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11004247 No.11004247 [Reply] [Original]

Will be greater than that of all of FANG stocks combined

That being said the globalist bankers are still shaking everyone out and you fags are panicking as planned

Btc to 5k then un-ironically 1mil on ETF news

>> No.11004267

It will go to $0.00 much sooner than it will go to $1 million.

>> No.11004292
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There is a major economic crisis around the corner and the goobaoist accumulators are playing you faggots like fiddles

Every non retard should be accumulating btc xmr silver and gold here

>> No.11004348

You are right, there is a crisis coming (this is why I bought put options on SPY and WTI). I'm not sure why you think crypto tokens would be something worth having during a crisis.

>> No.11004378

Why the fuck would you try to time it like an autist? Just buy sound money (silver and xmr)

>> No.11004391

Because BTC goes up during crisis. It's the best global store of value

>> No.11004450
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>> No.11004741


>> No.11004944
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>Why the fuck would you try to time it like an autist? Just buy sound money (silver and xmr)
I'm not timing it, I am buying rounds of put options every few months. When the big crash comes, it will more than cover any early losses I've had (right now my losses are zero, btw).

Silver is going to continue losing value for a half year or so, btw. I plan to buy call options on precious metals and actual physical precious metals a few months into the crisis. Look at what commodity prices did during the 2008 crash. They dipped as people were panicking and selling everything they had to cover debts, and then they ballooned.

I do not plan on buying any worthless internet tokens.

>> No.11004957

>Silver is going to continue losing value for a half year or so, btw

>> No.11005072
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Complete bullshit. Silver is already close to a bottom near.mining costs.

You're literally losing money buying options rn with the potential to be completely wiped out.

No one knows when the crash happens, or where it starts, or if the dollar itself (and therefore your option profits) will start to lose value when the cataclysmic upcoming shitstorm hits, but one thing is certain: precious metals and BTC will moon.

Silver is the most undervalued asset on the planet rn and will probably do 100x, with little to no downside. Even if the world collapses my silver will have value, I can hold until kingdom fucking come and not try to time jack shit and the money will be rolling in.

Silver is literally the comfiest gold/trade/investment on the planet rn and if you are trying to trade options instead in this ticking time bomb of a shithole market you're a retard


>> No.11005264

>You're literally losing money buying options rn with the potential to be completely wiped out.
People invested in crypto should not comment on the likelihood of others being wiped out. You are investing in magical lines of code that will in all likelihood head to zero.

With options you have a defined risk, which means I only purchase options with money I am comfortable losing.

>No one knows when the crash happens, or where it starts, or if the dollar itself (and therefore your option profits) will start to lose value when the cataclysmic upcoming shitstorm hits, but one thing is certain: precious metals and BTC will moon.
Neither of those things are certain, least of all BTC.

>Silver is literally the comfiest gold/trade/investment on the planet rn and if you are trying to trade options instead in this ticking time bomb of a shithole market you're a retard
You are the retard collecting pennies in front of an oncoming freight train, my friend. Learn to manage your risk more wisely.

When a commodity crisis hits, everything gets sold to keep solvency (even things you would rather not sell).

>> No.11005270

>When a commodity crisis hits, everything gets sold to keep solvency (even things you would rather not sell).
why isn't gold dumping as much as silver, then?

>> No.11005290

Have you ever written a program in your life?

I'm a Caltech CS major, and I can tell you pretty confidently BTC is more than just a few lines of code. You clearly have no clue what you're talking about in that regard.

As for options vs physical, I also have defined risk: what I put in to buy. Have fun timing it. Every trader is expecting the market to do what you just outlined which means there will probably just be explosive green dildos and no time to buy

>> No.11005306
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>> No.11005350

Blue squiggle line dont lie

>> No.11005500
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>governments seize Bank accounts during major crises to bail out (((bankers)))
>"duh, why would I hold cryptos?"

How young are you?

>> No.11005517

>magical lines of code

What, you mean like the ones that run the computer on your desk and the phone in your pocket? That you entrust your life to on every vehicle you ride in? This is an unbelievably retarded comment to make in currentyear.

>> No.11006101

cryptocurrency isnt worth as much money as the internet

>> No.11006160

Iran and venezuela

>> No.11006266

you don't have to have the whole market involved to be a bubble and pop
and gold dropped last crash, everything does because so long as the dollar doesn't immediately zero out that's what most people convert their money to, because that can buy products they need now
most people do not have enough money sitting around to invest when a downturn comes, they have to(or at least believe they have to) sell off assets to weather it
crypto will be the same or worse because it's still useless as currency except for some very specific vendors and services