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11171071 No.11171071 [Reply] [Original]

How do I short working women?

>> No.11171179

Invest in up and coming dildo company

>> No.11171185

Why does this offend betas so much?

Some people are better than you. Get over it.

>> No.11171196

This actually has nothing to do with Betas. Its women pricing themselves out of the dating market entirely because there aren't enough of the males they want to go around.

>> No.11171209

What the other guys said. Its also pretty hypocritical. Men dont care how much women make. They generally dont care if they even have a job, most prefer that they dont.

Women display how greedy they are when they are already making good money and still only looking for men who make more. Good way to ensure they end up alone and childless.

>> No.11171211

Fucking betafag.

Women are obviously looking for the best genes and social status. Degree and money are a good indicator of both.

Betafags like you will always blame everyone else for their shitty live.

>> No.11171229


Lets be honest
>men care if a woman looks pretty
>women care if a guys smart and rich, so they can provide for their children

Who is actually worse here?

>> No.11171239

Men can make children until they die. So it doesn't matter whos worse here, women have a limited window to work with. Once that window is closed, its not opening again, then another feminist is born.

>> No.11171251

>Men care if a woman is pretty and nice
>Women want better than themselves at all times regardless of where they fall even they are at the apex of financial earnings

Oh please. They don't want a smart and rich guy for their children. They want his money and use children as a way to ensure they get it. I mean if one part is smarter and richer than the other and clearly can provide for them better why don't they just get custody during the inevitable divorce?

>> No.11171263

>implying i am not looking for best genes and social status

merely banging some shit tier betawhore does not unwire all modern waman so they can cope with the modern world. enjoy the 2/10 that sucks your pathetic microscopic faggot cock. meanwhile thousands of prime specimen are wasted every year because they don't get it and you fucking onion dicks will settle for anything.

>> No.11171268
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The higher and higher women think they achieve, the more they price themselves out of the market. It doesn’t matter the time or place, women think a majority of men aren’t worth them. That’s where the 80-20 thing comes from- hordes of women only want the top 15% of men. And the other anon was right when he said it just shows how greedy women are that they can be a doctor and still only want a doctor who earns more than them...but it’s totally not about money ;^)

>> No.11171274
File: 69 KB, 662x928, robowife1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biocunts are already going the way of the horse anyway, soon we will replace them through more capable waifu robots that will be better in everything than the useless biocunt of today.

Pros of a Robot Wife:

>never ages
>never smells
>doesn't get fat
>works with 100% efficiency to make you happy
>doesn't turn into a psycho once a month
>will never cheat on you (Robot Wife could also be good for Home Defense)
>can do chores for you
>never complains
>always wants to fuck when you want and fullfill every one of your fetishes
>never initiates any Drama
>can own as many robot wifes as you can afford (will make Men want to work harder)
>long battery life thanks to fuel cells
>completely customizable during ordering process
>Robot AI learns about you to be your best possible companion
>can only improve over time
>easily replaceable


>> No.11171278

To be fair they feel the same urge to leave men to find better in the same way you do to fuck a random thot you see on the street regardless of circumstance.

>> No.11171294
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It just shows that despite all of our “”””””””progress”””””””” women really are the inferior gender- literally hardwired to look for a more powerful someone to take care of them. It’s what women ceos retire to become stay at home moms and feminists have rape fantasies.

>> No.11171296

You’re not wrong anon. I’m thinking of leaving my gf just because she doesn’t do it for me sexually. She’s exactly what I’m looking for in a woman but goddamn does she make my dick flaccid sometimes. We are assholes, they are assholes. We’re all assholes. Just find the right cunt that gets your pecker up and will show you the love and affection your mother did.

>> No.11171304


I’m not black

>> No.11171313


Why is this bad?

