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File: 66 KB, 778x431, investment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11261067 No.11261067 [Reply] [Original]

Are women a good investment?

>> No.11261087

Kek, South Africa did the exact same thing with kaffirs. Look how they turned out.

>> No.11261099
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>The bill cited studies by MSCI, Credit Suisse and UC Berkeley that found that companies with women on their boards have greater earnings per share, return on equity and transparency.

the answer to OP's question is yes. inb4 an army of insecure men

>> No.11261106
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Whats the best way to make a woman forget a dumb ass mistake need an awser ASAP !!!1!!

>> No.11261110

Now we won't know if they're qualified and competent or just tokens to satisfy a mandate.

>> No.11261124
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>my friend has been dating a rich girl for a while and he seems pretty well off now
>boss is a female boomer who has been teaching me about stocks on the side (I am a developer)
>AMD became the world's greatest CPU and GPU manufacturer shortly after hiring a female CEO
I would say yes

>> No.11261136

how can I short this?

>> No.11261137

the bill will never actually be implemented and the governor knows this. he stated explicitly that it's more about sending a message

won't stop people from getting assblasted about it

>> No.11261142

implying asians are human

>> No.11261160

>Are women a good investment?
the worst

>> No.11261186

Correlation =/= causation. Jobs that pay six figures have a higher percentage of trans but wearing a dress doesnt automatically raise your salary.

>> No.11261204

this is getting out of fucking hand. before the playing field was level, now the sjw cucks are tilting it.

>> No.11261215
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women are so weak that you literally have to make laws like this in order for them to be able to compete

it's impossible to raise women to the level of men so they need to bring men down

>> No.11261218

Timemachine back to the time she learned of the mistake. If not possible, at least timemachine back to the time before you make the mistake and then don't do it.

If that fails, kys cuz you're fucked

>> No.11261261

Someone should start a business in renting out women for high level positions for the sole purpose of filling these quotas.

>> No.11261290

exist all stocks go all in crypto

>> No.11261342

This is fucking dumb to get mad about. The women on these boards will get out voted anyways. And it’s not like they’ll hire hr people to sit on the board. Einstein tier roasties will come out of the woodworks for a cushy board job.

>> No.11261355

That is incredible. I hope California is sued. What if it's a fucking LLC with three men and they want to get listed? We need to write women out of affirmative action.

>> No.11261359

>(((MSCI, Credit Suisse and UC Berkeley)))

>> No.11261373

Even if women were somehow a token to satisfy a mandate-if you think a publicly traded company wouldn't pick the most competent token posible, you are dumb

>> No.11261436

after reading Frédéric Bastiat, this is what I really think though:
a short term economic impact is that companies have to hire women to the board of directors, and obviously women are dumb so they will implement shitty decisions and the stocks will go down
but the longer economic impact is that current CEOs which are males, will only hire completely obedient females who will implement exactly what the CEO wants, and considering the CEO knows what he's doing and has another voice in the board of directors in his favor, will lead to more decisions passed in favor of his suggestions, and therefore stocks will go up

>> No.11261474

No, but traps are.

>> No.11261500

OP to answer your question... no. And if they didn't have vaginas and good features.... their sex would go extinct because males would find a way to reproduce without them. They are walking a fine line and can't see it. Uh get fuuuuhuuuuucked

>> No.11261544

Just have one of the men identify as female without any hormone therapy/surgery

too easy

>> No.11261844

The problem here is metoo movement. The females that are brought in can easily sabotage the company with false claims.

>> No.11261895

Children are an investment. Women are overhead.

>> No.11261903

A well qualified token is still a token.

>> No.11261906

Cool, now company directors have an excuse to add their wives to the board

>> No.11261940
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Why do you all feel so hurt by women ?

>> No.11262104

That's why based China will destroy America

>> No.11262244

*male children
daughters are liabilities

>> No.11262260

>Not being asexual

>> No.11262284

how can we invest in the coming surge of sex change operations in california?

>> No.11262288

To the person that said "why do you all feel so hurt by women?" ...... : No one feels hurt by them.... they are just a joke in general. Btw... what you said, sounds like something a woman would say. Can't even figure out what all the MEN on this board are talking about..... woman alert woman alert....... uh get fuuuuuhuuuucked

>> No.11262297

lmao this is literally sexism, and libtards will defend it. The absolute state.

>> No.11262299

I can't see why it wouldn't work.. Isn't it illegal to question someone's gender in CA now?

>> No.11262302
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>qualified and competent

>> No.11262319
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Director of Sandwich Procurement

>> No.11262330
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Well fellers I've typically found them to have a great ROI. You just have to know when to dump assets just as they're starting to turn toxic.

>> No.11262437


Wow this is one of the smartest things I've ever seen posted on /biz/

>> No.11262995

>as if businesses weren’t already leaving Cali in droves enough

So glad I left

>> No.11263025


>> No.11263041


Why does this question get asked every fucking day on biz

>> No.11263068

All those queers are moving to tx

>> No.11263087

because its satirical humor and a meme. do you think I'm actually being serious when I ask? kys

>> No.11263146

I moved to Tennessee, although now other Californians are moving here as well. Told some people about Tennessee, then they moved here and told people about it, and now it’s hard to keep a house on the market. I’m sorry