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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 1000x1080, eos-crypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11011561 No.11011561 [Reply] [Original]

looks like EOS smart contract platform overtake ETH place number 2 cmc coin


EOS is faster, cheaper, truelly dezentralized

so everything speaks in favor of that EOS will replace ETH, i.e flippening coming

why wouldnt flippening coming, because EOS is better to ETH in every sector

>> No.11011571
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>> No.11011626

It's also better a scamming people.

>> No.11011649


very weak fud

Dan Larimer has already two succesful cryptoprojects running

>> No.11011836

once again this thread, totally centralized coin, go back to ledd!t fucktard. this piece of shit is totally fucking centralized. any govt can force larimer to freeze any account for any reason, all they have to do is apply pressure. only larimer is a big enough dumbfuck to build that ability into his piece of shit EOS "CRYPTO". eth is shit but even verge is better than this piece of shit

>> No.11011873
File: 146 KB, 882x864, eosfudreddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've delivered what they promised, and on time. Dan hasn't run off with the ICO money but is developing his next project on EOS. It's already the most used blockchain and has the most popular DAPP ever created. it's the best performing top 100 coin over the past year. At what point am I being scammed?

I actually feel bad for the reddit NPC's who fell for the FUD. Now they're stuck in a feedback loop and are unable to accept reality. It's exactly what happened to Democrats with Trump.

>> No.11011883

>. any govt can force larimer to freeze any account for any reason,
You're a retard. No government has jurisdiction over a dozen different countries, which is what you would need to force the network to freeze an account. It's no wonder idiots fell for the Ethereum scam.

>> No.11011948
File: 13 KB, 669x93, Screenshot from 2018-05-19 19-00-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11011981
File: 22 KB, 1055x120, eosnolaunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The EOS fud before launch was pretty funny desu.

>> No.11012115

Flippening is coming if for no other reason they can dump their ETH for marketing reason and make sure flippening happens.

Eos has got ETH investors by the balls at this low ETH price.
Better hedge with EOS, if you still hold ETH.

I know I am, i was dca-ing ETH waiting for a rebound from 450... JUST
No more. I am hedging now...

>> No.11012269

i don't think eos owns any eth now

>> No.11012473

it turned out to be true, except it turns out the 'investors' don't care about vulnerabilities

>> No.11012579

>it turned out to be true
What turned out to be true? Literally every word in that post was wrong. The fact that you think one minor bug that was fixed before it went public equates to a platform being "so riddled with bugs and vulnerabilities that it will never launch" indicates that you have a sub-80 IQ.

>> No.11012612

EOS is the most bug riddled network
they don't even disclose their bug reports.

>> No.11012628

Truly decentralized? You realize coin one or whatever the company is that made it owns 15% of the coins right?

They are staking more than 150 million EOS right now and it goes up by the second

>> No.11012638
File: 78 KB, 1513x891, eoseth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks it's a bad thing that b1 is paying people to find bugs and disclosing it publicly
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I remember you FUDDing EOS like a month ago. Holy shit your ETH bags must be getting pretty heavy by now.

They own 10%. And they haven't used their tokens to vote. Another butthurt mETHead who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

>> No.11012647

I dont think so. Ether has things coming up. Its also the lowest of the big 4 right now. Which means it at the maximum point of potential profit.

>> No.11012669

> No Activity
Casino dApps popping up all over EOS that are extremely easy to use. Retards literally throwing their money away.
Write a Casino dApp and see where it goes.

>> No.11012704
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>> No.11012829
File: 43 KB, 474x316, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shill factor for EOS is high today.

Someone is going to dump their bags....or they're worried XLM is gonna flip them soon.

>> No.11012850

XLM and EOS aren't even competitors. The Lumen is a chuck-e-cheese token with no use case.