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10801669 No.10801669 [Reply] [Original]

is the chainlink white paper designed to be so complex that nobody can understand it on purpose?

i forgot what its called but theres a name for this type of snake oil where they create a system too complex to understand and causes naive people to give them money

this coin and its whitepaper is completely incoherent junk and sergey is a rambling retard saying things that arent even words

smart contract data oracles blah blah blah they just keep saying buzzwords to keep people in a spell and you guys just repeat the same thing

and all you guys cant even answer what the fuck the coin even does with a straight answer

>> No.10801690

Jesus christ. This is the level of FUD we have devolved to marines. Theyre openly saying chainlink is junk because they are too fucking stupid to understand it.

>> No.10801708
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>> No.10801721

Not that smart goy here.

I can understand it. Helps if you learn about some of the standard practices in info tech security.

Also, can you understand other white papes?

>> No.10801750

>he still doesn't understand what chainlink is capable of

I pity you.

>> No.10801761

im just fucking around dude

no but seriously why cant anyone ever explain what it does

everyone has contradicting opinions of what chainlink is

>> No.10801790

How so? Decentralized oracle network. Standard and secure link between the fast and loose world and the strict and deterministic blockchain.

>> No.10801811

Ya but what does that mean

>> No.10801819
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>I don't understand it, so it must be bogus

>> No.10801820

It's complicated, but not indecipherable. Unless you are a brainlet :^)

>> No.10801821
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Your mom understood it when I told her about it last night.

>> No.10801841

Hmm.. I’m not really sure where to begin. Do you know what smart contracts and APIs are?

>> No.10801847
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>> No.10801852

Imagine a world where you will be able to create pre-nups that are more enforceable than any contract ever written in human history and then able
to divorce that same roastie when you get bored of her WITHOUT having to pay attorney fees. Welcome to Link, tard.

Smart contracts > any other contract in human history

LINK = the oracle that will allow normies to take fully utilize said smart contracts.

I used Reddit spacing to help your mong lack of Brain understand what is happening her.

>> No.10801877
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>the year is 2065
>I am a billionaire (I'm still holding 10 links from my youth) and an old pervert
>currently married to my 74th wife, she just turned 18, like all the previous ones
>I just divorce them and replace them whenever I get bored
>despite this, I have never paid a single cent in alimony
>every measure to protect my financial independence is stipulated in trustless tamperproof automated smart contracts
>divorce is as easy as pushing a button, and lawyers cannot bullshit their way around useless prenups and irrational human courts with arbitrary rulings anymore
Forget about how valuable solving the oracle problem will be... We're actually gonna solve the roastie problem

>> No.10801912

The term you’re looking for is vaporware, anonski

>> No.10801939

Why would you want to master contracts on the blockchain before any of them have yet to be a succesful currency

>> No.10801956

whats not to understand about a decentralized network for centralized oracles?

>> No.10801960

Link doesnt change us law even if the us government used chainlink for their law they would still be the ones to program the smart contract

>> No.10801965

Vague term. Many would say that crypto is already “successful”.

>> No.10801967
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How about u post the real whitepaper u piece of shit

>> No.10801970

Sergey uses mathematical-looking equations to describe logical patterns. It is apparently something that comes from his philosophy background. IMO it is to impress the layman.

>> No.10801973

No there was a speculative bubble which failed and no crypto has been used as currency so far which is what it intended to do

>> No.10801985

You’ve steered your question from “what?” to “why?”.

It makes conducting business cheaper.

>> No.10801997


>> No.10802000

Makes it cheaper for your wife to steal 50% of your wealth because the government will still be the ones making the contracts

>> No.10802009

You need to google around more fren. It’s well known that crypto currency is being used currently.

>> No.10802015

>i forgot what its called but theres a name for this type of snake oil where they create a system too complex to understand and causes naive people to give them money

Derivatives. The word you're looking for is derivatives.

>> No.10802022

You won’t make it fren. Google more.

>> No.10802026

Its optional at like a few websites to pay in crypto but i could ask for payment in tuna salad and it would be just as useful as paying it bitcoins

Nobody uses bitcoin for daily commerce

>> No.10802033
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>he's too stupid to understand the white paper
>he didn't read the cogent, well-written white paper from cover to cover, savoring every sentence, understanding everything within it easily, and then went all-in on the best project most poised for absolutely incredible gains in the entire cryptosphere & all of fintech
You're only pretending to be dumb for your FUD, aren't you, op?
>frog bless you -- stay stinky
LINK $7777 EOY

>> No.10802035
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i'll explain it for you bro, pic related

>> No.10802038

>thinks tuna salad = crypto currency.
It’s okay fren. My wife was tarded, but she’s a pilot now.

