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11153746 No.11153746 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11153758

>Chainlink stickers are valued at 100 million dollars

>> No.11153759


>> No.11153764
File: 13 KB, 232x162, IMG_0529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good news keeps rolling in. We are seriously unironically not even memeing going to $1000 by end of calendar year 2018

>> No.11153785

Do we have any anons in San Francisco?

>> No.11153816

Yes but I only have 1k link. I'll get stickers for people if they are willing to send me link for them

>> No.11153836

Can someone unironically get me a Chainlink sticker? I'd be eternally grateful

>> No.11153840

How many link a sticker?

>> No.11153847

How much??

>> No.11153856

250 link

>> No.11153866


250k USD (in three months) for a sticker? Lmao

>> No.11153868
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The absolute state of linklets

>> No.11154015

Holy fuck no where near worth it

>> No.11154054

How brown your skin is danesh

>> No.11154059

Can I just PayPal you anon?

>> No.11154073


>> No.11154080

Uhh... Just buy link stickers on redbubble

>> No.11154132

They won't be officially licensed collectables, but cheap knock-offs

>> No.11154174

When the fuck is Sergey talking and when is the meet and greet?

I have free flights for me and my wife but I don't want to spend money to stay in a hotel (I'm still accumulating).

When should I go for the best probability to meet Sergey and here him talk?

>> No.11154247

Yes. I would if I could

>> No.11154263

I met him, I’m the infamous baldy Manlet who helped crash the price after SXSW. If you are heavily invested in chainlink I suggest you do the same so you can see what an incoherent autist he is and you will realize why the white paper makes no sense - because sergey speaks about blockchain like a schizo homeless person.

>> No.11154291

Prove it with a new selfie manlet

>> No.11154308

never hes a scammer

>> No.11154312

This faggot. If you deliver I will booik a fucking flight right now for me and my wife and both of us will take a picture with Sergey.

>> No.11154317

this. Post proof of larp now $0y boi

>> No.11154320

September 25th

>> No.11154557
File: 689 KB, 750x745, 40A05B1A-CAA8-482C-94D5-7B7638A99FBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iCloud giving me shit but here’s some never before seen thumbnails.

>> No.11154587

Sergey is a stoner who got miraculously lucky when a bunch of friendless internet retards started making memes with the logo from his College senior project. $1000 EOY? More like 1000 kcal in MY MOTHERFUCKING BIG MAC

>> No.11154589


I literally just ordered a flight up to there for the weekend, im in LA though so its a little bit easier to get there. Im very excited for this opportunity.

>> No.11154596

has sherlocklink been wrong about anything?

>> No.11154638

So he was right about this...
Does that mean he's also right about CL not being mentioned at all at Dreamforce?

>> No.11154641

Do you think 'gey will be there all three days? I'm assuming he'll only be there for a little while and I have burning questions for him.

What keeps him up at night?

>> No.11154657
File: 271 KB, 617x664, D6C4DE76-26B8-4B27-86EC-7471D99480DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy as fuck in my LINK hoodie

>> No.11154659

fuck off ranjesh

>> No.11154665

I mean, it wouldn't make sense to mention at DF. CL's customers (partners in the common tounge) are already displaying revolutionary tech. Pimping chainlink would just confuse the people. Chainlink is cool because it lets cool products work. Let the products infiltrate people's minds and let chainlink blow everyone away with SWIFT.

>> No.11154703

Projection lel

>> No.11154774

Well so much for the post Dreamforce dump I was looking forward to

>> No.11154807

yeah sorry. It looks like we will just be stuck with a 70% dreamforce pump when like 3 smart industry guys ask the right questions and drop their bonuses...
:/ oh well

>> No.11154819

Hey so you met Sergey and now you say he’s shit. So did your impression honestly flip upon meeting him? Based on the photo you looked like a dick sucking fan boy. Was it meeting him or the subsequent dump that made you pissy? Did you hold link then, and do you now?

>> No.11154863

Sergey is a stuck up prick wouldn't even let me take a selfie with him

>> No.11154928

Stand outside their office headquarters on a Tuesday morning at 7 and wait into line he walks by

>> No.11155106

anon i..

>> No.11155135

I'm flying from the east coast and probably will have to have a layover. I really wanna fucking meet sergey and I'd be fucking dabbing on everyone if mainnet is announced there. Imagine being with Sergey during the singularity and posting in all the epci threads. I have to be there.

>> No.11155153
File: 5 KB, 435x269, 1524334899570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met chainlinks legal counsel during my walk to lunch once

nice guy

>> No.11155252
File: 738 KB, 2400x990, 1517181164941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better chance of finding him at the mcdonalds nearby

>> No.11155424

Is it free to attend?

>> No.11155430
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, 1537319764024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exclusive Chainlink stickers
Kek, the stickers are going going to have a demand that's relatively high compared to the supply. The stickers are literally going to be worth more than LINK

>> No.11155438

I'd like a skateboard if anyone can grab me one

>> No.11155446

Don't think so

>> No.11155603

I believe so. See y’all at the sticker line. Might send some out depending how how many I can grab

>> No.11155761

it's going to be the shitty new logo stickers idiots not the cool cube

>> No.11155768


where do the fore to get one of them today?

>> No.11155830
File: 333 KB, 1080x1440, ATaleOfFrens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>shitposting irl