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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1124932 No.1124932 [Reply] [Original]

Robin Hood General Thread -- /rgt/

Weekend speculating edition

>Stock Questions & Answers
>Stock Predictions & Forecasts
>Stock Graphs & Charts
>Stock Successes & Failures
>Stock Highlights & News

Visit the website first - www.robinhood.com

Candlestick charting guideline:


> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade.
It's also lacking some features like ask/bid prices.

> When is it coming to my country?
Probably never. So far they only have plans on an Australian beta ( https://robinhood.com/au/).).

> It's been X days, why isn't my account isn't verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.

> What's a good penny stock to invest in?
Don't buy penny stocks you cum guzzling mouth breathing retard.

Old Thread: >>1118247

>> No.1124941
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>tfw I missed the UWTI gains train

>> No.1124949

>How do I start buying stocks?

Don't use Robin Hood.


They offer very limited protection.

>What do you mean?

Robin Hood cannot subvert the miasmas of legal liability it takes to be a successful broker.


I don't know dude. It's 4chan, people offer really bad advice on here.

>Should I use reddit?

Reddit is an excellent forum for entitlement babies.

>> No.1124972

b-but anon-kun I got 3% gains just from the last two weeks!

>Don't use Robin Hood.

Zero commissions gives you room to learn without consequences.

>They offer very limited protection.

Zero Commissions.

>Robin Hood cannot subvert the miasmas of legal liability it takes to be a successful broker.


>I don't know dude. It's 4chan, people offer really bad advice on here.

If you came to 4chan looking for good advice, I suggest you look for porn and fap off instead.

>Reddit is an excellent forum for entitlement babies.


>> No.1124994

I know I just got lucky, but I made $100 in 2 days, starting with $900. I've never traded before. Just did my research, bought the right stocks, and watch it work. Pretty neat.

>> No.1125006

We really are living in an incredible time to become a trader. Good job man keep it up, I believe in you.

>> No.1125066

I bought CPXX because of your post. I hope it goes up :(

>> No.1125071

Why didn't you check the pre-market and realize CPXX was a cuck buy?

I bought it too =(

>> No.1125075

All y'all scared lil beta cucks who didn't invest in oil are missin out on all this cold hard cash $$$$!

>> No.1125303

Can you trade futures/FOREX using RH?

>> No.1125628


>> No.1125642
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I've been trading since January. I do research and fact-check the stocks people talk about in these threads. More important than any sort of gains I've made I think is just the capital I've been setting aside to do so. My goal is to break 30,000 in the next 6 months.

>> No.1126049

What are you in right now?

>> No.1126113
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Anyone with any experience who feels they have something they can contribute..

We've created a chat room think-tank, and we're making each other money with an impressive success rate.

if you're interested, download Kik on your smart phone, create a user name and post it here.

>> No.1126123

I'm holding TLRD and UWTI

>> No.1126223

>legal liability

You have no idea what you're talking about at all


>> No.1126225

>zero commission

He was talking about legal protection. It's a fun app for people just looking to dick around with mommy and daddies spending cash, but open an account with a legitimate broker if you want to do this through your lifetime.

There have certainly been some strange bumps a regular broker could handle.

And someone please kill the person who made reddit.

>> No.1126228

I have faith in the clinical trial

>> No.1126269

As stated before, if you aren't completely retarded in the kik you can move on to the less meme-filled base that is the actual thinktank

>> No.1126289

You're on biz. People are just dicking around and learning here. The anons with money already know what you're spouting off about so really you're contributing jack shit and expecting career investors to be on one of the least known boards on 4chan.

Not trying to bash you, just trying to let you know that not only are you wasting your time giving advice people don't need but your also failing to see most people on here are here to learn and dick around. Bash on reddit all you want but r/wallstreetbets and r/investing would probably be good places for you to go. People on those are pretty established.

>> No.1126352

He immediately said to drop it after the 5% gain right after calling it too. Don't blame him for bag holding.

>> No.1126412

How long did it take to verify your guys banks accounts? Its taking over a week now

>> No.1126435

My bank account was verified immediately

>> No.1126450

Alright, I'm 21 and working part-time at school getting $200 a week or so. I've just been putting it in my savings but I've been told that I'm young and should invest.
I was looking into making a Vanguard account or some shit, but Robin Hood seems easier/less serious so maybe it's better for getting my feet wet. Is it true that I shouldn't bother unless I'm playing with $500+ though?

>> No.1126455

My bad, part-time is $100 a week. I would do this work for free though (it's research) so it's just spare money.

>> No.1126462


> I've been told that I'm young and should invest.
Only invest after you have a stable income and an emergency fund in savings. The exact number of savings depends on your situation but enough to cover 3 months of expenses should be the minimum.

>I was looking into making a Vanguard account or some shit, but Robin Hood seems easier/less serious so maybe it's better for getting my feet wet.
You can invest in some vanguard stocks in RH like VOO, which would be the safest bet probably.

