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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 194 KB, 1601x671, 6461E1F0-3A5B-47CB-9F38-6E42B98E7161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10891132 No.10891132 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10891146

Jesus Christ it's actually real: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBt4kDgUPsAjMYCxG8ELQog

What the FUCK man

>> No.10891153

this is actually bullish, as i am also a communist.
fuck you fucking capitalist pigs. sell your link now

>> No.10891156

bait harder

>> No.10891159

selling all my link stack

>> No.10891165


>> No.10891170

if you are a communist that means you have zero knowledge of economy and markets and human nature.

>> No.10891174

Wow, unbelievable selling everything right now OP Thanks.

>> No.10891176
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You will all bow before Kim Jung Sergey.

>> No.10891179


>> No.10891183

Someone tell Rorty.

>> No.10891184

>human nature

>> No.10891185
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>0 subscribers

yea this looks totally legit, all professionals make youtube accounts with their real name and photo to shitpost about communism

OP, please pause and reflect on your life and what has brought you to this point. you could have just held your LINK but you had to be greedy and swing and now you lost your stack. so you're making fake youtube profiles in a desperate attempt to drop the price back below 30 cents by shilling low tier FUD to a bangladeshi horse clog forum

just how stupid are you?

>> No.10891191

>going through this much trouble just to find something that can be used as fud
I thought the fud was that she wasn't doing her job. If that's the case why does this matter lol

>> No.10891194

lmao shut the fuck up faggot. you sit in your bedroom all day writing dumb shit online about the "communist revolution" news flash fatty: it's never going to happen, you're fat as fuck and no working class American will ever take you seriously. remember that one time you shot a rifle and got PTSD? kek

>> No.10891214


The channel was created on Oct 9th 2013. There is a chance that it's OP false flagging on an old YT channel, but at the same time this is the same woman who hates White people

>> No.10891216

Its not about accumulation at this point. Something is triggered in their brain that makes them want to FUD. Its a fetish. While they type out the most ridiculous, low-tier FUD with one hand, the other hand is slowly pulling at their small penis. They will spend hours doing this, continually bringing themselves to the edge numerous times. They are the textbook definition of basement dwelling NEETs, so they could do this for days on end, fueled only by Monster, and nobody will question where they are or what they are doing, because nobody loves them or cares about them.

They have gotten to the point that the FUD isn't even as good as it once was. They don't take the time to think hard about it anymore, because they just want to hurry up and post anything to make their little dicks hard.

>> No.10891233
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>There is a chance that it's OP false flagging on an old YT channel

a chance? lol, no, that's exactly what this thread is, you and OP are pnd filth who fucked themselves

i feel sorry for you

>> No.10891239

fucking based

$5000 is FUD

$10,000 EOY !!

>> No.10891246

She has a website and 28k followers on Twitter. Do you really think that she would have 0 subscribers on her YouTube? Also, if she has a YouTube page, why isn't she uploading videos to promote herself? The only thing there is one playlist with NK propaganda music? Once again, OP proves himself to be a complete faggot.

>> No.10891249

I've been holding a bag of LINK since January

>> No.10891250
File: 416 KB, 1169x669, Screenshot 2018-08-30 at 1.26.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I thought this was just some LARP faggot trying to rustle jimmies. Only subscription is to an AI channel and her 5 playlist videos are hour long communist songs. It just feels like bait.

but it was last updated 2015. Wtf

>> No.10891253

what 99% of humans are totally self absorbed fucks that don't give a fuck about anything. you have to motivate them by self interest because the common good just doesn't work. there is always a 10% statistical outlier but for the rest you can count on them acting in their own interest most of the time. this keeps the capitalist system running.

>> No.10891258

only way this is possible is if some autist gained access to an account with this video playlist then changed name + profile picture

>> No.10891260

>Last updated on Jan 10, 2015

Good find

>> No.10891268
File: 209 KB, 500x357, 1534977464376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP already had the playlist and just changed the name and photo of the profile

nice try boys, see you in the next thread

>> No.10891322

Reminder that the reviews for her book on Amazon are all fake as well.

>> No.10891335

Not selling, but you cannot trust any Chinese ever

>> No.10891337

maybe she didn't had time for her favorite ideology once she had to take a fucking job.

>> No.10891469

I’m the guy who made the last thread and took that screenshot. I swear to god I just searched her name on YouTube. I have a nice bag of LINK I’m not planning on selling for a while, but this is concerning.

>> No.10891491

smart contracts and oracles will bring the new wave of communism brainlet capitalist cucks

>> No.10891503


Basically Marxists believe there is no human nature. They believe in some enlightenment era pseudo-science about how environment forms human behaviour.

This is why communists believe if they achieve their long term goals humans can actually be happy and selfless. Of course they lack the self awareness to explain why we shouldn’t just adapt humans to being wageslaves since human nature is so malleable.

>> No.10891613

chainlink's entire purpose is to remove people from the workforce; to eliminate workers. smart contracts are bad for dumb people. instability and upheaval bla bla joblessness and revolution. how long does this process of automation last? where does it end? ubi? if you think the political beliefs of a lady who's selling unemployment to the masses isn't a big deal then i hope you've got at least 100k.

