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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 800x464, bezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11200702 No.11200702 [Reply] [Original]


t. seething communist

Who else has watched/read bezos interviews for inspiration? man is a modern genius

>> No.11200711

Chainlink is trash fuck off pajeet

>> No.11200719

more like gayzos

>> No.11200721

I prefer Musk or Thiel for my inspiration. Both are based African Americans

>> No.11200723

get in the cage, bitch

>> No.11200758
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Jeff Bezos... let me tell you about Jeff Bezos

>Well Jimm-

I'm gonna have to cut you off Steff, sorry. Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post, one of the most distinguished newspapers in American journalism, and has a 500 billion dollar fucking deal with the pentagon. Ever wonder why the Washington Post never says shit about this guy? Look at him, with his shit eating grin. And now, they're putting workers in cages. Cages. This... this is modern day capitalism folks. I'll throw it to my panel, Ron or Steff you guys got something to say?

>> No.11200780


>> No.11200800

I respect him but hate his WaPo shill outlet

>> No.11200828


>> No.11200839

Fuck Commie faggots
Based Amazon

>> No.11200987

being fixated on so called rich people. you realize their entire fortune amonts to about 3 months of crypto volume if that. they are really fuck all

>> No.11201027
File: 176 KB, 276x337, igargleonBezoscum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based Amazon
>doesn't pay his workers enough despite being one of the most profitable companies ever so we all have to pay for the welfare with our tax dollars

>> No.11201048

Hello commie, how does losing feel? Im feeling curious

>> No.11201074

He doesn't have much MONEY, he has a lot of stock he can't even sell. Imagine that. Bezos couldn't write me a check for $1m without stuttering.

>> No.11201083

The irony is palpable

>> No.11201085


I really love how he pushes trash through the washington post, and the same cucks that declare him ebil corporate man completely gobble it up.

Really makes you think.

>> No.11201094

>Steve Jobs outsource jobs to other countries and pay peanuts

>Bezos keeps jobs in the US and pay workers above min wage
Everyone up in arms

>> No.11201095

So vague
Youre such a smart person :)

>> No.11201206

> keeps welfare subsidised poverty level jobs in usa
> everything sold on amazon made in china

>> No.11201396

>he's even dumber than I expected

>> No.11201446

>pays taxes

You do realise he is taking you for a ride while u wagecuck every day correct?
The older I get and meet boomers the more I realise that liberals and pro capitalists are massive cucks they literally cheer the guys that fuck them in the ass lmao

>> No.11201484

What’s is he supposed to do then? Make everything in the use and charge triple the price for all the goods? Lmao
Blame the boomers who sold America and profited from it, the ones that destroyed the American industry for profit knowing damn well They were going to die before it affected them.

>> No.11201485

Are you under the impression that if China did all the shitty jobs everyone in the US would end up with high paying jobs, instead of jobless?

>> No.11201498

I'm a NatSoc, fuck your jewish capitalism

>> No.11201517

we dont have to pay for welfare...

>> No.11201530

Nice false flag commie, but Im a real fash :)

>> No.11201592
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Will I be based and redpilled if I suck the cocks of the kikes hoarding billions while the rest of us are enslaved to them?? Will poltards love me then?

>> No.11202356

It's fun watching the Walmart cycle from the 2000's repeat again. Also bizarre seeing the same exact wording for all of it. Only difference now is more specific references to Bezos, the Walmart leadership was more invisible.

>> No.11202379

>someone is more successful than me
>must be a kike

>someone is less successful than me
>must be a communist or nigger

the absolute state of /pol/tards

>> No.11202391


>> No.11202401

Found the commie nigger kike

>> No.11202875


Yes Bezos seems like a cool, smart and reasonable guy.
That includes putting wagies in cages.

>> No.11202906
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>every thread

>> No.11202939
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>You don't like mega corporations therefore you're a communist
Ancaps are mentally retarded

>> No.11203048

probably 20 years from now well all be like fuuuuck why didnt I just buy Amazon at the "top" in 2018

>> No.11203335

mega corporations are literally made by commie principles and over intervention by the state.

its funny how commies think the problem is the rich when in reality the problem comes from the government.

>> No.11203584

I see you enjoy your new cage.

>> No.11203637

I find it ironic that the current “capitalism” couldn’t exist without the central planning of “Communist” China. All these titans of industry are dependent on a Communist state to build these giant factories and worker dormitories to make their crap.

It doesn’t count if the commie part happens overseas I guess.

>> No.11203747


Kek, now that's a troll. Nice b8 m8. Now back to your wagecage, your shift is nearly over.

>> No.11203755

Bezos got caught hiring shitposters to help his image.

>> No.11203789


Except that Chinese "communism" failed until they allowed "Capitalist" economics to fix their shit up. Pricing problem kills the commies every time, that and the corruption of course. Which is also why their economy is still so shaky, they try to just force stock prices and indices to be where they want, but it just doesn't work. China is the epitome of the failed communist experiment. And that social credit system is some creepy, dystopian shit, worse than the mind games corporates play on their wagecucks. Kys if you support that crap, seriously.

