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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11297473 No.11297473 [Reply] [Original]

Insider here, chainlink related.

In the manufacturing industry, there's something called AQL (Acceptable Quality Limit), which tells you how many samples from a batch you have to take and how many can be defective before you reject the whole batch for quality reasons.

We have different AQL's for different industries, the most stringent being the medical, and the aerospace industries. However, we have hundreds of levels for different industries (furniture, automotive, clothing, electronics, etc.).

The gist of it, is that you have to provide proof of the sampling process for the corresponding buyers of your product.

Chainlink network is pretty simple. Companies' buyers will be the next companies down the line, banks' buyers will be fintech startups, dapps' buyers will be the customers directly.

What does AQL's have to do with Chainlink? Depending on the needs of the company, you'll be able to take a bigger sample (more nodes = more expensive, used for banking, identify confirmation for dapps, medical records, etc), or a smaller one (simple dapps = cheaper).

Banking corporations are about to push hard for technical legislation regarding the amount of decentralization that a fintech company has to provide, for them to be able to use the bank's infrastructure (quantity of nodes, monetary rewards, uptime, etc.).

Banks are hoarding LINKs right now. Expect a huge announcement December 2019, yes 2019 (not 2018).

For now, bulls sleep.

>> No.11297488
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>> No.11297504

So shoold I just keep accumulating or what?

>> No.11297512


>> No.11297541
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Yes, but expect to hold a minimum of 5 years before the price explodes.

>> No.11297562

Price prediction in 5 years?

>> No.11297567

But honestly thomas, do you like to be part of LINK just to shitpost crap to an lowIQ audience like /biz/ just to shill your own stack of 5mil link? You already won the scam game it do you need to go that far? Shame on you TH

>> No.11297572

You guys are so fucking desperate it's insane. Holochain is right in front of you with real x1000 gains coming and you sit here drawing arrows on paint.

>> No.11297583

any LARPer that gives prices or dates instantly blows their LARP.

>> No.11297595
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>5 years

fuck me

>> No.11297597

remind us next year again then

>> No.11297610

Oh look, a thread with link info from an "insider"
> no proof whatsoever
I am 100 percent in and I am still absolutely sick of retarded larpers trying to bait for attention. Shut up, fuck off, and wait for mainnet.

It goes in all fields.

>> No.11297611

>accumulate for 5 years
>suddenly have billions of dollars


>> No.11297633

5 years lmfao get fucked buddy back to your discord

>> No.11297647


>> No.11297654

dildoes 2 feet eats on rinkeby

>> No.11297667
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nice FUD, 1K EOY

>> No.11297672

KEK wills it.

>> No.11297696

>everybody who isn't 100% optimistic is from the evil discord
It's going to take a while to switch to blockchain based solutions. Like several years at least. Its not fud, it's being realistic.

>> No.11297706

I wish, I'd have half a billion dollars.
You'll sell early or lose your stack in a hack.
5 years is nothing vs a life of slaving away in an office jail.

>> No.11297752

>assuming in 5 years a competitor wont have come out by then....lmfao

>> No.11297773
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Noice digits, Marines.
Fuck u OP

>> No.11297782

Why 5 years?

>> No.11297788

That could happen, true. However, if legislation passes and swift's still working with chainlink, it won't matter if there's a competitor, banking businesses will only accept companies that use LINK.

B2B isn't the same as P2P. Research what's ISO 9001 is, and why companies won't work with you if you aren't certified in it.

>> No.11297804

PSD2 timeline and network adoption. Blockchain B2B projects will inevitably be adopted.

>> No.11297816

>CyberSource is a Salesforce Commerce
Cloud Premier LINK Technology Partner with
two LINK cartridges available to expedite
payment management implementation.
Developers can choose from our certified
pipeline cartridge or the certified JavaScript
controller cartridge. These prebuilt LINK
cartridges provide a seamless integration of
payments with Commerce Cloud and enable
retailers to add payments quickly to support
their growth demands.

fuck off nigger.


>> No.11297835

look at the other shitcoins that are 5bn+ on empty promises alone. why wouldn't LINK have speculative value as well?

>> No.11297858

all it really takes for LINK to go up a lot is a major announcement (which will likely happen this month) and BTC going up. Or literally if just BTC goes up LINK and many other alts will rally. SO WHY THE FUCK 5 YEARS, GIVEN THE NATURE OF THIS MARKET? Maybe 5 years to be $1000, but I dont see why it cant go to $10-$100 in the short term future

>> No.11297900

Be honest, you got into crypto in, or after 2017, right?

>> No.11297903

october 2017

>> No.11297963

I was like you once. Don't worry, you still have time, capitulation isn't bad.

Have you evet thought "man, those guys that bought Ethereum early were lucky".

It isn't luck, it's balls and research.

>> No.11298255

Use your balls to research the toilet and stop shitting on streets.