>> No.10891691
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Whoever made this is an absolute legend. Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.10891756

>there are people on /biz/ right now who unironically think that /pol/ and /biz/ don't overlap
The kikes stranglehold on financial institutions are the entire reason why this place stopped caring about anything aside from crypto and finance

>> No.10891768
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>> No.10891814

Really though did you seriously believe a worldwide, borderless instant payments system would be dominated by anyone other than commies and jews? Blockchain is literally the beast system talked about in the Bible. Look at old school capitalists like Peter Schiff, they don't buy into it. Capitalist boomers have had their time. Liberals took over this world ever since WW2 when the jews won.

>> No.10891852

I don't blame her hating white people. She probably experienced racism all her life growing up in the states from getting called chink, gook, make reference to her eyes, etc.
I myself am Asian American who followed the model minority pathway and I assimilated very well despite experiencing all the aformentioned racism including dick jokes. I assimilated very well to the point I voted for Trump. Then it hit me, why should I continue being the model minority and keeping my mouth shut when I get treated like shit from time to time? I used to be on your side and was against sjws and shit but let me tell you, alot of Asian Americans are waking up (including myself) and reconciling with past trauma w/r to racism they experienced growing up.

By the way, I shilled chainlink to all of my Asian bros who all have 6 figure jobs a couple months back and they are now 100k+ bagholders. Some of them even shilled to even more of their Asian friends and family.

>> No.10891877

I'm preheating the oven.

>> No.10891902
File: 87 KB, 789x562, 6456456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also it's like you all just dance around the fact that Sir Gay himself is quite likely himself a communist Jew. Why would it surprise you that he'd hire a communist gook?

>> No.10891909

link is ded

>> No.10891917

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.10891925

If anyone falls for this shit they must be so fucking retarded. Anyone can create a youtube account under any name lmfao.
Nice fud tho 8/10

>> No.10891928

Shut up gook.

>> No.10892025

What if it is event music for a communist themed party.

>> No.10892101

I've been on 4chan for a while, these types of insults dont even phase me anymore. keep insulting asians in real life too. Your continual lack of empathy for our demographic will only help unite us even more against you.

>> No.10892149

So they used to actually phase you? What a fucking faggot.

>> No.10892197


>> No.10892319

The Chainlink booth at the North Korean convention is going to be epic.

>> No.10892332

>Adelyn likes classier music than 95% of normalfags
>and that's a bad thing!

>> No.10892353

sergey is so bluepilled it hurts
or maybe he's purplepilled and in with (((them)))

>> No.10892404
File: 263 KB, 477x475, 1500569141499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these types of insults dont even phase me anymore

>> No.10892413

>its dead because he shares a different political view
the absolute state of bag holders holy fuck

>> No.10892437

The ghostbusters one is bretty good

>> No.10892452

she is the worst fucking hire...she can't even acknowledge link...fuckin lefty communist

>> No.10892468

When the singularity hits, I will use every cent to spread capitalism and neofascism.

I will show you kikes how to truly subvert.

>> No.10892472

>Adelyn Zhou
Literally who?

>> No.10892506

nevermind, seems like it's some chainlink related nonsense

>> No.10892511

>be Asian
>be communist

Water is wet. Shes a beehive type. This actually does continue to effect my interest in this project.

>> No.10893060


obvious fud is fud a /biz person did this it was probably you OP or somebody you fucking knew who did this just so you could make a thread on this fudding your own coin you are bagholding and need to moon just think about that for a second THE ABSOLUTE STATE

>> No.10894074

Where are her eyebrows

>> No.10894109

The only concerning thing about this is how bothered so many stinkies are by it. srs, are you that new to crypto? never followed any of the big names before? they've posted worse and the shitcoins pumped anyway.

>> No.10894252

its definitely bait. this marketing bitch is trying to get us to stop being so autistic with our research. she already knows that we know things we shouldnt... i dont like where this is going anons. not one bit. she better do a damn good job at marketing or we'll pool our superpowers together and get her ass fired. watch out you asian bitch, WE ARE YOUR BIGGEST INVESTORS DONT YOU DARE FUCK US OVER UNLESS YOU WANT YOUR LIFE RUINED 1000 TIMES OVER

>> No.10894370

She is probably one of the best marketing expert alive. This is why Sergey wanted her at all cost.

I'm 100% SURE she is a marketing beast. Nobody can't prove against the fact she is a FUCKING CHAMPION in her field.
Like I said one if not the best marketing manager in the whole word. I won't be suprised if it turns out she is the number 1 in her job in the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD

Cut with the FUD dumbasses

>> No.10894425

Open your eyeballs when you respond me, ching chong chang bing ping pong dong.

>> No.10894693
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Fuck me man. Fuck.

>> No.10894719

Why the fuck do I have 100k I fucking knew it. I’m fucking selling man fuck. I’m living a fucking lie

>> No.10894736

Fuck I’m not selling. Smart contracts need oracles...I think.