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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10847058 No.10847058 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you all haven't missed me too much. I have been told that many have larped as me, but you can't beat the real thing. But I won't waste your time with nonsense, so a couple things to keep in mind

I bet you're wondering what happened to my prediction that LINK would go to $0. I admit you had a nice little run, propped up by a few whales with massive stacks spread across 30-40 wallets. Volume picked up ever so slightly, but nothing like the bot days of Binance

LINK is still never getting to $0.50, let alone $1, $10, or some ridiculous number like $1000. Crypto has seen better days but LINK is still LINK. It has no reason to explode in value. Why did shitcoins like TRX, NANO, and BNB explode? Because they're speculative. LINK isn't because it's only you guys, the autistic vagabonds, that care about it. NANO had the whole world interested in a chance of 300-400% gains in a short amount of time

As always, don't listen to me, you know I'll be back in 2019, 2021, 2035 saying the same thing about Chainlink.

>> No.10847090

About to be September and LINK isn’t even $1. And they said $1000 EOY like kek would will it

Still, fuck (you) for reminding me I wasted all my savings on this

>> No.10847101

Yeah but we are not glass handed faggots like other communities. We know when the moon is actually in full swing before we unload bags.

>> No.10847110

fuck off loser lmao, how is that swing trading working out for you you massive faggot?
also a reminder to everyone to sage this faggot at all times

>> No.10847124
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Entirely not manipulated. Hahahaha kys homosexual. HAHAHAHA

>> No.10847129

I'm not here to say I told you so, but ask yourself why you'd believe the fags here shilling LINK all day and night, when it hasn't come close to any of the predictions from assblaster or any of his disciples? Why would biz choose to focus on a token that hasn't even hit $2? Meanwhile, something like NANO went bananas without muh Sergey memes, muh whitepaper, muh singularity

Get it through your idiot pea brains, you all are talking to each other to sell off bags. There's no intelligent reason to continue discussing something that continues to prove the shills wrong

>> No.10847147

You've been pretty fucking quiet recently dickhead

>> No.10847162

Funny, you sage me because I was wrong and LINK got to $10? Or sage me because shit you've got to dump those bags you acquired at $1.12 and it hasn't gotten close to that price again? Blow me, faggot, LINK is still not making you rich

>> No.10847177

I bought everything at 18c but buying low is something your sub 80IQ brain can't even comprehend you fucking loser. Keep watching from the sidelines like a cuck you absolute retard

>> No.10847192

At this point, for all the dot connecting being done, it’s unbelievable it hasn’t mooned. Guess you were right. But why? It’s speculation that the companies would use it

>> No.10847202

post a card that's not 6 years expired

>> No.10847220

4chan owns a minority of the coins. Almost all of them are owned by whales. I bet less than 5% is owned by pajeet son here. Look at the wallet distribution. It’s djsmal

>> No.10847223

hardly anyone knows about it. wait until mainnet launches, see what announcements are made, see how they market themselves, see how much traffic is on the network, see how the token economics play out.

>> No.10847257

Admit that's true, nice little run up

And are you a millionaire like me? You're not? I thought LINK was your golden ticket??

Those dots are being done by two parties. The autistic vagabonds here, and some close to the company. I won't elaborate in case they try to downplay it, but the company owns most of those big wallets. They want to keep toying with you guys because youre the only ones who care

Bingo, what SC.com doesn't own, biz owns the rest. It's a movie in the making, when you all realize 3 years from now that it'll never moon

Bullshit. Been hearing that since the end of 2017

>> No.10847268

Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth.

Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons.

Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story.

The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes.

In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.10847303

Figures because we have seen the countless connections and the price goes up 10% and falls 8% a day later. It’s frustrating

>> No.10847330

Posting in the dips and tucking your dick between your legs on every little pump.
Absolutely bitchmode

>> No.10847355

Lol @ this faggot coper

>> No.10847375

Link actually makes me sad. Fuck all the Indians and chinks buying this shit. But some people probably honestly believe it will make them rich and scrape together a grand or 2 to buy this pnd. Just think about it. Why would anyone use it? People say 1000-75000 eoy based on derivatives. Do any of them actually know what a derivative is? There isn’t that much money in the world. And they expect everyone to immediately adopt tech that doesn’t even require the coin. Sad!