NEETs should be shuned and shamed

>> No.11171319


delusinal beta virgin

>shows how greedy women are that they can be a doctor and still only want a doctor who earns more than them...but it’s totally not about money ;^)

Nothing wrong with this. The income of the top 1 percent of men is higher than top 1 percent of women.

They just want to date their equal (which is richer) of the other gender. If it said something like women with bachelors wanted to only date phds that's wrong cause these are split much more evenly, but men just flat out earn more so obviously marrying your equal of the other gender is marrying someone richer.

>> No.11171342

Numbers support me and good job ignoring everything else like the bitch you are.

Men don't care about how much a woman makes unless she isn't able to support herself at all and even then it doesn't really matter. Women are the deluded ones that need to find someone which makes more. Which is why there are articles about them pricing themselves out of the dating market like so you fucking shill.

>> No.11171358

>Men don't care about how much a woman makes unless she isn't able to support herself at all and even then it doesn't really matter.
No they don't, cause they care about her looks instead. A guys status (wealth, education, career) is the equivalent thing to females of looks to men

>> No.11171379

By not thinking about them

>> No.11171401

I read the other day that the things that make a man happiest in a relationship is being with a woman who is both cheerful and kind

>> No.11171402

>No they don't, cause they care about her looks instead. A guys status (wealth, education, career) is the equivalent thing to females of looks to men
No it isn't. Looks are the equivalent for women. They look at that shit because they are willing to trade their bodies for money and support. They still want someone they find physically attractive which is why women in their 20s who are already being supported don't care about that shit and purely date the people they are attracted to.

Men don't care about money as I said. So why Suzy is looking for a guy who makes more than she does that guy is busy marrying a waitress because he doesn't fucking care.

>> No.11171405

>will never cheat on you (Robot Wife could also be good for Home Defense)

>> No.11171417
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>women with bachelors want to date phds

That’s what’s happening though. Nurses want to fuck doctors, engineers want to fuck managers. Women are the nigger of gender- literally hardwired to want a man to take care of them no matter how much they scream about muh equality.

>> No.11171432

it's really not about money. I'm very successful and intelligent but not a 6'2 Chad so women don't even know I exist.

jokes on them though, I'm not dumb enough to get married

>> No.11171434

Funny u say this, my last gf, we broke up right b4 I went balls deep in blockchain, was obtaining her nurse practitioners while working 3 jobs. She wouldnt have time to do all that if her mother wasnt home to take care of her daughter. She had a stretched out stomach and torn vagene from her only child which she was super self conscious about. I never ate her puss and she kept her shirt half way on most of the time when sexing. Anyways the 3rd job she got near our end was an easy one compared to her emergency room bentaub position, she was finally working part time for a plastic surgeon in the med center I wonder why

>> No.11171449

>Uncanny valley

>> No.11171455


the unironically only solution to the women question is to actively discourage them from entering into higher education, and only allow them to take low paid stereotypically female jobs (nursing, secretary, stewardess etc.).

that is how it has always been in the past, which ensured that a woman was actually fucking happy with the man she got. and you just cannot possibly solve the problem otherwise.

>> No.11171463
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>Nothing wrong with this. The income of the top 1 percent of men is higher than top 1 percent of women.
>They just want to date their equal (which is richer) of the other gender.

everything is wrong with this. wealthy women are on the exact same footing from a dating perspective as dental hygienists, hair stylists, bar tenders, college drop outs, and aspiring models. this is why they will always lose. men across all levels of wealth do not for the most part care about how wealthy the women they date are, they care about looks and personality. attractive wealthy women who cannot snag a man do not understand that they are no more desirable for their wealth. empowering women is one of the worst things we've done to them.

>> No.11171485
File: 1.53 MB, 3456x5184, MetArt_Sonare_Michaela-Isizzu_high_0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will change over time and they will become better than any biocunt.

the robot could taser and teargas niggers when they try to break in (assuming we didn't kill them all by then).

