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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11036749 No.11036749 [Reply] [Original]

It all comes tumblin down
tumblin down
tumblin down
hot's dead

>> No.11036762

i thought erc-20 tokens were going to take over eth

>> No.11036774

Yep BTC is dead

>> No.11036795

this place cracks me up
i almost feel bad for low iq newfags

>> No.11036807


I'll buy back when it is $50 million market cap kek. This is gonna be a shitcoin like TRX where you can swing trade it easily.

>> No.11036829
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[heavily delayed kek]

>> No.11036830

this anon gets it

BAT works good for this too

>> No.11036864
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>tfw didn't fall for either Chainlink or HOLO memes
>actually holding the next 100x mooner /biz/ doesn't know about

>> No.11036918
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>> No.11037454

>holo is the new eth
kek who would believe that nonsense. Delusional shills

>> No.11037475

fuck off QNT/DAG shill

>> No.11037502

>not holding both of these and HOT
you're not going to make it friend

10m HOT
200k DAG
1k QNT

>> No.11037519

my plan is that if the 2 latter turns out to be as promising as I think them to be. But all shils seems to be Discord-PnD in terms of how uncanny their posts are. Almost look like it's bots who are typing them

>> No.11037539


HOLO is my meal ticket out of this dump of a life, Rich or ROPE I am ALL in

>> No.11037569


I'm only holding 260K of HOT but i'm looking foward to get in again in QNT.

>> No.11037593

Oh I don't think so. I think that we have just hit the desperate market bottom and everyone is trying to pump their bags because they were so used to going 2x every month last year. You are completely right about the shift in posting and tonality though. That's how you know that the bottom is nearing. Also the amount of people turning to leverage is a good sign that they are getting desperate.

People should be loading up on alts right now and doubling down on researching the next wave of tech and how it works or harassing teams/doing background & partnership checks on people.

>> No.11037615

I was making two HOT threads a day for a little over a month explaining how it worked and got called a discord shill or some shit every time and I was really just here trying to talk to people about post PoW coins. I only found DAG because someone asked me how they are different and I started to dig into and ultimately ended up talking to their team about it.

>> No.11037637
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breakout from falling wedge when?

>> No.11037682

ey you wouldn't mind easing my research on DAG by explaining a little further why it's more than just a DAG token? Tried to read the white paper but I am not much of a techie person so couldn't understand much

>> No.11038068

It's basically like holo, super low latency, clustered nodes that run off a reputation system. Break the rules/the chain then you get kicked off.

Rather then building everything for on chain compute they are building it to play better with existing services. You can integrate AWS/Digital Ocean kind of stuff with it rather then trying to build the resources on to the network.

Think of it like Holochain would be a no survivors revolution where you build everything from scratch & DAG is a little more calm and lets you play with your old toys and integrate what you want from the new one with all of the tools there.

>> No.11038087

DAG is in alpha and you can go monitor the network and see that there is code that you can run. You can even run a node right now.

DAG/HOT are cool too because the node requirements are tiny and you can start earning really easily. No staking issues.

>> No.11038092

nobody here actually fell for the discord shilling, right?

>> No.11038094

Sounds interesting desu senpai. Will probably re-read the whitepaper later to understand further

>> No.11038096

The reason that you need a token in DAG is that you have to have some to interact with the network at all. If you want to send one to use a service you would need more then 1 in your wallet so the model is pretty similar to ETH

>> No.11038120

Yeah, basically they are all playing the same game. Sharded ETH will be the same thing. It's just horizontal scaling (google horizontal & vertical scaling)

The engineering problem was making these scale & by using reputation and clustering the nodes in all three they bypass the latency/throughput issues.

>> No.11038138

This is my last post on this shit but learning about all of this actually got me pretty excited about sharding on Ethereum. It will finally fulfill the "world computer" meme that it had when it launched.

>> No.11038168

>J-just a bull flag anon... Don't sell till it moons!

>> No.11038191

me too all in

>> No.11038201


>> No.11038230

look up falling wedge pattern

>> No.11038253

literally every dump is a falling wedge until it breaks downward, this is only useful in retrospect

>> No.11038297
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It's dead, Jim.

