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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 197 KB, 1200x900, DOeAsYgVAAE9wLe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11035678 No.11035678 [Reply] [Original]

Bought this piece of shit at $0.80
The bastard took my money and ran

>> No.11035742

It can't get much lower than we have now, maybe few more cents

>> No.11035757

haha it was way overvalued when it shot from 2 cents to 8 cents, 80 cents was insane! can't wait for the dapp platform tho

>> No.11035758

Who has this fuckers tweet where he asked them to PM him....

Market still says down....down it goes, where it will end no body knows!

>> No.11035766


>> No.11035814
File: 24 KB, 600x567, 1535125613029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peer review is a bad thing

>> No.11035826

>Academia is a net gain in this decade

>> No.11035828
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>> No.11035843
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>> No.11035853

>short term anything

>> No.11035869

>trusting such an advanced case of söylent-grin

Why do you hate your money OP?

>> No.11035887
File: 358 KB, 500x454, 1536238645244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is his mouth open? Is he getting ready to sip onions?

>> No.11035902

I don't trust him. I trust the scientists, engineers and peer review.

Holy shit, almost no other projects in crypto does this. Monero at least had their Bulletproofs audited. Maybe Stellar?

>> No.11035920
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>c.h. not a soi boi

>> No.11035936
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>> No.11035958
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>> No.11035971
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>> No.11035992

>worth $1.7 billion
>valued higher than the top 0.01 percentile of companies in the US
>has no working product yet
yet somehow, you think it cant go lower? the absolute state

>> No.11036039

Zilliqa does this. Anyway, it's a fucking meme. Academics and business don't go well together.

>> No.11036058

>getting ready to sip onions
More likely s.o.y
But don't say that word too loud, some of the young people think it's an insult.

>> No.11036151

>academia will be a net gain in the next decade, or possibly the one after that

>> No.11036287

Explain to me why whatever """product""" you are buying is worth even a cent above $0.00

>> No.11036312

>still in the top 10
>can't go lower
Sweet summer child

>> No.11036395

let you tell you about my best friend guys. About 15 months ago I gave him 0.25 BTC. He goes to buy DGB at 500sat and rides the fucking rocket all the way to 1200sat. I tell him to fucking sell, but he proclaims that a new paradigm is up ahead and the that DGB will replace Bitcoin. Ok, what do I know? I have only been around for 4 years at that point.

DGB moons even further, and he is rubbing it in my nose, I am happy for him, questioning myself now...Anyways, he keeps holding all the way back down to 500sat, still happy because he is up significantly in USD! Thats when I explain him about sat values and he starts to somewhat (but not entirely) realize how hard he fucked up.

Months pass and every month I hear about a shit coin from him, asking me to analyze it, asking me to tell him whether he should invest his remain satoshis. At some point this guy FOMO's into ADA at 500sat, I look into the project and well its good. I FOMO in as well. Long story short, we moon x10 together. Both our ATH above 130k each at some point.

I start selling at 0.80$, he starts BUYING MORE ADA at 1$ and up to 1.30$. To this days, he still holds all his ADA. Hasn't sold a single fucking ADA. It pisses me off, because I am holding his coins for him, so they are just sitting in my fucking wallet and losing value by the minute while he is now below his initial. Not sure why I wrote this blog post, but I am not gonna delete it, instead just hit submit.

>> No.11036411
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>> No.11036442
File: 171 KB, 1200x900, memesbecomereality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stare long enough into the abyss, and the abyss stares back.

>> No.11036462

I'll take the leftists at Holochain over this betacūck any day of the week.

>> No.11036637


I hate fags like that.

Why do they exist?

Why don't they kill their fucking selves?

>> No.11036652

>I'll take the leftists at Holochain over this betacūck any day of the week.
Why would you take any of this shit over sane, real store of value coins like Bitcoin, Monero or Decred?

>> No.11036688

>or Decred
I see what you did there sir

>> No.11036699


the NPC theory

>> No.11036700

It's a fera grimace, shows submission.

Nice shilling your bag at the end there by tacking it on to the two real stores of value.

>> No.11036714

>I see what you did there sir

>> No.11036729

OK then nevermind Decred.

Why would you look at those shit project and not hodl Bitcoin & Monero?

>> No.11036736

should've put decred in the middle. Putting it last is too obvious, and putting it first is ridiculous.

>> No.11036753

Thank you for improving my shilling skills
Wouldn't 'it trigger people that I put DCR before Monero then?