>> No.11171490

>the unironically only solution to the women question is to actively discourage them from entering into higher education, and only allow them to take low paid stereotypically female jobs (nursing, secretary, stewardess etc.).
>that is how it has always been in the past, which ensured that a woman was actually fucking happy with the man she got. and you just cannot possibly solve the problem otherwise.

This is literally how it was even before feminism and muh womens right to work.

Women didn't work in the past not because nobody let them, but because there weren't enough comfortable office jobs available.

>> No.11171503

>this will change over time and they will become better than any biocunt.

Doubt they'll pass until way after I'm dead.

Also, you're assuming we won't be sent back to technological black ages thanks to feminists, trannies, homosexuals and all the leftist sjw shit going on in tech right now.

>> No.11171545
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How do I short the troll farm comrade I mean new friend...?

>> No.11171589
File: 1.55 MB, 3456x5184, MetArt_Sonare_Michaela-Isizzu_high_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doubt they'll pass until way after I'm dead.
you plan to die so early?
it won't take longer than 15 - 20 years, maybe even less.

>Also, you're assuming we won't be sent back to technological black ages thanks to feminists, trannies, homosexuals and all the leftist sjw shit going on in tech right now.
The Robot Wife market is a trillion dollar idea, its only a matter of time until someone pulls it off and combines the already existing technologies to liberate us from the roastie menace and nobody will be able to stop them.

they are the best advertising for the Robot Wife you could come up with because the Robot Wife will be superior in every way to the nagging annoying Biocunt.

the problem solves itself through suicide, the mentally ill dont have a long life.

>> No.11171679
File: 2.48 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180906_084806920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The redpill coming from a real favelanon that lives in a 3 world country were we have great social discrepance and almost no social mobility and that his gf is rich when he lives in a favela.

1- Woman are like all other human beings, nobody like poverty, to be hungry, to want something and dont be able to buy it, to not be able to experience good things that are high cost value, you as a man should acquire wealth so you can give your heritage a better life, period.
2-Mens are providers, that means that a ultimate level the value of a man and that he will give to his heritage is the hability to acquire wealth or show the path to it
3- When woman reach a financial equivalence through their pairs : ie same financial power as their inner social circles they wont be so "gold diggers" because they will seek things like a human normally would :beauty, etc
4- Every poor people out there want money, there are guys who fuck older woman, who fucks older dudes and that give his ass to win some cash, so at a ultimate level we have shit of both sides
5-Woman have to chase upper value man because woman have natural value as they can give birth to life, man dont have this power so we have to do what we have to do

You guys are fucking mentally ill, you take someone that invested time and resources and think that it doesnt mean nothing.

Any man that invested money and time and got a better life would prefer a more intelligente woman rather than a dumb one. If you had to choose to have a intelligent and a dumb one with all the rest equal you would choose a intelligent ones.

The difference is that man seeks logical intelligence and woman seeks emotional intelligence.

Stop being fags,

>> No.11171758

People can be intelligent without going to college or being high earners. Unless you want to imply that purely because someone has a job which makes a lot of money means they are more intelligent than everyone making less money.

That is also a lot of flowery bullshit which says nothing but tries to absolve women of being what they are.

>> No.11171774
File: 211 KB, 900x790, 2012-02-23-artificial-womb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5-Woman have to chase upper value man because woman have natural value as they can give birth to life
only until we get the Artificial Womb technology up and running, then Biocunts won't have a use anymore.

The Artificial Womb:

>New Men would be cloned in a cloning Facility
>the artificial womb takes care of the feetus by feeding it only the best nutrients
>artificial womb monitors the feetus 24/7 to make sure it turns out healthy
>genetic engineering will make designer babbys a thing so no more manlets, dicklets or baldlets
>100% healthy and strong babbys
>The Waifu Bots will will take care of them during child age

>> No.11171878

That would be fine if I could quit my job and take care of the household. I would love to be NEET. Seems fun and easy.

The problem is that these working women don't want unemployed men. So two working parents means the household goes to shit.