>> No.11038324

actually you do feel bad

>> No.11038390


>> No.11038438

So it's RLC/iExec

>> No.11038475
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>> No.11038918

Similar to you Anon. A little less HOT, a little more DAG, RHOC instead of QNT.

>> No.11039559


>> No.11040151

I sold at 22sats

I am big brain desu and I’ve only been in crypto since July

>> No.11040178

Did you rebuy?

>> No.11040199

No those have centralized work servers and set architecture. That's why no one cares about them because of that. Holo/Dag/Perlin/Oasis are about building ecosystems on an as needed basis and making that easy

Most of them don't require Oracles too as you can build a contract/app that contacts a trusted node for information.

>> No.11040209
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>Most of them don't require Oracles
>contacts a trusted node

>> No.11040224

I'll buy rchain when it gets down to .0009/8 desu

QNT is the play right now because the supply is about to become so permanently limited and the idea/people aren't shit

>> No.11040242

Opinions on QNT vs HOT?

>> No.11040244

Meaning a 3rd party. It just works like building any program you would now you fucking retard. jfc

>> No.11040249

>It just works like building any program you would now

>> No.11040296

They are really different from eachother. QNT is a b2b interblockchain system. It's founded by some central bankers/government workers.

I just listened to the AMA's and got a stiffy when I saw that they are going to have a permanent supply cap of 14m tokens and they are 70c right now. Not necessarily trying to ride this out like HOT. It's interesting but I don't really like b2b plays in stocks or crypto.

>> No.11040312

>Not necessarily trying to ride this out like HOT.
Are you suggesting that HOT is a longer term play?

>> No.11040317

>volume going up as price goes down

uh oh

get out while you can
call me a fudder, I don't intend to buy, I'm not fudding, I'm just tired of the pink wojacks

>> No.11040329

Obviously you are some chainlink retard so I will spell it out. In your world it's like this

Bill wants info from Sue - Bill goes to pay (((chainlink))) to talk to Sue - Sue pays (((chainlink))) to talk to Bill
>absolute friction

In a standard model, Bill & Sue want to exchange info
Bill asks Sue - Sue sends Bill the info

>> No.11040342

>bought $10 worth of holo yesterday


>> No.11040349


>> No.11040352

well that was random

>> No.11040379

I have a feeling hot will do a Tron after BTC is done with it's downtrend. I hate the coin but am definitely gonna keep an eye on it.

>> No.11040400

Yeah but only because I understand HOT better. I kind of see QNT as really helpful middleware that will eventually be pushed out so that will get priced in even at its peak. That being said it's undervalued 3x-5x right now IMO. Maybe more if these supposed partnerships that they have come to fruition.

I have no estimate for what HOT will be worth and sold my initial and am just in for the ride currently.

>> No.11040412

>I have no estimate for what HOT will be worth and sold my initial and am just in for the ride currently.
how big's your stack brewh

>> No.11040429
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>tfw used my meager lotto winnings to buy hot so i dont really care what price it is

>> No.11040468

10m holo, I had 23m initially.

I hold most of my money in ETH/EOS still.

>> No.11040474

>I hold most of my money in ETH
oh no no no NO NO

>> No.11040503
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hating Holo means you are a retard that doesn't understand it. Not even joking. You really must be bottom of the barrel stupid. I can understand the FUDers, cause they actually have a goal, but people like you that hate something just because they are too stupid to understand it really rustle my jimmies.

>> No.11040520

If you like Holo's & Rchains tech then ETH with sharding isn't really any different and they have consensys staffing 1b worth of developers. I'm not betting against that until it dries up more.

tbqh I'm not positive what is the best or who is going to be used or whatever but if it scales horizontally and has money/devs then I am going to toss some money at it.

>> No.11040549

>ETH with sharding

>> No.11040570
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mind to explain who would benefit from a second layer internet? isn't sky aiming to do something like this too? and nexus? and qtum?

I'm really curious how you'll explain HOLO, please

>> No.11040615
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>mind to explain who would benefit from a second layer internet?
good thing this is not what holo is, so there's nothing to explain.

