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10843939 No.10843939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been drinking coffee every day for 4 years. Today is day one of my no caffeine life. Have any other anons tried going cold turkey on coffee before? Do your thoughts become clearer at all? I'm not looking to become more productive, just to return my mind to the still pond it once was.

>> No.10843973

i want coffee but i can't stop taking the dexedrines p_q

>> No.10843989

Why go cold turkey on anything, lower the dose little by little until you get down to zero. I think its called titrating

>> No.10844077

I've done cold turkey
it is definitely worth it, i still like to drink hot drinks out of habit so i mostly either go decaff or tea
but yea, I feel a lot less frigidity, i can sit still and concentrate on a task for once.
its allot easier to fall asleep too in the evenings and get 8+ hours of sleep
coffee is a meme like tobacco, it tastes like shit if you haven't acquired the taste, it makes you sweat and sleepless.. only reason why you drink it is cause everyone else does it too. tea's much nicer and easier on your wallet if you normally drink at sturbucks/costa

>> No.10844127
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It seems so fake and exaggerated when people say or imply they're "addicted" to coffee or they "need" it... How the hell can one even become "addicted" to it? I couldn't accomplish that even if I intentionally tried to. I drink coffee sometimes (like a few times per MONTH) but there are so many other better tasting beverages, and it doesn't seem to make me any more alert/awake either, all in all it's just a kind of boring drink which sometimes can taste okay.

>> No.10844162

>Do your thoughts become clearer at all?

No, coffee only gives you a rush. It doesn't make your thoughts clearer. Unless you have some underlying physical condition, having a foggy mind has more to do with your reward circuits in your brain being optimized for immediate satisfaction. The internet age is chiefly responsible for this. If you can retrain your mind to accepted delayed rewards, then you can improve your focus.

>> No.10844168

I drink coffee almost every morning but sometimes I just forget and go about my day as usual. What's the big deal?

>> No.10844174

I used to drink like two pots of coffee a day and went cold turkey

The headaches are hell on earth and you'll wish you were dead, but after a couple weeks it'll be aight

>> No.10844180

Ah, so you can't understand how people are addicted to a substance that you yourself haven't taken at levels that cause addiction.

Are you perhaps autistic? Not as an insult, but genuinely you seem to be unable to understand other people's experiences.

>> No.10844184

if you drink it every day you develop a need for it, you don't feel awake if you don't and if you don't drink it for a while you get headaches

>> No.10844188

But OP, I recommend tapering down to zero, not cold turkey. It's just much easier.

>> No.10844213

i drink a pot of coffee a day and have no issues falling asleep.

>> No.10844404

Coffee/caffeine has proven long-term benefits with little to no downsides, plus tastes delicious without anything added to it once you’ve acquired the taste for it. Why try to break your caffeine dependency?

>> No.10844649

I also have that habit when you drink coffee / caffeine rich green tea every day because you need to pump your mental state in order to do something, feels kinda bad when you realize how hard it is to quit and how dependent you are on this habit.
Didn't tried cold turkey to quit completely, but now I manage to make brakes for few days when I could not drink at all, or at least take much less then I usually do. If you stay caffeine-low for few days, eat a lot, at least somehow exercise and have enough sleep in few days you'll feel yourself much better. If you take nutritions or vitamins it will make that break even more prominent when you will take your next cup. Personally for me I found a way how I can make one teapot of green tea and it keeps me in maniac state for 10-12 yours, kinda handy if you're doing intellectually heavy tasks.
However if you're drinking everyday, multiple times per day, in 2-4 weeks you will feel burnout and urge to take a rest. Well, take this rest and put as much effort in it as you can, if you're doing it right 2-3 days off could recharge you for whole month.
Just my 5 cents, if it works for me it doesn't mean it could work for you and it depends a lot on your lifestyle / schedule / 666 other variables

>> No.10844720

*Quitting coffee doesn't make your thoughts clearer.

Drinking coffee increases your chances of getting cancer.

>> No.10844829

Caffeine is not toxic. It's actually full of antioxidants

>> No.10845128

coffee detox is like 3 days lol or even a weekend if you workout and sleep a lot.

>> No.10845158

t. dealing with nocoffeeheadaches today
I'll be good again tomorrow.

>> No.10845178

what kind of cancer? did you know breathing air also increases your risk of cancer?

>> No.10845192

I wish I could quit. I once went 2 weeks without coffee and felt great, but now I'm back to my old habit.

>> No.10845237

i have never had a cup of coffee in my life
i am pure
i am clean

>> No.10845242

it works. Not that hard.
Drink something different hot. But not 2 gallons of tea, it has the same effect.

>> No.10845274


>> No.10845334

>Drinking coffee increases your chances of getting cancer.

Laughably and factually untrue. In fact, the more they study coffee, the more benefits they find to it being good for you. There is no factual correlation between any cancers and coffee. None. Stop making up bullshit because you don't like coffee.

>> No.10845357

or is it because people who drink coffee work harder and therefore earn more money which allows them to live a healthier lifestyle?

