like linklets

>> No.11321409

Holo devs are probably actually retarded and are running a huge scam project on accident.

>> No.11321474

yah, its confusing AF, especially then you factor in holofuel.

>> No.11321955

for brainlets:
Holochain - a new framework for dapps
Holo - first dapp built on Holochain; will be used to provide hosting for holochain apps to connect them to the regular web
Holofuel - the currency used on Holo to pay for computational power
HOT (holotoken) - ERC20 placeholder for Holofuel

Another (kinda stupid) way to look at it is:
holochain -> blockchain
Holo -> Bitcoin (protocol)
Holofuel -> Bitcoin (currency)

>> No.11321981

i'm not a brainlet, its just confusing compared to the usual crypto.

>> No.11321994

I also live in Toronto and can confirm HOT is vaporware

>> No.11322000

i will not buy your bags, op.

>> No.11322111

cool story bro

>> No.11322118

Idc bout ur trips, holo 1$ 2020

>> No.11322136

This is the most obvious pump mission of the year, pretty sure there's no one left on biz that doesn't have an insurance bag

>> No.11322295

lol is there really a need for that complex network just to create some fishy apps?

>> No.11322612

that's what ethereum was designed to do, but can't. ethereum is #2 right now despite being a piece of shit.

>> No.11323046


>> No.11323068

I love how transparent holoshills are. More than any other coin, they don't even try to discuss the tech or the merits of the project they're trying to pump. OP's post is literally "trust me I'm an insider, my inside information is buy this coin and you'll get rich." Not even bothering to invent some plausible catalyst that could pump the price. Jut muh whales and institutions.

Fuck even Nerva and 0xBTC fags at least argue their shitcoin's merits a little.

>> No.11323551

0xBTC is a silly little game / simulation on Eth. It's cool but ultimately pointless. This is an in-depth platform protocol and it takes more than a short post to "shill the tech" or whatever your autistic self needs to understand it. Ever heard of google? Retard.


>> No.11323820

you must be an absolute brainlet

>> No.11323932
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>> No.11323997

Fellow holo Chad's
Just now I found next big project called CYFM... 11 years old US company ..
First USA regulators approved and accepted crypto...
Get in now
Must read


>> No.11324045

>b-but Nerva is the future
>The Future...

>> No.11324069
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>> No.11324116


Yea I honestly have a hard time figuring out the team, they're either geniuses or retarded hippies it could turn out either way and I wouldn't even be surprised.

>> No.11325062

It's only confusing if you have not spend any time looking into it at all. This board has been autistically fixated about HOT since April. If you haven't researched it at all yet then you are in fact a brainlet.

>> No.11325168

how many holo's do you guys have btw, what's a good position?

>> No.11325183

It's about half my portfolio which is 7M. 20M is ideal for maximum comfort. I have other bags because going all in on one thing is retarded. If you're going to go all in though then this is the best best.

>> No.11325239

Just imagine biz when 1 holo is worth more usd than 1 btc. that time is coming soon

>> No.11325255


1 mil if it reaches $1 is decent I guess.

>> No.11325347

I'd say being a millionaire is pretty decent.

>> No.11325351

They fucking scam you three ways instead of one.


>> No.11325395

What makes you think that?

>> No.11325408

There's only one coin retard. It's the ERC20 which will be swapped to the native currency.

>> No.11325430

He's joking.

>> No.11325531
File: 70 KB, 791x459, 1538798307270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holochain is designed to be confusing. Their brilliant realization was that 99% of the cryptocurrency market are full of ignorant moonbois or brainlets that can't grasp that the relationship between man and machine is necessarily an engineered interface of the cybernetic ecosystem that a given cryptocurrency represents. 1st generation decentralized consensus algorithms are known to place limits on scalability and can be very expensive to operate. This leads to prohibitive barriers to entry and a need for heavy compensation which reintroduces centralization of influence and currency supply and the perverse incentive for centralized powers to impose risks and losses on the regular user. Instead of seeking to solve this problem, Holochain decided to remove the consensus algorithm entirely, calling it agent-centric. Instead of alerting the public of this scam, the rest of the cryptocurrency industry just went along with it, hungry for more big bux from unsophisticated investors.

Instead of network policy enforced by the protocol itself, it is dictated by the powers that be.

Instead of having the impartiality a consensus algorithm would provide, you have ad-hoc 3rd party consensus-building done with the best interests of the shareholders of some corporation in mind.

Instead of having the transparency a consensus algorithm would provide, you get a system that will never be evaluated until after a catastrophe has occured.

