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10838064 No.10838064[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Real simple question guys. What does the inside of a vagina feel like? I've never had sex, 32 years old here and I really would like to know. That's all. Good day gentlemen.

>> No.10838070

bags of sand

>> No.10838107
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like a fast machine


>> No.10838119


I would honestly just see a prostitute if you can't get laid at that age. It's going to cause a mental disorder.

>> No.10838122

feels good

using a condom makes sex pointless though

>> No.10838126
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Like warm apple pie

>> No.10838132

Suck in your cheeks and feel the inside. Closest thing to a vagina.

>> No.10838139

put your finger inside your mouth and touch the side of your mouth it's like that. it's an erogenous zone though so as soon as you touch it you pop a boner.

>> No.10838151

It feels like you're gonna make it

>> No.10838160


Like jesus

>> No.10838162

It's made of the same material as the inside of a mouth

>> No.10838178

Okay so everyone here is telling me its the same material as inside my mouth. Should I try to give myself a blowjob? I'm afraid at my current weight I will hurt my back.

Does anyone know of any devices I can order online to safely configure my back and legs above my head do I can reach my penis into my mouth so I don't end up with an injury? What do I search for on Amazon. Self blowjob back brace?

>> No.10838198

Aint as good as a bj bruv, especially when the girl knows what she's doing.

Tbh mate if you were in England and a virgin at 32 I'd laugh at your face, how the fuck did u manage that? Ya autismo or summin.

>> No.10838199


>lay down on the floor
>lift your legs up
>bend your torso
>start sucking

>> No.10838203


Buy a blowjob you incel...

once you do, question your life.

Maybe you're not a prety dude... that's fine. But you can change the world, do something worthwhile and you'll have something to brag about. Your GF might not be hot, but she might be what you need, a best friend for life with whom you raise a family,

Deal with the cards you've been held or die a lonely faggot.

>> No.10838388

>What do I search for on Amazon. Self blowjob back brace?
Yes. Google precisely that. Try posting a request on Facebook too as a few are sold on there.

>> No.10838415

it's overrated. The novelty wears off quickly when the girl decides she wants to stick around.

>> No.10838730

Every pussy feels (slightly) different, atleast in my exp.

there's tight skinny girl pussy ( my favorite )
chubby not so tight pussy
fat ass fat ass pussy
perfect fat distribution pussy, didn't manage to get my dick in this yet.. need to land new gf that has good body proportions.

didn't fuck a fat slob pussy yet either cause I already didn't really like the chubby girl pussy, it was so loose!

>> No.10838785

Is this Business and Finance?-

>> No.10838832

a million tiny warm sticky hands

>> No.10838856
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29 yo virgin here
i am not even ugly, but short and women just ignore me
i'd be more interested to know what happens when I get my wizards?

>> No.10838867

What is this lame bait?
I'll bite... just buy one from an asian massage parlor place

STD risks from bare blowjobs are almost non existent for the receiver, unlike unprotected vaginal sex where you can easily get the clap

>> No.10838878

Like home

>> No.10838893


>> No.10838900

Nufag fuck off

>> No.10838917

basically warm meat, or cold. depends

>> No.10839203

I'm 24 and have accepted that I will die a virgin. Seeing an escort is even more pathetic. Plus, the overwhelming majority of escorts hate what they do. My conscience would bother me.

>> No.10839267

You are a gigantic faggot. Rather die than fulfil your only genetic purpose? Kek, I hope your family knows how much of a fucking failure you are and intend to be.

>> No.10839289
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Doesn't even matter. I had sex with a fat girl just to get it over with and T B H I could remain a virgin the rest of my life. It's not that I don't get horny (I'm on day 70 of nofap), it's just that it's not worth going out of your way to get sex. There are a lot of other things you should be doing. No sex in your life is a symptom of something bigger and you should try to fix the underlying problem instead of lusting after oneitises and crushes that you will keep striking out with because you are a loser.

T. Loser

>> No.10839291

It's not necessary to fulfill a genetic purpose, and realizing that doesn't create anxiety. It relieves anxiety.

>> No.10839405

pussy tightness depends on 2 things
arousal and nervousness
if the girls is not at peace with her body she will be distracted and not aroused
you can fit a fist into any vagina and all of them can literally break your dick if it's not hard enough when riding and clamping on it.

also if you go down on a girl which they quiet like after she cums the pussy is distinctly much less enjoyable than it was before.

>> No.10839424

Feels like pussy. No other feeling like it.

>> No.10839432

that's true altho i like blowjobs better and anal can also be much nicer if she is into it. pussy is not that great. it feels extremely nice when you first put it in then meh.

>> No.10839469

Are you a Chad? Damn I wish I could get laid.

>> No.10839496

most definitely not i'm just a regular guy.

>> No.10839663



>> No.10840210
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Here you go!

>> No.10840230

Like getting banned for 3 days.

>> No.10840688


>> No.10840817

so like a relief, checks out

>> No.10840855

This is actually a pretty good simulation (obviously not as good). Warm, moist, etc.

>> No.10840922
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>making money off crypto
>driving your car at 120mph
>the power rush of literally being able to pay people to fuck off
>having good friends
And you think the best feeling is a slippery inverted benis

>> No.10840938

honestly, i find it pretty disgusting to raw-dog women if theyre above 16 y/o. imagine all the cock and sperm that have been inside there.

>> No.10841064
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just buy one of these and youre good

>> No.10841075

>wrong way in my mclaren
>speeding to my next cs:go tourny
>crack the window
>crack a monster
> ssssiiippppppp

>> No.10841077


i was a virgin until 27. i lost it due to a steady diet of lifting, eating right, and taking kratom to help me with my autism on dates. it gets easier but you have to try.

