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File: 459 KB, 628x314, h-HAPPY-HOUR-628x314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11115424 No.11115424 [Reply] [Original]

Why do normie coworkers insist on turning the workplace into some kind of social gathering? Can't we just do our fucking jobs and go home?

No, I don't want to go for drinks with you after work. I see you 8-9 hours a day already.

>> No.11115448

today's workplace is structured in such a way as to keep people like you out of the upper echelons of the corporate pyramid. the whole idea is to feel people in who will sacrifice the other things in their lives in favor of the company. this ensures that the people climbing the ladder are the best possible drones that will carry out what needs to be done. you're either an idiot for not understanding that, or ok with just being the cannon fodder until you find another job

>> No.11115502

So I'm either cannon fodder or a slave drone? Brilliant.

>> No.11115746

You sound like an asshole, i wouldnt want to work with an antisocial tool like you.

>> No.11115845

All other community pillars are largely abandoned or irrelevant now, so it makes sense that the more miserable sacks on the bottom rungs would try to push a replacement at work, while those at the top try to push it to get you to work more. I think this is why a lot of new agey tech companies are especially cultish.

>> No.11115944

>I think this is why a lot of new agey tech companies are especially cultish.

These companies figured out that you get more with honey than you do with vinegar. They want you to work more by keeping you there, so they offer things like catered food, snacks, ping pong, and social outings to bond with your co-workers. We're just one step away from full on 1984 NWO indentured servitude with corporate housing, which will be the next big step in our enslavement.

>> No.11115959
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>> No.11115978

Just so you know little kiddies. You only are really around your Childhood friends till about early 20's. After that for one reason or another you will be the one saying hey lets all go fro drinks in 10 years cause you barely have any friends but work colleagues and your wife and kids.

Yes some still have childhood friends around but that cause they never left their hometown and are 99% of the time losers.

>> No.11115988


Sometimes there's like 2 or 3 lowkey really hot girls that you work with that you don't talk to ever and going for drinks after work twice a year is the only chance you'll ever get to pretending you have a chance to sleep with them.

>> No.11115995

yeah no thanks. i don't stop for a few minutes to have cake for some retards birthday, i just stay in my office. couldn't give a shit what they think.

>> No.11116187


When it comes to work there are two kinds of people:

1) work is just something you do for money, that's all that matters

2) work is the biggest part of who you are and you should make your life and behavior revolve around it

The second type here, loves to integrate social stuff into work. It's fucking gay IMO.

>> No.11116202

Except they probably won't fuck you. Let's be honest here. They're probably already dating Chad from marketing who is also going to be there.

>> No.11116206


This is so fucking accurate. After 30 your friends dissolve slowly.

It's your family, and work. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.11116301

Yep. These.

>> No.11116329

This is so true.

>> No.11116467

lol youre a retard. you dont have to be like normie level in socializing at work but being social at work is how you actually get people to like you and want to do things for you or help you or introduce you to other people that can advance your earnings or career.

>> No.11116474

>leaving at 5pm for happy hour

>> No.11116732

Am I the only one who loves the isolation? The realization that nothing/nobody really matters has given me great solace.

>> No.11116848

>You sound like an asshole
Why is he an asshole just because he keeps to himself?

>> No.11116894

Delet this

>> No.11116975


I agree with this, although if there are cool people I'll be friends with them but 90% of the time they're just annoying or we have nothing in common

>> No.11117044

life is getting more ugly as you grow

>> No.11117301
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Got asked if i want to go for an indian for someones birthday in the office that I have literally never spoken a word to. Did they think I would actually say yes?

>> No.11117544


>> No.11117571

Go for an indian?

>> No.11117766


>Spends 8 hours shit posting with coworkers
>Wants to spend another 3 of the last 5 hours of the day shit posting with coworkers more

You must lead an incredibly boring, empty, and mundane NPC life if you have nothing better to be doing with your time.

>> No.11117876

There's no such thing as an i'ntrovert'

Just ignorant social retards who never learnt to interact because they wasted too much of their life playing games

>> No.11117892

What fucking scientific basis is this reasoning even coming from? Most NPCs have nothing interesting to talk about. You're not entitled to have an audience to your shitty life story.