>> No.11298312

should I unironically get a full time job stop going to uni for 5 years and put every cent into chainlink? got 11k atm

>> No.11298352

>5 years to graduate mumbai tech potty training academy.
ambitious pajeet is ambitious.

>> No.11298456

So no one has bought your little larp, what did the code stand for? D2 is PSD2

>> No.11298475

Yeah sure sir

>> No.11298515
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>minimum of 5 years before the price explodes.
fuck off

>> No.11298593

>accumulate for 5 years
>it goes nowhere
congratulation on lost 5 years of your life researching this shit and wasting money

>> No.11298631

>Have you evet thought "man, those guys that bought Ethereum early were lucky".
>It isn't luck, it's balls and research.
it was pure luck, eth got to 1400 because of ico mania not because it has any actual real life utility, many brainlets got rich because they were at the right time and place. No crypto besides btc/monero are actually used for anything, anyone who got rich off shitcoins like neo was just lucky that's it

>> No.11298645

op ye sh a fg ft hy st

>> No.11298746
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ummmm... guys?

>> No.11299012

Hopefully hyperledger partners and corda + Microsoft and docusign. Wells Fargo PayPal MasterCard are all bonus’

>> No.11299025

Yea right bud. Lmao companies can barely forcecast the next year.
t. I’m the one who highlighted that photo

No “insider” would be bothering with loose connections, let alone saving them

>> No.11299063

I think corda is unlikely. They’re not big fans of open source

>> No.11299076

No it didn’t. The EEA was a thing. That legitimized it at first. Which ever company starts using an actual Blockchain project will moon crypto again. That’s what we’re waiting on currently

>> No.11299078
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>> No.11299151 [DELETED] 

the glbc is a bigger deal than the eea and yet...

>> No.11299623
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pee pee poo poo

>> No.11299634

great find. How did you find this and where is it from?

>> No.11299653

ok, why not just say $1-$150. cmon, thats not much a prediction. How about end of 2018, 2019, 2020?

>> No.11299764
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>> No.11299788

Ps(d2) swi(ft) oracl(es) ....

Someone help finish this

>> No.11299824

Could be muleso(ft)

>> No.11299870

On rinkeby

>> No.11299875


>> No.11299896

or legislati(on)

>> No.11299918



>> No.11299934



Ps(d2) swi(ft) oracl(es) regulati(on) framewo(rk)

I think servic(es) could be used to.

>> No.11299983

Holy FUCKING shit these threads get more complex by the day. Do you even understand anything you said? The only thing you are inside is your mother's basement. LINK was a project that was determined to be a pointless failure very early on. A single chubby Russian loser and his housemate have to now just artificially drag out 'development' and appear to be so slow that everyone loses interest because if they just vanish they'll get into shit for being a scam. You're telling people here to wait 5 years? Five years? In the space of technology and internet, that's a new low. I don't want to see FIVE MORE YEARS of fucking retarded STINK FUCKING THREADS WITH INSANE pseudo-intellectual bullshit buzzwords spouted everywhere.

Just enough, just please fucking stop. Do what Sirgay actually wants you to do and release him from this. Sirgay wants everyone to dump their bags so he can FUCKING END HIS FACADE OF BEING A DEV, HE HAS HAD ENOUGH OF FAKING IT HE JUST WANTS TO GO INNACHERNOBYL AND HAVE SEX WITH 8-VAGINAD MUTANT RABBITS, NOT SET UP FAKE 'CONFERENCES'.


>> No.11300006

Pajeet iffy, uh, Sergey got the linky, uh
linky stinky, uh, /biz/ holds till fifty, uh

>> No.11300025

Hey gaiz, I dunno what OP is on about. He's clearly a faggot. This is now a Facebook thread.

Facebook's in some hot water right now. Getting fucked left and right, and at this point the government could come after them so hard they'd just take over, basically going onto have in their control the neo-stasi. But Zuck doesn't like to share.

That's why Facebook's EOY message this year is going to talk about how they've got some magical new self regulatory system built from smart contracts, oh and by the way soon people will earn FBCoin for using Facebook. But how does that work?

Chainlink. Fuck all your other conspiracy theory partnerships. Facebook is announcing their entire future depends on Chainlink by the end of this year.

You'r welcome ;)

>> No.11300040
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>> No.11300041

> if he doesn't believe larping he must be a pajeet
What kind of bizarro fucktard timeline is this? Kys

>> No.11300080


Facebook has spent billions developing their Graph API. Zuck's EOY message last year was about decentralization/blockchain.

This year they get fucked for the Cambridge Analytics leaks. Then just recently get fucked again. The SEC could come after them for damages literally larger than their market cap, so they could in effect become owned by the government through regulations from all of their fuckups.

