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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 1280x720, moneroxmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10940813 No.10940813 [Reply] [Original]

Cryptocurrency literally has no other reason to exist

>> No.10940822

Already mooned. This is an investment forum.

>> No.10940841
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>investment forum

>> No.10940843

This is it. No hurr durr lambo, muh moon mission, muh chink sex slaves. No retardation, just an extremely solid protocol with tons of use cases.

>> No.10940857

>This is an investment forum

oh god lolz ahahahahha

>> No.10940861

But nevermind, most /biz/tards are too dumb to even begin to comprehend the genius behind ring signatures. Such fools, how I pity them.

>> No.10941216

Spectators can guess right on who is transacting about half the time. Ring signatures are ok, but not ideal.

It's definitely the most anon though.

>> No.10941480
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That pic in this context always managed to crack me up.

>> No.10941506

Does anyone else besides me think XMR will actually flip BTC in 3 years or so?

>> No.10941523

Is the monero spam supposed to be funny? I don't get it. Spam monero to make brainlets hate it and then shill an alternative privacy coin?

>> No.10941533


>> No.10941749

I think it's inevitable. Darknet markets could really drive this too

>> No.10941763

thats what i thought at first but its up like 40% since the spamming started so

>> No.10941772

XMR scales like asshole. You have to scan every block with your spend key. Imagine 2 years from now when the blockchain gets bigger?

XMR is fukd

>> No.10941862


it's about 36 times faster than before

your assumption is YOLO

>> No.10941890

36 times faster than dogshit slow. cool. still doesn't fix the issue of growth over time.

>> No.10941895

It's up 40% in a week, that's why it's spammed.

>> No.10941915

>Ring signatures are ok, but not ideal.
What's your reasoning behind that?

>> No.10941920

The King is waking up
Just the beginning
$200 by Thu eve
$1B silk road wallet (that wasnt moved in 4 years) is actively pumping 100% into XMR right now in bitfinex & binance. Bitfinex requires no KYC for crypto to crypto trade & withdrawals and on Binance he only deposits a max of 100 BTC each time.
get in.

>> No.10941945


>> No.10941968

check my previous thread its all in there

>> No.10941998

I did check that thread but couldnt find proof that the actual ALT he was purchasing was Monero. Can you guide me to that proof? Maybe I scanned over it.

Either way this is going to 200 easy.

>> No.10942046

no proof but quite obvious correlation between his deposits and monero pumping

Also where do you think $1B of silk road money would go? on daddys credit card? He can never cash out, so he puts it into monero to stay hidden and potentially do more hidden biz

>> No.10942068

I agree the speculation makes sense was jw if there was some evidence.

>> No.10942103

Crypto currency will always be a niche monetary tool. Don't be dumb enough to believe government fiat will ever go away, or that any crypto will see mainstream adoption on the level of Visa. Scaling concerns are way overblown in the crypto community, mostly due to the artificial problem Blockstream has created with BTC so they can force LN down everyone's throats. XMR will always scale well enough for people that NEED to use it to do just that

>> No.10942116

Will bulletproofs have any effect on scaling?

>> No.10942220


4 to 36 times faster and 80% space reductions PLUSPLUSPLUSPLUSPLUSPLUSPLUSPLUSPLUSPLUS

>> No.10942236
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Yeah, it's 4 TPS right now, 2x times slower than BTC.

>> No.10942261
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>> No.10942285

i need to use crypto on the go. i downloaded a monero mobile wallet and waited about 3 days for the fucking thing to sync.

>> No.10942305

only if you trust that the founders destroyed their private key shards

>> No.10942329

Elaborate? New to privacy coins so I don't know about the history

>> No.10942370



probably 10.000 tps
and lightening around the coner


>> No.10942420

Zcash owners can print zcash out of thin air. They promise they won't use it though. No one believes them

>> No.10942552


>> No.10942561

and 10% of all zcash goes to the devs

>> No.10942615

>What are zero knowledge snarks, the thread

>> No.10942713
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10% of total supply, but the way the emission curve works they end up with 20%, which eventually becomes 10% as more is mined. Pretty nice little scam though. They get their cut when the coin is most scarce.

>> No.10942806


LN doesn't work like it should be, maybe in 5 years.

>> No.10942822

Big if true. Been holding since $4. I'll have officially made it.

