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11314463 No.11314463 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11314469

Successful people have better coffins

>> No.11314472

people arent buried with coffins where im from

>> No.11314474

not true. unsuccessful people cant afford coffins, that shits expensive.

look at hal finney. he was so successful hes fucking frozen and is gunna be recreated in the future.

>> No.11314482

Yeah, don't you guys float your dead off into the River Ganges in India?

>> No.11314501

>lmao dude everything is meaningless

>> No.11314503

last time i checked india wasnt an islamic country

>> No.11314511

topkek too dank for me

>> No.11314515

Do i need a coffin seems dumb i want to be burried in weed and smoked doobs

>> No.11314522

I'm going to be buried on Mars. I don't think you even need coffins there.

>> No.11314525

Your ID looks like anal balls being putted into ass

>> No.11314529

if ever I were to be cremated, I'd rather want to be burned on a great pyre, set ablaze by one of my children, than having my dead body thrown into a cramped chamber and have the ashes scraped out as if I was nothing

>> No.11314590
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This is my dream too.

But most likely they will compost the bodies for topsoil and feeding newer generations of colonists.

>> No.11314595

Lucky mofos

>> No.11314640


me personally, i'm gunning for a family crypt with a mausoleum, catacombs, stone sarcophagi, and spooky statues.

Before that i'll have to buy the land and build the manor, of course.

>> No.11314680
File: 298 KB, 1024x935, HubbleUltraDeepField.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, or cremated and fired off to float into the endless void like the voyager probes

>> No.11314748

Hello pajeet

>> No.11314752
File: 1.18 MB, 750x1000, 1000eoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are unsuccesful then

>> No.11314768
File: 49 KB, 680x639, Aborted GF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man life's end-game sucks

>> No.11314786

yo is that bottom guy dead?

>> No.11314808
File: 114 KB, 1300x1273, 23465734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nahh he's just cooling off

>> No.11314809

just pregnant

>> No.11314816


the end-game might, but you never actually know how good you have life until it gets worse

>see your image, break down for a minute
>my gf exited this world in a fucking carcrash
>a little more than a month ago

smile every day motherfuckers, you never know if you're actually living the best days of your lives...

>> No.11314822

he's just resting

>> No.11314846
File: 944 KB, 1120x750, 4nmj043pvtk11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unsuccessful people
At best work in a cubicle from 9 to 5

>Successful people
Outsource all their work to others and play WoW all day

>> No.11314857

Welcome to life. Sorry bro.

>> No.11314877
File: 13 KB, 657x527, R14kkDj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your attitude is admiring, keep going fren

>> No.11314881
File: 63 KB, 710x464, ponzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wot

>> No.11314888

they're still in a tomb though

>> No.11314897
File: 1.80 MB, 2176x3264, IMG_20181006_1040282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder who could be behind this post...

TCI on the TSX thank me later

>> No.11314913

arent they in the british museum?

>> No.11314937

beautiful plumage, eh?

>> No.11314944
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>> No.11314945

This is cope. Everyone wants a good life but it's difficult to attain so people lie to themselves saying nothing matters.

>> No.11314970

the pyramids weren't tombs, that's made up bullshit and there is zero evidence. makes much more sense that pyramids were observatories/ceremony halls/just monuments

>> No.11314972

lil peep, xxxtentacion and avicii are sure enjoying their good life nowadays huh

>> No.11315033
File: 383 KB, 1900x1266, giza-plateau-pyramids.ngsversion.1485215491918.adapt_.1900.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11315085

This is unironically a common sight along Ganges

>> No.11315105

Tfw you learn that the pyramids were part of a monumental computer. Zoom out and you see that these structures acted like a CPU, transistors and other PC components.

>> No.11315125

and stonehenge was the charger port

>> No.11315182

You may be a king or a street sweeper but sooner or later you'll dance with the reaper.

>> No.11315197

I'm poor but this. Memes like that are the defintion of cope.

>> No.11315275

The ultimate loser cope

>> No.11315396


>> No.11315414

India is home to 10% of the world's Muslim population.

>> No.11315431

Lol is this their best coping mechanism. "Muh life is meaningless anyways". Successful people get to live a long life full of unique experiences that only money can buy. Poorfags on the other hand get to slave all their life and die an early death

>> No.11315484

What I don't get is why poor people don't just go out and buy some money.

>> No.11315831

>exactly dude im just enjoying life and smoking g00d weed xd why the effort when im gonna die anyways LMA0 xdxd

>> No.11316144

its literally the other way. everything else than nihilism is cope. nothing you do matters, period. you will be dead and disappear forever. thinking anything else matters is cope.

>> No.11316145

With funeral costs rising so much nowadays, they can't afford burials either.

>> No.11316151

your low iq brain cannot comprehend that in the end it doesnt matter how you lived your life.

>> No.11316159

you think those that wern't bitcoin early adopters will get to extend their lives like btc early adopters will?

yeah you should kill yourself no because your only opportunity has come and gone years ago.

>> No.11316383

It doesn't matter if things matter, though. If you're successful and rich you'll have more time for wallowing in extravagant hedonism and less slaving away so your family can afford your funeral. Yadda yadda Sisyphos happy.

>> No.11316396

How about a comic comparing successful people and unsuccessful people's children or grandchildren?

>> No.11316401

Unironically redpilled

>inb4 but muh Dan Bilzerian lifestyle

In the end it doesn't matter we're all ending up there

>> No.11316413

so why dont you cucks kill your selves now then, given how it doesn't matter?

this is the ultimate level of cope.

>> No.11316428

Sorry anon. Thanks for reminding me though

>> No.11316474


>> No.11316602

Best thing about living next to a graveyard is that I am constantly reminded of my mortality. FUCK spending my few days on this earth trapped in my cube. Have a business and a crypto based side hustle in the works plus a bunch of crypto so I'll be going abroad to enter a 3 year siesta from paid employment to see if I can make it sustainable.

I really can't comprehend how people slave away their whole lives without thinking twice

>> No.11316754

what did he mean by this