>> No.11040644

Ooooo hoo hoo we got a bad ass over here. sell time!

>> No.11040669

alright I'll rephrase

mind to explain who would benefit froma centralized shitcoin?

I honestly don't see the benefit of this, and I don't understand why it even needs a coin/token

call me retarded but if you can't explain it you're the retard investing in stuff you don't understand

>> No.11040770
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>mind to explain who would benefit froma centralized shitcoin?
wrong again, but nice try bucko. Some day you'll probably manage to bait someone to answer your strawman.

>call me retarded but if you can't explain it you're the retard investing in stuff you don't understand
fucking kys. I smelled your bait from the first post. Your second post with the "centralized" bullshit just reinforced my suspicion.

>> No.11040792


>one coin has a CEO that controls all of the funds alone and is trying to replace trillions in infrastructure with Chinese antennas all while holding all of the funds (sky)
>one coin has already been distributed and has a trusted 3rd party doing the swap as well as themselves, more places to mainnet swap to come. Just makes a new way to create & distribute dapps/computing, changes how you interact with the web not replace the literal wiring for personal profit as a tyrant.

>> No.11040822

I'm not trying to shill sky, I don't hold that shitcoin either, I'm asking you what does HOLO offer and why does it need a token

I'm calling it centralized because the whitepaper refers to it as "agent-centric" and it's hard to argue that this is in fact a blockchain as there's no inmutable ledger or descentralized computing

>> No.11040892
File: 287 KB, 540x506, 1527258024719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you read the whitepaper, but I guess you skipped the part where it specifically says that this is not a blockchain and where it explains that agent-centric doesn't have anything to do with centralization? wew lad!

>> No.11040941

Dude holy fuck I'm sorry but I'm not responding after this. There are people on youtube that can teach you about how all of this works.

There are no double spends, it's immutable, the compute is as decentralized as can be because you set the market p2p for the computing rather then having it forced rate by the network gods.

It needs a token because you won't get 100k global nodes offering compute unless they are incentivized to do so and seeing how the compute is at a protocol level, not at l2 you do need a base token.

>> No.11040960

Except you'll find a bag of Holo fuel

>> No.11041032

so, in retard words, it decentralizes cloud services?

that's... interesting
wouldn't nodes need absurd amounts of computing power/storage/bandwith for this to work? wouldn't that take away the majority of potential nodes?

what's the advantage of this (if there aren't thousand of nodes) over cloud services like AWS or any other?

>> No.11041045

wait, and what's the advantage of this over a torrent? I'm sure you'll say security, but how is it different?

>> No.11041240
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>so, in retard words, it decentralizes cloud services?

>wouldn't nodes need absurd amounts of computing power/storage/bandwith for this to work? wouldn't that take away the majority of potential nodes?
I see you're starting to ask non-retarded questions so I guess you're not baiting as much as I thought.
The answer is no, but it wouldn't hurt either. As a host, if you offer shit you receive shit, as in less dapp developers willing to pay you for hosting so you earn less.

>what's the advantage of this (if there aren't thousand of nodes) over cloud services like AWS or any other?
Stop making false statements and then asking questions around these statements. That's what makes people think you're a retard. When the network becomes operational there will aready be 2000 holoports up and running + thounsands of PCs from regular users when they release the hosting software.

>wait, and what's the advantage of this over a torrent? I'm sure you'll say security, but how is it different?
pic related. There isn't a direct comparison, but if you're not a brainlet you can figure the difference yourself

>> No.11041756
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> chainlink is a meme
Yeah buddy absolutely

>> No.11042066

alright thanks anon
still not interested, but gl

>> No.11042307

qnt is ur prototype shitcoin desu, they even faked their events / promo videos

>> No.11042384

holo is mooning now

>> No.11042440

Qnt is basically going to be what hot was for the past 2 months.

>> No.11042493

PSA: hotbit is a shit exchange with low volume but it's going for 2 sats lower there than binance because it hasn't caught up to the recent price increase

>> No.11042676


How's that going? Oh look, was a bear trap. Thanks for the cheap Holo OP!