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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11073290 No.11073290 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ will defend this

>> No.11073322

that's why the average american isn't a peasant

>> No.11073330
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>> No.11073354

this man got it

>> No.11073358

/biz/ is probably the board with the highest % of people not working of all boards.

>> No.11073363
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>> No.11073383

Unironically, very likely to be true

>> No.11073392
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Did medieval peasants drive a 3 series and have a jetski and a boat? I don't think so

>> No.11073399

Are they saying "works" or works works?

>> No.11073421

How else would we have pulled off the Safety Dance so effectively? Canada invented it but thats totally irrelevant

>> No.11073425
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Yeah but today we live longer have sex with more sexual partners and our funds are SAFU

>> No.11073444

we are also more stressed, have less children, and less sex

>> No.11073477

This has been true for a couple of decades its a well known fact that Americans work some of the longest hours a week in the world....

Heres the plot twist though. Americans score near the top repeatedly for low productivity per hour. Basically Americans are fucking inefficent slackers at work.

>> No.11073507

r9k probably has us beat there

>> No.11073519

the average american is a net negative for society and has to work because they get nothing otherwise

we are overpopulated, the shitskin problem is real, eith you have value and are rich, or you don't and you're just like 7 billion others

>> No.11073524
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Don't be silly goy. You've got everything you could ask for. You are there, sitting comfily in front of your pc screen, surrounded by enthusiastic co-workers, doing things that MATTER goy. Imagine living in a mud cottage, without all your comforts. Your phone, your car, your cool and hip new devices that allow you to connect to the world. How could you wish for such a life? The corporate world offers you easy money, career opportunities, great advantages, social life. You learn things goy, you need guidance!

That feeling of emptiness is just you being weak and lazy. How can you complain about this life? You have EVERYTHING you could wish for. We give you EVERYTHING and you repay us with being unhappy. Suffering is part of life goy, you just have to deal with it. Stop thinking about alternatives, there are none. Just accept it and you will be happy.

>> No.11073526

its almost as if people do their work slower if they're given more time to do it

>> No.11073547

work hard, play harder

>> No.11073577

we told you that first though with arbeit macht frei
it was just a trick

>> No.11073632
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too long. didn't read

>> No.11073765
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>> No.11073789

You should try joining a synagogue.

>> No.11073804

The difference is if you were born a peasant you stayed one. Now you have a 0.3% chance of moving to the upper levels of society.

>> No.11073812

no more showering
disease and famine real issues

Hopefully survive past 30!

>> No.11073818

Only if you reply to my post within the next 3.5 seconds

Or buy link

>> No.11073864

What if we obliterate all forms of modern society bar modern healthcare? no more modern transport, no cities, no modern entertainment such as movies, gaming and internet, no electricity except for in the healthcare system, no mass produced food and 'farmers' because everyone must now be their own farmer and eat only food that they can grow in their own climate.

>> No.11073878

quest accepted

>> No.11073884

Now we're talking.

Go read the Unabomber's Manifesto.
Technology is killing society.

He unironically was based and redpilled, even if he was a beta anonymous bomber

>> No.11074161

We also sleep more than medieval peasants.

>> No.11074182

Pretty sure I don't.

>> No.11074186

You are worse. A jewish slave.

>> No.11074237

No, that IS ironic you imbecile

>> No.11074248

>if it wasn't for industrious individuals of a certain tribal association technical progress would be impossible

>> No.11074637


Being a serf would be a million times worse than being a modern day wagecuck.

>lithe virgin wife

Enjoy living before toilet paper so her ass always stinks of shit and her pussy is putrid because no feminine hygene products.

>multigeneration families

Fucking kek, this is just a word for living with your parents while they are still living with their parents. Holy fucking shit that is failure. Also enjoy no privacy.

>muh diet

I hope you enjoy the same shit all day every day

>uh religion

Better worship mary and follow what the priest says faggot. Don't even look at a girl the wrong way after you have your own smelly wife, it might be a sin and you could be punished by the church.

Modern times are great.

>> No.11074691

>He said to himself desperately trying to convince himself he is happy and fulfilled.

>> No.11074797


>he projected onto the anon that BTFO'd him

>> No.11074817


>> No.11074827

How many years did a medieval peasant lived for? And how much fucking luxus did he have? /Thread

>> No.11074841


>> No.11074884


>What if WE

No, not "we", you. I'd murder you if you tried to destroy all the progress we have made technologically. Fucking luddites need to KYS. I can't wait for the tech singularity and cyberpunk becomes real and we have artificial limbs and bodies.

>> No.11074902

> lets destroy technology and all progress for simpler times
> posting to 4chan

>> No.11074920

Yeah what is supposed to happen then? Then we are back in the days, where people are living to 30-40y. With terror, diseases and whatelse you wanna imagine.

I don't get this mindgame.

>> No.11074926

we are still allowed to make progress technologically. but everyone that is not a scientist/engineer must work on their farms etc.

this would rid the world of many useless jobs that contribute to green house gasses, consumerism and general degeneration of society.

