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File: 263 KB, 1202x700, Ripple-XRP-vs.-Bitcoin-BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11216148 No.11216148 [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of Bitcoin, once Ripple takes #1 spot? More and more banks are already starting to use Ripple. It can do everything that BTC can and much faster/cheaper. No doubt it's security is also better than BTC if banks are trusting it.

BTC only has it's claim of being teh biggest coin, but once it loses it only for a second, then all confidence is lost. Bitcoin seems to be on borrowed time.

>> No.11216156

Bitcoin will still be useful for immutable truths, XRP can easily be turned into fiction while Bitcoin will resist the attempts. This simple fact is why Bitcoin will be adopted by the elites

>> No.11216169

>Bitcoin is adopted by the elite
>Ripple was created by the elite for the elite

Really gets makes you think.

>> No.11216170

>immutable truths
>XRP can easily be turned into fiction

haha what is this? vague conference speaker?

>> No.11216178

Who forges the XRP blocks?

>> No.11216179

btc is digital gold. like gold it is a completely useless metal. its only job is to store currency via scarcity

>> No.11216184

XRP is elaborate p&d scheme
do you think any serious project needs to hire Bill Clinton to shill their bags to retards?

>> No.11216195

you don't need to forge blocks (block is a logical grouping of transactions)
Ripple network uses ledger to group transactions
validators only need to agree on the order of transactions

>> No.11216201

To all retards fudding XRP, read the basics.


>> No.11216215

Can transactions be re-sequenced by anyone?
How hard would it be to pull off?
Would it be harder to attack Bitcoin in this way?
XRP's security is less proven than Bitcoin's.

>> No.11216224
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Lmfao. This is for their software products, retard. Swell is not about XRP at all.

Ripple makes the most money SELLING SOFTWARE...


Brainlets man, how can you be this fucking uneducated in 2018.

>> No.11216304

XRP has a better security than BTC, and it's not less proven, it's older than BTC.

Transactions can't be reordered.

>> No.11216344

Age doesn't relate to proof as much as incentives and attempts at attacking the network do.
What points of failure does XRP have?

>> No.11216357

>Don't even give a shit about the prices, just want places to adopt XRP so it doesn't take me 3-4 days to make a fucking deposit or payment if not paying with VISA.

>> No.11216417

Why is XRP even counted as a crypto?

>> No.11216622

Because it's a crypto, retard.

>> No.11216630

>What points of failure does XRP have


>> No.11216636

Because the worthless monopoly tokens are cryptographically secure.

>> No.11216646

lookup recent BTC bug, the whole network was in danger ...

>> No.11216657

>worthless monopoly tokens

please educate us, why is BTC not worthless and XRP is

>> No.11216660

Xrp was already the first, two times. The circulating supply is absurd; no other assets have capitalizations counted that way. It's absurd how much power cmc has.
Xrp shouldn't even be on cmc.

>> No.11216675

it only takes 1.9 mil. faggots with purchase of 20K XRP to deplete the whole circulation supply

>> No.11216704

Chris Larsen alone owns 5.19B xrp from the circulating supply. That's 13%.
The actual float (owned by the street) is like 1B xrp.

>> No.11216722

Already patched my node the day the fix was out. What we don't know that we don't know is awfully scary, isn't it?
And yet you claim XRP has no points of failure, It has them, you just are unaware of them, because XRP is not being extensively used or tested.

>> No.11216787

patched your validator node fixing what security bug specifically?

>> No.11216810

Ripple network amounts to $1.4B volume transferred daily

> claims it's not extensively tested yet

are you brain dead?

>> No.11216817


>> No.11216825

Volume is not an accurate metric, and you know it. What matters is real users, not institutional participation.

Enjoy your flawless, unhackable, high-volume transferring XRP. I'll enjoy my error-prone BTC that has no real users.

>> No.11216831

Let me summarize
>it go fast 1500 tps wow
>it got ddos resist
>escrow functionality wow so cool

What it leaves out
>fucking premined shitcoin with nothing preventing inflation
>completely centralized
>digital fiat and nothing else

XRP holders please go back to pleddit

>> No.11216837

error-prone BTC, this was 7 days ago, geesus


>> No.11216860

It takes observation and users to discover bugs like this. Even if it was exploited, Bitcoin could still recover from the attack with a fork.

You sincerely believe there is more development, eyes, and hands on XRP's code? Do you believe there have been more attacks against XRP?
You think that transfer volume means more than users engaged in the network?


>> No.11216880


there is no mining how can it be premined, retarded?

>completely centralized

you are pulling shit FUD from 2014 chest, it's getting annoying dealing with you retards,
can't even check facts

> digital fiat and nothing else

what? if xrp is only digital fiat and nothing else what is BTC then?

