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11068707 No.11068707 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?

>> No.11068727

Yeah, too many whale games, futures markets and ETFs dragging it down to a dull roar at best.If you are HODL might as well sell at 12K as that is going to be your best price anymore.

>> No.11068746


>> No.11068798


Why would smart money buy bitcoin at this point? Really, it's been out for ten years and the price is insane even right now. It's simply old tech at this point. It has a really bad reputation and it'll never shake that. Even with the ETF you will never see big money flowing into bitcoin. The big money will never come late to bitcoin but they still might like blockchain they want to get in at the bottom of some new crypto. If you think bitcoin is somehow superior or special to all other cryptos you're seriously delusional and just want your bags pumped.

>> No.11068912
File: 501 KB, 480x700, 09384348923786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right. Bitcoin (BCH) will go over $20k.

>> No.11068927

It wouldn't say it in the headline if it wasn't true, duh.

>> No.11068945

yeah i mean nobody bought that 10 billion $ worth of btc a few months ago and nobody has been buying all the bags the way down from 20k and mt.gox selling all those bags otc, i mean its ogre just sell it all.

>> No.11068947

yawn, sage

>> No.11068980
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Yeah, dumb money bought. I was talking about smart money. Learn to read first retard.

>> No.11069006

>Bitcoin prices will never reach $1
>Bitcoin prices will never reach $10
>Bitcoin prices will never reach $100
>Bitcoin prices will never reach $1000
>Bitcoin prices will never reach $10000
>Bitcoin Prices will never reach $100000
>Bitcoin Prices will never reach $1000000
Sticky this.

at $1,000,000 it probably won't even make sense to describe it in dollars, because dollars won't be a thing anymore
The new "1 million" will be 1 BTC and we'll probably all become depressed for not having invested more fiat into BTC "back then" (2018)

>> No.11069034
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>> No.11069040

As if you have a single clue what smart money even means you nocoiner noob.

>> No.11069052

>Hey Jim, let's pay off some journalists to write a hit piece on Bitcoin so we can fill our bags with cheap BTC.

>> No.11069117

More like
>Mark did you finish the piece for us today?
>Today's story. Did you write it or not?
>Fuck. Uhh... yeah ok. Just give me a second I'll send it over to you.
>"Buttcoin is bad...." , no, no, too obvious. "Bitcoin is a bubble and you should ..." no that won't work. Ok. "Bitcoin will NEVER be $20,000 again." Perfect.

>> No.11069122

>what is a bitcoin halving

>> No.11069169


Yeah, smart money will buy bitcoin just to pump your bags :D. D E L U S I O N A L. Doesn't work that way bro. They don't buy your bags, you'll buy theirs in a couple of years.

>> No.11069213

Bitcoin doesn't have to be superior to other cryptos. Most people agree that if crypto is the future of currency, there will be 1 or more gold like cryptos (BTC), and other ones that are meant for every day sending, these will constantly change as superior technology comes out.

>> No.11069234

yep, we will see bleeding to zero which will take 27 years, sure

>> No.11069237

I mean, how many times does it have to be said: the rally in bitcoin was fraud being conducted by a few people.

Yea, plenty of non-related people made lots of money but that's irrelevant. Bitcoin won't go back up in value, as why would it unless world governments and economies started adopting it?

You might as well just buy naked calls and puts than rely on bit coin.

>> No.11069264


>there will be 1 or more gold like cryptos (BTC), and other ones that are meant for every day sending, these will constantly change as superior technology comes out.

Why would you even need bitcoin in that case? Why wouldn't the superior tech take bitcoin's place as gold too?

>> No.11069266

Thanks for sharing this meme. Good quality booms

>> No.11069280

>why would you need bitcoin

The same reason we used gold backed currencies for so long.. without it we now have worthless jew paper that is going to cause the deaths of millions when it crashes.

>> No.11069287

and that's a good thing

>> No.11069291

Scarcity and it's decentralized scope.
Millions are already lost for certain as well.

Nothing can change bitcoins place.

>> No.11069312

Have you ever actually looked at an order book before?
Yeah didn't think so.

>> No.11069322
File: 454 KB, 2048x1536, caring craig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true, Bitcoin [BCH] will.

>> No.11069331



Bitcoin hasn't been decentralized since the chink ASICS came out. It's heavily centralized chink tech at this point. You really think rich american boomers will pump chink bags? Really? You think they won't find out how centralized it really is? If you think ETF will save your bitcoin bags you're in for a rough ride. The real dump begins when people realize the price isn't going up even with the ETF since people simply aren't interested in buying. 20k to 6k will seem like a minor correction compared to what's coming.

>> No.11069345


Having mining power split 1000 ways makes them all far more vulnerable to attack than 1-5. It makes far more sense to have raw computing power pointed at one or few spots.

>> No.11069376

Yes. The price has been propped up with wash trading Tether/BTC. It's over. The scam was meant to give BTC it's "store of value" narrative, but look at the price now lol. Some people will be going to jail. You should look at coins that actually have the chance of being used everyday by the masses, regardless of income.

>> No.11069381


You realize you're arguing against your own position right?

>> No.11069399



>> No.11069422


Well, why waste power mining bitcoin when you can just mine the better coin instead of bitcoin AND the newer better coin?

>> No.11069461


>> No.11069498

When I first heard about bitcoin, I said it'll never be worth a penny. I FOMOed in after it was worth more than gold.

If mr. Wall Street Titan hasn't figured out what kind of momentum bitcoin has, he's going to spend his entire fortune on a fist full of bitcoin after it's too late.

>> No.11069593


Because their distribution will be either overwhelmed immediately by chinks if the coin is scarce or be rendered worthless by "fair" distribution to everyone and their dog. There's never going to be a 10,000 bitcoins for a pizza sort of situation ever again, everyone or at least a relevant enough percentage are wise to the game and its possibilities. I think it was Assblaster that said Bitcoin may be the only shot we ever get at a decentralized currency, and I think he's right. If there's to be a basis for value in crypto assets bitcoin has been serving that purpose from the beginning, which will become especially relevant if you're down on the future of fiat. Whatever technological developments are made can be easily rolled into my personally issued AssBlastercoin with easily verified BTC backing so it actually has value without turning the crypto economy upside down whenever something "better" is developed. The more people invest their value into the system the more powerful it becomes, and with its current valuation I see little possibility of it slowing down over the long run or being overtaken by challengers to the throne.

>> No.11070159

>t. 2014

>> No.11070170
File: 116 KB, 768x768, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, based and redpilled.

>> No.11070194


>> No.11070947


>> No.11071338

it'll never be too late though - that's the point. mathematical scarcity means that only a critical flaw in cryptography would fuck everything up

>> No.11071706


"Smart money" as u call it doesn't buy at ath or on violent falling or surges it's on flat or slow downtrend the best opportunities are.

Now is the perfect time to fucking buy unless u think bitcoin is dead, which is isn't. Everyone can reenter anytime they wish it's not dead over

>> No.11071719

highly unlikely given bitcoins nature

>> No.11071735

price looks very good to me anon
whatever you are smoking you should atop

>> No.11071952

Nobody here has "steel hands". Everyone is trapped in a slave mentality that they'll miss out if they leave. So they tell themselves it's not that they're afraid, it's that they're "strong hands manly men riding out the storm".
It's the same mentality that keeps people in MLM schemes and obvious pyramid scams.

>> No.11071993

>Wall Street titan

>> No.11072010

As long as at least 2 pcs are mining, btc will stay alive. Btc will be alive in 80 years. Imagine the collectors value of 1 btc, the first of all cryptos. Just look what people pay for 80 years old coins now