> Is it true that I shouldn't bother unless I'm playing with $500+ though?
You can start with any amount. Just don't think because you're poor you have to buy penny stocks. 1 share of a blue chip is still better than 500 shares of the latest meme from our resident penny shills.

>> No.1126488

>Only invest after you have a stable income and an emergency fund in savings
Hm, not sure about this since I'm basically dependent atm, my parents pay for everything. I have two more years of undergrad and then something like 3-5 more getting a PhD, so dunno when I will actually start a stable job. I have full time work every summer but with school all I can do with any stability is part-time work. I'll keep what you say in mind though.

I think I'll try with low amounts just to see what's up.

Since it's my first time I think it's natural to be worried about security, since I'm putting my bank info and SSN. I assume the major companies like Vanguard, TD Ameritrade, etc. are secure for obvious reasons but Idk how to "tell" with RH since I've never heard of it.

>> No.1126537

Message them. That's what I had to do..

>> No.1126544

Seriously bro, nobody takes thr advice that guy just gave. It's shit advice that gets torn apart constantly. You're young that's when you should take risks. Invest what you can and do your research.

I don't know why him and his ilk keep giving that advice when nobody ever takes it or plans to take it.

>> No.1126573


Is the actual thinktank non-kik? I was in the kik before, and I'm interested in a chat like this, but I really dislike kik and phone apps in general. I'm a desktop kind of guy.

>> No.1126599

So what happens when your parents get sick of you or go broke themselves? You're just gonna quit everything and go be homeless? Take some fucking responsibility for your life. If you don't use money from your student loans, just stash it for a rainy day.

If you really want to get your dick wet, treat it like an item on your entertainment budget ( monthly vidya/movie) but do not fucking dump all your spare cash into the stock market when you don't have liquid savings, because it's hard to pull out when you need it most.

This is fucking retarded advice actually.
Almost everyone serious about their finances does have savings. Don't know where your getting your info that they don't. Go ahead and start a wealth survey thread, you'll see.

>> No.1126617

Was still planning on saving most of it, yeah. I was thinking of doing something like 10% of my earnings just to start messing with. That seems to be about a new video game every month, more or less. It will be some time before what I have is "stable" enough to start putting in $500+, but reason why I want to get started is that I think it's potentially more useful than just having everything sit in the bank. Even if it's with penny stocks, at least I can get the hang of it.

>> No.1126638

>Almost everyone serious about their finances does have savings.

I didn't say not to have savings. You're making it out like he can't invest for years because he has to have a huge nest egg. He lives at home faggot, he can save and invest pretty easily. Don't be a bitch to me just because your advice was stupid.

>> No.1126643


He won't have substantial amounts to invest until he has a steady job. His investments in this period will not matter in the long run.

>> No.1126686


>> No.1127152

So what? Now is the time to put in a few hundred, if he has it saved, and get experience. That way when he can afford to put in more he will have a better understanding of what he is doing.

>> No.1127305

get in here niggers

>> No.1127465

Anyone holding gun stocks in this election year?

>> No.1127535

Yes it's not kik

>> No.1127543

is it worth buying stocks from big companies? like goldman sachs, apple and etc?

>> No.1127570

>Been buying 100 UNG every friday it's sub $6
How fucked am I

>> No.1127586

>Don't buy penny stocks you cum guzzling mouth breathing retard.
What's wrong with penny stocks

>> No.1127600

Nothing if you can constantly monitor them.

>> No.1127882

I'd appreciate an add! My kik is ahjason.

>> No.1127886

Not even close to being true.
What a stupid question to ask. Of course they are. Look up "blue chip stocks"

>> No.1127903


>> No.1127968

You guys are in

>> No.1128037

You forgot me.

>> No.1128045

I wish the weekend would hurry up.

>> No.1128048


Send me an invite please.

>> No.1128112

By the way, if anyone wants to talk stocks and shit I don't have kik (was getting weird adds from people I didn't even know)

Is there any way someone can set up a skype group? I feel like that would be ideal. If not and there's interest I could set it up.

Feel free to add me on skype: Sailortwift

>my posts

>> No.1128114


invite pls. thanks.

>> No.1128125

update, I made a conversation


>> No.1128129

Dude, join the chatrooms
Download kik

>> No.1128166

I spammed a bunch of fake emails to get into the Australia beta. Will Robin Hood still process my account?

>> No.1128186


You're in luck Anon, he killed himself long ago:

>> No.1128202

Question: I have a few shares of stocks in an OptionsHouse account. I want to transfer them to a Robinhood account. Can I do this, and if so, how?

>> No.1128249

$FSI is undervalued.

>> No.1128270

Impossible, you would have to close your position, then transfer the money and buy again.

>> No.1128353

Also, what you guys think about NYMT? Seems like a bargain at current price. Gonna watch it tomorrow.

>> No.1128738
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>tfw cucked by OptionsHouse

>> No.1128777
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You butt fucks are set on stock trading. Jesus fucking Christ. Sure, blue chip stocks are fine and dandy when you want to sit back and jerk off to trap porn. If you want to see better returns in moderately less time, trade options. For the love of Christ, DO NOT TRADE PENNY STOCKS.