>> No.11074927

found the cancer of modern society

>> No.11074934

i said we should not get rid of modern healthcare

>> No.11074946

And what are you? Just another cog in the globalist (((EU))) machine? Europoor entrepreneurs are so fucking rare that I doubt they even exist

>> No.11074950

>useless jobs
Okay, but I get to pick some of them too.

>> No.11074958

Cherry pick the "good" things and throw away the "bad" things?

Who qualifies what is good and what is bad?

>> No.11074960

I just said I got to.

>> No.11074966

fuck off schlomo. life under Medieval Catholic Christendom has always been better than anytime since then, and always will.

>> No.11074973

science and farming are the only two things that are necessarily for optimal living. anything more worsens society, anything less reduces standard of living.

>> No.11074996

Life expectancy difference wasn't that extreme. The average was brought down by a massive children mortality, not to mention that it's better to live 10 years less if those 10 years mean being a demented vegetable on the shoulders of your sons and daughters.

Nevertheless, technological advancements aren't even the product of wageslavery. Wageslavery today is mostly bullshit services, info jobs, marketing kikery and a bloated managerial culture. Alienation and emptiness are the problem. Most people have no purpose or focus in life, no matter how many social media campaigns they do.

>> No.11075003

we in it

>> No.11075019

>green house gasses
You fell for the CO2 meme.


How exactly is this bad? Resources are here to be used for. Earth is full of resources. Human overpopulation is the real cause of problems, which is caused by single countries and nations.

>general degeneration of society

>> No.11075050

i'm talking about the fashion industry, the phone industry and making mega corps rich.

farming and basic cloth on our back is all we need.

>> No.11075065

> all we need is farming + cloth on our backs
> screw modern medicine

>> No.11075077

you didn't read my previous posts where i said the only two jobs should be either a farmer of your own land and crop or a scientist.

>> No.11075095

you do realize that modern medicine requires modern medical devices right? and those have to be manufactured

>> No.11075121


I'm sure you know this from personal experience and aren't just mad you can't get a gf.

Fuck off /pol/ loser.


>if you aren't an 1100's kid you are modern cancer

Nostalgia for something you literally never experienced in cringe inducing.


I don't want to work on a farm. That sounds like fucking gay, boring, tiresome work. It sounds like your society lacks a lot of freedom. What is stopping me from just buying food from my neighbours farm? Why do I have to waste a portion of my life tending to fucking growing vegetables and making sure livestock doesn't die. This is something that can be left to the brainlets to monitor.

>greenhouse gasses

Don't give a fuck


Meme issue.


Literally /pol/s equivalent to the lefts use of "racism/sexism" etc. Get fucked.

>> No.11075150

become a scientist then if farming is too boring for you.

>> No.11075163

Peasents could work during the winter... That's like 5 months.

>> No.11075173


How are people going to be transported to their scientist labs or medivine manufacturing plants? Do you expect them to fucking walk? Your gonna need cars, which mean you need industries for that too as well as industries for the fuel for these modes of transportation. It's a whole can of worms and all needs to be connected.

>hates fashion

Some of it's dumb sure, but a lot of it looks good. Sure would be a boring world if all girls just wore the same shit rags and farmer clothes. I personally don't partake in fashion myself and just wear similar basic t shirts and shorts/jeans every day. But I sure would be mad if women stopped wearing fancy shoes, nice new sexy tops, new skirts or tight pants etc with new hairstyles. I really like viewing fashion on women, but I don't partake in or care about mens fashion at all.

>> No.11075184

You dense motherfuckers this isn't even about technology goddamnit. Technology actually should've helped mankind to work LESS since we've fucking automated most of the really heavy stuff that took a shitton of time and effort. Instead we are slaving away our lives in pointless 9 to 5 jobs that usually serve nothing except to keep the corporate ball spinning. In fact most wageslaves fucking dread their lives because they are lending their time (time, not labor) to do meaningless shit that could be done in half the time or less. Not to mention those really useless mongoloids like middle managers, box tickers and paper passers in modern offices.

The fact that serfs had more leisure time and a more wholesome life in a context that was definitely shittier tech wise compared to now is just absurd.

>> No.11075186


>just do what I tell you

Fuck off. I will choose what I want to do you little prick.

>> No.11075208

exactly, that's kind of my point - how do you run said devices and operate hospitals without electricity.

how do you get electricity without infrastructure + workers to maintain said infrastructure

It's a fucking spider web of dependencies. We keep building tech up, and you can't pick and choose what aspects to keep.

OP is truly the king of retards.

>> No.11075216

>Nostalgia for something you literally never experienced in cringe inducing.
you're the faggot who's pinning all his hopes on the coming "cyberpunk" era. you're in no position to start casting aspersions, schlomo.

>> No.11075225

Nah, we've all seen these threads before where it's 'muh simpler times'

>> No.11075230
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designated vacuum tube chutes that only connect villages to the science centers

>> No.11075237


I agree when you put it this way, but the retards using wageslavery as a justification for being a neo luddite is retarded.

