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File: 119 KB, 1024x606, Nano Disaster Part Two.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10856740 No.10856740 [Reply] [Original]

>Nano has 756 TPS [1]. For a self-proclaimed global currency, it’s a total joke. VISA can handle over 56,000 TPS [2]. Nano’s claim to be global currency is either delusional or fraud.
>7,000 TPS was boosted and promoted in Dec 2016. Reality, a meagre 100-200 TPS [3].
>Lead Devs are jumping ship. Insiders obviously know Nano is riddled with terminal flaws and future problems.
>Millions of USD sold from the Nano Developer Wallet lately at extremely low prices. Not a good sign that Devs are dumping Nano in fire sale [4].
>Dev fund is dangerously low, they may burn through that in a matter of 1-3 years [4]. Also; pending lawsuit against Nano foundation.
>Constant node issues. Withdrawals/deposits suspended on several exchanges due to security and stability issues, multiple times, every single month. This despite being miles behind having any sort of global currency traffic. Nano could be years away from even having the potential to be a well-functioning global currency. One example from today [5].
>Coinbase will only use coins stable for multiple months. Nano is far away from that, see above and [5]. Best case scenario is having Nano on Coinbase late 2019, leaving Nano hopelessly behind other cryptocurrencies.
>One single miner can destroy the network via DDoS with 500 GPUs at no cost. A critical attack vector never seriously addressed by the Nano dev team. Nano is wide open for a massive spam attack crippling the network for a long time. Not ready for global adoption.
>Nano team seem like tech amateurs. Don’t understand the difference between Random (not cryptographically secure) and SecureRandom. Don’t even understand basic cryptography, disaster in waiting.

>> No.10856747

>>10856740 (cont.)
>Nano team marketing strategy is to have no marketing strategy.
>Nano team adoption strategy is to have no adoption strategy. Doomed. Will go to zero.
>Nano essentially following same strategy as Betamax vs VHS and HD vs BluRay.
>First coin on Amazon/eBay/etc will be the global currency. Nano’s avoiding partnership. Nano’s publicly stated “strategy” is to not seek strategic partnership, basis being that USD has no partnership as a currency, so why should Nano have one. Ridiculous.
>No smart contracts. Masternode coins utilising high capacity data contracts on their second layer are the future. Nano can't do any of this, it cannot compete with other coins.
>Must run expensive nodes for free. A borderline insane and untested business model.
>Nano team are business amateurs. Pushed BitGrail when clearly a dangerous exchange. Guaranteed bomber as a good guy. Rebranded to Nano right before BitGrail exploded. Retarded decision. Marketing disaster.
>Going from UDP to TCP too late and too slowly [6]
>Hired pretty girl, G. Coxton, who’s done nothing. Why’s she not on YouTube pushing Nano?
>Nano has no ‘human face’ for people to connect with. It’s just an empty logo, unlike other top 10 coins – e.g. Ethereum has Vitalik, Tron has Justin Sun, Litecoin had Charlie Lee. NEO has Da Hong Fei. EOS has Dan L. etc.
>Ongoing lawsuits against Nano Devs personally and Nano foundation. Will drive price down, could go bankrupt.

>> No.10856758

>>10856747 (cont.)
>Same whales that pumped and dumped Nano first time (-98% from ATH) are doing it again. The delusional Nano hodlers will be stripped of their money again.
>NANO was less than $0.10 a year ago.
>Anyone investing in this shitcoin deserves to lose their money. It will crash and go to zero.

[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/982bq9/stress_test_beta_network_v15_results_in_here/
[2] https://www.accenture.com/no-en/success-visa-connected-commerce-car
[3] http://archive.is/iq9fP
[4] https://www.nanode.co/account/xrb_1ipx847tk8o46pwxt5qjdbncjqcbwcc1rrmqnkztrfjy5k7z4imsrata9est
[5] https://news.kucoin.com/en/nano-deposits-and-withdrawals-are-now-enabled/
[6] https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/8kt2ed/universal_block_canary_has_been_released/dzakb0a/

>> No.10856829
File: 87 KB, 750x600, Nano hodler getting assraped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic, typical Nano hodler getting assraped, - buying some more. Good luck with your shitcoin!

>> No.10856848
File: 986 KB, 1440x1277, Shapiro Bitgrail not insolvent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always trust the Nano dev team.

>> No.10857209
File: 24 KB, 300x289, 20110715_071214_ZackShapiro_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best counter argument is probably BTC network effect and Lightening Network.

Also, Nano has yet to get the mainstream exposure where its security and spam defense is tested.

Instead of hiring professionals, like normal businesses, Nano hires from the ranks of their fanboys. That's how they got Zack Shapiro. He was the main guy pushing for Bitgrail, saying he was talking to Bomber for hours each day and that Bomber was a guy to be trusted He is also the guy responsible for the Android wallet security fiasco. Yet the delusional nano fanboys just love him and keep on showering him with infantile admiration. They are the most immature and deranged investors in the market. The whales are pumping and dumping again, and they are getting tricked again. When will they ever learn? But Zack is a sack of shit. He has earned millions, while being personal responsible for people losing everything and keeps on smiling and having a great time loving life. Kind of sociopathic, if you ask me.

Pic, (((Zack Shapiro))) before he earned millions that he could take out of Bitgrail, while others were waiting in line for KYC and then eventually got scammed for 80% of their money.