>> No.11117915
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You either die the protagonist or live long enough to see yourself become the NPC

>> No.11117955

I like social interactions with my co-workers. Or should I say no-wokers?

>would you like to go out drinks afterwards anon?
I dont understand how you can posion yourself all day with this alcohol after work? Dont you think there are more important and better things to do?
>ooh anon, its just a beer you know
Just a beer you say? We both know it will end up with more than just one beer, so why do you keep lying to yourself and me? Is there something you need to talk about? Are you not fulfilled in life?
>oh yea... ok anon...
>later that day...
>man... that anon guy... he is some crazy guy... went all bad shit insane. I bet he doesnt even have a girl friend

Next day:
Hey NPC, would you like to go hiking to that lake? I was planing on building a shelter and improve my firedrilling technique.
>hiking?.. I dont know anon Im just not such a big fan of hiking
Later that day...
>this anon guy... he is so fucking crazy .. I hope he gets fired soon.

Basically it will end up with the "team" going against you because you are white male. They will blame you for everything and the boss will stick with the normies because you are "that crazy guy with weird hobbies"

>> No.11118103

>old enough to go to a bar
>still drinking

they aint gonna make it

>> No.11118150

He was offering to sell him some 0xBTC

>> No.11118261

hey man were all meeting up after to lubricate our cage hinges you in?

>> No.11118282

lol nice post.

if you work in IT its a bit better though.
most people there are not that retarded.

>> No.11118297

What a sad life you must have desu

>> No.11118346

Fuck you faggot that's not true
Just because you've isolated yourself from everyone and didn't maintain friendships doesn't mean anyone else can't

>> No.11118391

top kek

>> No.11118394

I wouldn't like to work with you either so I guess that makes us equal then.

>> No.11118403

t. normie

>> No.11118407

Go to these outings and keep it completely work related. Just change the topic back to the projects you guys are working on, and talk about clients and deadlines. Don't let them talk about anything else but work.

>> No.11118443

I enjoy hanging out every now and again with certain coworkers after work, on weekends or whatever.

But at work I just want to be left the fuck alone so I can do my job in peace. If the topic ins't work related, I could care less.

>> No.11118474

I'm sure you won't be missed much

>> No.11118510

That's usually how it goes anyway

>> No.11118831

normies / wagecucks are disgusting pieces of shit.

Just look at their body, flacid and gross.

Look at their teeth, yellow and smelly.

Look at their bank account, empty and pityful.

>> No.11118907

>what is rapport

Only a fucking autist rejects a drink only to suggests a hike-trip instead. It is like rejecting a girl for dinner and going u-want-sum-fuck next day.

>mfw these morons call others NPC

>> No.11119243

I can fire up my social skills, but otherwise I'm an introvert who prefers to be left alone. What now, fag?

>> No.11120354

If you worked in a department store in the city with most of your coworkers being black women, you would keep to yourself too.

>> No.11121095

Everything you experience is the result of hr, which is run by women.

>> No.11121274


>> No.11121358
File: 101 KB, 764x938, 877D90E0-86D7-4A3D-B368-6EF18C0456D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking hate you faggot. 29 here and my friendships are dissolving. I am the “let’s stay out” person when everyone is shut in faggot like OP trying to play vidya or NPC drone that needs to get back home to be yelled at by his wife and kids.

>no one has made it


>> No.11121452

Im 34 and and i dont want to spend time with my colleagues.
All the people my age are married and go home to their wives.
Everyone else is either a geriatric or a zoomer. I wouldnt want to spend any more time with them than i ahve to

>> No.11122038


>> No.11122087
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>> No.11122158

"Social work spaces" are a Hebrew scheme to lower goy wages.
Normie NPCs are less likely to look for another joh if it means losing a good part of their friends.

>> No.11123028

>anon you're always so serious, let's talk about something else
>do you have a girlfriend?

>> No.11123569
File: 48 KB, 300x345, 52647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 42, I have only 1 friend left, yet I still refuse to parttake in this company drinking events.
That shit can bring you so much trouble.

I am off at 5pm.