>> No.11216902

hahah delusion is real


XRP had never ever problems like this

>> No.11216924

And despite all those mess-ups and without banks, Bitcoin is still more widely used AND of a larger market cap than XRP. Almost like having a large amount of users is fundamentally important or something.

>> No.11216953

>without banks

Bitcoin ETF Might Be Possible With The Bakkt announcement

haha centralized bankster coin

> thinks market cap has anything to do with anything

MC = last price * amount in circulation

and no, it doesn't mean this amount of cash is in the fucking market

>> No.11216974

Bitcoin will become adopted by centralized powers, but it was distributed from its inception. Its growth is organic. XRP was centralized from the beginning and seeks to become more decentralized.

I figured you'd be interested in Market Cap as a metric considering you cited transfer volume as an artifact of users, which it's not.

>> No.11216997

BTC is now more centralized than XRP
because majority of hashing power is in hands of couple Chinese mining operations,
if they collude then they can reverse transactions

>> No.11217014

Do you remember UASF?
Miners do not set the rules, they have to follow the code and the users, or else their labor means nothing.

>> No.11217037

if you control 51% of hashing power you can cheat the system and nothing will stop you

>> No.11217040

>doesnt corrode
>Good conductor

>> No.11217042

They don't have to break any rules in a 51% attack.

>> No.11217058

The users and the developers would change the mining algorithm, fork away at the problematic block, there is a way to avoid such an attack to be completely fatal.

Game theory incentives make this scenario highly unlikely, but it does exist. Much better that we are aware of risks and threats than assume there are none, or trust centralized sources that may become corrupted.

>> No.11217082

You can't change the algorithm instantly. An attack costing tens or hundreds of millions of dollars will still succeed. Then think of the difficulty in making such a change. You would be screwing over all honest miners as well, and you would somehow have to reach agreement on which algorithm to use.

>> No.11217142

If Bitcoin falls to such an attack, then the entire notion of PoW mining will be proven to be flawed, which could be true.
The only experiments that produce value are the ones that may fail.

>> No.11217437

It's not. But it has a large company behind it shilling it as if it isn't a scam. Most "investors' in this market don't understand what they are buying, and don't care. Also most of the tokens are controlled by Riple foundation, so they can manipulate the price at will

>> No.11217459

XRP has no points of failure because it's literally just numbers on an Excel spreadsheet. The only cryptography is the company password in sha256

>> No.11217513

Rather than many points of failure, XRP has one massive lethal point of failure, of which there may be a multitude of vectors of attack.

>if a a boulder must fall onto your head to uphold a promise, a boulder broken into pebbles and dropped one at a time will not prove lethal

>> No.11217539
File: 992 KB, 389x259, haha3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit newfags thinking they are btc maxies

>> No.11217555

It's literally not even close to that. Each ledger contains the hash of the previous ledger, as well as the merkle root of both the transactions and the full state of accounts and balances.

>> No.11217733

>What is the point of Bitcoin

The point is to drop the middleman out of the equation aka. the banks. Ripple is useless without the banks using it.

>> No.11217779

>An attack costing tens or hundreds of millions of dollars will still succeed

And executing that attack would cost tens or hundreds of millions of dollars as well. What would be the incentive to even try and do that?

>> No.11218443

that's never going to happen, enjoy your utopia

>> No.11218474

Nothing ever does until it does.
Realists are absolutely pathetic and pessimistic.

Enjoy your empty and hollow life, wooden man.

>> No.11218516
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 1537553955832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin doesn't already exist

>> No.11218595

problem with bitcoin is that it's obsolete, unsustainable tech already

-60 min TX times
-lightning network is a fucking joke piece of shit
-consumes ele. of whole city, by 2020 it will consume more ele. than the whole US
-no smart contracts
-51% attack
-will be controlled by China
-no real use case

>> No.11218643

If technology dictated the market the entire first page of coin market cap would look different. Speculation, hype and manipulations rule this trading space for all assets, xrp included.

>> No.11218904

the hype train slowly grinds to halt, only the real world utilization has the potential now .. what's XRP doing basically with:

cobalt (next algo planned)

>> No.11218989
File: 73 KB, 1829x663, 50k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50k transactions faggot

>> No.11219086

Oh the cringe in this thread. Multiyear bear-market confirmed.

>> No.11219177

I'll believe it when the banks actually use it

>> No.11219231

What's hilarious while you all bicker about which is better, is the fact that if you watch the Tech Crunch interview with Brad Garlinghouse, even he says he owns Btc.
not eth.
Nothing else.
BTC and xrp
That should tell you something

>> No.11219241

Nobody actually uses XRP so why would any kinks in the system would ever be apparent is beyond me you stupid retard

>> No.11219297
File: 58 KB, 565x825, bankster_coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being this retarded in 2018

>> No.11219333

>I'll believe it when its too late to make any money

Good luck with that

>> No.11220342

jesus you really embarrased yourself. soooo fucking stupid. your not going to make it. dont even bother trying.