>> No.10942824


>> No.10942861

XMR has already taken the place of BTC on darknet markets which got BTC its initial foothold

>> No.10942866

2x slower for infinite times the privacy. And the whole point of your >> was that bulletproofs is coming out and will make transactions crazy fast. Get lost

>> No.10943114

fug, do i sell my 1 eth for monero?

>> No.10943152

Sell your 1 ETH for literally anything else. ETH is done

>> No.10943524

I believe so. Wish there was an easier way to buy it but that's by design. jews in charge don't wan't you to have it. Until there is a normie way to get it, it will remain the underdog of crypto.

>> No.10943565

1 monero transaction requires more resources than 30+ bitcoin transactions
with no blocksize cap I don't see how this can scale
not to mention hidden ASICs and other issues plaguing the chain

>> No.10943612

someone explain to me this
you need to download the entire chain to use monero's privacy features
each transaction has 30x more data than a bitcoin transaction
so how can people download the entire chain if it ever became popular
sure you can say some upgrade that isn't even beta, but that's unrealistic look at ETH crashing right now because they can't scale and remain decentralized

>> No.10943768

monero doesn't need to scale because it's something that people won't be transacting with in high volumes because it's only for hiding large sums of money. it will always have low volume and your average person will never use it but it will moon like a mother fucker because it's the ideal crypto for the people who do need to use it. if you think normies are ever going to use crypto you better think again. monero is the true crypto market which will always remain niche but the niche market it targets is actually quite sizeable if that makes sense.

TLDR: your grandma isnt going to ever use it but it will moon more than any other coin

>> No.10943855

we will see
I think monero is filling a temporary niche while sacrificing longterm sustainability for short term success
if it's meant for rich people then why not enforce a blocksize limit surely they wouldn't mind paying a tx fee if it meant keeping the chain decentralized and usable

>> No.10943944

>needs to use crypto on the go
>spends 3 days downloading the entire XMR blockchain to his phone
Then use something else you fucking idiot. Different tools for different needs

>> No.10943963

Paypal and Venmo are instant and free

>> No.10944021

KYS schlomo

>> No.10944024

Longterm sustainability is achieved by the constant prevention of asics, which monero is doring. This means that the mining power is being kept within regular people rather than huge mining farms like bitmain is doing with bitcoin. If anything, bitcoin is the crypto that has short term success written all over it.

>> No.10944039

Not in market cap, sadly.

kys kike

>> No.10944045

Ring size is moving to a fixed 20 or something. Use Tor are you're good to go.

>> No.10944115

Bulletproofs yeah 7 months to audit it and it took only 2 weeks to implement a new version optimized without any audit, I wonder what happened ?

Anyway, Monero doesn't scale.

>> No.10944139

Monero is the first coin to implement bulletproofs using a stringent code review. What more can you ask for, faggot?

>> No.10944155


Free, like the day they didn't pay Wikileaks ?

>> No.10944169


Scaling... douchbag your shitcoin forked doesn't scale.

>> No.10944232

You sacrifice scaling for privacy, there is no coin that does privacy better than monero and therefore you have to accept that monero has somewhat bigger block sizes and longer confirmation times that bitcoin. There are no coins that does privacy better, so dash, pivx, etc are not competitors. That said, monero researchers are looking at blockDAG systems like SPECTRE to scale up. If anything,I trust those PhD mathematicians to implement these new protocols over any other shitcoin crypto developers.

>> No.10944244

and how many hidden ASICs were mining the shit out of monero that was a huge security hole
at least with ASICs we know what the game is
ASIC-resistance is a meme with constant FPGA and hidden ASIC miners abusing the system without anyone knowing

>> No.10944345

What the fuck? Is that seriously a FUD now? What about all the coins that had hidden ASICs mining that are continuing to mine to this day? At least Monero has periodic forks to get rid of the ASICs when they're discovered

>> No.10944581


There no coin better than Monero in term of privacy ? kek, I see you didn't do your homework.

Your monero researchers they don't have a clue how to implement BlockDAG in monero, for now it's only planned and they doing it under the pressure to not lose face.

Do you really think Bitmain and other ASIC manufacturer doesn't have resources to build ASIC CNv7 miners only for internal use ?

>> No.10944596

So, please, tell us better alternatives than Monero.

>> No.10944611

Do you not think that Monero will fork again to fuck over the ASIC manufacturers?

>> No.10944616


Your periodic hard fork are joke when some manufacturer have acces to hybrids FPGA/ASIC.