>> No.11123631

> Is invited for drinks after work
> Calls others normies

>> No.11123895
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I don't know man, I like to go drinking with my colleagues. We have couple of co workers who don't really like to and so they don't come along often but no one bothers. Just fun.

I think you hate that forces all friends and happy reddit attitude, where people at their most fake to appear fun and enthusiastic just to be liked and to be the center of the work floor. A very american attitude to ape movies in real life.

Me and my colleagues just get drunk while talking and having good fun.

>> No.11123960


I own my own business and make $50 to $65 per hour.

Yeah I suppose I'm a real retard.

People that are sharp and about making money don't spend too much time socializing. They do it occasionally as needed to get deals done and create partnerships.

>> No.11123969

I don't like to interact with you because I have my own life to live and not some suck up bitch who has to constantly chat non-stop about mundane things just to pass the time and cure myself of boredom. What now?

>> No.11123993

And this is why industrialization is a mistake. Kaczynski was right. We have boxed ourselves and destroyed our humanity all for the sake of "progress" and profit.

>> No.11124022

>t. loser
Try working some time. If you haven't killed yourself yet, suffered some mental breakdown or your life now revolving around work-family, 99% chances are you are some loser who has never had a job and never had family to take care of.

>> No.11124042
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>people wanting to be left alone and not spend extra precious time with co-slaves is a sign they're an asshole
Normies like you are why I work from home.

>> No.11124082

>volunteer opportunity: this Saturday!
>join the rest of the company starting at 7:30am!
>bring your own lumcj

>> No.11124099


Filling the void of no family/meaningful home life with more wagie cope. Late stage capitalism in effect.

>> No.11124257
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Autism the post.

>> No.11124530
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>corporate breedgroid npc calling others tools

>> No.11124682

You sound like the kind of coworker that would report a coworker for not saying hi to you lmao. Albeit your post is likely bait.

>> No.11124728

I would rather see my wife and kids that drinking and talking office gossips.

You have literally nothing in common but the past with your childhood friend past a point, that's simply how life is, we all go through different experiences.

This is what autism looks like.
Pro-tip: people barely familiar you will accept to spend an hour after work in order to try to know you more, they won't spend a fucking day hiking with a stranger for no reason however.

>> No.11124729

I've had people mad at me or at least visibly upset that I didn't go to their baby showers at work.

>> No.11124856

So you sacrificed one of the most important things in in life that are you friends, to be an NPC drone wagecuck earning a bit more in another far away city. And you fill your void getting drunk each evening with the drones you already see every day for 8 hours, and who you probably wont contact you, meet you and care about you if you changed offices. And the ones who didn't sacrifice their relationships with friends and family are somehow the "loosers".

Woow you are such a good goy, you alienated yourself from your people and your roots, you have no home and no friends, and also you say that it is the "normal" state of the things. And let me guess, you work very very hard for Mr Shekelstein so your wife, a girl you probably married out of fear of dying alone, wont leave you and be happy but it is never enough, she want more and more shekels.

Let this guy be an example of what not to do. Keep around the good people that deeply care about you, be near you family and friends. Work to live, not live to work. Form life lasting bonds with good people and keep them, stay in you homeland and hometown (unless it's a shithole and you are really starving of course). And stay away from used up roasties that want to make you their financial slaves in exchange of fake "love".

>> No.11125534


>> No.11125598

Buy orders set

>> No.11126563
File: 21 KB, 318x472, 3B03C172-541B-4019-A699-E567FAC68256.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off dillweed

>> No.11126995

This must be some extrovert cope because introverts are more intelligent on average

>> No.11127308
File: 29 KB, 640x640, 1501764121976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw want to make friends at my job but can't because too socially retarded to know how to hold a conversation
>tfw they all think I'm an asshole because of this

>> No.11127586

Do you guys have lunch with your coworkers? It’s a thing in my country. If you don’t join them for lunch regularly, eventually you’ll be isolated and they’d start talking shit about you when you’re not around
>anon is so anti-social
>anon is kinda weird
I just need my fucking time alone and not bother anyone with my dietary restrictions.

>> No.11127685

Jesus, reading this makes me cringe. I can't imagine caring this much about other people, I love doing my own thing.