Instead of a cryptocurrency, you have a scam coin that masquerades as a legitimate crypto.

I recommend that serious investors stay away from cryptocurrency entirely until the time comes when garbage like Holochain is properly evaluated and reported on, barred from listing at reputable exchanges, and seen for what it is by a better educated class of investor.

>> No.11325642

Holo will moon regardless of your feels about it.

>> No.11326190

>come back please I need u moon lambo 2017

>> No.11326437

Believe me I can wait.
I'm curious as to what coins you are interested in though. You clearly know your shit. Bitcoin maximalist?

>> No.11326455


>You clearly know your shit.
>Bitcoin maximalist

I don't think those two go together lol. Just my opinion tho.

>> No.11326464

>all that shit
>being proud of a screencap of someone calling you a retard

>> No.11326525

Some of the smartest OG developers in this space are bitcoin maximalists. It doesn't mean they're right though.

>> No.11326568

Large supply + fake wholesome image = moon. Crypto is still a fucking joke, bear market hasn't changed shit

>> No.11326647
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>> No.11326984

I'm not looking to shill the coins I'm into, though I'm interested in moving beyond Bitcoin. Although POW and POS aren't complete failures, there are some serious issues with those consensus algos that, if improved upon, will allow the kind of large-scale human cooperation on a decentralized basis that, when dreamt about, can provoke some wholesome feels indeed. Holochain marketing tries to capitalize on these dreams and paint pretty pictures of holonic decentralized organizations, but hides the fact that in order to have a decentralized organization you need a way to force people to cooperate with each other. Even when you remove the consensus algorithm, the system will either die quickly or naturally acquire a way of forcing people to cooperate. We live in a world full of powerful organizations who would gladly take on the task of forcing participants to follow their rules, for their benefit, and with little regard for the dreams and pretty pictures that brought you in the first place. For all it's flowery language, at it's core, Holochain relies on the age-old proof of blood consensus algorithm that has been played out to it's conclusion. Old, diseased, and insane, civilization as we know it is coming to an end, and those who mean to live long and prosper aren't just pretending to innovate.

>> No.11327226

This is bullshit.

Most dapps don't need consensus. Eg if I'm chatting with someone on a happ or a dapp, there is no need for the entire network to verify it. All that is needed is a secure connection between two hosts. Few things need consensus eg financial transactions for which ANY consensus mechanism can be built on holochain to support it.

Bitcoin network with POW consensus mechanism can be built on holochain if needed.

>> No.11327508

Reeekt by trips
Still this coin has a strong pump group behind it that's been keeping it relevant for +6 months. You'd have to be a tard to not be swing trading it.

>> No.11327533

>There's only one coin retard. It's the ERC20 which will be swapped to the native currency.


>> No.11327578

So you have a messenger dapp on Holochain, unlike other messaging applications, it doesn't datamine the chatlogs to generate marketing data to support infrastructure and maintenance costs. Holofuel provides incentivization of the dapp nodes. In order for Holofuel to serve as an incentive, it must represent property that may be owned by an agent in their ecosystem. In order for it to be valued in the real world, it must be exchangeable for other currencies. In order to protect the property of participants, there needs to be some entity that enforces the property laws that govern this asset. Consensus is something that organisms naturally establish while interacting with one another. If you have a herd of wildebeest, genetic mechanics has helped to establish consensus between them to travel together in a group in order to use millitary force to establish consensus with predators that easier targets are found elsewhere. The participants in a Holochain will not be cooperative naturally because genetic mechanics has established a natural tendency for humans to scheme for personal advantage to the extent that it can be taken. Because humans cannot trust each other to behave, in a Holochain dapp, consensus (mutual agreement) will be established as to the governing laws over the valuable Holofuel asset with the help of some outside entity whether you like it or not. My position is that in order to qualify as a cryptocurrency this consensus must be handled by a decentralized network running an automated consensus algorithm. Holochain does not provide this function, and its proponents either naively or spuriously insist that consensus has nothing to do with human action.

>> No.11327757


holo isn't hippy vaporware with no sound engineering beneath it.

>> No.11327778

This is why Holochain > Blockchain

>> No.11328004

Having multiple parallel blockchains is something that will be done by every cryptocurrency with a next-gen consensus algorithm. A next-gen consensus algorithm must handle transactions for zero cost in fees. It is not possible to implement a functional and publicly accessible system of mutual credit without a decentralized consensus algorithm.