>> No.10847377


>> No.10847390

It doesn't have the interest of the necessary traders to get to $5, $20, $100. $1000 is a mind game from shills to unload their expensive bags. A billion tokens that are cheap or a billion tokens that cost $150 each? Which is more likely for a product no one 'needs'? Smart contracts are a meme and biz got fooled big time

Or c, enjoying my riches while you try and join me by investing in a shitty ERC token with no use case or need. Enjoy being poor fren

>> No.10847395

A lot of us expect it to increase in price. We will decide how high it can go once more info is known. Price is a meme not the actual token.

>> No.10847397

I'm surprised you're even bothering with your oldfag larp again. You here to tell us about how btc has a built in oracle so that we can laugh you out of yet another asinine thread written by a tech-illiterate knuckledragger like yourself?

>> No.10847413

>my riches
Why bother with this bit when it keeps getting btfo

>> No.10847425

>Bingo, what SC.com doesn't own, biz owns the rest. It's a movie in the making, when you all realize 3 years from now that it'll never m
Wait what
Does that mean that link ico was implied as money laundering? They invested their own crypto money and never wanted anyone else?
That would explain the very high 100 eth minimum (or was it 300), and that weird thing that the site's js automatically showed ico as 100% sold out if pc's time was set to the future...

It would be hilarious if the only reason they are doing anything is because /biz/ invested and they couldn't just close the shop.

>> No.10847429


>> No.10847433

You still have me confused with someone else. Never said that. Still, it's a useless gimmick

You've got the right idea, sad but easy to spot brainlets who think this is a good thing to invest in

What got btfo? Your mom?

>> No.10847452

That would actually be funny
Your card larp has been debunked several times at this point. It's embarrasing.

>> No.10847454

Yes, YES finally. The ico was so poorly done that it should've been obvious. It filled up in 1 second huh? No smart contract? High minimums? And to top it off, he kept 650,000,000 tokens locked up because he didn't want all the money at once.... sure thing!

The team is rich and didn't need anyone's money. I know things about these guys that would be huge red flags if they got out. There's a reason Sergey doesn't say shit to the people that "invested" in his token. And a reason no marketing is done. Think Ozarks

>> No.10847461
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the singularity will hit like a lightning bolt. we'll see $3 in a day. a DAY. and $10 by December. then $1000 eoy.

we link marines are not scared by your fake american express card. we WILL be victorious.

>> No.10847475

> you have me confused with someone else.
No, absolutely not. I remember you specifically by how you always trip up your own threads by making really stupid assertions which show your ignorance of how crypto works, let alone link. Go on, explain how btc has a "built-in oracle" at length again. Retard.

>> No.10847480

That's not my card, but I have one. Shut up

>> No.10847522

>I know things about these guys that would be huge red flags if they got out
I know Sergey was heavily involved with NXT which was a PnD made by a different Sergey (now fleecing brainlets in iota).

Honestly ICO is such a perfect money laundering mechanism... have millions in crypto, but how to cash out without paying tax and having to explain where it comes from? Make a llc in a tax haven and make it do an ico accepting anonymous 'investors'. 0% tax and no questions asked.

>> No.10847541

Holy fuk this is huge if true, it would all make sense

>No communication
>Scam ICO
>Still hold 65% of supply after ICO

>> No.10847573

I'm proud of you guys, thinking caps are on tonight. I can say without a doubt that they did not expect biz to stumble upon the ICO. Unfortunately for them, it was a good enough concept. Not only does Sergey hold 65% of the supply, he and his team hold most of the top 50 wallets. Look at the addresses and study them if you have time to waste. If this ever mooned, those wallets would shuffle money around more than a money laundering operation

It hasn't mooned because of the lack of real speculative interest, biz being the only interested party

>> No.10847599

> it's all a big scam
So not only do you think that btc has a built in oracle, you think that Ari Juelz, docusign, openlaw, maker etc are all just playing along with it - either that or they're all trying to scam with CL too... for the paltry sum of 31 mil. Jesus christ you're one of the biggest retards on this board, on par with that Astro fag.