>> No.11127916

This is partially true, I still have friends from HS and college in my life but they are mostly losers. I am considered a loser as well despite the fact I'm married to a beautiful woman and make over 100K most years. Even her family busts my balls about getting a real "job" despite the fact I own three rental properties and barely do anything except routine property maintenance, golf, drink and play cards. People hate and despise those who think for themselves, it doesn't matter if you're successful or not, I get along better with my "loser" pals despite the fact our lifestyles are radically different. People locked into their jobs/kids are operating on one level, constantly: fear. I'm not so I can't relate. Also, I didn't inherit any of it, worked my ass off in my 20's and got lucky when I bought into an up and coming commuter neighborhood.

>> No.11127931

What's it like to be an insect instead of a human?

>> No.11128087

Surely I can't be the only one that feels mentally and physically exhausted after being around people for 10 minutes or so? I just love doing things on my own.

>> No.11128325

You're not the only one.

The problem is that everyone in the world is becoming more lonely because of attitudes like this. We're turning into a society of socially awkward, maladjusted people who don't have strong relationships -- so when things go wrong, we have no support, either emotionally or financially. A lot of them wind up heavily medicated, suicidal, or unable to contribute to society as they hit their 30s

You're introverted, and there's a lot of reasons why, but most of them come down to the fact that you were born into a broken culture and likely given highly stimulating but anti-social, solitary activities in childhood and adolescence which warped your brain.

As an adult, you rationalize that it's just your personality, and that's how you are, and you have no reason to doubt this as from your own perspective you're just you.

There's now millions of you, though. People with few friends. People who can't communicate without feeling exhausted. It becomes a problem for our society en masse.

Japan went through this thirty years ago after the economy wound down. Now their entire population barely has sex and is teetering on the edge of demographic and social collapse

>> No.11128383

If there is a scale for introversion, with 10 being most introverted, I must be an 11 because I genuinely love doing things alone and don't enjoy interacting with other people because I just don't enjoy it. I tried living a normie life for 3 years and felt suicidal because of it. Now that I have accepted my true solitary nature, I feel amazing...been living like this for 8 years now and life keeps getting better. I understand though that I am an oddball.

>> No.11128402
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>> No.11128404

Wrong and short answer is im Autistic so I dont care about these NPC feelings. Japan is prospering if you arent retarded. Job market is great because they dont have enough people for the jobs so the wages are increasing. Too many people on this earth so of course people are uncomfortable.

>> No.11128425

just go home and ignore them then loser

>> No.11128431


>> No.11128434


Great. Sometimes I feel the same way. I didn't have a single friend in HS, and spent most of my time alone in my early 20s.

It's not healthy, it's not good for society, and I'm working on my issues. I hope you do too. Simply finding other broken people on 4chan doesn't prove that we're living well, only that there's a lot of us.

>> No.11128438

Okay...I just reread your post and you are so ignorant I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.11128448

Yes. You are submitting to the will of another entity.

>> No.11128453

i agree with you nigger. people who cant play the normie game are usually antisocial faggots who will be eternal wagies. since he is posting here he hasnt made it obviously and will be stuck in wage life. sorry to burst your edgy bubble >>11115424
but grow the fuck up.

>> No.11128458

Excellent NEET bait, lad. You've earned your tendies this day.

>> No.11128472

You are projecting...I have no issues at all.

>> No.11128493

no one's forcing you to hang out, if you wanna go home just go. And if they do "force" you, just say no a couple times and they wont ask you again. I mean they're just trying to be nice but whatever

>> No.11128498

Japan is shit and everyone there hates it, and each other. I can tell you've never been.

Yes, you're autistic. 30 years ago we would have politely explained how that's under the umbrella of mental retardation, but now we don't want to hurt your retarded feelings. You can't win arguments with us... Because you're retarded. Do you understand?

>> No.11128499
File: 479 KB, 995x775, incelPC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the denial is strong in this one

>> No.11128510

lol no don't get fooled by that meme. the best way to climb the ladder is strategically jumping ship. it's a buyer's market out there.

