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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 110 KB, 1435x880, Screenshot_159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10981163 No.10981163 [Reply] [Original]

1 million LINK transferred
- just before hourly candle close
- without any change to price

clearly no stealthy accumulation by whales here

>> No.10981188

Shit is getting real now. Not much time left. John Barker just finished a task on the Tracker an hour ago and he's NYC based meaning he was still working at 8pm... The dedication is insane with this team, I fucking love it. Aggregation will be done soon. Main net in less than 3 weeks.

>> No.10981248

Someone's unironically creating shitloads of low effort threads to slide something. I dunno if it's LINK or whatever, and just simply typing this out makes me look like a deluded shitter. It's incredibly annoying though.

>> No.10981256

Can you explain how they did this?

>> No.10981261

Come on LINK!
Go LINK!!!! WOOO!!!!
Come on guys, let's all cheer on our favorite token!

>> No.10981267
File: 183 KB, 1432x875, Screenshot_160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably unrelated, but you never know with chainlink, it was also part of the 8 Binance coins with heavy volume between march and may

>> No.10981277

what were the other 7?

>> No.10981288

I got the idea from this post >>10980288 I don't know if he's serious but that's where I thought someone's being retardedly annoying

>> No.10981311

Yeah, i'm wondering how he did it too
Care to explain OP? >>10981163

>> No.10981327
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Nolinkers, this is your last chance. Dump your shitcoin bags a hop on Link train now or cry and be depressed beast of burden for the rest of your pathetic life

>> No.10981382


Someone's bumping the previous slide threads now

>>10981228 (Cross-thread)
>>10981214 (Cross-thread)
>>10980290 (Cross-thread)
>>10981216 (Cross-thread)

>> No.10981412
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>> No.10981481


POWR is so underrated

>> No.10981483

Bump just cause

>> No.10981493

Question for you goyim: what percentage of your portfolio are your Link holdings?

>> No.10981498


it could be an OTC deal done via binance to obfuscate who is getting how much link. either way i have no doubt that this was a pre-arranged deal between two parties , using binance wallet as a means of transfer. either it was
1. otc deal between team and an investor
2. deal between 2 whales

>> No.10981502


110% anon

>> No.10981508


>> No.10981549

thanks anon

>> No.10981624

the binance order book is very strange. there's a couple orders ranging from 1.5k to 9k spread out and a bunch of small (>500 LINK) orders. there seems to be no natural activity from regular users.

>> No.10981643


>> No.10981654

It will dump so hard after mainnet.

>> No.10981670

Dump like you do in the streets, ranjeesh?

>> No.10981676

mine's 110% LINK

>> No.10981679

>implying Indians aren't the ones shilling Link on 4chan

>> No.10981680

Municipal marmalade moistened Monday mourners

>> No.10981684

>posting on /biz/ from bangladesh
>calls others ranjeesh as an insult

Imagine hating your own culture kek

Repeating insults that others have said to you all your life doesn't really make sense, angry little indian.

>> No.10981686

Its rigged wooew

>> No.10981691
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>> No.10981706

>paid shill
>saves the fucking tiny images on 4chan

not gonna make it, pajeeto

>> No.10981707
File: 33 KB, 397x317, 1531205136987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't see the thread because I have 6ix9ine filtered. What are you even trying to say? Obviously I was the one who's asking around what thread you people are trying to slide. I think you're trying to attack this in the wrong manner, you should avoid giving it attention, that is, create more slide threads because anyone with half a brain would easily see that you're simply trying to turn around the blame. Basically "no u". It's fine, just change the filenames next time so it won't be as obvious.

This is me too by the way

>> No.10981716


That's the effort I love to see, good job Marines!

>> No.10981720

The insider that browses biz said 3 weeks. Dont know if larp or not

>> No.10981727

110% Here, you Anon?

>> No.10981740

Where is that thread? Link anyone? Fell asleep

>> No.10981742

Be me 100% straight >White, UNCUT ;), also somewhat of a gymhead >Each time I'm done with my workout sesh I have this weird urge to dominate a cute femboy in bed for a couple hours It-... It is normal right? Am I still straight?

>> No.10981758


>> No.10981760

lots of insider larping pointing to mainnet in 3 weeks. I won't trade based on this info if I were you.

