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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10961608 No.10961608 [Reply] [Original]

Will you spit in the face of God and ignore this ticket to financial freedom?

>> No.10961615

I'll spit in yours pajeet.

>> No.10961639

The price of 0xBTC holding on in this bear market is actually a bad sign going forward. It indicates that most of the circulating supply is not held by inestors/traders, but the dev himself. As long as he doesn't sell, it's fine, but I doubt he is going to hold on to such wealth without cashing out.

>> No.10961646


lolololololol definitely a pajeet coin

>> No.10961647

>Will you spit in the face of God and ignore this ticket to financial freedom?
No one falls for this kind of talk anymore bruh.

>> No.10961702

>t. retard

what is this pulled out of ass statement that makes no sense? where is my biz

>> No.10961734

This shit is gonna make me so rich

>> No.10961762

The absolute reply of someone who didn't even read my comment. Sometimes you have to use your brain in crypto trading and realize that shitcoins exist and you could very well be invested in one right now.

>> No.10961781

I read

I could as well stop at
>dev himself
and i wouldnt even had to read all of it 'cause it would say the same

blatant statement pulled out of your ass

>> No.10961800
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>> No.10961824

Worse than a pajee, it's a terrorist coin!!!!

>> No.10961866
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Why so many brown people shill this scam?

>> No.10961873

>PoW mineable coin that has been public since day 1
>no premine
>dev somehow magically got most of the tokens

>> No.10961891

aint none brown here gtfo its already proven that none of us pajeet 0xbtc is the last fortress idiot

>> No.10961894

they're poor. pajeets and terrorist are con artist and they're the faces behind this coin

>> No.10961919 [DELETED] 

>talking like a literal nigger

Thanks for confirming, yet agian.

>> No.10961927

kek. it's definitely an alluh akbar coin

>> No.10961958
File: 297 KB, 594x600, Picture_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are FUDing this thread with racism because they have no arguments against 0xBTC. AS IT IS UNFUDable

>> No.10962010

yeah arian nigga outta germany....keep fudding
till you got your bags filled i would too if i would have money left too invest i feel ya pain niguhhhhh

>> No.10962266

stfu you sound dumb Abraham

>> No.10962284

Speak English nigger.

>> No.10962310

That's probably the most retarded 0xBTC FUD I've seen all month. And I've been seeing Judge Doom posts so that's saying a lot.

>> No.10962471

Even if the developer were to sell in a glorious Mt. Gox style event, there is still a buyer purchasing who believes it to be a good investment, which it is. Within ten years time, it would be a tiny blip compared to your 100,000% return

>> No.10962930
File: 364 KB, 594x600, 1536165819777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How many of you are still chasing this P&D shitcoin? In other words is this Pajeets actually running a profitable business here? I have my doubts whether there are enough anons anymore to buy into this scam and to make his activity profitable. If not, why is he so persistent in shilling his shitcoin? Why is he only shilling on /biz/?

I have also noticed that /biz/ is slowly deteriorating in quality. And as this board is getting continuously closer to rock bottom. This process however is not becoming slower but faster.

I always wondered whether he has another motive to be here? Is it possible that he is not simply here to shill another shitcoin but rather to pollute this board? Does he belong to the same group of white/arab looking US citizens who are disrupting convesations on /pol/? Why is he behaving just like those individuals described in Mein Kampf?

>I have called them scoundrels, parasites, swindlers, profiteers, it all ran of them like water off a raincoat. But maybe I should call them a different name from which they recoil, become injured and suddenly shrink back.

At least he is sounding more and more desperate aswell as hysterical.

>> No.10962966
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>> No.10962972
File: 1.92 MB, 236x224, 1527093500605.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the most pathetic person on /biz/ by a long shot

>> No.10963081
File: 192 KB, 1280x521, every thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have called them scoundrels, parasites, swindlers, profiteers, it all ran of them like water off a raincoat. But maybe I should call them a different name from which they recoil, become injured and suddenly shrink back.
I've got a pretty good quote for you as well

>> No.10963193

I think Judge Doom unironically believes that the dev owns 100% of the coins and every 0xbtc post is just him samefagging. Literally schizophrenia tier

>> No.10963232

I think he's a self hating closeted pajeet

>> No.10963459

just write a book about how much you hate 0xbtc idiot

>> No.10963489

Delete this, someone in that printscreen already killed himself over this token, and it was fucking hilarious.

>> No.10963794

Because it brings literally nothing of value to the table.

>> No.10963846


>> No.10964612
File: 169 KB, 998x748, 0xbtccomfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10964680

— ▲

>> No.10964701


>> No.10965196

i too am a rich white guy living in america and proud hodler of 45k 0xBTC.

ama, faggit

>> No.10965234

You must not post on /pol/, my mistake. If you have even the slightest tan from going outside you're a literal Congolese shitskin.

>> No.10965263

you have to go back >>>/pol/

>> No.10965293

newfags can't triforce

>> No.10965319


>the absolute state of newfags

>> No.10965386

the contract dev said yesterday he buys instead of mining
you're an idiot and haven't done any research at all

>> No.10965419
File: 33 KB, 527x612, 3CD28405-1F05-4F64-9475-13DDD04AF19D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tried

>> No.10965527

no, i've got around 1400

this is your chance anons, better DYOR

>> No.10965835

Do this, it'll pay better