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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 720x477, dsc_3090-720x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10826828 No.10826828 [Reply] [Original]

This is the stupidest fucking shit ever.

>> No.10826853

Fuck receipts. I'm sick and tired of fuckers asking me that question, too. Like it is mother fucking 2018 no I don't need no god damn receipt. Holy fuck this pisses me the fuck off.

>> No.10826864

Do they think I‘m gonna sit down at home and read it to my sickly grandmother?

>> No.10826871

i know right who came up with receipts so stupid.

>> No.10826879

I was talking about the paywave ring

>> No.10826881

Dont you want to be able to return something if its broken out of the box?

>> No.10826883

Don't worry, it'll be upgraded to a mark of the beast implant as soon as people get used to paying by waving their hand at the machine.

>> No.10826913

"Scan the chain, my creds are there."

>> No.10826918

Shop at god damn CVS for a Monster energy drink (tm) and they'll kill an entire fucking forest. Like really first was it worth destroying an entire ecosystem for this shit that I will end up in the urinal?

>> No.10826920

Well anon once long ago "emailed receipts" or digital copies weren't really a common thing. Printing receipts is still important.

>> No.10826923

receipts will give you cancer.

>> No.10826929

Sorry for going off. Seeing that fist and the print receipt image incited a rebellious inner side of me that has not come to light until this exact moment.

>> No.10827619

>not saving your receipts and deducting them from your taxes

>> No.10827653

>receipt sir?
>sir you have the bonus point card sir?

>> No.10827705

Holy fucking cringe

>> No.10827786

This place is full of ledditors and pajeets

>> No.10827803

i agree we could by now pay with our phones in a safe and secure way where you read a transaction and authorize it and sign it on your own device and transfer that transaction to the terminal wireless. this way no information would be broadcasted that can be used for identifying you or further purchase if replayed on open fucking radio waves you can capture from meters if you have the hardware...

this shit is so stupid it hurts. cards rings idgf. the protocol sucks donkey ass.

>> No.10828139

Looks like most people here didn't even get that the thread was supposed to be about this NFC ring thingy

>> No.10828151

But you need those as proof of purchase dumb zoomer

>> No.10828178
File: 38 KB, 700x376, 140225-nuke-it[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG YOU FUCKING NIGGERS. just bring some shitty card with you or use your phone, it's not that hard. Why it has to be some shitty ugly asshole of a ring or worse A FUCKING IMPLANT.


>> No.10828194

I saw this used my pharmacy today by literal boomers. I've seen smart watches but this ring is very cringe.

>> No.10828385

>Body Shop UK
>claim they care about the environment
>print a 1 meter long receipt

>> No.10829001

>sir, would you like our extended 2 year warranty for half of the purchase price?

I don't return stuff anymore, when I was a kid my friend and I would always buy games from EB games then when we didn't like them we'd go back and he'd get me to do the return and I hated being 10 going up to old people and being dd-d-dis game d-d-didnt work can we h-have a different one? Fuck me. Now I have some psychological block so as soon as I buy something I buy it and throw away the receipt. If it doesn't work that's my problem and i'll fix it.

>> No.10829078
File: 9 KB, 500x500, 1533533337999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no such thing as an electronic copy

>> No.10829094
File: 6 KB, 160x160, 1534963870918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the ring was a clever and cool idea. Fuck receipts.

>> No.10829133
File: 5 KB, 233x216, aF2NUnQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait outside Best Buy with baseball bat
>knock out first person buying something expensive
>take ring and item
>go back into store
>return item with ring receipt
>take money
>put ring back on finger of unconscious guy in parking lot

>> No.10829182

Printing receipts should only be for stuff over $50 or something.

>> No.10829599

Yep, it can be tricky to justify deductions for Monster Energy but hey, where there's a will there's a way.

>> No.10829632

Dude. I was there last night with just a bag of chips and that shit printed garbage for a solid 30 seconds minimum.

>> No.10829638

>doesn't know he's being stolen from

>> No.10829678

I pay cash only at this point. They invent divices like this so you it's easy to pay. With cash you need to make sure you have enough, carry change and all the other burdens that come with it. If you have unlimited money literarily at your fingertips, you will spend more. You won't put your stupid purchase back on the shelf because you don't have enough money.

>> No.10829710

>doesnt own a company. doesnt understand that you need reciepts to get back on your tax.

Stop being a pleb

>> No.10829715

You can deduct sales tax for anything in your federal return if you itemize instead of taking the standard deduction. They lowered the amount you can deduct this year because of the new ax law. It also lets you deduct property tax so New York is screwed because people are paying like 15k for property tax.

>> No.10829785
File: 60 KB, 960x706, F30E8518-0B46-44AB-A75A-61273E8E684E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is going to mention this guy’s disgusting shit stained meathook?

Why pick a fucking gross ass hand like that to model your ring. It looks like it has STUBBLE!!??

It literally looks like a rotting corpse is putting its pinky ring over a receipt machine

>> No.10829823

Where I live, you are obligated to get a receipt and a cashier would run after you if you refused because they could be prosecuted.