>> No.10981762

hey /lgbt/ i need help

>be 5' 5"
>weigh 180 pounds
>lost 30 pounds over the last year, flux between 145~150 atm
>i come out as gay in between this, and i want to become the perfect twink
>have too much skin over my body because i lost a lot of weight
>my weight kept going but my height didnt so it never spread out

i wanna become perfect twink, buttslut, whatever and i wanna know what i should do to achieve it, whether it be workout, diets, or whatever else.
i also would like a good skin care regiment to keep my skin soft
and im also an anal virgin but definitely a bottom, how would i go about prepping my boyhole before i go off to college?

>> No.10981763

Nigger I'm a lanky ass American white boy, and I'm telling you to go get yourself potty trained. It's the foundation to a civilized society.

>> No.10981774

In LINK general threads someone always start to spam copypaste shit like this. I have the first one you posted filtered but this is new, thanks. Are you with this guy?


>> No.10981776

I invested all my excess student loans into LINK. My parents give me some money every week for food and expenses while I'm in college and I barely spend it. I turn off my car at every red light to save just a few drops of gasoline. My diet is predominately Ritz crackers. I have $40 in my bank account for absolute emergencies. I'd say I'm 110% in.

>> No.10981786

Thanks fren

>> No.10981794

Thanks fren. I do not trade Link though, I only hold.

>> No.10981795
File: 240 KB, 796x1024, IMG_2660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fold Artur Biernacki's scorpion but I am having a difficult time collapsing the body mostly because I can't find where the mountain and vally folds go.

>> No.10981817

Finished playing mojika. I have to say I liked it. I've seen many here mention how "it's shit that there's only one good ending", but I don't agree. I think all the routes were enjoyable on their own.

One of my favorite parts about this game was the fact that it's a nukige, yet the konseisama scenes in particular (konseisama could even be a metaphor for the eroge industry, feeding on the sexual energies of people in order to keep itself alive) and some others as well could just as well work as arguments against carnal pleasures. The use of tamasa deadens sex into a cheap form of entertainment, simple stress relief, just as the game serves as a sexual escape from real life for many of its players.

>> No.10981818

Cool, it just seems like coordinated shilling for a pnd. Maybe sell into the pump, I dunno. But yeah

>> No.10981828

You can filter by ID so it's still automatically hidden by the way. You need to change your IP before posting new pasta

>> No.10981832

You know what you can do?

Go to a casino and do a credit card advance at the ATM you can probably do about 400$. Brig the ticket to the cage... show ID and credit card.

Get an extra 400$ link and just stay negative until singularity

>> No.10981840


based and redpilled

>> No.10981842

The enchanting flower maidens of Moonlight Garden are coveted by all, as they are known to provide sexual pleasures beyond the imagination. But Dohwa, a young flower maiden who has not yet “bloomed,” concocts potions in the hopes of escaping her destined fate at the brothel. One night, she is caught stealing ingredients for her potions by Lady Hyewon, the new mistress of the Garden. But it turns out Dohwa isn’t the only one with an agenda. Lady Hyewon harbors a few terrible secrets of her own.

Official korean page:

Official english page:

Masterpad: https://etherpad.net/p/r.aab303b211b9eb3bb051b2cb0b7da97b

>> No.10981856

Low IQ larp. An insult to the memory of our larp prince.

>> No.10981865

I made this thread and it wasn't meant to be a LARP, just my analysis based on a previous LARP with significant evidence to back it up.

>larper/insider said his company (implied to be salesforce) is releasing their blockchain product in Sept and Chainlink likely would
>Dreamforce is coming up
>Rory said Marketing hire would coincide with main net release
>New website finally came online
>Several other management positions have been filled in the last several months as well
>Several small partnerships are announced in quick succession
>A real larper comes on /biz/ and tells us about the Market Protocol announcement the day before it happens
>Adelyn changes the logo on all Link social media accounts to the new one and begins to tweet
>Despite the market flucctuations the price of Chainlink remains relatively stable, almost as if certain entities are accumulating and propping the price up
>Chainlink article appears on ArtificalLawyer
>Joseph Lubin slips the phrase "Link it in" on a Bloomberg interview
>The team is working hard to get aggregation finished
>Several bug fixes upcoming in the Pivotal instead of new feature additions
>Linkpool release coming end of September

>> No.10981879

It's pretty obvious something is afoot.

>> No.10981893
File: 52 KB, 1171x239, 1520684472263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you're right, I forgot that in the thread itself you said that it wasn't insider bullshit or whatever, just speculation. My bad

>> No.10981899
File: 503 KB, 1082x695, 1516468198475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Several bug fixes upcoming in the Pivotal instead of new feature additions

this is an interesting point. hadn't thought about the upcoming bug fix tasks like this.