>> No.11128525

>I was planing on building a shelter and improve my firedrilling technique.
lol i've never heard that from my hiker friend, what the fuck.

>> No.11128583

Hey, so you know your entire personality where you're completely introverted?

It's not real. It's a symptom of a societal disease that we've already seen another advanced economy pass through in the 90s, while under similar conditions, which produced similar people to disastrous effect.

Do you understand? You're not a person in the true sense -- your entire conception of self is actually just the expression of a symptom.

You need to reflect on what it means to be you because I don't think you really know.

>> No.11128600


28 lived there because I was a military brat... Project more please.

>> No.11128630

I've been like this since I was a child.

>> No.11128650

Second. Unless >>11128583 has a way to reverse in utero BPA exposure or vaccine mercury or whatever the fuck, it's not something you can fix.

>> No.11128705

So enjoying doing things on my own makes me defective? Finding interacting with other people very exhausting mentally and physically means I have issues? I could equally say that people that can't go a week without social interaction also have serious codependency issues.

>> No.11128749

People born without legs can get around with wheelchairs just fine.

But compared to the natural baseline and the standards of evolutionary success, yes, schizoid/autism symptoms are a hindrance.

>> No.11128787

>schizoid/autism symptoms are a hindrance
I just looked up schizoid and was very shocked because it really describes me very well..although I don't think it is a hindrance at all. If anything, it can be viewed as a blessing in disguise since I can function well. If it was a hindrance, how come I lived the way I do for 8 years and I am happy? Like I said in my previous post, living a normie lifestyle for 3 years that consisted of typical social activities made me feel suicidal.

>> No.11128883

Social networks provide a multiplier effect for skills and motivation beyond what your solo efforts can achieve.

To be clear, I'm not saying this is necessary, enjoyable, or even possible for people like us. But evolution doesn't have much use for worker drones that live happily, die, and never reproduce.

>> No.11128886
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Don't listen to this reddit-tier nonsense (also notice the reddit spacing in his posts). This retard has no idea what he's talking about, has probably no understanding of personality psychology, and is just spewing garbage from the septic tank that is his mind. It's easy to be introverted (e.g., you are highly creative and enjoy spending time alone to pursue creative interests, as opposed to being a people-oriented worker), and still have a rich group of friends throughout your life.

>> No.11128902

I'm curious...have you spent a lot of time around various people?

>> No.11128939

What are some concrete, actionable, easy steps you imagine someone who is introverted can take to have a rich group of friends throughout their life?

Yes. Too much.

>> No.11128953

>Yes. Too much.
What is your general opinion on people and why they do the things they do?

>> No.11128963

>evolution doesn't have much use for worker drones

Evolution isnt some entity..

>> No.11128971

>have a rich group of friends throughout their life?
Honestly this is very difficult even for extroverts...people naturally grow apart with time.

>> No.11129062

I'm not sure how to put it into actionable steps, it probably boils down to your personality and being interested in others. My friends have all been made through school, college clubs, or work (the fewest coming from here), and that's pretty much it. Some of it is probably luck--running into the right people who pique your interest. Keeping friends around is another story, I work to maintain relationships even when separated by 1000 miles as people move on to other things, through running a discord server for friends. The only advice I can give is read something like How to Win Friends and Influence People if you struggle and want to change.

>> No.11129091

Before civilization, the most successful small bands won out against the least successful. Success defined here as claiming territory to harvest resources to support and create a new generation, starting the cycle over. That gives us baseline genetic templates geared towards that lifestyle.

Civilization's expanded the scale of bands, cut down on the proximity of warfare, but most importantly introduced additional complexity in ideas (Neolithic hunter-gatherers didn't organize crusades). While natural genetic code changes at a glacial pace, ideas and technology (say, birth control or genetic engineering) made possible by civilization evolve extremely rapidly and have a much greater impact on human lives now that basic survival needs are met for everyone.

Then take it as shorthand for you chipping in a small piece of your genetic legacy into the future of mankind. The future belongs to those who show up.

Notice how that completely growing apart wouldn't have even been possible 300 generations ago. Now we've got potted plant syndrome in most people's life tracks and the internet is segregating people into more polycultures than we know what to do with.