The variant cypronight code is in the main loop, so it's easy to adapt hybrid FPGA/ASIC miners or FPGA in less than 3 days.

>> No.10944622

No one else knows how to implement blockDAG either, dipshit. But I'm willing to bet on MRL over anyone else.

>> No.10944634

FPGA are definitely programmable but no where near as dangerous as ASICs, closer to GPUs in fact. And wtf is a hybrid FPGA/ASIC, definitely none of those in the wild.

>> No.10944649


You should ask ZenCash it's planned for Q1 2019 using SPECTRE, or Dero, I think they did it ?

>> No.10944656
File: 1 KB, 200x200, zcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zcoin has privacy by choice, but is still more private, because it uses zero coin minting. It means that instead of mixing with 4 people, you mix with Everyone who minted the same amount after the moment of your mint.
Monero has first mover advantage and will be relevant for years to come, but claiming that it's the best at anything is ignorant and delusional.

>> No.10944663


They aren't first movers anymore.

>> No.10944674


Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.10944680

How can you stop being the first mover?

>> No.10944687

Zero-knowledge proofs don't work like you think they work.

>> No.10944698

I had a Zencash supernode until I dumped it. It was obvious that their proposed implementation of blockDAG would be years away if they couldn't even implement their autonomous DAO this year according to their roadmap. Dero, I don't follow. I know they have a blockDAG but I have no idea how it functions.

Zcoin is still a trusted setup. Better than Zcash, but not better than Monero.

>> No.10944707


Check the github between DERO and XMR, when bulletproof was implemented.

FPGA not dangerous has ASIC ? CNv7 : 14Kh/s for 150W : $3600

>> No.10944713

I knew you were trying to shill that centralized shit scam.

>> No.10944714

It was an oversimplified explanation. The mixing pool is still an order of magnitude bigger while maintain the option to do a public transaction.
It also solves your fungibility meme. Some account is 'banned'? Just mint it and it's gone.

>> No.10944752

>Zcoin is still a trusted setup.
It is for now, but it uses encryption that a lot of mainstream applications do, so if that gets broken, there are bigger problems to face.
It's also still using temporary mining algorithm lyra2z, but will start using MTP in the next few months which is the only future-ASIC-proof Algo there is. Probably you guys believe there is no such thing, but look it up.

>> No.10944757


Monero isn't centralized but they gonna fork just for the fun.

>> No.10944772
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>> No.10944805

Naw nigga.

>> No.10944806

bitcoin but as you can see the price reflects that

>> No.10944821
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> Damn they are fastttt
> They BP is amasumgly fast too
> sssshhhhiiiit we neeed do something
> Stole the optimization Anon.
> weee neeed to scale, now......REEEEE
> Yeah we gonna implement PHANTOM
> But how ?...
> No one care Dr.Anon, we need just the announce.

Monero Lab in nutshell.

>> No.10944839
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>> No.10944845

Try better grammar please

>> No.10944905

There are no Monero ASICs currently. Just look at the hashrate, brainlet. And any FPGAs? I'd welcome them. They're insanely expensive but if they're boosting the hashrate, so what? More security. Same goes for ASICs really but the threat there is that they are so cheap (in theory) that they can result in an uneven playing field quickly.

>> No.10944960


Your friend don't look concerned about security but more wealth distribution.

And Monero has still a massive hashrate that no one know where is come from.

>> No.10944997

What does this have to do with anything? Eth is daggerhashimoto, I'm talking about MTP.

>> No.10945004

> samefagging this hard
> no proof fud
I have been mining monero since the fork and the hash rate has been steady 380-450mh the entire time. The recent rally has caused more miners to be interested in monero, which is why it broke 500mh. There are absolute shitcoins on the old algo that have 4x that hash rate from asicfags.

>> No.10945038


CNv7 was freely Open Source 2 months before the fork, did you really expect the manufacturer do nothing ?

>> No.10945065
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Who cares where the unknown hashrate comes from so long as it isn't a Bitmain ASIC? 22%, big effing deal.
No shit, miners needed to get ready for the fork. It'd be a fucking disaster if they forked it immediately upon release of the new algorithm. Not even sure what your point is anyway, ESL-kun.

>> No.10945079
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> hurt durr how about my pajeet logic?
Thanks for the bump.
Why would a manufacturer spend all the time and money to develop an asic when the dev already showed he's going to fork because of asic?

