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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11119732 No.11119732 [Reply] [Original]

hahahaahahaha you people are fucking stupid, success isn't made by "HUSTLIN' 'N SHEIT NIGGUH SHEEEITT HUSSLIN' HUSSLIN'", it isn't made by million hour work weeks and sleepless nights staring at fucking trade screens and constantly thinking about whatevr mundane nonsense and depressing bullshit, it's made using INTELLIGENCE, if you don't get paid to sit on your ass and eat chicken tendies and watching anime while your slaves make you money and your investments's ROI flows into your bank account as you sleep, you are fucking STUPID

hahahhaha just hahahahah ohh i love watching you morons run around

>> No.11119751

success is 90% LUCK

that's why anons that bought BTC and ETH when it was low have more money than you'll ever make from "hard work" or even "smart work" in your entire life


>> No.11119790

I was lucky when I chose to work as a limousine chauffeur because, just maybe, I’d like to own a limo business someday. I was lucky when I chose to read books every day about emerging Internet technologies while camped out at airports, weddings, and drinking holes. I was lucky when I chose to do something after I spotted a need in the limo business. I was lucky when I chose to work on that business every day instead of partying or getting lost in Seinfeld reruns.

I was lucky when I chose to win a negotiation for a great domain URL back when premium domains were being sold for six and seven figures. I got lucky when I chose to sell my company, in 2001, to a Silicon Valley start-up. I got lucky when I chose to repurchase my company at a fire-sale valuation during the dot-com implosion, reasoning that the financials outweighed the irrational fear smothering the markets. I got lucky when I chose to not only survive the dot-com crash but to thrive. I got lucky when I chose to explode profits while minimizing expenses and employee overhead.

I got lucky when I chose to sell my company (again), in 2007, to a private-equity company for a multimillion-dollar valuation

>> No.11119818

it's not 1980 anymore gramps, market is rigged

and yeah you did get lucky because literally who gives a shit about limos

>> No.11119830

>I was lucky when I chose to work as a limousine chauffeur because, just maybe, I’d like to own a limo business someday.

things that really happened for 200, trebeck please

>> No.11119836


nice story if true i hope you havent used up all your good luck already in life

>> No.11119848

Being sensitive and aware to a signal is not luck, it is awareness. Older holders have endured through more uncertainty and more risk, they made the jump when more people were telling them it was a scam.

We are not lucky that others neglect themselves.

>> No.11119865
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just look at this piece of nothing, so mathematically and financially illiterate he doesn't even know what financial statements are, i bet if you slapped a perfect real estate deal right infront of his face he'd reject it and say it would make no money despite years of financial records, i bet he'd give you a million excuses why you shouldn't buy that deal, in fact, i bet he'd say: "it's not 1980 anymore gramps, market is rigged"

ohhh hahaha HAHAAHAHA

>> No.11119872

You are a part of the 99 percent that does not put in the work, gives up early. People like you never succeed because you gave up from the start. Even if you put in the work you lack the IQ and talent to succeed. You are the kind born for wage slavery. You look at bullshit like cryto as an easy way to wealth. Money chasers like you always fail. Few people have the energy, spirit to be an entrepreneur. Most of the retards here are chasing the crypto gold rush scam while the real players are selling shovels, creating crypto services.

>> No.11119889

You are one lucky guy

>> No.11119898

literally doesn't matter I would kick your ass IRL like there's no tomorrow for talking to me like that

>> No.11119910

>calling others money chasers
>wastes his entire life creating some bullshit company with the single goal of acquiring money by selling it to some fool

>> No.11119936
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yep, wise words, and the big boys at the top are creating the currencies themselves, i was thinking of slapping a few grand on some autistic slave code boy's ass and have him type me up one and get some faggot to make an entire brand for it and make one myself, shill it on this board and have these complete slave sheep morons dump their life savings into it and give them pennies on the dollar while i snag all of it at the last moment and laugh as i tell the police officers at my door to suck my cock because they can't do jack shit since they didn't read the fine print made by my lawyer whom i also shuved a few grand up his ass which clearly says in incomprehensible jargon that i can take all your money and you can do JACK shit about it hahahahahaha
HAHAHAHA ohh you're so stupid, fighting with your fists and aggressive behavior like a true moron, i bet you can punch a punching bag harder than you can pay your rent you low-life brute, do you even know what firearms are? come on then, come at me, right before you even have a chance to swing your fist i'll put a bullet right through that thick skull of yours at the pull of a trigger with my pinky finger hahahaha ohh you're so dumb it's hilarious

go yell your words and slam your fists on the floor like the peasant you are...or should i say...KEYBOARD hahahaah

>> No.11119955

tell me little sissy boy, how did you find that private equity company you sold your taco stand to?