>> No.11328029

don't buy the top next time dumbass

>> No.11328040

for brainlets:
Holocuck - (You) kek

>> No.11328063
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Whoa, nice thread, anon. This sounds pretty familiar.

I'm not entirely sure where I've been this exact same pitch. Oh, wait, no, I remember.

>> No.11328106

Literally the bottom

>> No.11328149

a consensus algorithm is something used by miners to determine the correct chain, the singular copy of the chain that is valid which is then propagated to the rest of the network, this is not a human 'consensus' but rather a technical consensus

basically, you are fucking stupid and autistic

>> No.11328163

the bottom was 40 skellies on idex 6 months ago

>> No.11328184

no kidding, you know what I mean in a few months the difference will be negligible

>> No.11328196

>no kidding, you know what I mean in a few months the difference will be negligible
this. back to 40 vits in a few months. RIP holo.

>> No.11328236

sure let's see what happens in the literally next 10 min

>> No.11328241

>sure let's see what happens in the literally next 10 min
megadump? I mean 10 mins is so soon we can literally just sit here and shitpost until it happens and you're proven wrong..

>> No.11328254


>> No.11328256

my prediction: nothing major will happen.

>> No.11328264

wow you don't hesitate to take risks do you

>> No.11328269

>it's gonna pump in the next 10 minutes!
I know you're just having fun and all but HOT is shit and seriously we can't let the feet get the nuclear codes

>> No.11328281

I don't know what's going to happen my friend just trying to make things interesting. I actually like holo but who cares if it pumps or not

>> No.11328289

you have my wager sir

>> No.11328299

and 10min well done I guess. Still think it's going to pump soon

>> No.11328300

holochain is pointless because it is centralized.. it's no better than any centralized solution

>> No.11328304


>> No.11328331

I feel like it's been brewing for a while. We're still not at ATH in dollars. At least there is too much whale action not to see some nice rises for a few months even if they ultimately fail

>> No.11328340

>even if they ultimately fail
who, the whales?

>> No.11328369

Hey this seems intere*ERC20 BASED CRYPTO*


>> No.11328372

in fairness EOS did the same

>> No.11328378

EOS is also a shitcoin

>> No.11328380

This FUD is so bad

>> No.11328385

stop being mean

>> No.11328393

guys, the whole point of crypto is that it is decentralised.. no one can fuck with it. holochain is centralized.. so its no better than people using amazin cloud. dump that shit

>> No.11328422

A blockchain can store references to information pertaining to anything, by extension, the consensus algorithm is used to inform participants as to the validity of any information stored in the blockchain. Without a consensus algorithm, a blockchain is no more than a distributed database.

Basically, you have a normie tier understanding of this technology.

>> No.11328426

and the point of holo is that different situations call for different levels of consensus. You can build bitcoin on holo if you really need it.

>> No.11328431

you are fucking stupid, I see you post in all of these threads and your stupidity honestly angers me, you are genuinely unintelligent

>A consensus algorithm is a process in computer science used to achieve agreement on a single data value among distributed processes or systems. Consensus algorithms are designed to achieve reliability in a network involving multiple unreliable nodes.

basically kill yourself

>> No.11328471

>A consensus algorithm is a process in computer science used to achieve agreement on a single data value among distributed processes or systems. Consensus algorithms are designed to achieve reliability in a network involving multiple unreliable nodes.
You have to consider the context. The reason that multiple nodes are unreliable is because nodes are under the control of multiple human actors. The reason you want to agree on a single data value across the network is so that each participant in the network can agree by extension. Alternatively you could have a centralized authority dictate the data value to the network, and by threat of force, all participants will be compelled to accept it.

>> No.11328477

you almost certainly have mental illness or are some kind of unemployed weirdo fuck
just stop posting

>> No.11328548

And you are a wagecuck normie, maybe a software engineer? Normies also often suffer from mental illnesses as well. Judging by the tone of your response, as you grow older, you will begin to suffer from stress-related illness. Stress is a mental illness also, but it causes physical problems like high blood pressure. This can in turn lead to organ failure. It is best advised to limit your exposure to ideas that threaten to disrupt your established worldview. Consider frequenting moderated social networks like reddit, and watching lots of television.

>> No.11328590

based and black pilled

>> No.11328687

Haha nice

>> No.11329123
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>> No.11329155

How much should I put in OP? Tell me

>> No.11329165


>> No.11329325

Concurrent processing... so RChain and Zilliqa? Maybe Constellation? I have also been hearing quite a bit about Drivechains recently.

>> No.11329332

Kek, extremely based, Anon.