>> No.10847609

Come on guys, if they really wanted to ICO just to do some money laundering, they wouldn't have gone the length to make ChainLink sound so revolutionary/attractive. They could have just launched some random chuckecheese token project (eg: tokenize rubbish collections!) And gotten away without the full autistic attention of biz

>> No.10847610

I remembered yet another thing - didn't it turn out that the initial chainlink site was a straight up clone of another oracle project? They replaced the name with link but forgot in several places.
Will try to find out, I may have saved that info somewhere

>> No.10847612

Thanks for the terribly reasoned FUD, seeing this kind of stuff is as good as positive news for tightening my hands.
You kinda had it going until your second reply.

>> No.10847618

They overpromised with buzzwords, what came to fruition from any of this? Docusign added a penny to the price, congrats on this

Sergey has fooled many with this scam, even established companies. You are some idiot if you can't see this

>> No.10847637
File: 613 KB, 1080x1920, 1531261106009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there it is! Tierion!
>they wouldn't have gone the length to make ChainLink sound so revolutionary/attractive
People make mistakes. He may have wanted to make it sound sensible in the vein of 'who would believe I got $x for such bullshit'. The idea clearly was born before the full scale of bullshit that passes in the ico space was revealed.

>> No.10847638

Can someone here help me? I've recently embarked upon a spiritual path which requires complete honesty will myself and others. I'm a 35 year old Booker, white male. I have always had an extremely female spirit or personality. But I have also always love girls, since I was a kid. But I've been called a woman millions of times in my life, both by my best friend and by anons who swear I'm a "roastie". But I love my body and I enjoy masculine things like sports, philosophy, video games etc. But though I identify as a man, I have never idntified WITH men. I have always understood women and gotten along much better with them. I find most men behave like children or animals. Anyway, I've never been here before, never thought I would be. Hope someone can help. I just want to know if there are other people who feel like I do.

>> No.10847647

Buy JSE.
Sell any time in August 2023. Afterwards, post a picture of this tweet here for the next one.

>> No.10847655
File: 41 KB, 919x801, 1531188635801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's how the initial chainlink site looked, this page is somewhere on the web.archive.
"Tierion Chainpoint is an open standard for linking data to the blockchain to create a timestamp proof."
Ok looking at all these pieces, it 100% was a money laundering operation lol

The link idea wasn't revolutionary, Sergey literally copypasted another project...

>> No.10847680

That is pathetic, wow. I didn't know it was that bad. Scam.

Also, the latest website had so many typos and spelling mistakes. They're amateurs just interested in floating their wealth for laundering and cash flow. None of this shit will pan out. As always, the idiot detractors say I'm wrong and the price says otherwise. Keep the tears a flowin faggots

>still under $1 EOY

>> No.10847684

found the archive.org link
ctrl-f tierion

>> No.10847685

Ohh right I get it. So these multi-million and billiin dollar companies - who operate in law and finance, some of the most cut throat white collar industries in the world - got scammed by an ICO with a bunch of buzzwords? And we're supposed to take this from someone who probably has trouble even opening MEW. What a joke.

>> No.10847693

You don’t though. You are being dragged along by whales. You have no control. The market isn’t going to save you. This is a clear pnd

>> No.10847698

>It's LARP time with a discord group talking to each other

>> No.10847701

What kinda shit argument is that lol?
Did you fud bitcoin in 2014 too?
Short sighted lil retard.

>> No.10847703


>> No.10847706

2012 was back when a black card meant something. I remember being invited back pre crash

>> No.10847755

To wealthy sure, to plebs trying to get rich off scam tokens, it means a lot. Ask any LINK investor if they want one when it hits "$1000 EOY"

The rabbit hole goes deeper than you know, you fucking toilet paper eating pajeet. Sergey is paying 'A and B players' in the 650M tokens sitting in his lap. Giving someone 25 million of these scam tokens is still a payday. Would you not waste a little time for that kind of money? Think bigger than your peabrain allows, pajeet

>> No.10847772

Dude this is huge, no wonder link never went ballistic. It’s a controlled shell game

>> No.10847781

Double dubs confirmed, old fag is old wise one

>> No.10847813

That’s what I’m saying. It’s terrible cause it’s clearly stealing from the poor for no reason.

>> No.10847822

How does it feel to have a shitty ass name that doesnt mean anything and is shared by every 5th chink trash?