>> No.1128817

I have access to Morningstar and TheStreet equity research.
Give me a ticker and I'll upload the latest report.

>> No.1128823

Are you allowed to do that?

And I'd love the morningstar for TLRD please.

>> No.1128826

first time on this board and saw this
am strayan
ive never really done anything on stocks before or the like, do you think this in addition to some sort of reading material would let me practice pretty well?
if so what other recourses could i use to learn how this stuff werks
sorry if newfag too much

>> No.1128829

Options have commissions tho

>> No.1128835

I have no idea how to start on stocks, I just looked up some articles on types of stocks, how to start
I have a question, if I buy stocks do I get money over time like investment or do I need to wait for the stock to rise in price to sell it to gain any profit?

>> No.1128838


Nope, definitely not allowed. I don't think they'll find out though.

As for TLRD, it looks like there isn't a Morningstar report on it. At least not through my broker. That may mean they haven't made a report in the last year.

Here's the February report from TheStreet

puu(d o t)sh/nxADM/ba60b25db9.pdf

>> No.1128850

Reminder that there is a chat that anyone can join: https://discord.gg/0hRGmk6ekDsnkU6H

>> No.1128853

oh shit discord chat nice thanks man
is this a general /biz/ chat or robin-hood orientated
either way it'll be good
loving this board man

>> No.1128863

How about SDRL?

>> No.1128867


>> No.1128874

$BBRY on April 1 earnings call.

>> No.1128882


puu(d o t)sh/nxBQg/a4f1fe7fb3.pdf


Morningstar is out of date. Here is thestreet

puu(d o t)sh/nxBRM/4b96f5dd09.pdf

>> No.1128887

Don't recommend this personally but TBEV has returned to life and is now MEME LEVEL CATEGORY 4 as TBEVD.

It a stock that can do 1 cent to 25 pretty easily because it did close to that last summer except that time it was a 0.0005-25.

I have no idea if this is a actual company anymore.

What we are looking for is news or rumors of a 'lime flavor' coming out, if it happens then I think it'll go nuts because tbqh the reason this company failed was because the original flavor tasted like cough syrup. Lime MIGHT save it.

>> No.1128892

You fucking rock dude, thanks

>> No.1128897




>> No.1128907


They don't seem to like low value stocks. Only CRIS was available for thestreet:

http://puu(d o t)sh/nxCpW/27722db320.png

>> No.1128912


Mistake in upload

http://puu(d o t)sh/nxCyA/d1f6fc5eb6.pdf

>> No.1128914

You're awesome. I'll probably ask more of you at a later time.


>> No.1128916

It's got both

>> No.1128918


http://puu(d o t)sh/nxCJD/159ad1908c.pdf

>> No.1128931
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>> No.1129018
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Huuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrr Ddddduuuuuurrrrr
Yes you dumbass. But you will get better returns in shorter time than waiting on Apple for a 10% gain each year.

>> No.1129023

>Thanks for biting. Come again soon

>> No.1129028

the trips got me

>> No.1129050

I'm a poorfag and I can't afford 6 dollar commissions on every trade

At least robinhood is free

>> No.1129085

Robinhood is for people to practice for the 6-10 years where they're of working age but have little to nothing unbudgeted. These people are the new norm with student loans and rent inflation and the disappearance of proper paying jobs. Yes, plenty of us are doing fine, that's because we're not the norm.

>> No.1129093
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I'm poor too with a part time job. The difference between you and me is the size of our balls.

>> No.1129113

Only stocks with dividends will give money over time, but they are usually quarterly and prices can change vastly over that time, so unless you have money to burn don't rely solely on those.

You must sell at a higher price to make a profit, but monitoring isn't hard.

>> No.1129116

Predictions at market open? Going to continue the rally? Seemed like Friday had some trouble. Worth buying into AMD?

>> No.1129164
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Bought 70 shares of CHK when it was around 2.50. Might be buying more.

>> No.1129167

If you are still there, can you dump $IAG?

>> No.1129495
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MRO and CHK are surging, though I have no fucking clue why, considering the CHK CEO killed himself just a week ago.

>> No.1129499
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> didn't buy $TVIX @ 6.00

>> No.1129500

30min untill a new exiting week in markets,,
hope you guys have nice week ahead'

>> No.1129503

Too late to buy LINE and LNCO?

>> No.1129504

no mah nigga it's not too late. Wait for the first dip than pile on

>> No.1129507

But if you really wanna make bank don't buy line or lnco, just find a new and interesting stock.

>> No.1129516

What if it never dips? :'(

>> No.1129517

Then my analysis was wrong, and you shoulda bought it at the beginning. Make your own choice, nigga.

>> No.1129525
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shouldve just bought m8 this shit is soaring

>> No.1129528

Yep, hesitated. I'll let the market sort itself out before I start MF'ing myself though.

>> No.1129535

I just fucked up lmao.