>> No.11171980

I never said academical sucess = intelligence, I dont know from where you came to that reasoning,I just said that any graduation means that someone invested time and resources, period, and because of that it shouldnt be seen as "nothing".

I never said that money= intelligence, poverty=dumb, I just said that as a Man you are a provider to your siblings and parents at a ultimate level, so you have to be good on that.

I was talking about nowadays, future still being future.

>> No.11171991

I always thought it was weird I didn't see graffiti in the Congo when I was there. Then I realized they can't read or write.

>> No.11172004


When you actually start dating women you do start to care about how much they make or else you’ll be paying for everything which sucks (unless you’re so rich that it doesn’t matter). I dated a girl who made almost a third of what I made and it really sucked to be paying for 90% of everything.

>> No.11172128

imagine how inbred humanity would be if everyone only wanted to fuck one person they knew best.

>> No.11172146

>future still being future.
that Future is not very far away.

>> No.11172148
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but you still dated her. a woman wouldn't even get that far with a man who made a third of what she did.

>> No.11172156

>>never ages
actually plastic and silicone products have a very limited lifetime especially when used.

>> No.11172165

>there aren't enough of the males they want to go around
Even if there were, the men they want don't want them back. Chads marry good girls, not used-up career women.

>> No.11172179

decent bait. 7/10.

>> No.11172193

Technology will find a way and material science will advance this to be the case, in any way you will be able to simply buy a new robot and the AI will just use that robot device.

>> No.11172205
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>> No.11172273
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The best example I heard is this:
A women has a building of men to choose from, each new floor has smaller quantities of better quality men as she moves up, but she's not allowed to go back down to the previous floor.
Eventually, her imaginary standards lead her to the very top room, and it's empty.

>> No.11172279

Yes, that pic is right.

Sucessfull man+sucesfull woman chance of have a child like Alexander the Great.

Average man + sucesfull woman => ruined pool

>> No.11172333

To be fair, I find pathetic when a woman receive more than her husband. It is the ultimate proof that the guy is trash

>> No.11172404

yeah not to mention your doll will get horribly outdated in 2-3 years like a smart phone today.

>> No.11172419

thats necessary to fund the further development of the Robot Wife, with every Generation it will become better and better.

>> No.11172435

Enjoy your ex-wives alimony.

>> No.11172464

Really update would still be cheaper than a 3dpd ball and chain.

>> No.11172475


>> No.11172504

>brand new sex robodoll every 3 yrs
>some upgrades maybe, new look
Better than women

>> No.11172558

I would just pay whores at this point. Things with women are only going to get worse. Wait for future generations of dangerously low birthrates worldwide and the children who do get born will be poorly raised.

>> No.11172699
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And when you step outside the mush of the female brain, this is what you actually get.

>> No.11172917

It's the West that will die and all the mongrels that have kept their women in check will inherit the infrastructure.

>> No.11172982

>cheerful and kind
The good mother

>> No.11173007
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>inherit the infrastructure

lol good luck maintaining it with room temp iqs

>> No.11173163

Absolutely but thats not what the article is about.
The article is about 35 year old whores who suddenly are getting worried they won't get a decent man. And they're right - all the decent men AND women are taken by that point.

>> No.11173430

kys virgin, you will never taste neither a real woman nor a robowaifu in your life

>> No.11173776

The problem is that women were allowed to enter the workforce and become educated. This has caused a major imbalance because the majority of men are blue collar. The blue collar women that would have married these men before, now simply can't, because most women chase degrees and an elevated social status. Basically it comes back to feminism.

>> No.11173789

Won't be marrying niggers then

>> No.11173805
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shut up Biocunt

>> No.11173809

This guy gets it

>> No.11174306

Hahaha. I didn't know about this. So she dated a Hispanic gangster and apparently an Arab royal.

Why the hell would Don Jr give her the time of day?