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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11029048 No.11029048 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw just got done with a grueling workout after a 10 hour day at work

How's it feel that I am achieving pinnacle performance and productivity while you are in despair

>> No.11029062

Why does it feel like we're being invaded by /fit/ right now

>> No.11029071

How much you making faggot
If it's under 100K then LOL @ you.

>> No.11029079

go back to your cage, OP

>> No.11029081

>peak performance


>> No.11029118

wait Op is it your job to lift all day?
I'm pretty toned how do I get that job

>> No.11030098
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"we" invaded them with the leftist anti-Trump frescoposting. Now they retaliate. It's not a bad board combo, desu. Add /his/ and you have patrician standard

>> No.11031151
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I like drinking apple cider vinegar straight out of the bottle and chasing it with water, but I hear it's bad for your esophageal lining. Anyone have advice on this?

>> No.11031189

Your mom has a sofageeal lining.

>> No.11031217
File: 1.98 MB, 3975x2645, ruth-bader-ginsburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>were anti-trump, fellow /biz/friends

oh sweaty..

>> No.11031345

Let's hear your powerlifting stats or GTFO larper. None of this, "I went to the gym twice in one week, now I'm going to post it on /biz/ to compensate for the fact that I'm enslaved to a corporate structure and wasted 10 hours of my day!" shit