>> No.10981912

Something is "afeet", pajeet. Your English skills are as miserable as your potty inabilities. Infuriating.

>> No.10981913


>> No.10981916
File: 277 KB, 1036x421, 1525133291147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gettin hard now. if this is true mainnet could appear on the tracker next week.

>> No.10981926

stop talking about your penis! This is a family restaurant

>> No.10981937

Delet this now. You were warned.

>> No.10981940

/1NFZSPb7/ /5vFo4tr4/filtered, find a new IP
Yeah, Rory said that they'd put the date on pivotaltracker. If that's the case mainnet launch would unironically turn into a sell the news event though, unless partnerships and shit would be revealed in tandem with the launch

>> No.10981946

>>10981650 #
Jesus Christ.... I know you are probably a Sheltered NEET who wouldn't do anything illegal....

But if you only have 3k link ....while knowing how absolutely huge this will be.... you really need to start doing heroin right now...

Because you are so poor that once you start doing heroin you'll beee more heroin but you won't have money to buy any heroin to keep up your fix...

So then you'll do what any tweaker does... you start breaking into people's homes to find valuable shit to sell to get more heroin...

But since you also want more LINk... you can go steal some expensive artwork from some rich persons house... then you'll have enough for a a bunch of kilos of heroin AND 200k Link

>> No.10981954


When singularity hits. We really need to not have a typical party... and meetup like the bildergberg group and literally suck the cocks of the dedicated group of autists who figure all this shit out.

Have you guys ever seen ratting videos on YouTube? Go YouTube them.... dogs on English farms that are 100% dedicated and happy killing hundreds of rats on the farm.

You austists are more dedicated than these dogs who's only existence is to kill rats.

We all need to meet up. No bitches . No sluts. Just the the handful of dedicated autists with their cocks out in a warehouse in ropsten with candles lit everywhere..... maybe a nigger will be there that we sacrifice in a fire.... and then we all just suck their cocks.

Because if it wasn't for them I would not be invested in Link and we owe them this at least. Because even tho they'll be rich too... they are autistic and even escorts won't blow them.

>> No.10981966
File: 171 KB, 600x606, 1527672028765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries. Yes, we'll see what happens... I'm so fucking excited lads

>> No.10981985
File: 39 KB, 520x316, IMG_2661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey po/ do you know where i can find the last version of pepakura designer 3.1.8 full with the patch to view locked models? thanks a lot for your help

>> No.10982001
File: 14 KB, 249x254, IMG_2662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>535467 #
The patch is version specific so the addresses definitely exist. You're trying to edit pepakura3.exe, correct? Make sure you aren't trying to open it via a shortcut as HxD will happily open the shortcut file itself rather than the program it links to.

In HxD hit Ctrl+G to bring up the Goto dialog, make sure it's set to hex and put in the address without the colon, it should take you there.

>> No.10982014


************** Stinky Linky Bingo **************

| | | |
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| $1000 EOY | Strap in boys | Tonight! |
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| | | |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| | | |
| | | |
| Fat Fuck | Free Space | Main Net |
| | | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| | | |
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| Sergey | Big Macs | Singularity |
| | | |
| | | |

>going to $0

>> No.10982027
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Between these flights and the one at JFK are we looking at a global pandemic or possible weaponized diseases?


>> No.10982040

It's 2021. I am in San Francisco, CA. Sitting in the bedroom of my best friend Sergey Nazarov. He's got his trademark plaid shirt, a stack of 13 Trezors and 3 BigMacs with a couple orders of fries. He pulls out two hits of LSD and drops the Charles Mingus “Black Saint and the Sinner Lady” album on to the Empire and cranks the volume. We sip some Vodka from the heart of the motherland. The room starts to fill with psychedelic imagery and Mingus is vibrating the stack of Chainlink whitepaper drafts sitting on the bookshelf like smooth liquid molasses. The base jumps up and grabs my soul...my body just starts to shake and jelly roll. I lean back in the bean bag chair, close my eyes and let Mingus drive. Sergey and I are so gone at this point all I can see is the blue lights from the Marantz dial. The moon comes up and Mingus’ music takes us all the way up to the stars. The Bose just bounces into overdrive and the vinyl is crisp. Never have I felt so alive.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFA0FYQo0Gg [Embed]

>> No.10982161

God damn, you are a delude cockroach.