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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10832725 No.10832725 [Reply] [Original]

SJW / Authoritarian / Leftists parasites want to shut down your crypto projects and your subsequent investments, anons. They're already screeching about how (((payment processors))) are shutting down payment to people they don't like and crypto is helping them circumvent these shutdown attempts.

Let's talk about ways to push back on some of the higher ideals that cryptocurrency and decentralized tech brings and how these projects will continue to stay out of the weak, manlet reach of those that would try to stop us.

Starting with an obvious frontrunner here, the project that's going to build a new decentralized internet, Skycoin.

>> No.10832779

read the first few words and stopped because you must be fat, ugly and smelly. no one is gonna date you anon

>> No.10832800

read the first few words and stopped because you must be right, based & red-pilled anon

>> No.10832803

Fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.10832813


T. projecting faggot.

>> No.10832845
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lol, I'm married to a traditional Slav woman.

We're about to have our first child soon <3

This isn't a matter of /pol/, it's a matter of anyone that wants to be allowed to speak about anything without having a blue checkmark, you slack jawed sycophant. This issue affects libertarian leftists too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEsx6eoJdYM

>> No.10833009
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So to continue, Skycoin is pretty interesting because it physically circumvents things like DNS companies that want to censor websites (Cloudflare) or hosting providers that want to censor websites (Dreamhost) or government agencies that have physical collection buildings (NSA) and partner with ISP companies to collect. (AT&T)

>> No.10833013

Cope harder roastie, trump is your president now

>> No.10833113

how do they aim to achieve this

>> No.10833183
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It'll be done in phases. First we're setting up proxy boxes and getting the platform built and tested.
The whole thing really needs an economic engine for adoption, so on top of this network of nodes, there's going to be hosted blockchains and games and dapps and other economic use cases.
Many projects are just one simple thing and nobody's going to leave Facebook Messenger just to a crypto messenger app with 300 people on it. You need a whole ecosystem to draw people in.

>> No.10833229

Many Are Getting Arrested

>> No.10833236


>> No.10833250
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DESU what can a mentally ill person do to a immutable block chain running code. Answer is: Not a damn thing

>> No.10833291

Shhh, I know you're a bit used to being surrounded by DYEL leftist so᠌yboys but try to imagine that meaty hands might be a sign of being able to lift more than a the box of paper cups you're used to at Starbucks.

>> No.10833296
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On the new internet, you'll be able to send hand pics to people on /biz/ without them being intercepted.

>> No.10833345
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You know that they'll try their damndest. Or just take it out on someone else.

>> No.10833669

Don't worry, the basket of deportables is being filled.

>> No.10833673
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The absolute state of larping stormniggers

>> No.10833709
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Relax, I'm Anglo, I don't blame the jews for everything.

They are a bit too sneaky for their own good sometimes.

>> No.10834064

>begging people to show you their marriage certificate on the internet

leftypol desperation par the course

>> No.10834162

>find idiot
>convince them Muh leftists
>Dey took er jerbs
>buy my scam goy Muh leftists don’t like
>Muh pretend internet box works
>market dump on idiot
>it was chinks robbing me
>20-2 $$ bagholders wanna dump
>recursive repeat until 0
Low IQ fell for it now trying to make another low IQ fall for it

>> No.10834203


>> No.10834209

Lel you don’t know how the internet works

>> No.10834219

muh leftist boogeyman

>> No.10834239

Roastie spotted; stay toasted

>> No.10834280
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Oh yeah, because people with wrongthink aren't getting kicked off "neutral"platforms.

Ever wondered how reddit got so bad?

Anyway, they're still delivering so the rest of your comment doesn't even make sense.

>> No.10834298

Crypto is going to make it so /v/ /pol/ and /biz/ might as wel be the same boards.

>> No.10834302
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I do. Surely you didn't think the entire concept can be laid out in one post, do you?

>> No.10834329

and that's a good thing

>> No.10834351

Its interesting for sure.

>> No.10834451

I hate how crypto has faggot projects like holochain.
It’s those kind of idiots that might ruin our glorious corns.
Skycoin is alright I guess.

>> No.10834497

That and holo is like a fanfiction of Skycoin/Hedera with all the technical competency removed.

>> No.10835003

Lets not get crypto into identity politics. We have something nice going on here and don't need you zoomers ruining it.

>> No.10835134


It's going to be a blight on everything until Babel crumbles and our tongues separate again.

>> No.10835186

>Lets not get crypto into identity politics.

>Crypto Is Booming. But Where Are The Women?

>crypto is for white supremacists

>> No.10835206
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>> No.10835214

>all crypto devs are SJW faggots
>but the SJW faggots want to shuw down crypto!
Well which one is it you mentally ill faggot?

>> No.10835235

>an article written by a contributor, not an actual forbes writer
>half assed clickbait article

>> No.10835254

christ we should ip ban anyone that visits that shitty board

>> No.10835277

wait, who's the cuck again?

>> No.10835343
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I mean, their hardware as of late sucks. But the software is still decent. Hackintosh master race.

Welcome to becoming the point of this thread. I know you'd like to turn 4chan into reddit 2.0, but we're actually taking things in the other direction. Absolute free speech.

>> No.10835375

Read the first few words and immediate grew tits.

>> No.10835512

4ch is pol

>> No.10835538

>this is what electiontrash facebook/reddit refugee actually think
lmao. /news/ was like cancerous freckle on this site but /pol/ is a full blown brain tumor
gtfo out newfag

>> No.10835735
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I don't think you understand. /pol/ was created long after 4chan's inception and is literal political meta for the site. You or anyone that agrees with you is simply sowing discord.