I agree wagecucking is so bad at the moment. But if you don't want to do it, then don't do it. No one is forcing you. Go be a neet. Also the great thing about advancing technology and robots and AI is that one day all the jobs will be replaced by a robot and that's a good thing. I don't know why wagie losers are so scared of automation and how automation is such a big boogie man. It's some people want to continue working for their wagebucks.

>> No.11075243
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>> No.11075245

so now you're designing different tech than current to get around the problems posed to you by wanting the simpler times. and who builds + maintains these tubes? How are they powered?

>> No.11075250

obviously a small amount of supporting industry would be required but it wouldn't need to be a huge amount just to support the development of medical technology

>> No.11075251


>> No.11075315


I'm not pinning my hopes retard. I am just very excited as tech seems to be really speeding up lately, I am just excited to see where it all goes. With every passing year a new thing passed from being in the realm of sci-fi to actually being in real life.

Aside from the current state of medical tech (no robot limbs yet, and can't fix a blind man with bionic eyes yet), which I am not happy with, I am happy with all else though. I am not hoping the future saves us. I am just saying, the future looks bright and fun as fuck, but the current day is great too.

>> No.11075358
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Posting on /biz/ from work right now, can confirm

>> No.11075364

>But if you don't want to do it, then don't do it. No one is forcing you
Not everyone lives in welfare paradises

>> No.11075371

Go be a serf, what’s stopping you

>> No.11075378

This is what I like about America
Despite having the resources and westernization to be a gay country like France, and take vacations all the time with 16 years paid maternity leave lol, they actually work anyway.

It keeps up the old tradition of Protestant English societies that work is a way of worshipping God which kicked off capitalism in its modern shape to begin with

>> No.11075405

I think labour is essential for the well being of a human. It gives peoples a purpose. It's the power of creation and our way to make value to the society we live in. Wageslaves create no value, that's why they want to hang themselves. Also, humans have been working in burst of energy for millennia. Burst of energies, followed by idling and back again. 9 to 5 routine when there's jackshit to do is pointless.
I don't buy the NEET meme if being a NEET means eating Doritos and playing mobas all day. That's as depressing as wageslavery, plus isolation. The human nature calls us to leave a mark, even small, in the world.
There are probably many reasons why wagies are scared as hell to leave their shit life. Career memes, social stigma for not having a (((proper job))) or probably just necessity. Think about garbage collectors: they job is essential and brings more value to society than being a digital marketing coordination planner (i.e. a useless PowerPoint making fag). The second earns three times what a trashboi earns. Plus he's not considered a trashboi but some kind of fag with a cool job title.

>> No.11075406

Average American also has a better life quality than a medieval king

>> No.11075420

>16 years paid maternity leave

That's the most horrific thing I've read all day. Jesus christ some poor business owner is still paying a woman he hired to do some casual job over a decade ago right now today.

>> No.11075422

I'm gonna quit wageslavery soon and start a business.

>> No.11075444

you sound like the kind of guy who "respects women".

>> No.11075451

*presses A button*

Quest: show <insert name of NPC> he is wrong
Reward: -1 intelligence

>> No.11075493
File: 39 KB, 500x497, OP Award.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> shows he's better by critizing people arguing on the internet
> is also on the same board wasting their time

good job champ

>> No.11075506


I don't though.

>> No.11075566

*gets approached by NPC*

>I challenge you to a duel
Quest: fight NPC
Reward: -5 intelligence

No thx

>> No.11075632

>the future will satisfy my fantasies just because
You're an idiot.

>> No.11075975

Aquired Ability: Multiquoting
Active skill: Quote multiple people.
Status effects:
> Short term taunt - mindless and generalising nature of the action makes first time readers agitated, increasing the probability of receiving (you)'s.
> -1 charisma until the thread dies - condescending nature of the action makes the character look less appealing.
Permanent passive effects:
> -3 Intelligence penalty - mindless and generalising nature of the action requires slightly decreased intelligence and judgement skills.

>> No.11076004


>/biz/ will defend this

Lol, you got that right. Look at all these retards with literal stockholm syndrome here lolol.

>> No.11076136

>ITT a bunch of corporate bootlicking slaves that defend the fact they have to work harder than a medieval peasant even though we have more wealth, higher productivy and more tech/automation than ever

>> No.11076143

blue collar fag here,
dont forget to mention the fact that you are fucked if youre ever injured on the job, no safety net no medical care. fucking idiotic thread this is

>> No.11076648

kek thx for the chuckle mate

>> No.11077709

Well the average American worker as long as he has the balls to do fiscal evasion and dosen't have to pay rent / mortgage etc - each month as a huge buying power even with the average salary.

>> No.11077742

I made a thread about this three months ago. We also pay 66% more in taxes if you use California as an example. Oh also Visa's and not being able to immigrate is the same as serfdom.

Neo-feudalism is real. Go fight it.

>> No.11077779
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You are now aware that you Still Would

>> No.11077907

hey italy anon glad to see you again. Did you read the Bocacha book? He talks about that and expands into the whole economy