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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 750x807, bkkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11091819 No.11091819 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /biz/ bros got the latest scoop for your monkey retarded ass.

MTV - Multiversum

Exchange link - https://forkdelta.app/#!/trade/0xcd53c76b8a350b7f9815d6ddc4617bf37c7288ff-ETH

website - https://www.multiversum.io/

I'm not going to sit here, and spend a hour typing up a shill but just so you know this will be on binance in 2 weeks, and kucoin in 1 week~ Rumor is some other exchanges too.

Coin is literally impossible to lose with - DYOR but please don't complain about being a poorfag in 2018 when you miss gems like this. Don't be a retard, and drop an ETH.

>> No.11091833

Good shit OP the binance rumor is confirmed idk about kukoin

>> No.11091841

Just dropped some eth and got 2.5k mtv thanks OP

>> No.11091842

kill yourself

>> No.11091852

A gem for once on biz how astounding

>> No.11091863

Binance was confirmed homie hehehehehe

>> No.11091869

If it's going on binance it'll go on cucoin

>> No.11091887

Can we use MM for this exchange or what?

>> No.11091896

Works like ED did

>> No.11091920


>> No.11091956

How much should a poorfag put into This?

>> No.11091962

At least 3grand if you wanna make it

>> No.11091980

Busted a nut to the gains

>> No.11091997

Eth or two should be fine

>> No.11092034

Fuck it will drop an eth lol

>> No.11092053

>smoking weed made him fear for his life
I thought the concealed handgun he pulled out did that

>> No.11092070

Wow etherdelta is fast now

>> No.11092097

this is forkdelta it's a new dev

>> No.11092173

He doesn't know LUL

>> No.11092195

Going ALL in

>> No.11092227
File: 71 KB, 800x800, Reign Supreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not having at least 10k MTV

>> No.11092251

Sauce on that album?

>> No.11092304

OP is a fag but this is legit dont sleep biz

>> No.11092356

Isnt this a pedocoin

>> No.11092416

Binance AND kuckkoin is this upcoming Saturday

>> No.11092460

Going to just go all in on this shit

>> No.11092506

MTV looks solid enough

>> No.11092574

Good post op id kiss you

>> No.11092623

Woke enough to get a bag of 2k MTV at least

>> No.11092662

Best choice you've made your entire shit life anon

>> No.11092709

Linkies and MTV are verified biz coins

>> No.11092722


uh danny brown did some exclusive twitch shit ill find ya the sauce

>> No.11092767

Good shit op

>> No.11092789

sucks to see that no one has fallen for it yet, OP. just keep trying, i'm sure there's a bunch of retards on this board

>> No.11092837

Stinkies fkr my linkies

>> No.11092861

LMAO fag

>> No.11092910

Kuckkoin was confirmed too

>> No.11092955

Will I make it with 700 mtv?

>> No.11092992

I'd say we will see a 2500 sat increase by next Saturday due to the new exchanges. Seriously shouldn't sleep on this you nigs.

>> No.11093013

Poorfags never make it pick up at least 5k

>> No.11093067

Agreed when this hits binance we will see a huge surge

>> No.11093105


>> No.11093139

About time someone recreated it

>> No.11093205

Yep I believe I heard something about some other big names too

>> No.11093240

Prices are so low on forkdelta compared to any where else I literally am cross exchange trading this shit made like 100 bucks in a hour lmao

>> No.11093321

At least 10k

>> No.11093330

Stop posting here.




>> No.11093361

Poorfags gunna fud

>> No.11093368

Something seemed off about this thread. Is it really a scam? I've never heard about this before.

>> No.11093391

They post here like clockwork with same cut copy paste threads and precanned resposes to each other

>> No.11093404

No people just want to fud they're probably salty they sold there bags before the binance announcement

>> No.11093426

Either wise up and get the good coins like MTV bat and ela or stay poor

>> No.11093433

It would be nice to have some kind of sticky to list shit like this. I imagine lots of people lose money if they aren't on 4chan every day. It's a perfect place to scam people.

>> No.11093438

You discord pajeets have no shame. Not enough normies getting into crypto that you can fool with this bullshit. Everyone knows if a project is announcing a Binance listing before the exchange confirms it's a scam.

>> No.11093453

Retard alert

>> No.11093479

Lol can't wait for retarded people who get fudded cry in two weeks haha

>> No.11093524

Not too often you find actual good coins on here

>> No.11093589

Probably 30% of my portfolio has mtv

>> No.11093598

Almost doing it right

>> No.11093679

I think it's safe to say MTV is one of the most hyped coins of this month for sure

>> No.11093708

Uh it's announced already that it'll hit binance Saturday the 22nd

>> No.11093789

Throw up niggA.

>> No.11093860

No one will ever have to endure that shit hole again since fork delta was created

>> No.11093899

Get on the gain train or gtfo the way

>> No.11093928

Btc is dead

>> No.11093947

Right? LMAO!

>> No.11093987

Would you kiss my butt hole while I had little bits of poop o the outer rim ?

>> No.11094005
File: 19 KB, 910x68, Screen Shot 2018-09-16 at 12.12.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SCAM. STAY AWAY. See pic related from the last time they did this.

>> No.11094008

Bought 3k earlier today

>> No.11094040

Mate it's 1000 says cheaper on formdelta...

>> No.11094064

uh its 1k cheaper on fork lol

>> No.11094102

Are you a retard buddy

>> No.11094122

that's because you dumped on everyone.

stay away biz

>> No.11094137

Well whos to stop anyone who has enough ethereum to buy out the MTV @ 1500 less sats and make 8x there money back? Lol stop being such a dumb ass.

>> No.11094147

fuck niggers

>> No.11094152

because nobody will buy your bags idiot.

>> No.11094169


You're actually retarded lol I've been buying this shit for hours and transferring it to idex to 12x my gains

>> No.11094171

Don't buy the cheap MTV and snake you way w/ it on idex or another exchange then. Enjoy being poor brainlet.

>> No.11094196

Hey thanks OP for the cheap tokens

>> No.11094228


Uh check the prices again lol you're trolling

>> No.11094293

Prices like this make me fucking hard

>> No.11094397

hes just trying to fud because he's probably poor AF

>> No.11094475

Just picked up 5k bags

>> No.11094605

some ppl are borderline autism

>> No.11094699

Worth throwing an eth into

>> No.11094781

Elon fucking musk moon mission.

>> No.11094791

This thread is filled with posts of one guy trying to scam biztards.

This is the token contract of this "Multiversum" Scam:


The guy wants you to buy the "cheap" tokens on etherdelta that actually do nothing at all.

Anyone who believes in this post is a degenerate retard.
You don't believe me?
Navigate from the etherdelta-page to etherscan (click a transaction on the right) and check the token contract.

Thread will die now, thank me later guys.

>> No.11094801
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 1534490477331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Delete this thread. The scamming faggot is behind a proxy, banning him won't matter.

>> No.11094873


>> No.11095169

next do HBO