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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11246795 No.11246795 [Reply] [Original]

these are all above the wagie (quality of life/money)

>neets on autism bucks
>refugees on welfare
>welfare people
>business owners of any kind
>freelance cucks
>family business heirs
>neets (if they know how to live)

>> No.11246809

Literal slaves, I guess

>> No.11246826

niggers are lower than all

>> No.11246832

one on welfare is superior to any wagie. notice how despite on welfare they own their own detatched home (in a poor area) and they enjoy life

>> No.11246842

the business owner that works a billion hours a week but doesnt generate as much income as a wagie

>> No.11246852

that's very true. I know a local cuckold owning a shop who works part time in his shop about 30 hours a week from 6pm- around midnight . he makes $240 profit a month

he wont close shop down coz it was his father's (another cuckold and cripple too)

>> No.11246865

You sound like a wagie. Sure, most businesses fail, but that's because of bad ideas. I work 2 days every other week and even I'm able to take a healthy salary. It's all about doing things that's niche. And by that I don't mean starting a fucking restaurant or a luxury goods store in a rural town.

>> No.11246869

b-but i didnt imply anything that you said anon. did i strike a nerve?

>> No.11246877


>> No.11246895

You probably did. I just can't see how people choose to slave away their whole life. I saw some interviews on the news earlier this week; 25 year olds looking forward to their retirement. Looking forward to the freedom it will give them. Isn't that a kind of fucked up way of living life? Looking forward to being a geriatric. Wasting away youth with something looking like a career...

>> No.11246900


I think these are the only true answers but >>11246842 this comes close too. I'd say this one equals a wagie, but instead you are a slave to yourself and your ambitions to be free from wagery. You have no life and waste all your time working and make almost no money but at least you are your own boss. But then I guess you bend over backwards to satisfy customers too.

Yeah sounds shit.

>> No.11246929

This - Small business owners are for the most part the fucking worst

>> No.11247811

Until that small business owner blows the fuck up and becomes huge. Then you get all jealous and act like he got lucky. Stay poor as a slave

>> No.11247812


>> No.11247821


This. Some clients for my company look done and miserable. I'm in my late 20s wagie but I am payed to play vidya, study forex_cryptos, do whatever I want

>> No.11247904

career politicians
side hustlers

>> No.11247924


He might close it down when his father passes.

He is doing the honorable thing and continuing to run his shop to make his father proud and bond over it.

Father and son code - it is unwritten and something you will never understand since you likely don't have a dad.

>> No.11247933

Non-geriatric retirement's easy if you save: http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2012/01/13/the-shockingly-simple-math-behind-early-retirement/

>> No.11247987

Underrated post

>> No.11248017

You mean franchisees?

>> No.11248032


>What's lower than a wagie?

Pseudo neets, who create threads to mack and ridicule employed people.
Actual neets wouldn't do any of this, because they are too depressed and demotivated to create a thread. Real neets hate themselves and are deeply jealous of people who have real jobs, families, hobbies and friends. Most neets are too hungry and emaciated to shitpost, only well-fed, able-bodied employees have free energy to waste on creating troll threads.

So, who are people that create such troll threads? They are of course pseudo neets, i.e. just average employed people who like to troll and shitpost when they have free time. You know that OP actually has a 9-5 job and maybe even a gf. He just trolling his fellow normalfags on /biz/.

>n-no, it isn't t-true!

Well then ask yourself why OP created this thread on Saturday? Why there are so many 'wagie' threads mainly on weekends?
You already know the real answer.

>> No.11248461

No man, didn't you know? Everyone is either a wagie or a useless neet. There's nothing else. Owning your own business, not having a boss, those things don't exist. Everyone is a wagie slave just like me.

^wagecuck cope

>> No.11248483

Lookit that! Moron wagecuck cope right there. If you're not a wagecuck literally cucked slave than you must be a neet right? The people that pay you, the owners / bosses / shareholders of whatever place you work for. They don't exist right? Nor the millions of entrepreneurs worldwide. That's all made up. It's either lowly wagecuck slave or useless neet right? And wagies wonder why they also get called NPC, thoughtless faggots

>> No.11248497

>What's lower than a wagie?
a retarded frogposter that needs to cope with the fact that he will never make it with his magic internet "money" so he creates threads like this every 4 hours

>> No.11248516

Heavy debt, pawning pay day loaners waging away to make payments

>> No.11248567

Take out loans to buy a Mac book pro and then order sunglasses and lame trinkets from Chinese facebook merchants

>> No.11248575

meanwhile, in reality 90% of the time the small business "owner" goes bankrupt and has to become a wageslave to survive after wasting years of his life on his failing business. But since he thinks he's an entrepreneur he does it again until he either gives up or dies broke.

Most small business owners are retarded, like actually low IQs with big egos. The smart ones either don't work so hard or don't stay small for very long.

>> No.11248635


>> No.11248673


Entrepreneurs work way more than average employed people and in most cases fails because of various reasons, sometimes even outside of his control. You think an employee is stressed out, pathetic and miserable? Typical 9-5 employee goes home and leaves his work at the office. An 'entrepreneur' is constantly obsessed with thoughts how to survive, pay his employees, pay taxes, survive vs competition. Any new law or regulation can destroy him. Contrast stress, uncertainly and anxiety. Try to actually start a small business, you'll see. I've met some "entrepreneurs" who were so broke they couldn't afford to pay their bills. They became employees and said that 9-5 job feels like paradise in comparison.
It's only when business survives, expands and everything runs like a well-oiled machine - then and only then the business owner can relax and enjoy life and gains.

>> No.11248773


>Typical 9-5 employee goes home and leaves his work at the office.

Do you even have a non-blue collar job?

No one leaves their shit at work in 2018, that follows you home. Emails, slack, phone, texts. It NEVER fucking ends.

>> No.11248972

What? In Europe, some prisons look like 5 star hotels. They have better life in those than any wagie.

>> No.11249138
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I know (of) someone who thinks she's an Instagram beauty/makeup entrepreneur, but she's really just at the bottom of a pyramid scheme. Her ~1000 followers are bots that follow her when she spams her posts with hashtags. And sge dropped out of high school to be doing this.