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10965556 No.10965556 [Reply] [Original]

I have been putting my paychecks into crypto for awhile now and it just keeps going down. I have not sold, I keep holding and buying more. I am only buying blue chip coins. Mostly BTC, with also some ETH, XLM. However I have to admit it is getting tough to stick with this. It’s really starting to feel like the nocoiners were right al along and it’s just tulip mania. But I also know there is more to it than that. So please, I am looking for real advice. Should I keep holding and eventually do you think this will recover, or should I just sell now and stick to more traditional assets like the nocoiners said all along?

>> No.10965576

I was like you op, but recently I've stopped and started buying other stuff

if what i currently hold goes up then great but I can't justify spending more than a few % of my networth on something that could half in a week

>> No.10965580

>I am only buying blue chip coins. Mostly BTC, with also some ETH, XLM.

So you're only holding altcoins? Bad idea dude.

>> No.10965603

Some alts but mostly BTC.

>> No.10965607

Just buy Link dude, nothing else.

>> No.10965619

Keep holding and keep buying more. Don't be like those retards in screencaps from two years ago. This market is still tiny. We're heading to multiple trillions by 2021.

>> No.10965624

Thanks, I am thinking of doing the same. I might just hold what I have but stop buying more. And then just forget about it for a few years and hope it hasn’t all gone to zero by then.

>> No.10965631



>> No.10965634

This is an investment that will pay off sooner than later. The next halving is in 2020. If by the end of Summer 2020 bitcoin is under 8.5 K Ill just sell and move on with my life. It doesnt need to move but with the halving and how the hashing power has only increased since December this has to be reflected in the price somewhere.

>> No.10965648

Thanks, if I do buy more do you think it would be a good idea to only buy BTC and no alts? Using your comparison from a few years ago, a lot of people say to stick to BTC because so many alts from back then have died off.

>> No.10966127

A small amount of alts is fine as long you stick with the good ones that have a high chance of still being around. In my opinion, they are ETH, XMR, DCR. Ignore the hype-y ones if you want to play it safe. Just sticking with BTC would be fine too.

>> No.10966172

on this day 1 year ago, btc was $4500
on this day 2 years ago, btc was $600
5 years ago, it was $124....

look long term

>> No.10966188
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That's it, I sold. I'm free. I'm free form this fucking hell of scammers and pajeets. It was fun and games for a while, but now its just a cruel sick joke. I bought at 15k. No human can look at their money disappear before their very eyes and not be bothered. You know we're going to 3k, right? People in some countries can mine btc at that price, its going to fucking happen. You know it, I know it, lets all stop pretending that this is ganna be anything but a bear market untill 2020

>> No.10966191


If you put 100% of your extra earnings in crypto you’re a fucking brainlet. Anything over 10% allocation is too much.

>> No.10966208

> mom i didnt get rich since yesterday, what's wrong?

this shit is going to $1M in the next few years, chill the fuck out kids

>> No.10966228

Anything below 20% is fucking retarded.

>> No.10966263
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Pretty much in the same boat OP, I'm heavily into ETH and it's killing me. Depression is setting in for me. I've lost so much money that I can't even feel feelings anymore. The only thing I can really do now is just let the chips fall where they may, whether it's 0 or the moon. I believe in ETH long term but this shit is pretty unsettling man.

I'm not dumping any more money into crypto at this point, I've already shot myself in the foot too many times.

>> No.10966338

im down 290k from my ath. I will kill myself if it doesnt go back up. Atleast ur not me anon

>> No.10966354

I'm down 150k from ATH and now below my initial investment, so it ain't that much different.

>> No.10966396
File: 44 KB, 615x345, F342B8FD-33A0-4AA9-BAB7-408CFBD9382C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God damn you millennials are something else. Now I know why I made so much money off this shit. The millennial generation is so poor and desperate for success that they see crypto as the only way out so they put their life savings in to it, enabling assholes like me to make a killing. Crypto wouldn’t have rocketed as high as it did without all these desperate college kids putting every dollar they made in to fake internet money.

Thanks guys

>> No.10966562

o damn.. i never got below my initial but i would assume that feels much worse.. sorry bout that fren we will surely make it though.

>> No.10966567


stop that

>> No.10966599

>I also know there is more to it than that
Yes, rich people getting even richer by making off with your money.

>> No.10966633

I'm not far below my initial investment but I finally crossed that threshold. Feels pretty bad man.

>> No.10966759

I am depressed

>> No.10966844

There is no such thing as “blue chip crypto.” If you’re buying anything besides Holo, Monero, and BTC now you are going to lose money and deserve it.