>> No.11221027



XRP is centralized banking cartel 2.0

have fun losing all your money

>> No.11221039
File: 75 KB, 1199x659, whatXRP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


repeating the same FUD he learnt in the shit streets of pajeetistan

>> No.11221048

>it's older than BTC
you're a liar and a dumbass.

>> No.11221051


ROFL i'm trouncing you in this thread as well faggot.


KILL YOURSELF ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11221063


>> No.11221084

Bitcoin cash will maybe take over.

>> No.11221089


it's fucking true you dumb cunt

>> No.11221094

it's true

it's not even a coin, it's a protocol

>> No.11221100


what's true? that there's a mass XRP shilling campaign going on right now to try and dump on normies that don't know any better?


>> No.11221111

he's right about it being older. you're making the rest of the arguments lose quality.

>> No.11221124

XRP is objectively not as old as BTC

>> No.11221136
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>> No.11221161

are you totally collapsing?

>> No.11221183

I know fucking BTC maxies getting desperate.

>> No.11221186

BHC and BTC are my favs, something about xrp is just annoying to me, i think it's that 20 XRP gets burned each time when a new wallet is activated.

>> No.11221189
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1535300219695s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what country are you from nobody even knows what you are referring to or talking about

get a fucking brain

>> No.11221201

>parrots talking to a mirror

>> No.11221216
File: 439 KB, 910x898, hahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

son of a thousands rodents

>> No.11221225
File: 422 KB, 1027x1285, 1537544298884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is coin?

>> No.11221230
File: 146 KB, 542x768, 8oQgp78emb3KZJ164LNnVFJf3ppOWhGpip2hluHkbcA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks for the image

better dump them bags for pic related shill

>> No.11221240
File: 10 KB, 235x214, marvelous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo retard

>> No.11221250
File: 372 KB, 2048x2048, 620CAD5E-7F4B-493A-AE13-A8C1BABD2B14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh i'm sorry did i hurt your feelings?

>> No.11221275

No you couldn't.

> still doesn't present any arguments against XRP

You won't ever make it.

>> No.11221288


90% supply held by founders

no incentive to keep consensus

"trust us" banking 2.0

anything else faggot?

like i said, dump your bags nobody is buying them

>> No.11221323

>cobalt - drc
>ebola - drc

>> No.11221335

>90% supply held by founders

So what do you even know how much BTC who owns? Satoshi? other whales, miners from China?

>no incentive to keep consensus

Wtf? This is suppose to be argument against investing XRP long term ?

>"trust us" banking 2.0

Wtf? This is suppose to be argument against investing XRP long term ?

Not selling anytime soon.

Put a plastic bag over your head and go to sleep.

Sorry XRP 101 for retards is over.

>> No.11221352


can owners of BTC coins affect how the network operates? are you really this fucking new?

holy shit you literally don't know anything.

but what do you expect from an XRP shill

>> No.11221392

BTC is now more centralized than XRP.

China owns more than 51% of hashing power,
if the few China mining pools were to collude
they can control the bitcoin network, scamming everyone.

Are you really this new?

>> No.11221421


like i said, how fucking new are you? controlling a percentage of hash power only gives you control over the network going forward, which you have to sustain by spending electricity.

XRP is 90% controlled by a single group and there is no game theory incentive to keep them from stealing transactions that took place in the past


>> No.11221437

No, no, no. You just don't understand Bitcoin was first therefore its proven. Nobody will ever need anything but Bitcoin. USA and Europe will never fight China over this because they know Bitcoin is the one true coin and everything else is irrelevant. The West will gladly give over power to the East anybody who says otherwise is retarded.

>> No.11221483

> only gives you control over the network going forward
thinks fundos are safu, you're real damaged one

XRP is not controlled by anyone, noone can steal or reverse transactions

and yes it has better security than BTC


>> No.11221493

> More and more banks are already starting to use Ripple
citation needed

Last i heard, those partnerships haven't gotten anything off the floor yet


>> No.11221495
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>just randomly asserting things that aren't true

>> No.11222377

Can transactions be re-sequenced by anyone?
no, because the previous ledger is used to hash the next, if a transaction in some random old ledger were changed then the next ledger would not match the original ledger, therefore it would not be considered valid by any node
validators arrange the transactions, all nodes check if it's valid and spread it
the xrp network is as safe as bitcoin is, by being a multi billion dollar market cap coin it surely has been field tested as much as bitcoin
it would only fail if all nodes were shut down
because it is cryptographically secure, just like bitcoin...

>> No.11222414

>90% supply held by founders
>"trust us" banking 2.0
what part of xrp requires trust?
>no incentive to keep consensus
if there isn't any incentive then why there are 900+ nodes?

>> No.11222491
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>useless metal
Sure, keep watching logan paul, keemstar or trevon james. You will make it