>> No.11203806

Taxes are theft and borders and laws are an illusion

>> No.11203811


Wut really? Got a link? Commies usually post the "/biz/ will defend this" thread with Bezos as part of the /leftypol/ campaign to blue the non-/pol/ boards. Disregarding that actual AnCaps and libertarians (as most of /biz/ are) hate the fucker. A link to that will be some good ammo.

>> No.11203821


Cool. Go find some homeless people and put em up in your bedroom then.

>> No.11203825
File: 114 KB, 727x1039, Wright-Kim-Jong-Un-Profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China is the epitome of the failed communist experiment
Didn't you forget someone?

>> No.11203836

PS: You know what's cool? The current North Korea timeline. Everything in the world is shit but North Korea is making good news. Thanks Trump.

>> No.11203838

Yes, it has reached a breaking point. When “Communist” China collapses it will be entertaining. Also funny/ironic that part of the appeal of Communism is to fight exploitation of guys like Bezos/Jobs. Also failed their people on that point.

>> No.11203846

He's unironically one of our last hopes against the jewish menace
That's why he's hated so much

>> No.11203878


Kek, he's trolling, most Ancaps view megacorporations as an artifact of State power and intervention in the market. They act together as a single ruling "Class" to use your terminology. They're unironically the "not real Capitalism" the same way you probably try and claim Stalin was "not real Communism", the difference being that actual free market Capitalism has existed at a number of points in history so it's not some weak utopianism to think that we could achieve a "classless, stateless society with the workers owning the means of production" relying on voluntary participation & the free market alone. So lurk moar commie there's literally threads with nothing but Bezos hate posted fairly regularly.

>> No.11203913


Kek, maybe - the Chinese have the more systematic & insidious problems though that inevitably occur with communism even if they avoid degenerating into an outright totalitarianism dictatorship. The Norks are more like cartoon supervillians though, even I'll say "not real communism" to them haha.

>> No.11203922

I’m too lazy, but the biggest example that comes to mind is this: https://techcrunch.com/2018/08/23/what-is-this-weird-twitter-army-of-amazon-drones-cheerfully-defending-warehouse-work/amp/

His warehouse workers supposedly get paid per positive post bragging about being a cagie wagie.

He bought a newspaper and I’m pretty sure salaried editors have to blow him in print. Which is even worse. The twitter shit is fucking psychotic.

>> No.11203932


actually it isnt profitable at all

>> No.11203946
File: 41 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold AMZN in 2013 for $250

>> No.11203973


Current communist movements like antifa being financed by the same people they claim to despise must have Mark and Lenin spinning in their graves. The one time in recent history where an actual group of old school tankies might actually be useful (crushing the emerging brave new world corporate-driven identity politics dystopia), with working class movements of dissatisfaction with the system & a growing awareness of how fucked the combination of State power and globalist corporate interests are. And they turn tail and sell straight out to "the man". Fucking commies, every damn time......

>> No.11203985
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Nice one fren, saved

>> No.11204048

Stalin straight up robbed banks to fund his revolution. That’s pretty fucking badass, actually. If they’re being “funded” then they’re just pawns to disrupt one capitalist in favor of another under the guise “socialism” or “revolution”.

>> No.11205185

>Current communist movements like antifa being financed by the same people they claim to despise must have Mark and Lenin spinning in their graves.
Top kek, you realize that bolsheviks were funded by jewish bankers from the US and Germany right?
Radical leftist activism has always been a golem for the global jewry, read the Culture of Critique.

>> No.11205329
File: 1.00 MB, 2458x3000, 1507373851695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

order from amazon,
sorry your package might be late,
its 1 day shipping from other side of planet to my doorstep,

its even 1 day EARLY for fucks sake.

amazon is everything to me now.

i fucking love it, fuck everyone who thinks different.

>> No.11205574

I bought amzn in 2014 for 240


>> No.11206115

So has capitalism. Jews are “over-achievers” in whatever they do. Israelis are foaming at the mouth right-winger ultra-capitalists, or they’re kibbutz-living crypto-commies. Sometimes both at different periods in their life. Pointing out “the Jews” as one or the other is almost a moot point. It is in their culture to be aware of their station and adopt whatever politics necessary to thrive. You’ll see them in NYC having a half dozen kids on welfare while using their bennies to be slumlords/invest in silver/gold, etc.

>> No.11206615
File: 18 KB, 315x475, 28008677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So has capitalism
Totally anachronistic, capitalism isn't a blueprint theory like communism/socialism, it's an organic byproduct of the industrial revolution.
Unlike Marx, Smith didn't wake up one day and invent capitalism, he just observed economies in Europe during the early industrial revolution and drew conclusions.

>Jews are “over-achievers” in whatever they do
Wrong again, jews are notoriously weak leaders, builders or warriors, hell why they spent the last 2000 years as parasite on the backs of the West as they never had the strength to claim a place for themselves until very recently (and still heavily rely on europeans and their descents to protect them).
That said it's true they tend to perform well in service-based economies as it's how they have been r-selected during centuries but it has little to do with their parasitic behaviors and propension to subvert the people hosting them.