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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11241664 No.11241664 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11241674

What about jerry seinfeld

>> No.11241693

He's a horrible person in regular life

>> No.11241700

What about Larry David?

>> No.11241704
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>> No.11241718

you shouldnt waste time on hate anon, love and respect everyone. I've been down the /pol/ rabbit hole, spent years obsessing over rothschilds, holocaust, cultural marxism etc. it will only leave you bitter and depressed. work on yourself and love the people around you.

>> No.11242029

Yeah, why the hate? Overal they won, and are winning.

Its better to freeing yourself (by doing what they do)

>> No.11242039

>t. 5000-year old joomer

>> No.11242238

im a jew, why you hate me for op?
i try to be best person i can, and help everyone around me best i can.
why hate me op

>> No.11242310
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Fuck that. Pic very related. Those who remain silent, will allow for evil to expand its grasp.

>> No.11242323

Hate is a negative emotion anon

>> No.11242341

you're in on the plan to destroy us, you arent fooling anyone, schlomo

>> No.11242344
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I like Jews.

>> No.11242441

needs to be its own thread. Let's celebrate Jewish people and what they gave to the world. They're hitting above their weight in the scientific fields

>> No.11242476


Because a jew always prefers a jew over a non-jew when there's an important position to give away.

We're all seeing it now because of the internet.

>> No.11242489

right... because Nobel prize committee headed by Sweden loves Jews. Get your head out of your ass mate

>> No.11242495

>don't be critical of the shit around you goy

>> No.11242505

Personally I don’t know you so can’t hate you, but it’s hard to not have a disdain for talumidic Jews that actually believe they are “gods chosen people” and think everyone else is a goyim

>> No.11242666

jews have goys, we have normalfags/npc. tis the same

>> No.11242914

But when WASPs hire their family that nepotism is fine.


>> No.11242953

i know a a hindu creeper on the swedish nobel prize comittee. lololo "swedish" they were the first euro country to glorify all things nigger and aborigees from mumbai were the first to be welcomed by the brainwashed whores

>> No.11242964

Feeling that your culture is "special" or "chosen by God" isn't unique to the Jews. If you claim to be part of a particular social/cultural/religious group, you more than likely think it's the best.

>> No.11243000

This thread is bipolar. Half are /biznessman and other half are /pol inbreeds mistakenly on a wrong board.

>> No.11243098


>> No.11243110

when the times comes ill be ready, but for now im gonna do my thing

>> No.11243824
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Who doesn't?

>> No.11244674

who said that?
Wasp nepotism is better because at least they mostly don't try to destroy their own kinsmen. Jewish nepotism seeks to destroy white people, but "miraculously" not themselves or Israel

>> No.11244685

Jews rock

>> No.11244720


>> No.11244751

Low-level jews are victims of the same system as us goys. Just look at the housing market in Israel for instance. Same fucking shit there as in the west in general.

Its strange that they dont revolt though or see through the tribalistic bullshit.

>> No.11244759
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I hate you too whiteoid

>> No.11244766

only good answer in this thread

>> No.11244769


>> No.11244788


Yep. There's nothing specifically wrong with that either, in-group preference is fine. The issue is the billions spent on propaganda and active campaigns to not not only prevent other groups (ie White people) from expressing an identical level of group preference but actively work to eradicate them. Zionism is a racial supremacist movement same as any other and it has no place in the government policy of other states (like the US).

>> No.11244824

>headed by Sweden
>Sweden as a good example of anything except the single most Zionist-cucked nation on Earth.

*deep breath*

Seriously though Jew, you've got your ethnostate that's eternally free to genocide as many Palestinians or whoever else you like (muh 6 gorillion means no criticism for all time), what more do you want? When is enough going to be enough?

>> No.11245028

Jews are white

>> No.11245051

Some of my best frens are Jewish. Also, back to /pol/

>> No.11245066


Married a Jew. So happy. She's fucking hot and DGAF about politics.

Jews set very high standards though. So they put a lot of pressure on themselves.

>> No.11245093

Helping your people succeed doesn't mean you have to shit on other races. But that's exactly what the jews have been doing for the past 1000+ years.

>> No.11245103

they really arent your friends at all. you just dont know that yet. they are just using you

>> No.11245116

How could there be atheist jews if they were just normal crackers with a different religion?

>> No.11245125

>>11245028 only the purely criminal jews are white looking. its just some nonjew converted to get in the jew scamming free for all money heist. The ethnic original jews are african mutts

>> No.11245143

>rats are human

>> No.11245164

they're both retired and I occasionally get invited to dinner, there's no usury going on.

>> No.11245722

I can’t believe people think this kike is funny
I hate Jews too

>> No.11245723

>all these jews baiting and being doxed for the future purge


>> No.11245727

Nice try kike
The digits prove you’re Satan

>> No.11246009

based and redpilled

>> No.11246183
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>> No.11246195
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>> No.11246244

I hate furries even more than Jews.