>> No.10945121
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>who cares where the unknown hashrate comes from?
>proceeds to spam Dero threads with "muh ASICs" at every opportunity

>> No.10945159


The point : that not only GPU miners was ready.

BTW even if the GPU miners would use a closed source miner, manufacturer like Bitmain could reverse it in short amount of time.

So beeing ASIC Resistant is futile.

Ow, I almost forget : Spectrecoin XSPEC gonna be launched in December. (By the Creator of BlockDAG SPECTRE protocol), it's a Private Coin using RingCT. (idk if they gonna use BP or not, but one of their devs are a member of the Zk Foundation).

>> No.10945203
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>So beeing ASIC Resistant is futile.

This is what the Dero devs have already figured out. However, nearly every single Monero supporter thinks it's 100% physically impossible for ASICs to break Monero as long as Monero forks every 6 months. Then they yell "proof proof proof" over and over again, and when you provide them proof, they yell "that doesn't count SCAM SCAM SCAM"

It's actually quite pathetic.

>> No.10945246

Nice try pajeet, there are no monero asics. Only a subhuman IQ pajeet nigger would think bitmain would waste money developing new asic after the devs showed they will fork to counter it.
Show the proof. Those bags must be heavy.

>> No.10945297

So why they have a new kind of miners : FPGA for motherboard, and ASIC for Hashing algorithm like Keccak, jh, AES, etc.

If the main loop of CN is updated it easy for them to update the FPGA motherboard bitstream, of course it won't the same hashrate than a pure ASIC but it will far more better than a FPGA.

>> No.10945305


ASIC daughters* boards* for

>> No.10945341

I'll give you this, pajeet, you are persistent if anything. Spewing baseless near incoherent broken English fud with zero proof and repeating it over and over. Wtf do those street shitter tier algos even have to do with monero?

>> No.10945371

Zcash is better

>> No.10945416


Well like you guessed I'm not a native English speaker, but at least I read at least source code ans white paper of project before buying some. This hashing algorithm, dear technical illiterate, are the hearts of CryptoNight PoW algorithm.

>> No.10945432


>> No.10946253

Lol so many pajeets ITT are mad

>> No.10946272

Zcash was created in Israel. Nuff said.

>> No.10946278

>privacy coin
>with backdoor
>better than monero

haha, no

>> No.10947136
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is this guy serious?

>> No.10947195

How many XMR is enough to make it? Currently only own 20 but could ramp up to 300 if necessary. Currently it’s in BTC and LINK

>> No.10947213

Is monero only currency used on deep web?

>> No.10947436

>already mooned
screencapped. you are literally the guy saying ETH mooned @ $10 and BTC @ $500.

>> No.10947455

>This is an investment forum.
>investment forum.

boomer detect go bk to u r nersing home gramps lmao. get fked

>> No.10947661

When the FUCK is every coin going to implement this shit and finally make Asics a thing of the past? Seriously it's not that fucking hard.

Every coin except for btc should hardforked to progpow. Any coin that doesn't will not be decentralized. /Thread

>> No.10947687

>application specific integrated chip
you fucking retard. you cannot defeat asics since anything piece of hardware that is specifically designed for computing a specific algorithm will ALWAYS be better than some retail hardware like nvidia GPU's.

>> No.10948016
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>> No.10948493

The goal is to defeat ASICs for now until they become widely available and cheap, like GPUs. Not when they’re super expensive and only available from one company (Bitmain). If everyone could buy an ASIC in a competitive market, there would be no problem with them.

>> No.10948794

Kek, the whole point of progpow is to even the playing field between future ASICS and gpus. Nice definition, doesn’t make you seem smarter

>> No.10948812

Monero's unknown hashrate does not come from ASICs at the moment.
It takes months to tape out an ASIC and since we haven't seen a dramatic shift in hashrate since the hardfork in March it's reasonable to assume that ASIC manufacturers gave up on Monero for now since they realize there is no money in it for them.
If there are FPGAs created for Monero right now then they would have been very expensive to develop and they likely can't be mass produced.

>> No.10949167

the hashrate is coming from eth miners making the switch.