Jesus fucking christ

I bought LNCO high and panicked when it nosedived and sold. Lost $700

I hope I learned a lesson today. Like touching a hot stove.

That was rough. I feel so woozy

>> No.1129538

>bought high
Can you be more specific?
It's been nose diving for a year

>> No.1129541


It's up 100% this morning. Getting pumped.

>> No.1129553

you might not be suited for the stock market.

>> No.1129554

He bought it a little after the start whenit was around 1.70~ but its now hovering around 1.35~. If he bought at the start thatd be okay since it was like 1.00 but he waited a tad bit too long

>> No.1129557

Did you buy in that huge pump at the beginning of the day? Ya goof.

Try not to buy in the first 15 minutes of trading. A lot of stocks are volatile at this stage of the day, and that 100% profit quickly turns into frantically stop selling.

>> No.1129558
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profile just approved, added funds, now gotta wait some more.

my autism brain cant wait to start playing.

>> No.1129559

the first 1000 is instant

>> No.1129561

it said i had to verify, they will add a few cents to my account then i verify...

i have one of the 'other' banks. small towner type

>> No.1129562

>tfw set limit buy 1 cent below the low

>> No.1129563


Yep I fucked up because I didn't think. I was going to buy at 1.60 and sell at 1.70. If I had spent 30 seconds to think about it, I should have waited for the first sell off to buy in at 1.25.

Moral of the story: 30 seconds of thinking can save you a lot of suffering....

>> No.1129587

Trying a new plan, buy the big dips. SCOR lost 30% today, so im gettin in der good. Hopefully i dont kek myself

>> No.1129598

i noticed the sticky doesnt have links. i use investing.com to monitor the basics, but is there a real time for top losers and top gainers?

also vnr looks like its at kek level dips.

>> No.1129606

Looking for full US market top gainers as well.

>> No.1129628
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>> No.1129656
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Reading this thread is like watching an autistic man teach a downie how to play monopoly. Jesus. Christ.

>> No.1129680


>> No.1129688

I wish they would release instant for everyone. I have 800 in unsettled cash from Friday and I can't touch it till tomorrow. Fug.

>> No.1129692

this is 4chan man, i dont know how long youve been around here but you nailed it on the head. reddit might be better for you.

>> No.1129693

Naw I love this place. The subreddits are all a bunch of old ass wipes who don't believe that they can beat the market. I can't handle the constant fucking opinions of people who rarely preform well yet have a ton of 'advice' to give.

>> No.1129699
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>> No.1129705

well, seeing enthusiasm around here seems to be par for course for the newbs like myself that are beginning to play with this free platform. its exciting, and with some of our autism levels you might be suprised at the action. though i agree there are more retards that just want to be handheld, and trolls to oblige them.

my shitty bank is taking forever to even acknowledge the few cents deposit grasshopper deposited.


>> No.1129707
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I understand and, almost respect, the desire to stick with stocks. But trading pennies is literal shit. You need to monitor that garbage on a semi hourly basis. Here's where I'll shill for options trading. You can still trade options on big big blue chip stocks for almost the same cost. The key difference is your returns and investment is way fucking better than pennies.

>> No.1129710

Any news on CPXX's clinical trial?

>> No.1129721
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TDameritrade has a deal with tastytrade where stock commission, while not free, is around $7 and options are $1.50. I know we are all poorfags, but you get all the benefits and platforms that tdameritrade offers. If that's too expensive, you're trying to get into the wrong hobby.


>> No.1129722
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ayyy lmao

>> No.1129726

Looks like an oscilloscope reading

>> No.1129727

Won't be until next week I suspect

It will fail though. I'm stuck in CPXX too, sadly. I may as well go long on it.

>> No.1129733

>It will fail though
Aren't they just trying to keep already proven drugs in the system longer? I have faith

>> No.1129742

>Not buying TPLM

had over 100% all ready today

>> No.1129751

Guys look at CRC, thank me later.

>> No.1129758

just a heads up to new depositors, the verify might take a little bit so dont freak out like i was about to before i googled.

ever hear of J.G. Wentworth? lol i want my money and i want it now!!!

"If the amounts you report match what we sent, your bank account will be verified. Please note that it may take 1-2 trading days to receive the micro-deposits."

GLRI, a bunch of petro stocks doing good today for penny traders. pennies are the way to learn, if we only have 20 dollars to deposit lol. i have free time to sit and autist for a while

>> No.1129787



>> No.1129796

I kinda want to start doing this, but don't I need to pay taxes on any money I'd make?

Can someone tell me how capital gains tax works?

>> No.1129801
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Having fun with

>> No.1129806

holy niggertits,
pls post your picks.

>> No.1129808
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I have been doing 136% since last week

>> No.1129809


>> No.1129818

But how it's only gone up 60%

>> No.1129819

It's a flat 10% on total gainz.

>> No.1129823

Probably a deposit

>> No.1129825

So basically, I don't pay anything if I fuck up and lose, and I just need to make sure I don't blow 10% of my earned shekels when tax time comes?

