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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11133718 No.11133718 [Reply] [Original]

Linkpool dashboard is coming by eow.

What else have we got to look forward for this week besides listing on a new exchange?

>> No.11133755
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If these guys don't exit scam i'm rich.

>> No.11133776

why not run own node?

>> No.11133792

Teeka report tomorrow quite possibly.

>> No.11133808

why doesnt someone develop an alternative without 25% fees? guaranteed they could take a lot of jewpool's userbase. it's not even a huge challenge to build a fucking pool.

>> No.11133813
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Because I can run a tiny percentage of hundreds of nodes instead.

>> No.11133836

Go on brainiac, if its so simple, do it

>> No.11133851

Hardware requirments?

>> No.11133852
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seething jewpool bootlicker

>> No.11133862

Thomas confirmed in the telegram that nodes can run as many data feeds as they want,, so again, why let someone take all the profits?

>> No.11133863

rememmber the exchange has leverage. you dont have to go long...

>> No.11133877
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Please /biz/ tell me how I can give linkpool my link and get more link or money back.
I am a brainlet, I dont even know what a node is.
I just know that LINK somehow merges smart contracts with real world data. But the rest is beyond my IQ.
Please I dont want to stay poor, I already listen to the ethercucks back then.

>> No.11133881
File: 62 KB, 633x758, 318271da980706f7a18a811c3456a77d--protective-dogs-friendship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw in the bottom 33%
They have to do ludicrously well for me to make any sort of significant gains.

>> No.11133891

There s people not even knowing about LINK

>> No.11133896

Gonna be epic breads here when linkpool gets hacked and all their linkies go bye bye

>> No.11133902

That's not a rebuttal. If its simple to do and provides profit, then competitors will appear. It's actually healthy for the ecosystem if there are competitors. But they did set the standard and I find it unlikely anyone will undercut them too much, else it's a race to the bottom. And this is all based on the premise it'll be profitable at all to run a pool.

>> No.11133905

we have to wait for mainnet for any type of staking. You could have participated in the crowdsale for a percentage of LP profits for ever, but that's over.

>> No.11133907
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You are still in the top 186!

>> No.11133916

You're going to make it anon. Linkpool will be doing billions of dollars in revenue in its first year. Ignore the salty burgers that couldn't buy into the crowdsale. Independt node operators won't be able to compete. 99% of people who think they'll run nodes are only computer savvy enough to play WoW.

>> No.11133924

for a fucking node?

>> No.11133929

nice cope jonny

>> No.11133931
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That is one way to look at it. At least its completely passive, risk free income for as long as they stick around.

>> No.11133940

There are like what 186 contributors?
There are more than 7bil people.
You are the 0.000002 %
You should feel happy.

>> No.11133944

he's right tho, I'm not invested in linkpool in any way but all of you think that running a link node will be as simple as staking neo for gas or what? there is a lot of work and costs like registering with reputation providers etc

>> No.11133949

you mean for as long as they dont exit scam.

>> No.11133959

you'll be invested when you give jonny 25%, cuckboi

>> No.11133978

I'm sure you will be able to undercut them by charging only 24.9% and putting them out of business

>> No.11133983

Salty no linkpooler

>> No.11134069

And I am one of them.
So. Damn. Comfy.

>> No.11134120

Does anyone else count everything they buy in Link.
Today I bought a latte for 9 Link.
Thats like $9000 dollars wasted by eoy.

>> No.11134139

love being an americuck and barred from investing

>> No.11134154


Stop dude you’re fucking me up

>> No.11134159

Only (((accredited))) investors

>> No.11134190

how much of a brainlet are you to think that they can exit scam LINK from a contract. if you don't believe in smart contracts then why even invest in link lol
they already have a working product, so it isn't like they will exit scam the eth.

>> No.11134227

the writing is on the wall.
also they are a third party, not as decentralized as you think dumbass.
oh and why they dont run now? just because they are waiting for retards like you to give them 100k+ link

>> No.11134231

Exactly. His reputation is not worth running away with 400k. Not for a lead engineer type who can earn that in 1-2 years contracting

>> No.11134293

ofc they're not decentralised they are a company offering a service and have their entire books on the blockchain. even if they stopped all their nodes, you'd still be able to withdraw your link cause it's in a contract not on their nodes
lol check their eth wallet, they already have 100k link sat in there and they picked some more up very recently
what's better, stealing 100k link and getting butt fucked and never working in crypto again or make millions or potentially billions in revenue

>> No.11134294
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Based and redpilled. Team Tiger Mommy all day. Linkpool shills fear Tiger Mommy

>> No.11134303

I saw you in another thread today making a fool of yourself already, anon 2 threads in 1 day is enough, go outside maybe or something
seething this hard and being this much of a brainlet is not healthy

>> No.11134327


Topkek I'm one of the 186 chosen ones. Even got my dad to throw in 1 ETH too for bants.

>> No.11134623

On Ropsten, so testnet only. Makes sense, though as LINK also is on test.

>> No.11134897

Even if you just contributed 0.2 ETH you are in a privileged position in comparison with LPlets. If LP captures a 10% of the alleged marketcap of Chainlink's network like they intend to do. You are set for good.

Furthermore, Jonny has ethics and work values, have you ever stalked his social network? Or even his LinkedIn profile, their bosses were licking his ass. If someone can make us rich, those are Sergey and Jonny. Unironically.

Also I'm a top 10 contributor, so don't be upset, we are going to make it

>> No.11135210

any way to still contribute to this?

>> No.11135397
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Not without a time machine. How did you miss the endless shilling when it was first announced?

>> No.11135464

I've been doing this for months. I've saved millions of future dollars.

>> No.11135500

Did you ever think that taking 25% of the largest Link node will be worth way more in the long run than fucking up the entire ecosystem and destorying the token's price with an exit scam?

They made Linkpoool because it's gonna make them filthy fucking rich even if they don't exit scam.

>> No.11135507

Why not list LINK on a serious pool like stakecube instead of paying 25% for staking? It's ridiculously expensive.

>> No.11135538

look up how "staking" link actually works, it's not just locking some shitcoin in a wallet and letting it sit for the night

>> No.11135540

because they actually have to manage many servers, provide the right data, pay reputation providers, pay API subscriptions and actually manage shit.
link staking isn't just put it in your wallet and it just grows

>> No.11135549

Then make your own pool and charge lower fees. Surely it's that easy and won't have any overhead. GL anon! Let me know when your crowdsale is I might throw a few ETH at it.

>> No.11135565
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bottom 33 master race, early staking is mine

>> No.11135681

Where is this posted? it's not in the general slack channel recently

>> No.11135772

That's an interesting timing for launching the dashboard.
It's as if there's some event getting closer and closer.

>> No.11136119


>I won't be able to do that because of September...

>> No.11136599
File: 325 KB, 421x369, Screen_Shot_20180109_at_8.57.23_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be able to buy a percentage from the current holders.
There isn't a trustless way to do it yet though.
I think Jonny mentioned it would possible through a decentralized exchange.

They were waiting for metamask to support nano ledger, but it was planned by end of September.


>> No.11136639
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