>> No.10847866

Chexk these

>> No.10847988
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>> No.10848010
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self checked

>> No.10848028
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OP is pump and dumper very upset that LINK isn't going back under 30c


>> No.10848177

AGP pasta in link threads is underrated psyops. good job whoever you are

>> No.10848183
File: 64 KB, 996x682, 1535070242562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit boys slow down

>> No.10848234

Oh, looks like I'm hitting some nerves now. What's wrong? Angry that no one is actually buying your bullshit except the other moron from your discord group in here?
> but muh ebin tinfoil hat conspiracy
Wow, sounds fascinating. So this "scam's" success was based entirely on the hope that biz would discover it and launder enough money out of thousands of other shitcoins, so it intentionally flew under the radar with pretty much no marketing or an attempt to rope in plebbit garbage (which would have been easier to run this by.) It makes 0 sense from any angle, but I guess to you everything seems like some kind of profound mystery.
You only prove my points about how retarded you are with each response. Keep barking, dog.

>> No.10848235

Its a meme 4chan is known as one of, if not the most trolling site in history. Look up " doing it for the lulz". This is a site infamous for ruining people's lives over trivial matters and always taking things to far.

This entire site is a congregation of people who love nothing but ruin and laughing at other people's failings. Its contrarian just to be contrarian, look at how people say this is one of the most racists sites on earth but yet every second thread is about BBC or black superiority.

The people here take great pride in doing the opposite of what other people are doing and then calling them normies. THESE PEOPLE LOVE CHAOS!

This applies to chainlink they took the most useless and worthless coin and spent countless hours making it the new " Ethereum" just so people who are new to crypto will lose all there money and not even look at better projects.

They are feeding off FOMO and telling people this is the new get rich quick scheme like BTC was a couple of years ago. They want you to lose money so they can laugh at the normal people who fell for memes

>> No.10848464

Imagine posting pics of someone else’s card from 2012

>> No.10848544

>I have been told that many have larped as me

I love how he says this as though he has a bunch of underlings working for him like, “Master! The bizlets heed not your warning! In fact they mock and larp as thee! Why don’t they take your noble advice to heart! Perhaps you should reupload that image of someone else’s credit card and try to save them once more!”

It’s all so ridiculous.

>> No.10848579

Op is a cringelord

>> No.10848691

>So this "scam's" success was based entirely on the hope that biz would discover it and launder enough money out of thousands of other shitcoins,
Are you retarded? The money laundering is when they invested in their own ico, creating a legal source for the coins.

There's no explanation for tierion bits other than as a copypaste job as part of money laundering.

>> No.10848902

>Smart contracts are a meme
Lol ok, your counter shilling seemed effective until this. You probably can't even tell me what a smartcontract is.

>> No.10848959

W-wait this is fud, right? Linkmarines, debunk this!

>> No.10849199

t. This photo of a supermodel looks a bit like my girlfriend.

>> No.10849224

This. What a bunch of poor fags. Can't even afford .33 tokens.

>> No.10849248

Hola cunt, when moon sir

>> No.10849260
File: 351 KB, 820x944, Screenshot (2172).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LARPing as a rich chink on an anonymous image board
gg dude you've won in live

>> No.10849507

Stop samefagging

>> No.10850469

Wonderful morning to my disciples. I see I have touched some nerves, that is good! Very good, part of the process of realization and acceptance

>> No.10850479

Sergey is a Philosophy major with no history of this sort of thing. He is a scam artist and a bunch of anons bought in at $1 and are still underwater, they can't accept reality

>> No.10850563

>Henry Ford built every car himself and Steve Jobs spent his evenings assembling iphones in his shed.

>> No.10850607

>John D. Rockefeller pumped the oil himself

>> No.10850619

daily reminder: LINK $10 EOY (((only))) requires a non-stop daily +2.72% for 127 consecutive days, kek

>> No.10850648
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>using a Wikipedia image as if it somehow gives your thread legitimacy

Fucking cringe

>> No.10850670

Fuck off z8 go back to bed you fuckin clown

>> No.10850690

>Lucky Luciano killed all those people himself and captained the boats to import heroin into the United States

>> No.10850799

What about holo?