>> No.1129829

Unless sanders somehow becomes president. Then you'll be taxed no matter win or lose.

>> No.1129833

ya but there's some bullshit about income brackets. so long as you don't make more than 25k a year ur good.

>> No.1129836

Feels good to be poor when tax season starts. Literally the only time being poor is good kek.

>> No.1129839

How much did you start with?

>> No.1129860

For those with AMDA, the big press conference starts soon

>> No.1129877


Capital gains are 25 percent in my bracket ;_;

>> No.1129903
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I bought BCEI at $1.24 now is

>> No.1129915


>> No.1129917

Damnnn, that's ridiculous to be honest even if you're rich as shit. You would think it would be less since 25% of your money would be more than 25% of my money since you make more but not when it comes to taxes.

>> No.1129919

How did you find out about it?
How did you know to buy?

Actually curious.

>> No.1129927

So I decided to move another $250 into my robinhood account while standing in line for lunch today. What should I buy?? I'm looking for a decent risk decent return group of stocks

>> No.1129942


>> No.1129945

SDLP steady gains

>> No.1129946


post what you're buying. i'm guessing UWTI?

>> No.1129954


>> No.1129955

Has anyone gotten robinhood instant? i'd expected the roll out to be a little quicker

>> No.1129963

My place in line hasn't moved, so I am assuming that they haven't started updating anyone yet.

>> No.1129965

OK, here's a question

How do most of you Robinhood guys do your research for stocks.

Which screener do you use?

Which statistics of a stock are you paying specific attention to?(e.g debt/equity, P/E and so on)

>> No.1129969

I went from 300 in line to 7000 in line. I don't think I'll ever get it.

>> No.1129972


I'm in the 53,000s right now but i could have sworn i was around 60,000 at some point last week so i think people might be getting in.

>> No.1129973

Went from 20000 to 18000, it's slow but we're getting there. Just recommending one friend won't keep you up front for long.

>> No.1129974

They dont, people who use Robinhood and not ameritrade are literal retards just gambling

>> No.1129976

Lol nope

>> No.1129978

>browsing Reddit


>> No.1129983

We can only hope man. I just want instant account credit after sales because I hate that I can't sell my shares to fund buying other shares without waiting 3 days and missing out. I'm about to cash out and open an option house or tda account and deal with the fees if it instant isn't soon.

I like rh but they are taking ages to put pretty basic features in.

>> No.1129984

Every day i check the top losers for the day with yahoo finance app.
I try to learn why they are low and i decide if they can adjust their price in the next days.

Last week BCEI was low for bad sales report due to low oil prices so i knew there is nothing wrong with the company, it was just an oil price situation and then i made my bet.

>> No.1129986

P/E and I use simplywall.st, finviz, my old tda account for tos and j stock. I only use rh because of no fees but I'm about to drop them. Shit is limited as fuck and they don't seem to be in a rush to fix that.

>> No.1129993

That strategy aint gonna work very often

>> No.1130002

i use the finviz.com and the charts from investing.com with MACD, RSI, CCI, and i also search the news for the stock. then i buy in robinhood, i go long on stocks so robinhood is nice to play with

>> No.1130006

For those starting with small amounts of cash and just trying to make money without dealing in deep analytics, this is the best you can do. Honestly there's probably 3 people on this whole board who know exactly what they're doing. Everyone else is learning. Did you honestly think successful investors spend their time shitposting on a Mongolian basket weaving forum?

>> No.1130007

You should check out simplywall.st. they have some pretty good information for deep value investing. 30 days free and it's not a bad tool. Found them on stocktwits.

>> No.1130014

Bro, they just want to feel superior and they choose to hang out on board full of rookies all day blabbing off about how much more experienced they are. Like shit faggots, we are on 4chan. We should be happy there are even anons here who want to make money instead of getting neetbux from the federal government. Even the eth retards have more ambition than most of this website.

>> No.1130031

thanks, i'll check them out

>> No.1130040

>Mongolian basket weaving forum?
This is where all successful investors go.

>> No.1130045

Oy vey!

>> No.1130055

What happened with AMDA holy shit

>> No.1130062


>> No.1130063

Sold at 3.14 thanks moot

>> No.1130069

People still trying short PED.
Dropped to .23 today and bounced to .25
I bought at .11 and sold at .22 but might not be a bad idea to see where out goes. Just dump a few bucks on it and hold a while.

>> No.1130092

>that drop
Hopefully they'll have good news to announce with the upcoming press conference

>> No.1130094


>> No.1130128
File: 23 KB, 629x457, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got in at 0.18

>> No.1130232

If you lost $900 today like me, try listening to this


It helps

>> No.1130243
File: 644 KB, 1051x926, Do it, Jerry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I was considering GLRI.
>tfw my funds are still settling.

Fuck my life.

>> No.1130246

same here, oh well, first day jitters on the brink of actually trading. never done it before, wish my monies would hurry.

>> No.1130251


Okay I lied. This isn't helping at all. I've got PTSD, I need some meds.
That one guy was right. Options are the way to go.