Their only way forward is to prove they can become regulatory compliant without external actors fucking with them. Which is why this year they spun up their blockchain team. And who is their Director of Engineering on that team?

Evan Cheng. The same Evan Cheng who advises Chainlink.

Why would they use Chainlink? Like I said... they've spent billions developing their Graph API, so any move to blockchain will have to integrate with that API. And what does Chainlink do?

Accumulate brothers. Your faith will be rewarded in proportion to your faith.

>> No.11300085

Nice subtle fud

>> No.11300087
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>> No.11300089

how much time do we have fren??

>> No.11300096

you make a very compelling argument.

>> No.11300108

>spend billions developing their own product
>but those billions cannot cover development costs of their own oracle

>> No.11300119


Last year's message was toward the end of December. This years will be the same. Zuck will talk about a loose/abstract notion of what's coming, but it will get launched summer of 2019. Those in the know are going to be accumulating consistently between now and then though, and the announcement will have a spike either at the time of the EOY message, or a little bit later into January while western traders start to come back online.

The singularity won't be in 2018, even though its going to climb a lot before the year is up. 2019 is going to be a crazy rocket, but still won't be the singularity. 2020-2021 is when we see the real singularity, and everything in the world changes seemingly overnight after that. For better or for worse will be up to the developers who integrate with Chainlink. We need an anti-Facebook to emerge or we're fucked.

>> No.11300122

5k minimum first half of 2020.
If its not a meme

>> No.11300138

5 years :D :D :D
You fucking stupid idiot, ripple could dominate swift by then and every DLT provider like corda accord and da will run out of money if they wont come with real smartcontract service in 1-2 years. Link is going to be adopted by 2020.
And if you are a real larper prove yourself with serious info like landlordlink,sherlock or drunk anon and not stupid puzzle (everyone know about psd2) another smartcontract usecase and cybersource image ... oh and salesforce can suck my dick...its the least proven connection and it wont make link moon... there are better connections than fucking salesforce.... and for your insider information, LINK is their marketplace enabling salesforce partners to integrate their cloud with salesforce and not LINK token, FAGGOT

>> No.11300161

will facebook develop its own anti-facebook??

>> No.11300164


Its coming. This year they banned crypto ads, then allowed them again around when their team was announced. They also added a bunch of creator tools that include Patreon-like subscriptions, and my bet has been that because their engagement stats are dropping like a stone outside of the geriatric population, they'll add some stupid af FB Coin that may or may not be a stable coin and it'll pay you for using Facebook to suck people right back in again, and it'll support p2p transfers + subscription shit, which could easily be added to the creator tools they added this year. That's when they go to take over commerce completely, but its still just the cherry on top of the self regulatory machine they'll build to avoid being taken over by the government.

Zuck wants to compete with Bezos and Ma for the title of King of the World. He's a whiny, petulant little bitch, but fuck... he's holding in his hands all the right pieces to take over. But only if he adopts Chainlink.

>> No.11300187


No. The anti-Facebook can't have any corporate interests. It needs to either be a non-profit, or it needs to be a decentralized company, like that colony blockchain company shit or whatever it was. It can't focusing on selling attention to corporations, and instead has to focus on p2p relationships, and supporting p2p transactions above all else. Focus on the secondary markets... the ebays/craigslists. Focus on the freelancers and gig economy. Focus on organic p2p structures of friends and groups, and have it underwritten by a non-profit with a manifesto geared toward empowering the average person against the corporation.

Facebook IMO is one of the biggest tragedies of the world. It connected people at a scale only the internet had before, and could have been truly amazing. Instead it became the world's most expensive billboard because Zuck's an unimaginative, greedy faggot.

>> No.11300204

I heard facebook is using chainlink

>> No.11300227


You heard right fren. $1000 EOY is FUD.

>> No.11300257

How do you know this faggot?

>> No.11300270



>> No.11300336

Chainlink is love. Chainlink is life.

>> No.11301494

>tfw getting my ducks in a row

>> No.11301556

My only question is how much more LINK should I have? I have around 25 ETH in HOT right now. I'm at 95k LINK but always want more. My rational side is telling me to just stake those LINK to eventually have a clean 100k but my irrational side is telling me to sell HOT and buy 15k more LINK.

>> No.11301633

you're already going to have more money than you'll know what to do with, does it really make a difference?

>> No.11301650

My "plight" is the typical "first world problems". I hope we make it anon.

>> No.11301685

2018/10/5 18: 16, France? Orion? 18: 18 The Korean face has a feeling! Gay? Gyeonggi? Takashina?
18: 09, it took a butt? Mirrors? East-west? 18: 12 Taking it easy? 18: 14 Past? Do you feel like rewriting the past?
18: 04, Fanson? Cheap face? Invincible? Setagaya? Lexus? Junior high school NEET? Denny's?