>> No.10845382

It's not really addiction, it's habit and a moderate dependancy. I've drank coffee daily since i discovered I like it when I was about 14. I like the taste, and the slight effects of it. I got to an extreme of 2 pots a day, but I've cut back to one french press a day, in the morning, and sometimes two on the weekends. I love the taste, the smell, and sitting down with a good book or movie with a fresh brew.
Most people claim to like/love coffee, but then fill half of the cup with sugar and milk. They don't like coffee, they like sugar and milk. That's why Starbucks sells less coffee than they do sugar based drinks, and have been selling less coffee overall for years.
And, once in a while, I enjoy the best of both worlds, Irish coffee - the stimulant of caffeine, the relaxation of whiskey, with the reward of whipped cream. It's middle class mild eight balls.

>> No.10845401

Nah. It doesn't have any effect on someone's bottom line. Nobody got successful from just coffee - they'd work just as hard without it.

4chan is autistically too concerned with "things" that will guarantee them success - I have to eat the right food, wear the right clothes, read the right books, blah blah blah. Success is dependant on who you are, not what you consume. You're Bill Gates because you're Bill Gates, not because you drank coffee.

>> No.10846481

I just like coffee cuz it helps me take a nice shit in the morning to start the day

>> No.10846512

My caffeine detox headaches and mental fog have costed me this entire day. I think I might cut back coffee a little. Or not bother detoxing lol

>> No.10846540

Cold turkey will give you a headache within 24 hours

To avoid such unnecessary suffering, simply taper your dose by mixing decaf with regular beans. at the coffeeshop order "half-caf", "three quarter caf", or to fuck with the bikini barista, "Three - sixteenths caf".

Protip: only a very small amount of caffeine is necessary to stop a caffeine withdrawal headache

>> No.10846541

You sound like a faggot

>> No.10846559

You sound like a massive faggot.

>> No.10846577

Not OP but sort of related.

A few years back I convinced my doctor to write me an Adderall prescription which I’ve been taking as directed for quite a while. This amphetamine state of mind has become my normal state of mind now which is probably no better or smarter than when I began. How long do I have to abstain from Adderall to bring my brain back to normal? It’s getting to the point where I’m only taking the Adderall to not feel like a tired, lazy piece of shit.

>> No.10846586

>Protip: only a very small amount of caffeine is necessary to stop a caffeine withdrawal headache
I'm literally going to save this and try it out next weekend during my next "detox"

>> No.10846600

Why give up coffee?
There's so much benefits from drinking it in moderation.

>> No.10846633

Forever. Just stop forever.

>> No.10846715


Coffee contains acrylamide, a substance that's considered a probable human carcinogen. There are no conclusive studies about the carcinogenic effects of acrylamide but it's proven to be able to damage DNA.

Just because there's no existing hard evidence that something is harmful doesn't mean necessarily mean it's harmless. Substances like asbestos, lead-based paint, and DDT were used for many decades before they were banned.


>> No.10846743

I just want to feel the rush again for special tasks.

>> No.10846821

>Ah, so you can't understand how people are addicted to a substance that you yourself haven't taken at levels that cause addiction
Does every coffee addict start drinking 3 pots a day? What is your line of thinking? Guy says he doesn’t understand the allure in the first place. I don’t either. You have to repeatedly drink the substance, and it’s long term effects are well known. Therefore only a retard would allow themselves to become addicted to it, right?

>> No.10846841

crystal meth my fried

>> No.10846887


Ahh, amphetamines. I bet when you are flat your head feels like its stuffed with dry foam

Theres no way around it, if you can squint through the pain of withdrawl I think the best you can hope for is focusing on your childhood (where I assume you were drug-free).

As far as alternatives, nothing is going to help much. I'd add that in order to make it work you'll have to make obtaining speed impossible... burn that scrip, throw it all away.

You might want to go to a group therapy daily if possible, NA is in many cities

>> No.10846911

I am a hardcore Nespresso addict but I have got off the stuff a few times. Takes only about 4 to 5 days. Just have a smaller cup of coffee till you are down to a 1/4 of a cup and then stop. If you stop suddenly then if you are anything like me you get fucking terrible migraines.

>> No.10847136

Why not taper off? Go to tea, then nothing. Will suck for 4 days.

>> No.10847166

I’m taking it as prescribed, not as some dumb addict druggie.

>> No.10847887

this is my strategy for coffee:

i only drink it when i have to do physical work of any kind.
i always stay away from coffee or any caffeine when i do trading.
caffeine is a great way to fomo into something or misjudge an asset - its like beer sometimes in that it impairs judgement.
only use coffee for physical boosts, not mental boosts because it literally impairs you.

hope this helps some anon out, also go all in on LINK

>> No.10847917

>Have any other anons tried going cold turkey on coffee before?

No. Black iced coffee is my 'comfort food'

>> No.10847945

Fucking loser get over it knob and kys

>> No.10847991


The smartest way is to not go cold turkey and to ease off of it slowly, so start with a black tea in the morning instead of coffee for a few days, then a green tea than nothing. Coffee isn't really an addiction but is easily habitual and ritual. Going cold turkey is just asking for harsh withdrawel symptoms (lethargy, headache, depression, trouble sleeping).