>> No.1130257

I made a pretty decent profit on GBSN today. I could have done a lot better if I was willing to put more money in, but I didn't want to do that because then I wouldn't have any money to use for the next three days. Instant can't get here soon enough.

>> No.1130262
File: 1.70 MB, 200x200, 1432643693286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you fucks. Trade options. Not garbage. There's a reason the Wolf of Wall Street sold that crusty shit. Trade quality blue chip stocks, etfs, and/or options. I gave you advice and you butt fucks didn't listen. I hope your portfolios rot in hell.

>> No.1130265

I know. Once instant gets here, swing trading is going to be my thing.

>> No.1130273
File: 192 KB, 1226x1280, 1454882735357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swing trading is gonna be my thing
Oh. My. Fucking. God.

Go play the online slots.

>> No.1130277

>holding UWTI

>> No.1130279


>> No.1130281

wtf is th-is a meme?

>> No.1130290
File: 68 KB, 500x293, 1429038969726.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cheap autistic bastards. Please go find another way to loose money. Like bitcoin. Or hell, just go to your toilet and flush it.

>> No.1130292

Tomorrow will be a green day. Nflx will go to 100.

>> No.1130298
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>> No.1130628
File: 150 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-03-07-19-26-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /almostoutofthehole/ here?

>> No.1130652

I hope you idiots have been buying AA for the last few months. If not, then you guys are really retarded. It's going to keep going up until the split, might have a pull back but it's way undervalued.

Buy AA and walk away. Do this every month until the split.

Thank me later.

>> No.1130785
File: 137 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-03-08-09-14-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf caused this drop with AMDA?
Lost a lot last night.

>> No.1130831

Conference call

>> No.1130836

Currently holding $EXXI $WRES $CRC $UPL

>> No.1130844

Story, anon?

>> No.1130872

LINE is up 19% after hours. About to go balls deep.

>> No.1130875
File: 220 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160307-211217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright anons, I recently signed up on Americanbulls.com and they give stock picks that I should buy based on their analyzing. It don't mean you should buy them without research. Here is a screenshot for today that are buys and stay longs. If it help some of you anons let me know I'll start posting for everyday.

>> No.1130924



would you buy ?

>> No.1130945

Look at the money you transfered as already lost and it'll make you less nervous. Any money you put in stocks should be considered a loss until you have cashed out and have an actual profit in your account man. If you look at it like that you'll be much less likely to panic sell.

>> No.1130947

They delayed until mid march which I must admit is a really spooky sign, a near 2 week delay is some penny stock level bullshit. I wouldn't lock in my losses yet though its still an above board NASDAQ stock.

Still bullish on it I am going to assume they had a HUGE inside deal that caused them to need to completely rewrite their financials from scratch.

>> No.1130948

Keep posting everyday. Even if it doesn't help it'll add some content to these threads.

>> No.1130953

fuck, I feel retarded for having UWTI but not TPLM.

debating if I should get in now

>> No.1130957


Short and long TPLM. They are a great company, I worked for Rockpile, even with oil being this low. They still opened a shop in midland, TX. When oil comes back, TPLM is going to be big.

>> No.1130967

thanks anon, will research now

>> No.1131061

ASTI, NBG, GBSN, LINE, LNCO destroyed me. Now I disregard memes for the most part, except NETE, have like 3k shares of that still. I stopped trading and started investing in real stocks. Thankfully I was able to buy some pretty good ones cheap and now the market is recovering.

>> No.1131091

almost. bought MEMP at $5. it has fucked me for months. it's coming back slowly.

>> No.1131173

Guys, Netflix is dirt cheap right now. The fundamentals haven't changed and their programming will only get better, so they will keep on growing.

>> No.1131333

I'm up $100 senpai, what's the problem?

>> No.1131600

I have to do virtual trading on stocktrak for my investments class. student with the highest return gets extra credit. the course ends in less than two months and i have 100k to play with. advice?

>> No.1131647

invite me please


>> No.1131664


Ditto. gicts

>> No.1131714

>>UWTI gains

Nigga are you serious? How about TPLM and SUNE?

>> No.1131715


>> No.1131717
File: 113 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160308-075705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4% gains
>>buying and
>>up 100$ from 900

Started with 900$ three weeks ago, made 25% buying TSLA at 148$, its lowest since 2013 then dumped almost a grand into SUNE at 1.80$ and made nearly 500$ over night.

>> No.1131767

Which oil pick is going sky high today? WRES? GLRI?

>> No.1131787

my funds still waiting, but i fantasy bought glri, it was up 60% a minute ago.

>> No.1131788

Sold SUNE at open. Shit I thought I was gonna lose money on that one, but made 4%

>> No.1131790

Bought some TSLA this morning, starting to sweat

>> No.1131793

Wtf is happening right now? It looks like everything oil and metals related is falling, where did this mega bear come from?

>> No.1131817
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>> No.1131819

I'd give it 30 more mins before I'd worry.

