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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11249883 No.11249883 [Reply] [Original]

Late October stock market crash is coming. Be prepared. After the midterms, the fed will raise interest rates by a few percentage points which will be the final nail in the coffin for the Obama/early Trump economy.

>> No.11249920

Is this the guy that ate a 200 year old biscuit?

>> No.11250038


>> No.11250179

Let's get this out onto a bullrun. Nice!

>> No.11250198

...so I should buy some silver and gold?

>> No.11250221

Reminder that silver and gold dumped during the last recession.

>> No.11250229

>obama economy
nigger what? he had nothing to do with fucking anything
GDP #s speak for themselves

>> No.11250243


>> No.11250257

He bailed out all the Wall Street crooks allowing this phoney economy to blow up even bigger.

>> No.11250263

you mean return to exactly where it was over 8 years

>> No.11250267

and just say kikes, we all know who you are talking about, its a safe word here fren

>> No.11250299

There may be a dip but there won't be a full blown crash until the end of Trump's term. Unless ((they)) want to do it before midterm elections this time around. Its all up to ((them)).

>> No.11250362

Dollar value of gold does not matter. Moron.

Why would you value gold in terms of dollars when it's gold that gave value to the dollar?

Fucking idiots valuing real money in terms of Jew paper

>> No.11250382
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>Jew paper

>> No.11250427

Why single out Jews? Most of them are goyim. They all work for/with them and carry out the robbery too. They should all be under a fucking jail. If you’re a secretary for a front business that is bagging cocaine in the back they’ll definitely prosecute you even if you “didn’t know”. Nobody will believe your ignorance or care.

>> No.11250440
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>Why single out Jews? Most of them are goyim.
Do you really think the banks are mostly goyim?
Anon... I....

>> No.11250442


Did I just witness the birth of a meme?

>> No.11250457
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>puts the penis inside her
Nice queef

>> No.11250465

They’re a minority of the world. Goldman-Sachs employs mostly non-Jews. If people just didn’t work for them, then they wouldn’t be able to operate.

>> No.11250483

Jews buy gold and silver all the time. So actually paper money is a goy-invention to blow more money and drive up the deficit.

China and Israel own a shit ton, murka sold almost all theirs off

>> No.11250485
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yes goy, they are a minority who have no tribalism and do not act collectively

idgaf if they employee mostly shabbos goy, the leadership and people controlling shit are fucking kikes and you know it

>> No.11250707

Cuz sometimes your bills/debts are in USD.

>> No.11250720

mmmmkaaay... lets get this out onto a tray.

>> No.11250937

Damn Steve got a qt

>> No.11251376

Does he put her on a tray on a regular basis?

>> No.11251482

this should be taught in every school in USA. And the federal reserve bank along with key marketmakers goldman sachs etc. America was taken over by an extremist minority cult and they took over the banks and the court. ofcourse they let a few catholics in too to pretend the us legal system and financial system are legit, WE LIVE IN APARTHEID. fucking jews are pure evil

>> No.11251489

Fuck off commies, the market will go up and you can cry mor

>> No.11251506

People have been predicting a huge stock market crash since the 2008 recession. Still hasn't happened.

>> No.11251527

So it's sensible to predict that it will continue to rise indefinitely? Come on Anon

>> No.11251530

the stock market cratered in 2008. a shitton of mutual funds went to 0. Fed reserve partner banks were bankrupted in an organized attack on USA by insider jews. They robbed everyone. Where the fuck were you, you cant be a 9yr old posting on /biz/

>> No.11251571

I'm saying that no-one predicted the exact date of previous recession, and no-one can predict the exact date of the next one. Anyone who says otherwise is someone trying to swindle into buying precious metals or crypto.

>> No.11251616

the dates werent predicted they were chosen. Who the fuck do you think ben bernanke and hank paulson and lloyd blankfein are? The biggest criminals in earths history in $ ammounts. The fucking jews asset stripped America. Down to peoples homes. HOMELESS people by the thousands so a handful of jews could have accounts with money they will never spend. PURE EVIL

>> No.11251974
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>Jew paper

>> No.11252071

So do you actually believe this nonsense or are you roleplaying?

>> No.11252079

if you dont believe this fact, you are a NPC

>> No.11252089


>have 10 bucks
>buy 1 oz of gold
>1 oz gold now 5 bucks
>if I had kept the 10 bucks I could have more gold

Your boomer ramblings are retarded, if kike money goes up relative to real money, then you should keep the kike money to get even more real money you fucking brainlet,

>> No.11252103

coffee instant type 1 confirmed next x1000

>> No.11252113

What fact? That Jews aren't a shitty minority that shoot at each other, and that they are successful upper middle class fields, including media but also including medicine and law? That this isn't unheard of and that, for example, in Imperial Russia its German minorities were similarly in successful and widely populated top positions? That doesn't mean they're in control or that they're a majority.

>jews took over the banks and the courts

I mean this on its face is a ludicrous notion.

>> No.11252144
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Are you fucking stupid nigger?
Go educate yourself on how many fucking kikes are on the supreme court and then look at their fucking population in the US.

Literally KYS shill.

>> No.11252176

There have only been eight Jewish Justices in the entire history of the United States Supreme Court. Three happen to be currently sitting, two of whom were nominated by President Jimmy Carter and one by President Barack Obama. None actively push Judaism in any manner whatsoever. Woah bro nice argument!

>> No.11252200
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>glosses over the fact that kikes are heavily overrepresented in the highest court of the land
>after just minutes earlier claiming jews dont have control over courts
>he also doesnt know anything about judicial review, which is why he claims supreme court judges initiate agendas
>he thinks kikes push judaism; its literally one of the kikes lowest priorities

absolute state of this NPC

>> No.11252385

Calm down Ben shapiro

>> No.11252508

dumb cuck niggerfucker

>> No.11252555

jews are an rxtremist minority cult whos religion specificly teaches that nonjews are cattle, and jews are allowed to commit crime on non jews. They are the only religion that has attemtped to take over the financial, media and legal systems in the USA. Most chief justices of most big cities are Jews, most of their low level workers are niggers because niggers will do whatever the jew says without a moral compass. We live in apartheid jewish coup and still no politicians are calling for the end of jewish law media and finance. The jews are as good as dead and gone right now. They are criminals to the last. It is humanities obligation to itself and to all living things to stamp out the evil of the jew and the misery it spreads across earth.

>> No.11252560
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>> No.11253050


>> No.11253348

>It hasn't happened yet, therefore it won't happen anytime soon!

>> No.11253352


Nobody knows nothing. In either direction. Eventually all the predictions will come true... Eventually.

>> No.11253353

Meant for >>11251506

>> No.11253431

I know it's coming. i just hope my utility stocks will be safe

>> No.11254357

I thought SteveMRE1989 was gay?

>> No.11254371

>snub nose toad woman
>cargo shorts
idk what this thread is about but fuck these people

>> No.11254372

You wish faggot

>> No.11254392

I mean yeah

>> No.11254408
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I dont care what any of you fags are talking about. All i want to know is how do i profit?

>> No.11254436

hi kaot