>> No.11129124

You nailed it with the housing component. Facebook is already working on developing "company" housing for employees in Menlo Park, CA. What's the highest cost people today face? Companies can essentially provide a shitty studio to employees now as incentive and keep them tied down for years.

>> No.11129155

My only response would be to adapt...why adhere to something if it isn't needed anymore? I would be like using vhs tapes when netflix is available.

>> No.11129182


No one half normal would be spending their time in biz but nice LARP, here are your (you)s

>> No.11129295

"relationships" with coworkers (of any variety) are only in the moment because the second it comes down to one or the other getting ahead, all bets are off and people will start stabbing each other in the back.

and as other anons have said, companies now do things like have "release parties" where they give you $15 of food so you stay at work another 4-6 hours.

Jeff Bezos himself said it - "stop trying to find work life balance", in other words they not only want you to devote your paid time to work, but also your unpaid time.

we are moving towards slavery again

>> No.11129323

>"relationships" with coworkers (of any variety) are only in the moment because the second it comes down to one or the other getting ahead, all bets are off and people will start stabbing each other in the back.
To be honest, this kind of contributed to my introversion...spending a lot of time around people I began to get redpilled about human nature and to be frank I want nothing to do with it. Although I was born introverted I have to admit this boosted it to another level.

>> No.11129328

kys normie scum

>> No.11129379

Why not? I like my coworkers and I don't generally like hanging around with people out of my own initiative,so getting sometimes invited to hang out is refreshing.

>> No.11129588

>if you work in IT its a bit better though.
No, they are gooks or pajeets. No need to socialise and if they do they are socially awkward retards.

gooks drinking is just hilarious. Esp if it involves women and they get all white knighty

>> No.11129602

as a normie who browses for the memes i find this view so depressing, i get that money is important but is it the only driving factor in your life? like what do you do for fun man?

>> No.11129606

>Only a fucking autist rejects a drink only to suggests a hike-trip instead. It is like rejecting a girl for dinner and going u-want-sum-fuck next day.

... he wasn't offering a hike because he expected them to accept.

>> No.11129627

>I have only 1 friend left

Don't need more than that anon. Someone to remember your name when you are gone. He will think of you from time to time across the years after your passing. Weeks will become months will become years. Then he will think of you the last time and you will leave humanity's consciousness forever.

>> No.11129737

What a vague bynch of nothing. Gtfo

>> No.11130806

This baffles me, I always wondered for a time why my coworkers were so hostile with me regardless of how nice/helpful I was.
It was because I'd choose to do other things rather than sit silently and miserably with the other wagies during my 10 minutes of freedom.

>> No.11130857

Because you come off as cold and uncaring. It's so fucking easy to make people like you, just talk to them at least once every shift.

>> No.11130884

boo hoo

>> No.11130888

imagine writing this much to say stupid bullshit. but there's a kernel of truth in this oblivious dunning-kruger rant: the average normie is incapable of abstraction and genuine empathy, to the point i) they project their personal misery onto others, and ii) they're intuitively aware their own ability to enjoy life depends on others, so they (correctly) identify people who do not desperately need social interaction at all times as a threat to their own survival
it's all there is to know, really. for those of you who live your introvert life peacefully but remain baffled by normalfag hostility, consider you're the equivalent of a mirror held up to their face. normies have no depth and only go through life by avoiding self-reflection or numbing it with booze, sex and drugs. your lack of compliance is a threat to their mental stability

>> No.11130920

Agreed anon, the anon you just responded to seems to think introversion is the result of some kind of neglected upbringing...such ignorance.

>> No.11130928


>> No.11131042

That sounds like the gay kind of pseudophilosophical utterance that someone who has been sheltered from the world either by money or other means would say

>> No.11131336

Talking to a fellow introvert, it can be a dangerous path to tread. Thinking you are an island and no one else counts is a way to eventually think you don't count either, and then it's selfroping for you. But maybe I'm just projecting my suicidal tendencies?