At 17:54 on October 5, 2018, a sense of incompatibility in the buttocks? Android? Muraisaki Mitchi? Dogeza? Tomatoes? Rakuten? Makoto? Difficult?
17: 47, the army? Muraisaki Dogeza? 17: 51 Hijikata? Mozambique? Invincible? Konchi
17: 41, Yambarukuina? Mirrors? pig? relationship of magical use of abramerin? Junior idol? Are you sure?
17: 38, nose hair? Hair sweeping nose hair of 10/3 Take off debts of 5000 trillion yen? Is it related?) Platinum?
17: 27, there is an image sticking out the tongue. Ebenki? Noisy old lady? My younger brother's name? Mombid?
16: 45, refraining? Pig? 16: 47 Tosho? Kenichi Mombid? 16: 54 Paion? (Elephant?) Crouch?
16: 43, rap sounds? An image where an ugly face over me! Are you sure? Invincible? What? Dogeza?
15: 56, Rap sound? Are you sure? 16: 23 palladium? France?
15:22, an image that could put something in the buttocks! Super Magnum? Muraisaki Invincible?

>> No.11301708


You have like ~$25K USD in a cryptocurrency that could go 100x (with a MC of $10BN), which would constitute a massive disappointment for all parties mind you, giving you $2.5MM doing so and you’re worried? Fuck mate, you’re like a what top 300-400 wallet in the entire world?

>> No.11301722

Maybe not all parties (holders with wallets as big as yours), but cmon bro get real

>> No.11301725


>> No.11301764

You're right dude. I know I'm a lucky one to have a stack like this. Really can't complain but coming to these threads always makes me get some more...anyway, best of luck to you. If I make it, I'll distribute my wealth among friends and family, maybe my community too if I like where I'll settle. I've already made the good deed of a lifetime by giving 1000 LINK to my best friend. Just hope he doesn't fuck it up. I also gave him 100 ANS last summer and the fucker lost the private key...

>> No.11301779

You smart. I also liked Userfeeds.io project / Tokntalk.club

>> No.11301796
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Can smell the newfags and bait larp in here.
News for you fuckin fags.

>"hey buddy, u want some tech that will save you 80% on time and money. Also want some 'shares' that will unironically sky rocket and remove all financial risk of you adopting our technology?"
>"well it's pretty much ready for you once you all agree the small print BS."
> "No thanks we're not interested in those kinda savings" said no f500 ever. "In fact we didn't even adopt the internet because it just seemed abit of a fad and we knew we could still compete without it despite everyone else jumping on the hype train."

>> No.11301815


>> No.11301823

Guys I wish link could go to $100 this week so I could sell a few thousand and live on that and wait for the real singularity.

>> No.11301863


Thanks mate glad to see you’ll be a good person, my focus is on that as well. Best of luck to you as well.
(New IP = new ID)

>> No.11302020

5 fuckin years.... you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. 5 years for the technology to see some sort of adoption sure, but Investors do not wait until a product has been fully adopted to start buying. The speculation ALWAYS comes first.

>> No.11302263

I was about to argue with you but this is actually really fucking plausible...很有意思

>> No.11302413

Just went all in. Hope I don’t regret this. 100% portfolio allocation and a 100k linker now

>> No.11302937

welcome to the family

>> No.11302956


You’ll make it

>> No.11302963

almost same, still got some ebet and odin cause i'm to lazy to put them on these shitty exchanges that trade them, sold my ocn and prl yesterday and bought 2500 link extra this morning at 465, feels good to be allready in the green.

68,5k link now, don't have anything else to my name

>> No.11302973

I can't remember the first time I sampled the sweet, putrid stink of my farts and realized they were a delicacy of infinite olfactory bliss. My earliest days of flatulent exploration were probably when I would fart and then bend over to wedge my head between my thighs. The eggy shit gas would be trapped between my computer chair and my face, making for a delicious pocket to whiff at hungrily.

Some years after that, I introduced the 'cupping' mechanism'. It's pretty straight forward - just slip a cupped hand against your pants and fart into it before quickly closing the hand and bringing it up to your nose. Drink thirstily.

My experiments with this technique took me to uncharted horizons. One trick is to cup your hand under your naked asscrack while you shower, letting the water fill and submerge your asshole before farting into it - I find the bubbling sound to be infinitely pleasing and that the resulting smell is always slightly different than if it would have been a completely dry fart. Of course, the cupped hand against the naked ass is my go-to now. Best while lying in bed and browsing 4chan - taking hits throughout before finally drifting off to sleep, the funk still dancing in the tunnels of my nose and mouth.

Godspeed, all..

>> No.11303604


>> No.11304990

WW3 would have started by then ANON
America would be in a state of chaos as white people lynch minorities in mass to get their dicks hard.

>> No.11305714

I unironically cupcake my kids. Its a prank bro. All in link 10k.

>> No.11306707