>> No.10850823

In terms of speculative value, Chainlink has a lot of potential. The team's "anti-hype" strategy has prevented it from organic pump and dump to oblivion like tron and verge. Sure, it dumped in the bear market, but so did everything else. As you can see it's bottomed out at .17 and is climbing quickly. From rank 120 to rank 60 in a couple weeks is impressive. You should also take note that most of biz is invested in Link exactly becuase the team is focused on building something that will last for many years to come. They aren't hoping for a quick p&d for some short term gains. Most people here are aware of the connections surrounding Chainlink, and if any of the major ones are true, the upside will be massive.

>> No.10850863

The shilling is organic. AB was off on the $3, but it should be noted that he was not making a firm prediction of that, and he also mentioned that there could be a crash at anytime which is what happened. Had the bullrun continued, Link would very likely have been $3 by May.

He also predicted the Nano crash. Again, just a p&d that Linkies don't want to be associated with. Not that impressive.

>> No.10850874

Link doesn't have to have hit $10 yet. You were wrong and you know it

>> No.10850921

Oh look, some sooper sekret company is responsible for the dot-connecting now. Stop outing yourself as a larper.

4chan certainly holds a good % of available Link, but probably not as much as you think. Again, that's a sourceless claim.

>> No.10850977

As of right now the interest of the market isn't enough to carry it to those numbers. That's a stupid point to make. It's like asking in 2010 "If btc could reach $10k why isn't it $10k yet?"

>> No.10851042

Who really cares how the ico was done? I'll grant you that one for the sake of argument, but you should look at how the project has been handled since then to make a determination. Clearly it's not a scam, otherwise they would have made some effort to shill their bags to unload them. The 650 million that Sergey holds is actually necessary for the time being. If all of the tokens were on the market right now, some entity could buy them all up for cheap which would defeat the purpose of a decentralized network. It's also not bad to have some reserved for institutions, since they could partake in the network without capital expenditure, which would accelerate adoption.

>> No.10851083

Why wouldn't the team, the group of people most invested in with the most control over the project, have most of the top wallets? Why do you think that's some kind of conspiracy? Also, source that. You're not accounting for whales having multiple wallets and whatnot. Also, see my post above to know why the team holding most of the tokens isn't necessarily a bad thing

>> No.10851097

Who overpromised what? You're not making any sense. The network isn't even out yet so we don't know how much the recently revealed partners will use the network.

>> No.10851161

The typos were stupid but that in and of itself does not make it a scam. Is that really the only valid and correct point you've made, other than the ICO being a mess? That's just desperate.

>> No.10851175

Sergey is that you?

>> No.10851182

you know you can reply to multiple posts at the same time, right?

>> No.10851213

I wish.

>> No.10851220


>> No.10851271

Is Link $10 yet?

>> No.10851441

Stinky linkers won't listen to you. Their delusion will not let them to see the truth. They want to live in their safe space, where link is going to 1000$ EOY, while only oldfags were right by predicting that it's going to 0$, and they're still correct.

>> No.10851589


You're an amazing lame faggot, even for an OP. Still, at least you don't use a trip. And why do you think anyone cares about your card? Oh, a black card, how amaze lol. I bet you're a watchfag as well aren't you, you kike cock sucker kek. Do you have a picture of a lambo with a roastie on your bedroom wall too? Go on, keep telling us about your money on an anonymous board, it totally doesn't make you look like a desperate attention whore or anything.

>> No.10852019

This is honestly why I never invested in chainlink. Where I come from plagiarism is a massive red flag. Also simple spelling errors. Not good.

>> No.10852059

Dude you are 12% of this thread, go make a blog if you want people to go listen to you. Shut up.

>> No.10852075

It’s really sloppy, new site had all the typos of a pajeet too

>> No.10852210

It’s like they outsourced their website design to some Pakistani guy on fivrr

>> No.10852252

>no reason to explode
>ownership in minority of wallets
The only red flag are the typos and grammar mistakes. Otherwise, same ol FUD.

>> No.10852284

Can’t. Nobody understand it man. We actul Could be getting scammed that’s what’s so funny about this. Where do you think the meme came from?

>> No.10852785
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Nice expired card. You must not be rich anymore due to failing at crypto. Praise Sergey!!

>> No.10853229