>> No.10848007

>link mentally impairs you

>> No.10848016

I went 3 years without drinking coffee because I got it in my head that it was bad for a number of reasons. It didn't improve my life in any way so I started drinking it again, and damn is coffee great.

>> No.10848042

Was a heavy coffee drinker; few months ago my stomach got upset and had to stop drinking coffee. I went a whole week and my coffee tolerance lowered. Now, I drink one morning espresso (and only one during whole day)
Benefits include:
>greater caffeine boost since tolerance is lowered
>looking forward to each day
>greater productivity throughout the day

The trick is to drink the good stuff, if you can get an espresso machine (or a mocca if budget edition) and some quality Arabica coffee like Illy. Italians have some of the best blends I swear.

>> No.10848074

I decided that I'm going to quit the next time I get ill. It's been 2 years without even a flu so I'm still working on it. But really I've been trying to lower the dose for a while now

>> No.10848078

Considering those long term effects are mostly positive then you'd have to be a retard NOT to drink coffee, by your logic

>> No.10848099

Caffeine is a estrogen receptor blocker.

>> No.10848737

my piss is less smelly

>> No.10848750


>> No.10848757

take modafinil instead

>> No.10848805

drinking my morning coffee enjoying this thread

>> No.10848849

I've gone cold turkey from last week OP, holy fuck worst thing I've ever done.

No major headaches but the muscle pain in my legs is fucking unreal, intense pain lasting three days now.

Used to sweat a lot even when not moving, since giving up I've had zero sweats

>> No.10849067

Have drunk 4 to 18 cups a day over 15 years and cold turkey is the best. Free fuss of headaches then done.

>> No.10849080

Never stop drinking coffee it's not worth it

>> No.10849118

Fuck off jew

>> No.10849562

My stomache got irritated from drinking too much coffee. Just drinking lipton lemon tea and water atm, but damn dat toasty flavor.

>> No.10850146

>he thinks there’s a difference
Lmao m8 you think the pharma jew has your best interest in mind? You are no different than any other junkie you just get your fix straight from the Jew instead of one of his pet niggers.

>> No.10850157

I was drinking multiple coffees a day along with 2 scoops of pre-workout up until the point I didn't feel anything from it anymore. Went from 100 to 0 for a week and it was hell on earth, made me depressed and shit

>> No.10850228
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the twin jew of coffee and alcohol are responsible for 100% of "anxiety disorders"

>> No.10850242


the damage is already done

>> No.10850256

You didn’t even read the page you linked. Less than 250 micrograms of acrylamide is harmless to humans and coffee contains at most, 2.4 micrograms per 150ml.

>> No.10850317
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>he thinks kicking caffeine is hard
try kicking amp kiddo

>> No.10850332
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besides most of the brain damage alcoholics have is due to malnutrition (no thiamine, etc)

>> No.10850379

Why not just take caffeine tablets?

>> No.10850519
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I haven't but I have seen friends do this before. You're about to have the worst week of your life. I will drink coffee till the day I die.

>> No.10850604

Try getting kicked

>> No.10850813

Just got to work (Mondays, am I right??) and had my first cup o' Joe a few minutes ago. I'm rip roaring and ready to go!

>> No.10851249


You are such a stupid fucking pussy.

I hate lil bitches like you who can't handle coffee "wah wah I'm addicted" and the other type of faggot douche "Coffee is bad for you"

Bitch I drink coffee everyday and a fair amount of it, guess what it doesn't do shit, no rush, no more energy, doesn't wake up me up and make me focus. I hear little nerds saying "WOAH DUDE IT GIVES ME SUCH A BUZZ AND I CAN DO TONS OF WORK"

They are fucking larping or just weak bitches. Coffee doesn't effect me and it never has in my life, I drink it for the taste. And to the people who says it's addictive thats so laughable. I have no side effects when I stop drinking coffee and I NEVER crave it - the worst you will get is a headache... well guess what just pop some paracetamol and it goes in 5mins you dumbass. God I get triggered by you hipsters who act like coffee is cocaine or some type of hard drug, nerds.

>> No.10851339

>Personally for me I found a way how I can make one teapot of green tea and it keeps me in maniac state for 10-12 yours, kinda handy if you're doing intellectually heavy tasks.
how much do you have to wait between doses to get this effect?

>> No.10851364

what's your goto for mental boosts then

>> No.10851531

This. I think most people who experience severe withdrawal from quitting coffee are actually experiencing sugar withdrawal rather than caffeine. I did keto for a while, and giving up refined sugar was WAYYYY worse than caffeine.
I can drink a thermos full of black coffee every day for months and skip a day no problem.

>> No.10852387

i've quit cold turkey and had massive headaches for about 2 weeks, can anyone relate?

I saw no benefit to not drinking coffee so I started again, no regrets. I love it

>> No.10852400

ITS Tapering you fucking long

>> No.10852404

Very true mate, there are 0 negatives to Coffee, except the headaches for which you take some paracetamol (headache pills) and they go.

The benefits are massive, only brainlets don't drink it