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11148072 No.11148072[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

HM4 a live in maid who gives blowjobs and sex?

>> No.11148099

you don't want her living with you anon. this is the dumbest idea i've ever seen posted on biz.

>> No.11148109

you wanna pay someone to get you off? then just pay someone to get you off. you want to pay someone to get you off and live in your house? just kys ya fucking psycho.

>> No.11148373

I want sex as easy as getting using a kitchen appliance, I don't wanna wait hours for some whore.

>> No.11148403

Get a vinyl sex doll no emotional burden, a good one will run you 2k.

>> No.11148426

>HM4 what is is that in the in the Kings English

>> No.11148432

I get that for free. She pays her half of the bills and all I have to do is make jokes and pick out jewelry for her on occasion.

>> No.11148473

would consider depending how good the sex is

>> No.11149376
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>ITT folks who have never lived with a woman

>> No.11149421

Is it a good experience or a bad one?

>> No.11149908

Right? dude thinks she'll still be his whore once they're living together.

>> No.11149978

let me ask you this: do you want the woman that fulfills your sexual fantasies to also use your bathroom to take a shit and farts on your couch? If so, you'd love it

>> No.11150006

What the fuck does HM4 means?

>> No.11150018

There are a million reasons why this won't work, not just what has been said so far

Trying to use a whore for anything other than being a whore is bound for disaster 99.9% of the time. Now you want a dirty whore with baggage, boyfriends/pimps/other johns, drug addictions, bad work ethic (otherwise she probably wouldn't be a whore) to live with you, good luck anon

>> No.11150025

It kind of sucks. Everything takes longer than it needs to

>> No.11150088

Whoops, to live with you, and do the dishes, take out the garbage, etc, right??? Lol

>> No.11150100


Go to the Philippines and only pay 300-400 a month.

>> No.11150216

lmao exactly
depends on the woman
Short answer, I love it.
Long answer, if you're paying a woman for sex, and she is quite literally a whore. It probably won't work out well for you. I mean she actually has sex for money. How fucking stupid can you be?

>> No.11150255

It's bad more often than it's good and when it's good it's not good enough to justify risking it. Generally, women let their tampons stack to the Heavens along with the rest of their garbage, clothes get thrown around, used silverware just gets left for hours or longer, they'll use a towel and just throw it, they'll put an enormous amount of their cosmetics, shampoo, etc. all over to the point that it just dominates the bathroom, they won't put the lid back on the toothpaste, etc. Little things like that which cumulatively add up.

Then, women are wired in this weird fucking way that whenever you are at your busiest, whether it be working on something that is do or die and has your total concentration or just eating a meal, they exist to break your concentration and want to get all touchy feely or say something you have to respond to right when you put your food in your mouth.
They're generally awful when you have to get to bed by a certain time.

They ALL have weird fucking medical issues that you will absolutely have to deal with, asthma, seizures, crohns, migraines, SOMETHING. They all have something. They generally watch dumb shit at least half the time on television. So on and so on. I run my own business and about 6 months into the process I realized I legitimately would fail if I had a woman living with me unless she was basically like a slightly smarter dog that I could just open the door and let run around outside for a few hours while I'm busy.

Don't get me wrong either, I LOVE women. A big thing that motivated me to tough it through the hard times was the confidence I had when I talked to pretty girls, but you learn quick that they all come with exorbitant costs. That's before even considering signing that contract where you put up half your shit in perpetuity to never sleep with any other woman ever again. It's across the board too, from Penn PhD students to Hooters girls. The patterns repeat themselves too much to be coincidence.

>> No.11150334

>They ALL have weird fucking medical issues

This. Whats with the absolute state of females? My gf always has something going on

>omg im getting a pimple better violently pick at it with my nails until it gets infected and worsens the situation!
>omg im constipated for over a week and completely bloated better not do anything about it and just let it be!
>omg I have stomach aches I wonder why!
>omg my knees/back hurts I it has nothing to do with me never excercising!
>omg im getting weird hives
>omg omg my period
And it goes on and on. Meanwhile theres me, no medical issues, no complaining, perfectly healthy no problems ever. What gives?

>> No.11150391

>Penn PhD

Did you go to Penn?

I graduated 2016 undergrad.

