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11309262 No.11309262 [Reply] [Original]

Will Social Security ever get cut?

Or are we doomed to wageslave for our parent's generation 3 rd mortgage?

>> No.11309283
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your parents paid into the social security fund their entire lives and you want to take it away so you can buy more shitcoins

what the fuck is wrong with you anon

>> No.11309311

>relying on social security
>having to pay 7.5% on my wages for a system that won't even be around when I retire
Yeah this isn't the 70's if you're unironically expecting social security to be your retire then you deserve to be old and broke when we take it away.

>> No.11309357
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if we took off the income cap on social security payments (which is incredibly low) it would be solvent forever. as it stands we've still got decades of runway before there is any chance of the program missing one single payment

ready for some cognitive dissonance? you're an entitled millennial idiot. but by all means keep eating up propaganda smearing the most successful government program in american history

>> No.11309427

and we're still decades away from retirement. The SSA will be able to pay their full payments until 2037

But by all means lets pay our salaries for this shit, because we have a better chance of ending this shit then raising the caps on Social security and medicare

>> No.11309434

>Boomers got free college, an economy that let you buy a house on minimum wage, available healthcare etc
>Started the whole SJW trend off
>Deliberately voted to get rid of the same opportunities they had, because they'll be dead so who cares about their children?

Fuck em. Get them declared incompetent & put em in nursing homes so Latisha and Maria can "nurse" them (with beatings and reselling their pain medicine) in their old age.

>> No.11309439

Yes that is true but not they're old and useless and there are too many of them. Frankly they should all be thrown out on the street.

>> No.11309450


This, x100. And ignore the shit about "muh successful American system", if it's so great then why is it failing in other countries as well, including most social democracies? There's no SS waiting for us, just wage cages until death.

>> No.11309472

20 years is more than enough time for even the thickest skulled simpletons to come around to how straightforward this is. a couple billionaires have one less yacht each and you and me get to still buy groceries and keep the lights on when we're old and ailing. sounds like a pretty good deal, don't you think? maybe you should stop falling for corporate nihilism designed to keep you poor and stupid

so much cognitive dissonance in this post anon. boomers are sjws and also republicans? so therefore act exactly like them and vote to end good programs?

i see no flaw whatsoever in this reasoning. nope.

>> No.11309505

>20 years is enough time
Implying that the people in the political system even have the foresight to want to fix this mess. Politicians think in 4 year (or whatever the current term is for them) blocks nothing more. 20 years from now won't even enter their minds. They don't care, and the "billionaire tax meme" will never happen either.
> a couple billionaires have one less yacht each and you and me get to still buy groceries and keep the lights on when we're old and ailing. sounds like a pretty good deal, don't you think?
Yeah but do you think our society can keep this going, why should I have to take care of you and vice versa. I don't know you and you don't know me. Perhaps we could become an egalitarian society where everyone is cared for but humans are distrustful and greedy by nature and someone will always find a way to the top by any means necessary.

>> No.11309567
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this post is actually incredibly sad because it seems like you have some grasp of how fucked things are right now but you choose to side with the people you think are going to win, out of sheer hopelessness

i hope for everybody's sake that you and anyone else who feels this way realizes eventually that this is exactly how they want you to feel and also exactly why the assholes are currently winning.

just because someone will find their way to the top doesn't mean everyone else needs to emulate that behavior and disregard those below them. this way of thinking is how those above you justify their presence there and keep you distracted from the task of improving everyone's collective situation by pushing back against their distorted worldview.

stay woke anons

>> No.11309581

Hi boomer.

>> No.11309702


This is only because you allow your government to borrow and spend the money, us citizens should be cracking the shits and demanding the money left untouched. in Australia we have a similar system but the government isnt allowed to touch it and it works perfectly fine, barring the complete collapse of the world financial system.

>> No.11309800

If I had trillions of dollars I'd spend it all on making like hell for boomers.

>> No.11310140
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>> No.11310661

Law, police, contracts, and later Bitcoin were inventeted to deal with the following hard fact: men aren't angels

>> No.11310801

um then just give them back the money they paid in + all that interest, simple. let us non-retards cancel out of it so we dont have to pay an extra 12.5% fica tax, i dont care about getting a $500 monthly check when im in a nursing home.

>> No.11310836

I'd love to have the option of opting out of social security.