>> No.1131830

The fuck is happening with amd

>> No.1131847


Nothing? It's hardly moved and it's a bad day for the market.


Good time to go long on UPL?

>> No.1131863

>everything I want to buy is red today
>funds from selling early last week haven't settled yet
Fuck this is aggravating.

>> No.1131871

I had a stoploss set on LINE which representrd the majority of my gainz so despite this mauling so far I'm ok. What are the fundamentals on UPL? I don't know anything about it other than showing up late and catching a late trip to the moon on a pump and dump.

>> No.1131876

Made the mistake of buying EGLE this morning. Don't make my mistake

>> No.1131882

My friend works at netflix, growing ass company, your words of wisdom inspire

>> No.1131892

Dammit, they make it way too easy to swipe away the stocks under the watchlist. I keep accidentally removing things from my watchlist when I scroll down and I can't always remember what was there to find it again.

>> No.1131935

This anon gets it.

Netflix is still going strong guys, even on a day like today.

>> No.1131940

With GDC coming up would it be a good idea to buy into NVDA?

>> No.1131946



>> No.1131951

anyone else here watching the dax go crazy? im wondering when the descent is coming to an end.. maybe right now?

>> No.1131953
File: 135 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-08-10-02-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On my 50 dollar journey everything I hand picked brought me some amount of profit, but i messed up setting a sell order on the handful of cpxx I bought. My one dollar profit dream is looking farther and farther away by the second.

>> No.1131954


AMD senpai

>> No.1131958
File: 5 KB, 606x246, vjet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(1 Year Target is 5.25)
thank the gods I got rid of my VJET at 5,60
wanted get rid of it since the weekend

>> No.1132031

son i am disappoint. 60+ year company w/ mad loot. vivint can't stunt like sune hence why their stock is in teh fucking gutter.
not an ideal time to get into tesla, make sure you stop loss that thing to account for a 10% swing south to prevent any crazy loss. 200$ investment to only get say 40-80$ isn't really lucrative.

>> No.1132036

Spend like 100% of that on TLOG, and thank me later like drake.


>> No.1132046

VG dipping below $5

>> No.1132079

I think the big question is, how long will this bear market last?

>> No.1132089
File: 127 KB, 468x475, 1455976342904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is too funny.
>muh shitty pennies are sunk. Fuk. I lawst all muh gainz.
>it's the markets faultz not mine

>> No.1132090

A day or 2 unless we are really unlucky.

>> No.1132092

>tfw we are in the Stain universe

>> No.1132110
File: 457 KB, 1200x700, 1418252676522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you hours before the market fucking opened that all this shit you all buy was butt fucked without lube.

>> No.1132113

New chat link since the old one expired:

>> No.1132118

This bear has been here for the past fucking 3 months. Find a new hobby.

>> No.1132119

Super new to Robinhood and investing in general, I have a few questions if somebody wouldn't mind

When buying stocks that are a higher price, is the idea that by holding them you're investing in the company in the long term because the price won't fluctuate all that much from day to day (A stock probably won't go from $100 to $150 on any random day, for example)? In that case, is the primary advantage of those stocks that they pay greater dividends?

On the other hand, is the advantage of buying large amounts of stock which cost less (not necessarily penny stocks but just less than a share in Tesla for example) that they can fluctuate more than companies whose stock costs more and then you can sell your shares for a profit?

What exactly does somebody mean when they say to trade "options" versus anything else?

>> No.1132125

Preaching at the wrong anon. I've bought 1 penny stock which was fsi and I knew for a fact it would go up yesterday. I'll go play slots if I want to gamble.

>> No.1132128

I hope you didn't hold on to that shit today.

>> No.1132134

I don't hold high volatility stocks over night. Seen that blow up in people's faces too many times.

>> No.1132144
File: 11 KB, 217x208, advanced_faggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to put this as simply as I can. Do NOT TRADE pennies. You'll end up broke. All these autistic bastards ,who I've been warning, lost quite a bit of muh gainz today. We have been in a bear market for almost 10 months now. If you trade shit, expect shit. If you're poor, trading options on the blue chip stocks is the best choice. I'm not going to help you trade options because I'm not your dad. Keep an eye on foreign markets next time.

>> No.1132151
File: 14 KB, 294x273, 1444932124325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually sound smart. I'm genuinely impressed.

>> No.1132154
File: 590 KB, 400x265, tmp_6393-1456912302172-376320260.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought PWE last at $1.20
Sold it yesterday at $1.31

833 shares @ 1.2 was $999.60
833 shares sold $1.31 was $1091.23
Made almost $100 profit while taking sitting on the toilet.

>> No.1132165

buy high sell low, am i right lad?

>> No.1132166

Just as easily as you can make money you can lose it.

Be aware of the risk poorfags.

>> No.1132170
File: 112 KB, 255x231, 1448857675003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you. You figured out how to unload the gun before pulling the trigger. Your portfolio is living on borrowed time.

>> No.1132269

Common mistake but no.