>> No.11150396


>Then, women are wired in this weird fucking way that whenever you are at your busiest, whether it be working on something that is do or die and has your total concentration or just eating a meal, they exist to break your concentration and want to get all touchy feely or say something you have to respond to right when you put your food in your mouth.
They're generally awful when you have to get to bed by a certain time.

I have never read anything more accurate in my life holy fuck I thought it was just me

>> No.11150489

What the fuck, especially the medical issues part
And for some reason the health issues dissapear when they are single and riding the cock carousel, very strange :^)

>> No.11150533 [DELETED] 
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I wonder how much of this would be turned around with the occasional slap.

>> No.11150537

can confirm this, apparently they are all the same. lived 4 years with ex-gf. living alone again and never had more time and a cleaner space than now.

>> No.11150651

Let's just say not to do it unless you have a better reason than pussy (i.e. having kids). And you WON'T GET PUSSY living with your pussy source. She will gradually amass more and more power, insidiously infecting your systems of government, until you are incited to begin a foreign war for no discernible reason. Don't do it, anon. Expel them.

>> No.11150794

Legitimately no idea. I've dated quite a cross section of women and 90% of the time they have something. This isn't a "nobody is perfect" sort of thing either. It's not like their boobs are too small, or they have an allergy to peanuts, or something like that. I mean, legitimate hard prescriptions for life and/or regular hospital visit type things. Then, there are the ones that might not have anything physically wrong with them but in lieu of that they have enormous psychological issues. At that point you approach a near 100% rate of major "issues" when you include that.
No I didn't, sorry. This was from literally a decade ago. I had some cousins and friends that went there though.
I'll always feel bad about telling a girl "sorry I'm too busy" or asking her to leave the room so I can focus, but I have a good idea of what I can and can't do in any given moment. There are probably much better guys out there than me that can simultaneously do what I do while their girlfriend is on their lap talking about the deals she got at TJ Maxx, but that isn't me. I wish I was that good.

>> No.11150941

Baddragon has really nice onaholes and lubes.

enjoy, not even shilling.

>> No.11151304

>They ALL have weird fucking medical issues that you will absolutely have to deal with, asthma, seizures, crohns, migraines, SOMETHING. They all have something.

This is one of the big fundamental differences I think. Men will avoid the doctor at all costs unless their life or dick are in imminent danger, but women need constant medical attention and doctor appointments. I don't think I've ever met a woman relatively untroubled healthwise, and it seems like they'll make shit up if they need to.

>> No.11151410

Not spending enough time outside. Women need to just spend more time outside.

>> No.11151428

You haven't found the one. I pity you for that.

Saying "All women are like this" is retarded. Search harder, get lucky eventually. If she ain't perfect, you will have to form her how you want her to be. Show her what you want and why you want it done that way, if she is intelligent, she will now to your logic and be a great asset for your life.

Source: my gf is clean, fun to have around, understands when I need to get shit done and that my shit is sometimes more important than anything she wants right now.

>> No.11151596

how long have you been together?
when are you getting married?

>> No.11151663
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lol you gays need to chad the fuck up. Used to pump and dump females until i found one who was different... pays half the bills, does the dishes, laundry, cooks for me, sucks my cock whenever I say. Basically does whatever I say at all times.

Knows to leave me the fuck alone unless i WANT to do something with her. Doesn't ask too many questions about what i do when we aren't together. Oh and she's easily a 8/10. Probably higher, but I have high standards.

I literally haven't done the dishes or laundry in 2.5 years. This chick genuinely loves me. The marriage part I will agree with tho... not sure how that would change the situation so that's not on the radar for me right now.

Jesus, sometimes I wonder why I even come to this site. It's just a bunch of socially inept betas here who don't know how to tame a female.

>> No.11151940

Fucking brainlets. Hm 4 is used to teach your pokemon strength. It sucks you can't delete it, but you need it to progress through most pokemon games.

>> No.11152055

>They ALL have weird fucking medical issues that you will absolutely have to deal with, asthma, seizures, crohns, migraines, SOMETHING. They all have something.
Fucking this, and many times they have several different issues, wtf seriously

>> No.11152333
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> I don't wanna wait hours for some whore.
So instead you are going to implant it straight into your living space

>> No.11152360
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>Jesus, sometimes I wonder why I even come to this site. It's just a bunch of socially inept betas here who don't know how to tame a female.

Babbys first year here
You are here forever and soon will become retard too