>> No.11119974
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There was no ad hominum in my post just harsh truth. You want to succeed stop chasing money. You think breaking away from the 99 percent retards is easy. entrepreneurship is insanely hard and it keeps the retards out. Stop chasing get rich quick scams. But you won't you will say its all luck and return to being a wageslave after giving up. I don't give a fuck about money as an entrepreneur I do it for a purpose, for the challenge, the excitement. Money chasing retards always fail or earn short bursts of income but no longterm biz with intrinsic value.

>> No.11119989

lets all laugh at the poorfag lmao

>> No.11119995

stop posting your embarrassing michael bay-tier fantasies.

>> No.11120007

Remember, these guys are giving "advice" and stoping anons with ambitions to pursue their dreams here on /biz/.

>> No.11120010

Keep chasing that easy money then lad. I am sure it will come someday. Sure its all luck. Now back to being a wageslave.

>> No.11120025
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you could have worked hard your entire life and never sold your taco stand - see: >>11119955
you probably had connections too (luck)

you got lucky

>> No.11120026

go ahead and lose your rent money, see if i care.

>> No.11120037

obviously you do.

>> No.11120046


>> No.11120052

your phone is ringing, jackass

>> No.11120067

you are such a fucking faggot.

im not that anon but ive sold a business for $3mill+. You dont need "connections". As you are building your business, and its doing well a broker will scout you out. If they dont, you can find your own broker by talking to your bank and asking for a reference when you ask for business loans. The broker will then have all of the connections you need to sell.

>> No.11120068
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i don't answer phonecalls, i pay some slave to do that for me, dipshit

>> No.11120086

Bullshit none of them work there entire lives NONE. They either give up after getting scamed by some gurus get rich scheme or their biz model was fucked from the start. They try once or twice then give up. I created 10 business's over 5 years and failed each one before I succeeded. I learned from each one. Become more efficient, intelligent and aware.

Most people are fucking retards and sheep and are bred too be wageslaves. The NPC meme is real. Why do you think so many early school leavers become millionaires? The wageslave mindset was never brainwashed into them.

>> No.11120088

what was your business faggot? youre full of shit

>> No.11120097

Yeah forget most of that stupid shit.
>I got lucky when I chose to sell my company, in 2001

>> No.11120099

if you have slaves does that mean youre rich?

>> No.11120115

>your full of shit
i hope this is bait. how can one be so nihilistic. its just sad. but sure. go ahead and believe everything in life is "just luck" and give up before you even start. Im sure the 80 years you spend on this planet will be very fulfilling

>> No.11120123

>doesnt give a valid response

I knew you anons were just LARPing

>> No.11120133
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>if you have slaves does that mean youre rich?
imagine being this retarded...is that even a question? christ sometimes it's scary thinking about how moronic people can be...are you even sentient? do you even have a conscious? wew hahah ohh man
i offer a solution to your tantrums seething wagie ragie, it's in pic related

now go yell some more meme words and abbreviations...i'm waiting hahaha

>> No.11120141

why dont you answer my question faggot? where did you get your connections to sell your taco stand?


>> No.11120146

How is choosing to do sell something if it already has value luck? Lazy NPC's just see the after results and call it luck. They don't see the fail business's. Staying up 3 days without sleep wired on adderall researching, planning, cold calling. They don't see the years of hardwork that led up to selling a biz for millions. No its just luck to them.

>> No.11120177

fucking retard. the year is 2018. look at the stock market. Literally at ATH. if your selling a traditional business now, you can get 10x valuation. 15-20x if your making >$5 million a year or 25-35x if your company is an internet company.

do you know why? because the people who buy these businesses are fucking whales. They can take your company and merge it with their own, put your earnings on their books, and because their shares are publicly traded, they can get 2x the valuation of whatever they bought your company for in the open market. Or whatever other "tricks" they do, and they have a tonne.

Once again, the only loser is the average retard wageslave who buys this shit on things like robinhood. Or get fucked out of their wages or pensions like how that faggot phillip green did with BHS after he bought.

>> No.11120179
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ironic detachment? cringe culture? really? that's fucking outdated hahaha ohhh i pity you

>> No.11120190

>doesnt give a valid response
im not doxxing my company on /biz/. 4chan already default directs to http. Whatever is said on this site is being sold as data to someone.

>> No.11120194

You don't need connections to sell a company making 7 figs annually. People will even come to you. Martin Shrelli grew up dirt poor and started a 8 fig pharma biz. No connections. Just lots of hardwork, talent and study.