The reason you but expensive blue chips is solely because they tend to be stable performers.

In theory, a cheaper stocks doesn't mean you get any wider swings though. But in practice you do because penny stocks are prone to getting pumped and dumped since they're usually low volume.

>> No.1132270

>bought PWE at .62
>bought BONT at 1.6
>naked 1.5 puts on SUNE for March 4th contracts
>what is research and how does it work

>> No.1132283

I'm getting cucked by CRC lel

>> No.1132324

bought http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=GLRI at .40 drowning in the dosh

>> No.1132349

I bought it this morning around .50 and sold around noon after it plunged and came back a little. I knew I should have held, but I had things to do and couldn't keep worrying about that stock all day.

>> No.1132444

I'm thinking of buying a GOOGL call for next Friday.

They have several shows at GDC and they're testifying about self-driving cars.

These calls are FUCKING expensive. I'm scared to plop down $1k+ on a single contract. But I think they could go over 740 next week.


>> No.1132463

Ford screwed me today. Oh well, I'll just buy more if it keeps going down.

>> No.1132523

Considering getting into UVE, am I an idiot?

>> No.1132530

would looking at biotech companies working on zika virus shit be worth looking into?

>> No.1132547

Yolo bro. Do it.

>> No.1132571

You've done great so far

>> No.1132581


Well, just an FYI from someone who follows tech a lot, it's unlikely they will hit any snags. They are so involved in the industry from Vulkan releasing late last month to having their neutral network Go playing machine AlphaGo playing the #1 player in 6 hours as of this post. Lots of things and none of what they are doing are likely to backfire on them.

The testimony might involve how their car crashed against one of the buses and how it was their fault but it is unlikely for them to get screwed over for that accident since the car was traveling at such a slow speed and no casualties and damage. Also, they apparently fixed the issue by adding code to account for buses differently. However, no manual control on the self driving car might raise some eyebrows.

In any case, I think it's a fairly good bet.

>> No.1132659

No, the only people affected are third worlders with no money.

>> No.1132761

They're going to have $30k in 6 months!

>> No.1132857

Why are splits bad? Wont I still have the same amount of money if I just hold

>> No.1132954

Predictions about the future of VRX?

>> No.1133053

IPDN has been doing alright.

>> No.1133072

Hey guys,
anyone with market experience..
we've created a chatroom/ think tank and we're sharing ideas on a daily basis and making eachother money with a high success rate.

if you're interested post an email address in this thread so I can invite you.

>> No.1133095



Thanks senpai

>> No.1133105


>> No.1133119


>> No.1133121

all set brotha

>> No.1133137

Im holding $WRES and $SDOC.

Am I making a mistake?

>> No.1133146


Idk about SDOC, but I looked at WRES last night. The fundamentals are frankly repulsive. I think they're having an earnings report on the 10th? I expect it to be very bad, they might even announce bankruptcy.

>> No.1133158

My biggest fear for WRES is that BK is announced, which is very likely. I could live with a bad earnings report if they are able to restructure their debt agreements and just hold on until the next spike when oil moves up again.
SDOC is just a hunch really.

>> No.1133159

The report for CSIQ is coming out Thursday.

They've been making a lot of gains in the last month and are down a bit the last few days. What do you guys think?

>> No.1133168

Chyna down almost 3% right now, but CNN pre markets are up

idk wat to think

>> No.1133169

Are there any penny energy stocks that you are holding atm?

>> No.1133177


I have 10 $1 UPL calls expiring next week.

After getting burned with LNCO, I'm gonna stick to paying for my potential losses up front when it comes to these.

>> No.1133191

Can you add me? blakeaw0

>> No.1133195

kik is dead brotha,
ill invite you to our new chat platform via email

>> No.1133200

You never know what could happen this week man. I'm holding 200 shares of UPL at 1.19 in my HSA right now.

>> No.1133242

Will you add me as well

>> No.1133323
File: 29 KB, 320x283, 1455338643066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to buy some puts or perhaps some calls on leveraged bear etfs. This market is finally starting to show its real self. The plot thickens.

>> No.1133642

Is LINE going to explode again today?

>> No.1133647

Like it "exploded" yesterday?

>> No.1133662

I get exactly what you mean, but here's my case.

When oil bumped up on Monday almost every oil stock surged, but yesterdays oil price receding stopped all those rally's in their tracks. Now oil jumped $2 a barrel again, which makes me speculate if well see another rally.

>> No.1133683

Bought some GLRI overnight a bit soon but I think i made a good call.

>> No.1133722

Someone put a bullet in my skull for buying $CPXX

>> No.1133762

add Cheech03 plox

>> No.1133771

add me Cheech03

>> No.1134123

Add me qwas1231

>> No.1134134

Fuck it's actually

>> No.1134135

thread is dead babby

>> No.1134136


>> No.1134138


>> No.1134140


>> No.1134145


>> No.1134146


>> No.1134148


>> No.1134153


>> No.1134518

Got ya

Gents, like I said kik is dead.
Now I'll need an email address to send an invite