>> No.11131460

indian restaurant

>> No.11131697

both of those things are real

>> No.11132023

>stop trying to find work life balance
Historically there is really no such thing as work/life balance, becuase a persons life was based around his vocation in society.
For business owners this is also true, you basically wont succeed in a startup if you try to "balance" work and life.
I guess the biggest problem for a wageslave is that wage work is basically useless to society

>> No.11132091

hes right you know

>> No.11132660
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>but most of them come down to the fact that you were born into a broken culture and likely given highly stimulating but anti-social, solitary activities in childhood and adolescence which warped your brain.
This is very true, video games and porn are the best example of these activities and it will be even worse for the future generations who are more and more interacting by proxies instead of directly.

That said it's in large part because connecting with people is hard too, in the past communities were local, you spent all your life with mostly the same people that you saw at your local market, church or simply at work, even in cities neighbors were very familiar.
You had all your life to build and develop bonds and trust with people, today it's just not doable, once you leave high school you move to place for college, then you move to another for jobs, then to another, etc...
Feminism, political correctness, multiculturalism and the destruction of the traditional family just worsened the situation even more.

>> No.11132712

I used to feel like you till i started to enjoy, my job and surround myself at work with cute 20 year old interns.

>> No.11133308

it's bittersweet

>> No.11133738

Unironically this is also why sociopaths do absolutely fucking fantastic.

During the interview: Big fake as fuck American smile, yes boss, no boss, three bags full boss. Breeze it. Every. Single. Time. It's honestly just a chore and quite draining now tell the sheeple what they want to hear.

The hardest part is keeping your cover for as long as possible once you've got the job. I find that at about the year and a half to two year mark is when your manager and (((colleagues))) start to look at you as a grey man. Once that happens it's over, they will talk about you behind your back and conspire to essentially get rid of you.

Fuckers. And fuck you if you're one of these circle jerking cucks reading this. God damned NPC MOTHERFUCKERS.

>> No.11134195
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Found the alcoholic brainlets. How does it feel to resort to insult if your wagie slavy friend wont come to your drinky drinking bar after work to get your worry worries out of the brain?
How about you fuck off with your shit if you have nothing else interesting going on?

>this confuses the ever so social wagie who needs constant interactions with other NPCS

>> No.11134381


>> No.11134388

Sounds like how the nazis selected prison guards

>> No.11134515

lots of good posts ITT. as soon as you get a job somewhere you've got to let these fuckers know that its just one of many irons you have in the fire. Im doing part time work now at a major company and they all know i run my own small business and do a lot of trading and investing. I make sure they know this right off the bat so they know im not like them and this is just one page in the book of my life.

You guys call these people out for being NPC's but its likely you dont do anything to distinguish yourself as different either. I know exactly the type of autists some of you are. You think your exceptional but the only thing you exceed at is being a miserable fuck. The awkward reserved autist isn't the archetype of success.

I agree with not going out with coworkers though. I literally cants afford it. I have x amount of money i want to save each week and that leaves little room for constant mindless socialising. If i spend money on alcohol i want to drink it in peace by the fireside.

>> No.11134549

Think you might be leaning towards the schizophrenia side of that sociopath meter, bro. Maybe tone it down

>> No.11134552

Dumb neet

>> No.11134729

Yo, asshole, say what you want but do NOT talk shit about America. I will fuck you up.

>> No.11134874
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Whatcha gonna do about it ragie wagie?

>> No.11135288

The sperg rationalizes his distance from humanity through denial: denial that he acts inappropriately, denial that he lives in fear of communication, denial that there's anything wrong with him.

You're not an ubermensch who doesn't need people or feel lonely, you're a fucking loser who's afraid of speaking to people and starts to sweat if he has to talk with a cashier. But of course, you've rationalized your weaknesses into strengths -- only a moron could engage in self-reflection without ever actually criticizing himself, congratulations!

You're intentionally blurring the lines between normal introversion and social pathology. The majority of "introverts" in 2018 aren't healthy individuals staying indoors to practice the piano or to write their novel, are they? They're fearful, they're neurotic, they indulge in fantasy, they're unstable in every sense.

>> No.11135475

>fire drilling technique
>build a fire with your buddy then fuck him in the tent

>> No.11135592




I have no problem conversing with other introverts because they arent constantly clamoring for attention.