>> No.11120202

what this anon said. see >>11120067 and >>11120177 . Selling is literally the easiest part. idk why this is the thing you anons are picking at

>> No.11120210

>i pay some slave

>> No.11120249
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I didnt ask you faggots to give the name of your company, I asked you to elaborate otherwise it just sounds like youre making shit up

>> No.11120263

Love your books, DeMarco.

>> No.11120341

It doesnt matter if you have intelligence and entrepreneur "spirit" when your born in a third world country where the average iq is 80. The labor force here is so retarded that Im actually applying for a europoor or us visa so i can access a highly skilled workforce.

Other entreperenurs have a 5 year head start since i will have to waste time applying for a visa. EVERYTHING is luck.

>> No.11120356

stay in your spot faggot dont come fuck up my country

>> No.11120386
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whatever you say slave, tell me a little bit about yourself, how many shekels did you trade your life's time for so far hmmm? hahaha ohhh you will never learn will you

have fun spending your existence's time on talking to animals on the phone
except it does, you have the intelligence to leave your shithole

too bad you don't have enough to think outside of a "workforce" hahaha ohh
he's not going to fuck up our country dipshit, obviously he's much more articulate and intelligent than ~75% of brutes in our country and will work harder and take less than others too, and i can threaten him with deportation if he doesn't do my bidding, that's a benefit not a loss to me hahahaha

>> No.11120392

I just turned 18, and already earning $60k per year (i dont pay any taxes) doing Ruby on Rails programming. Average living cost here is 400$ per month. So yes, im very rich compared to a vast majority of Americans. If i was born in a european country, i would not be programming but instead practicing how to manipulate people. Fuck my luck and fuck my genetics.

>> No.11120398

The people fucking up your country are the NPCs already there. Exhibit A - look in the mirror.

Intelligent and entrepreneurial anons from abroad are what's driving the US and Western EU upward.

>> No.11120402

yeah keep your shit genetics in India don't come pollute my country

>> No.11120411

t. Feeling the Bern

>> No.11120422


Slave code boy here. Know what I love doing with faggots like you? Teaching you a VERY valuable lesson in who the talent is. Go on - tell me your $10 million dollar idea, I promise I won't outsource your shit to a worthless pajeet with bad instructions, while I build the real version and "mysteriously" competition appears and reams you out. Oh what's that, we had an NDA? Sorry, should have read it more carefully - maybe if you cocky faggots bothered doing any real work yourself you'd also read the contracts more carefully. I love an arrogant suit - my bread and butter these days. You know I still have advertisements up on freelancer sites, just so when retards send me a job I can see if their idea has any merit? I literally took stock pajeet pictures & put em up, nice and non-threatening kek. See you soon ATM, I look forward to getting ALL your money, and more importantly putting you into the gutter.

>> No.11120428

your trolling is one of the shittiest I've seen you must be 14 please stop posting

>> No.11120434

Next thread op will shill another pajeet coin

>> No.11120437
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many keks keep rollin anon

>> No.11120452

Im not Indian, im from the Philippines. I'm not even pure pacific islander. A good chunk of my genes are white chinese since im extremely pale. Thankfully my ancestors lived in a cold and frigid envrionment which i can attribute to my higher than average intelligence. Although I do agree that white chink blood is inferior compared to true white nordic genes.

>> No.11120480
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no fuck off, i need him to shit out a nice light brown hindu girl that i can hire to be my secretary and fuck the living shit out of for less the price and get tax benefits and company reputation amongst the NPC's for diversity hires
HAHAHA ohh you're dumb aren't you, i already outsource my slave code boy work to pajeets in 3rd world slums, and i don't just have an NDA, i have NDA's made by tech slaveboy faggots like you and make them draft them with little thieves like you in mind and i patent my shit too, good luck handling my legal hounds hahaha

see you in prison and your company in my name, wagie thief
hahahaah cope harder
sorry kid, i'm not in crypto bullshit

i am planning to get one of these >>11120422 faggots as my slave to make me some of those internet meme whatever the fuck coins and have idiots like you pay me triple digit 7 figures while i pull out with your money scot free all because you didn't read the fine print

>> No.11121028
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>bank accounts

>> No.11121231

hi MJ love your books thx

>> No.11121509

I have been neet for over a year fag, keep wasting your time

>> No.11121531

>Staying up 3 days without sleep wired on adderall researching, planning, cold calling. They don't see the years of hardwork
Uhh this is what I am saying, you waste your youth just to have a little money as a boomer.