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10907522 No.10907522 [Reply] [Original]

"Hello World" in Chainlink Pivotaltracker.

>> No.10907527

isn't this supposed to be functioning before the ico?

>> No.10907529

We’re all going to fucking make it, just wish I had more than the 8200 Link I hold

>> No.10907543

Are you trying to do some lame FUD about how they're bad at coding or are you implying this is a clever name for the debut of main net?

>> No.10907553

>write your first program!
>System.out.print("Hello World");

>> No.10907620

Thanks Matthias

>> No.10907634

wtf does this mean? pivotal tracker brainlet here.

>> No.10907642

You have the same of a street shitter who woke up one afternoon in an orphanage that hasn't yet caught fire. Soon.

>> No.10907645

big if true

>> No.10907650 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10907652

It means Thomas and the gang wrote their first program!

>> No.10907655

Thats 8.2 million $ you idiot...

>> No.10907664

>please sir fall for my scam


>> No.10907674

People actually paid 30 million USD of their own money to see a "hello world" app on a non functional erc20 token after one year.

>> No.10907677


Then again, any brainlet who falls for this doesn’t deserve to make it

>> No.10907684

Mainnet EOY 2060

>> No.10907699

Lel my screengrab from a couple of days anyway its old.


>> No.10907710

>>>10907522 (OP)
>Thanks Matthias
Not me fren but anon used it idd

>> No.10907711

internal milestone

i.e. still not ready for external use

>> No.10907725

I'm just shy of 7500 after 10 months of accumulating, I still think I can get another 2500 before it's unattainable and you should too.

>> No.10907728

I have over 100k all in and it’s not the best feeling to be honest. I mean it’ll be fine if I lose everything but it would suck. Basically I feel like I’m trying to pull off a nut flush blocker all in bluff on the river if you know what I mean

>> No.10907754

Been there. You miss and an ace high beats you

>> No.10907801

Heyo digits!

>> No.10907815

It most likely means that there going to use a contract to write "hello world" to the ETH blockchain proper. E.g. mainnet

>> No.10907827

So that was all the comotion about ?
Hello fucking world !?
After two years and $30M !?
Holly shit you are deluded bois !
Carlos Matos tier, I swear !

>> No.10907858

This is from almost a year ago

>> No.10908268

I have 300k, all in... beginning to think I am deluded

>> No.10908285

wow it's nothing

>> No.10908346

>6th Dec 2017

Amazing how many brainlets have their life savings in this and don't even know how to follow the pivotal tracker. Huge sell signal, unironically dumping the last of my bags. Enjoy your cult faggots.

>> No.10908372


Stop larping faggot and neck yourself already

>> No.10908394

its so fucking hard to discern truth from reality, can't believe I entrusted my "lifes savings" (kek never really worked for shit) into this coin, except I completely can believe it, the ambiguity, the delusion, the insanity, we are being tested for the treasure we are about to receive, its being a fucked up WILD last year I'm going to NEED these absurd gains to nurse my mental, spiritual and physical heath back together post-singularity after being here for a year straight... lets just hope its soon fellas don't know how much MO of this SHIT I can take (endless amounts really)

>> No.10908395

There is nothing wrong with a “Hello World” sample you piece of shit.
t. Pro programmer with zero LINK

>> No.10908639

time to dump my bags, pathetic progress

>> No.10908854

It's impossible to guarantee the absolute finality of importing real world data in a tamper proof manner. For real world data to digital data, one can only shift the trust factor from A to B, B to C and so on. At the end of the day, no matter how many times you move that trust factor, the weakness in social architecture will still be present.

Blockchain solves trust minimisation best in a digital environment. Wherever there is a human involve, it is no longer a computer science problem, but rather a social science problem. It is a hurdle you cant remove with computer science effort. At best, you are only able to replace one big hurdle with multiple smaller hurdles further away from sight. Social science problem can only be countered by laws that can alter the physical state of a human being works.

No one is attacking the importance of importing real world data, why make a big deal out of it.
What blockchain solves is the weakness and inefficiency in the cureent system lies in the transfer of that data when it reaches a digital environment, because digital copies can be replicated. Banks trust whatever info the federal reserve feeds them, but they dont trust each other. (cont)

>> No.10908879


Stock brokers and clearing houses trusts whatever info Apple feed them, but they dont trust each other.

See the problem here?

When the day banks cant trust the federal reserve or the government, we have a much bigger problem - a social problem like hyperinflation, society collapse, which by that time, no businesses would even bother to continue operating in that jurisdiction, it is not a computer science problem.

Sergei gave an example of importing the Libor exchange rate. Good. But do you remember what causes the the Libor scandal?

It's not that the central bank fed inaccurate or wrong or fake data to the banks, it's what the banks did with the data after they received it.

A few big banks manipulate the rate within each other to give themselves unfair lending credit to other banks including smaller banks.

Even with link, all you're doing is pushing back the trust factor back one step but ultimately it'll still be a centralised figure that checks the legitimacy. (i.e. CL feeds data into smart contract, but human input is still needed to check the legitimacy. The weakness in the system doesn't go away it just shifts to the next step.)

>> No.10908997

You don't get it. A single data source isn't going to be your problem. If you decentralize your end, that is enough. If the single data source gets corrupted somehow, that's their problem. If someone gives you false information, you sue them. And you can also get insurance for this kind of shit too if you are that risk averse.

>> No.10909013

the only reason I hold anymore than 100 LINK at a time is because the more I hold the more scarce it is

but really as long as I get 100k out of this I'm cool

>> No.10909497

This. Fucking nerds. At least we’ll all be rich together. Hail Sergey

>> No.10909521

Kek. He spent time typing out all that nonsense. $2500 EOY

>> No.10909564

>wtf does this mean? pivotal tracker brainlet here.
it's nerd humor. means mainnet is incoming soon.

>> No.10909606

lmao sergey finally figured out how "printf" works.

$1000 EOY

>> No.10909613

thats from december you fucking monkey

>> No.10910280
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This is big. Hello world is like testing everything works. Sure it's the first program that people usually make. But in this case it could mean a hello world inputted into a smart contract and outputted.

Take the triangle story.

“It’s a black triangle,” she said in an amused but sarcastic voice. One of the engine programmers tried to explain, but she shook her head and went back to her office. I could almost hear her thoughts… “We’ve got ten months to deliver two games to Sony, and they are cheering over a black triangle?THATtook them nearly a month to develop?”

What she later came to realize (and explain to others) was that the black triangle was a pioneer. It wasn’t just that we’d managed to get a triangle onto the screen. That could be done in about a day. It was the journey the triangle had taken to get up on the screen. It had passed through our new modeling tools, through two different intermediate converter programs, had been loaded up as a complete database, and been rendered through a fairly complex scene hierarchy, fully textured and lit (though there were no lights, so the triangle came out looking black). The black triangle demonstrated that the foundation was finally complete the core of a fairly complex system was completed, and we were now ready to put it to work doing cool stuff. By the end of the day, we had complete models on the screen, manipulating them with the controllers. Within a week, we had an environment to move the model through.

Afterwards, we came to refer to certain types of accomplishments as “black triangles.” These are important accomplishments that take a lot of effort to achieve, but upon completion you don’t have much to show for it only that more work can now proceed. It takes someone who really knows the guts of what you are doing to appreciate a black triangle.

>> No.10911232

This one was a field nigger

>> No.10911291
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Unironically huge

>> No.10911311
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sold low and now will buy back

>> No.10911318

>Accepted 21 Dec 2017


>> No.10911403

whats a Keoy?

>> No.10911521

>nut flush blocker
>ace high beats you

>> No.10911733

That's from 2017