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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11109988 No.11109988 [Reply] [Original]

>DocuSign Makes Ethereum Integration, Notes Seal Applications


>> No.11110023
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Respect your parents Follow God Obey the law
Help your friends Control yourself
Control anger If you are a stranger act like one Be overcome by justice Be kind to friends Do not use an oath

>> No.11110038

This is actually FUD. If anything, DocuSign is going to be a competitor to chainlink. They are a multi-billion dollar company and they can develop a better solution.

>> No.11110042
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>> No.11110049

>ctrl+f chainlink
>0 results.

>> No.11110054
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Uh this means they are using ethereum for their oracles,



>> No.11110056

Yeah and I bet Google will reinvent computers from scratch before they think of launching a search engine, lmao

>> No.11110073

Docusign could still use their own in-house oracle for this application. The decentralized advantage of this is simply the uploaded hash on a public chain (instead of on docusign's servers), not the writing of the data necessarily.

>> No.11110086


>> No.11110092

how the fuck is this not blowing up biz right now

>> No.11110093

I mean, LINK comes in when different parties are executing smartcontracts. This is just uploading data. A step in the right direction but not the singularity bump yet.

>> No.11110102
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Respect your parents Follow God Obey the law Be well off as a mortal
Exercise nobility of character Practice what is just Be kind to friends Be well off as a mortal
Down-look no one Consult the wise Test the character Be well off as a mortal
Restrain the tongue Work for what you can own Despise strife

>> No.11110109

If you're not all in on link by now you are outright crazy.

>> No.11110124

You linkies are literally retard tier at making analogies.

Chainlink isn't the inventor of oracles and they don't even have a working product yet. You think a company like Docusign is going to sit around waiting for a WHO company like smartcontract.com to put together an oracle network that you have to use a cryptocurrency to use? Be realistic. Just because Gosner and Nazarov were a part of the same presentation at SXSW doesn't mean their companies have anything to do with each other.

I'm happy to see that some linkies are starting to see the reality of the situation though. Within a few months, it should be pretty clear that no one significant will use Chainlink and biz might get less Link spam.

>> No.11110140

ok wtf we are actually gonna make it

>> No.11110153

Because people here only care about trying to get rich off of shitcoins, and very few, if any, legitimate smart contract applications will use any sort of cryptocurrency. I'm surprised no one is making a collage though to show how twitter follows "prove" that this has to do with Chainlink.

>> No.11110156

>You think a company like Docusign is going to sit around waiting for a WHO company like smartcontract.com to put together an oracle network that you have to use a cryptocurrency to use?
Er, yes. In fact I guarantee it.

>> No.11110158

imagine being this retarded

>> No.11110169

Can't wait for your suicide thread.

>> No.11110254

I don't think you know what "guarantee" means.

Ok, I've already made it. I'll see you EOY 2018, 2019, 2020. It's hilarious the amount of poorfags still hoping to make it with cryptos. Good luck.

>> No.11110277

>no mention of Chainlink anywhere
Grasping at straws

>> No.11110313

You can't even figure out his name, lmao

>> No.11110340

>Theoretically we are all made out of cheese
You could see that Gosner was uncomfortable having to be in the same room as Sergey. The only reason he is ever in these low-tier conferences is because he pays to be there with the ICO money.

>> No.11110357

Ohhh, wow, you sure did get me there.

It's funny that all you can do is attack my juxtaposing two letters in some guys last name, when I know any moron that's been holding Link since December is so far in the red at this point, it's laughable. It's hilarious that so many people here unironically still hold ANY cryptos. I try not to judge too much though, I was once /poorfag/

>> No.11110453
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using words you don't know makes your bait 98% more likely to be seen as bait

>> No.11110460

Better analogy; Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Ebay, Taobao, Alibaba all use 'https://' protocol, none of them went and built their own. Chainlink is going to be just as universal a standard if not more.

>> No.11110461

>0 results for Chainlink

>> No.11110462

>hurrr i galredy meddit

>> No.11110525
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>> No.11110593

I don't think you know what "first to market industry backed blockchain agnostic decentralized oracle network" means

>> No.11110617

The article mentions both OpenLaw and Accord in connection with smart contracts.
Both of these parties have explicitly stated that they were working with Chainlink.

>> No.11110715

shhh, let them fomo in at 100k sats

>> No.11110852

I think that you think it means a lot more than it actually does. If this were as big and anticipated as you believe, why aren't all of these huge companies acquiring as many tokens as possible at a quarter a piece?

I know your response will be because they will be gifted millions of them. But either way, they would surely be buying as many tokens at this price knowing they'd eventually use them in this HUGELY NECESSARY network.

Or...maybe...just maybe...they have good devs and trustworthy companies like IBM and all of those involved with hyperledger developing smart contracts and oracles.

I'm sure Market Protocol will pump the price though! Don't worry!

>> No.11110869


>> No.11110992

You could have saved time and just said "I have no idea what "first to market industry backed blockchain agnostic decentralized oracle network" means".

>> No.11111033


>> No.11111074
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And here it comes:

$1000 end of year 2018

>> No.11111086


>> No.11111096

bitcoin is a scam

>> No.11111131

1k eoy boys

>> No.11111129



>> No.11111148
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>> No.11111182

LINK $ 1000 EOY


>> No.11111293

I understand your catch phrase.

>> No.11111397

And we understand your larp

>> No.11111506

>why aren't all of these huge companies acquiring as many tokens as possible at a quarter a piece?
Because to them it won't matter what price Link is, they'll only ever have to consider the fiat price and will hardly even realize they used the token.
That's the power of smart contracts.

>> No.11111567

Uh...if you believe they'll use the network, they'd rather pay fiat now for cheap tokens than fiat in the future to use a more expensive network. But they aren't going to use the network.

And I'm not larping, I genuinely think Linkies are retarded.

>> No.11111569

would it be considered insider trading for a company working with SC behind an NDA to load up on link tokens speculatively ?

>> No.11111575

Link going up in price does not make the network more expensive, lol.


>> No.11111586

No, but if you need another lie to tell yourself as to why Link's price continues to flounder, you might as well add that to the hundreds you already tell yourself.

>> No.11112043

Oh yeah well you're a poop face

>> No.11112068


>> No.11112263
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> I'm not larping
I mean this when I say this - best of luck to you. People like you are probably the biggest retards on this board if you don't have a suicide insurance stack at least - you clearly haven't been following CL's progress or the companies which have officially announced they are working with them.