>> No.10841084

unironically this you fuckin larp

>> No.10841167

This thread... Lol

>> No.10841220

Stay off the P and you will be fine. Social anxiety will subside to the point you can enjoy things and confidently reach out to people for things like, pussy

>> No.10841237

>pussy is not that great

literally best feeling in the world being in some tight wet pussy and you’re saying it’s not that great. What kind of drugs do you do man let me get some

>> No.10841268
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There is ridicilous ammount of virgins on this thread.
To answer your question depends on the vagina. No two vaginae are alike. Oh sure, they all have that slippery/warm/moist feel, but some are more "ridgey", some are more velvet, some are tighter, some more open, and some lubricate better than others. From behind, it's tighter, and you can feel your cock glide over a "ridge" at the front of the vagina that feels fucking awesome for both genders. Common things will be that they are really warm, and soft. Some are dry/wet, loose/tigtht etc.
Rub your tongue on the inside of your bottom lip. Its feels like that but warmer, wetter and tighter, oh and its on your cock so it feels amazing.

>pic of gf's vagina <3

>> No.10841274
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Smelling some nice female feet covered in fresh sweat is 100x times better you fucking pleb

>> No.10841309

it feels like pressure around your dick. Not like your hand. Like every inch o your dick is gripped just right. ive only had sex like twice and both times i came as soon as i put it in.

>> No.10841317

Throw a fish in the microwave and stuff your fist into it. Same thing.

>> No.10841330

Im an autistic shitskin pajeet and even I've had sex with multiple white women

Idk how you faggots can miss out on the #1 pleasure and purpose In ife without feeling homicidal or an heroing

>> No.10841351

> both times i came as soon as i put it in.


>> No.10841352
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I can relate to this guy, sex is kinda overrated.
If you can;t stay in the moment it's basically great at first then it's just rub eub eub and then you feel dope again while cumming.
Get's pretty boring after while, but then again if you go for a whilw without of sex you'd do anything to get that sweet pussy again.

Don't go in soft, a newbie mistake. Get really hard when you penetrate. Also to last lobger stay on bottom and don't go too fast.

My story is similar, in a way...
All my friends were getting some at around 15-17 and I lost it at 18. I basically had to get my shit together and change some things in life but I am really happy I did that.

>> No.10841369
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I only fuck escorts because of premature ejaculation, i will never fuck a civilian because i cum too fast, with escorts it has no impact on my private life so i dont care that much.

Im going to try the priligy pills, its my last hope.

I have tried all the meme-advice including no-fap, edging, kegels, reverse kegels... these don't work if you are real PE.

Also cutcels don't count, if your dick has been going dry since you were born you aren't having sex lmao.

>> No.10841370

tell me about it man. i was a 26 and a virgin at the time. Also super nervous because i was fucking some dudes wife while he jacked off.

>Don't go in soft, a newbie mistake. Get really hard when you penetrate. Also to last lobger stay on bottom and don't go too fast.
im pretty sure it was nerves man.

>> No.10841384

Look toaism. The mincrocomis orbit, multi orgasmic man. Draw the energy from your cock and balls up your spine into your brain. Enjoy multiple orgasm. Search Mantak Chia.

>> No.10841394

Story time. Destroying the sacrament of marriage. Can't imagine a worse way to lose my virginity.

>> No.10841406

you probably have somthing going on with your nervous sytem man. do you get a lot of anxiety? do you sweat for no fucking reason? if so you have an overactive fight or flight response. Start supplementing cbd oil. Also if you are looking at a screen (tv,pc,cellphone) before you go to bed then you are not getting deep sleep and you are fucking with the way your internal clock works

>> No.10841408

get wozzed out on acid/psilocybin, guaranteed to cure your PE. But also snort a line of viagra or else you'll get softcock (don't actually snort it, but you know what I mean)

>> No.10841420
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Try Viagra as the harder your dick is the longer you can last. Also you should be able to go for long with escorts cuz they basically have streched bucket pussies anyway

> it was nerves man.
Give it some more times get more confident and it will go a long way. I used to be like that but I can control it now without a single issue. Can last for hours which isn't as fun as it sounds unless you are doing multiple girls at the same time as they will finish in 20-ish minutes

>> No.10841425

Unfortunately this

>> No.10841456


won't make it

>> No.10841477

>doing 'other things' like browsing forums and playing vidya gaymes instead of fucking women
>that's your true purpose in life

Sad delusional cope

>> No.10841511

>be 26 yo virgin who only played video games and never goes outside.
>its fucking me up that i haven't gotten laid.
>look on craigslist.
>find hot ass wife.
>was sketched out because it was 4 in the am.
> sneak out of parent house.
>drive 45 min edging the whole time so i don't lose my nerve.
> knock on door and hope i dont get killed
> we say hello. He tells me to get on the floor.
> she start sucking me
>first blowjob. feels weird.png
>i start kissing her. First time making out feels pretty good .jpg
> i start rubbing her pussy. not sure what to think.
>i finally get hard.
> she bends over in front of me
> i dont know wtf to do so i imitate what pornos do.
> rub my dick on her pussy and slide it in
>instant pressure.
>pull out to thrust again then cum.

i went in raw because she wanted me to cumin her. I didn't say no because i wanted to get fucked. I found out after they fuck black guys all the time raw. pull over at next gas station and wash my dick with regret.

fucked another guys wife a year after that too. it was better he had one leg. I was laughing while he was fucking her.

>> No.10841604

>literally best feeling in the world
nah getting a good blow from a girl who knows and means business is about 5 to 10 times better.