>> No.10949456

Dero figured it out and implemented it a few months ago

>> No.10949797

Pajeets need to stop spamming Dero and kill themselves. Wastes of oxygen

>> No.10950522

It'll never stop, this is the best India can shit out, this is all they can do now. With that being said why would I trust dero when it's a fork of monero and doesn't even have 1 year under its belt to prove its worth? Seems like a load of risky bullshit and the constant shills are just the piss icing on top.

>> No.10951573

They'll never realize their shit is a scam coin until it drops to $0.

>> No.10951587
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>> No.10951662
File: 42 KB, 735x495, pajeets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the level of those Dero pajeets. Not only liars, but also complete brainlets. It's ridiculous.

>> No.10952530

Holy fuck that is some advanced retardation right there. Do they not even read into what they are shilling/ devoting time to? Like damn 3 mins of reading really goes along way.

>> No.10953111

All this because one completely random guy in reddit rewrote the CN protocol in Golang (which will never be implemented in Monero)

>> No.10953341
File: 108 KB, 965x897, Monero_LAB_BlockDAG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> see pic
Try to implemtemt PHANTOM to have smart contract in the first layer too

>> No.10953405

Would be nice to have a truly decent BlockDAG privacy foccused project.

>> No.10953452
File: 17 KB, 765x316, Monero_LAB_no-clue-how-to-blockDAG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, Good luck if you think it's easy

>> No.10954149

I don't. But I want to see a not scammy project to do it.

>> No.10954410

lol what the fuck dude try nouns and coherent sentences

>> No.10954419

no, those people still use pools. the unknown hash-rate comes from malware-botnets that mine monero because, ya know, it actually fucking protects them.

>> No.10954449

def not easy, but gotta love the integrity of the monero team desu

>> No.10954955
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>> No.10954959

If you can't understand that you are low IQ.

>> No.10955563


>> No.10956048
File: 45 KB, 470x470, 1534364569536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> this guys have no clue how to properly write clean code obviously

DERO use an optimized version of Bulletproofs in production. (release)

Monero isn't behind Bulletproofs protocol, so their first implementation is a the standard one, like everyone else do.

Dero write a standard one too without optimization and two others with keeping same variables names for educational purpose only to proof Dero Devs Skill.

>> No.10956055

what is this pajeet english i'm reading?

>> No.10956061


No arguments
> muh grammar

>> No.10956280

The only reason Dero implemented it before Monero was because captain didn't wait the external audits conclusion. It only shows how this dev doesn't give a single fuck about possible security flaws before implementing non audited cryptography. Only a completely insane brainlet who doesn't know a single fuck about cryptography trust him and the way he does things in this project.

>> No.10956500 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 942x481, dero_crypto_Bulletproofs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So you are seeing there is a security flaw in the Dero Bulletproof ? Could you prove it ?

Do you even know what are the minimal requirement are necessary to understand do this kind of optimization ?

>> No.10956560 [DELETED] 


So you are seeing there is a security flaw in the Dero Bulletproof ?

So you are saying* there is a security flaw in the Dero Bulletproof ? (damn It's time to go sleep.)

>> No.10956588
File: 62 KB, 942x481, dero_crypto_Bulletproofs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you are saying there is a security flaw in the Dero Bulletproof ? Have you any evidence ?

Do you even know what are the minimal requirement are necessary to understand this kind of stuff ?

>> No.10956612

You didn't even understood what I said, brainlet. Read it again.

>> No.10956644


There was an Audit too, but they didn't send it to pajeets for 7 months.

>> No.10956664
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>internal audit

>> No.10956707


No, external one.

>> No.10956829

And which persons/groups are auditing it? Captain said it was audited by himself and the other "two devs" (who may probably not exist at all)

>> No.10956839

And how much was paid for those external audits?

>> No.10956967


Was an internal Audit too.

Idk the names, but when the second one wasn't conduct by the Dero Dev Core, I consider it like an external audit.

Since Dero Devs claims themselves being crypto researchers, it's not uncommon to find help by friends in same field of works.

And probably paid with a couple pairs of pizza and beers.

>> No.10957059
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>internal audit
>claims to have done an external one, but doesn't tells who did it, neither how much was paid

You truly believe that?

>> No.10957251

An unknown amount

>> No.10957296

>probably paid with a couple pairs of pizza and beers

>> No.10957464

Dero shills butthurt

>> No.10957628

Must be hard to accept the truth.

>> No.10957864

GRIN implementation of MimbleWimble ne1? That shit doesn't even use addresses.

>> No.10957907

It comes from russian botnets.