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11110029 No.11110029 [Reply] [Original]

>riding the train in the morning today
>a cute girl that was sitting next to me fell asleep on my shoulder for 20 minutes
These were the best 20 minutes of my life, I actually felt like I had a girlfriend that loved me. Why did that ride ever have to end?

>> No.11110053

>ITT: Things that didn't happen

>> No.11110079

>Tfw only niggers and junkies ride public transportation in your city

>> No.11110082

cringe af
you have a girl sleeping on your shoulder for 20minutes and you don't tell her a single thing nor smile at her when she wakes up? kys

>> No.11110100

>>a cute girl that was sitting next to me fell asleep on my shoulder for 20 minutes
why are women allowed to do shit like this to complete strangers? if a man did this he would be in court because of some woman screaming #MeToo

>> No.11110108

It did. I am not sure if it was 20 minutes, I was completely frozen and didn't know what to do. I just breathed as little as possible as to not wake her up. When she woke up I pretended to sleep but she probably knew I didn't.

>> No.11110199

That's how you get girls pregnant, you looser fag... you should have been wearing a shoulder condom

>> No.11110224

because if you rest your goddamn 200kg fat flabs on someone its practically attempted murder fat faggot

>> No.11110307
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>not fapping when she wakes up
How is she supposed to know if you're interested?

>> No.11110331

A cute girl once sat next to be on the bus and I thought she might have been making eyes at me. Then I began to wonder if she was on drugs, because a girl being relaxed and receptive around me is a rare occurrence.

>> No.11110333

Wait I thought you touched their boobs when they were sleeping to show interest??

>> No.11110352

>He actually believes in gender equality
Because women don't like fat greasy neckbeards resting their heads on them while they pretend to sleep. The double standard is completely justified.

>> No.11110359

I do that to wusses in busses. I lure them out in remote bus stops and take their link with my gang of buddies, leaving them in a puddle of tears and semen.

>> No.11110517
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>with my gang of buddies
now we know you're lying

>> No.11110568

This happened to me on a plane flight and she kept brushing her arm against mine. I never wanted to fondle someone so bad

>> No.11110628

why didn't you ask for her number.

i woulda said something like
> i tried sleeping but your snoring was too cute and loud
> i took a selfie of us and posted in on IG with the hashtag #StrangerDanger
> you started to drool on me so i closed your mouth
you seem actually pretty cute and cool, would you want to hang out get some lunch or coffee sometime- but you have to promise not to sleep on me next time! ;)

cmon anon. pick up some game!!

>> No.11110631

maybe she was pretending to sleep too

>> No.11110671
File: 84 KB, 436x425, fuuuuuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look out the window for 20 minutes and check who is walking around outside and what clothes people are wearing so I know if its hot or cold outside
>get dressed, try to look as NPC as possible so I don't draw any attention
>leave building and slowly approach the parking lot and my car
>suddenly 30 meter away from me a qt blonde (underage) girl in a summerdress jumps down some stairs and looks at me
>she starts yelling and screaming at me and is obviously happy as fuck she yells "hello" and "hey wait"
>run the last 5 meters to my car, fumble with the keys and jump in and lock the doors
>the qt girl is standing behind the car looking into the mirror and waving her hand at me and yelling heeello heeeeelloooooo
>start the engine and speed away as fast as possible
>wait til its night til I return home in case she is there waiting for me
>everyday awaiting possible pedo charges or police at my door because that girl could claim rape or something and saw my license plate

>> No.11110713
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yeah you should have said those things. Those will def work next time this happens

>> No.11110886

not related to business or finance

>> No.11111368

could be, fuck
I am decently attractive and somewhat /fit/ but just ridiculously autistic to the point where I could not talk to women if my life depended on it

>> No.11111581

Top kek!

>> No.11111594

man that must have been so comfy, watching all the clouds go by as a cute girl rests your head on your shoulder and brushes your arm, almost like having a gf
and they say we are all virgins

>> No.11111621

Definitely still hold that memory in my spank bank

>> No.11111628

Never happened.