>> No.10802053

Lol I never got this? There’s bearly any JSON parsing in the project.

>> No.10802077

I am all in because i saw the memes

I just dont have any idea what it does and im not delusional enough to believe you guys do either when theres contradictory opinions of how its going to work and what it can accomplish

>> No.10802110

> the whitepaper is too hard for me to read so it must be a scam
This is what nolinkers actually believe.

>> No.10802113

>and all you guys cant even answer what the fuck the coin even does with a straight answer
>no but seriously why cant anyone ever explain what it does
what the fuck is this horseshit? I see anons spoonfeeding retards in easy to understand terms everyday

>> No.10802120

Low level 1/10 FUD. You’re blatantly a no-linker trying to FUD the price and trying to accumulate. I will let You in on a secret: I too am a no-linker, but all the shilling has finally gotten to me. Think about it, when have you ever seen biz shill a coin this hard? There were 2, perhaps 3 instances: BTC, ETH and antshares. According to my calculations biz is shilling LINK even harder than antshares. This is ETH level shill. The consistency is far too great to be pajeet tier - they give up and move onto the next <$10mm Market cap shitcoin. Even the LINK FUD is just stinky’s trying to accumulate more. SPOILER ALERT: Biz is NOT wrong about link & $1k is NOT a meme. Perhaps not EOY, but link will hit $1k. I’m blue pilled, red pilled, fucking green pilled! This shit is not a meme. So what’s my plan? I’m going to wait until this fucking hellhole ETF gets denied. I’m locked and loaded with tether and bch (transfers quick) and as soon as all the price of BTC drops to $4,800 I’m loading up on <$0.20 LINK. I’m unironically buying 100k link which should run me $20k USDT. Then I will shill FULL FORCE and speed up links mission to $1k by at least 1%. I’m assembling a team of 10,000 shills all ready to grind 24/7 to help achieve this goal. Act like I’m playing, anon. I fucking dare you! This is My life’s purpose and ticket to $100MM. I will become a LINK COLONEL!!

>> No.10802132

It’s a well defined project. It’s not political. You might as well say “I don’t believe in airplanes because I don’t understand how they’re made” Just admit that you don’t understand it. No same in that.

>> No.10802155

*No shame in that.

>> No.10802156

because smart contracts have the potential to revolutionize REAL WORLD banking and transactions and have nothing to do with cryptocurrency like BTC you absolute brainlet

>> No.10802164

Well defined to people who want to seem cool

Face it you bought it because you got conned by a snake oil salesmen who made up a fake incoherent mess anf called it philosophy and people with similar degrees pretend to understand what hes talking about but normal people just here gibberish

>> No.10802183
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>> No.10802190

Crypto isn’t for you. Perhaps you should try cooking rice. It’s a fair challenge. Don’t give up after the first try.

>> No.10802198

So the mark of the beast?

>> No.10802205
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>> No.10802212

>what the fuck the coin even does
IQ check plz

>> No.10802248

This. Wtf is going on? You think as price increases this will happen more and more. We’ll get some spill over from leddit leakage.

>> No.10802256

this guy lurks

>> No.10802257

It's a JSON Parser Duh. You're totally right. 99% of linkies wouldn't be able to explain this equation. Stinky Linkers can only shitpost all day long, and imagine life after "Singularity". Truly delusional.

>> No.10802261

This. Lol OP getting BTFO

>> No.10802265


>> No.10802275

Pro tip, they won't be able to explain it simply and clearly because the brainlets in here are only able to parrot things from the shills.

>> No.10802277

OP BTFO 1000x

>> No.10802304

You won't make it. Google more.

>> No.10802315
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I can't tell whether you're just joking or genuinely retarded. People disagree about the implementation of the whitepaper and all the finer details, but the whitepaper itself is not incomprehensible. Judging from your posts, you don't even understand bitcoin, or why a distributed ledger is valuable. Try investing in stocks instead.

>> No.10802319
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back where we started, 12 months sure fly by

>> No.10802325

Incoherent mess coin

Decentralized ass compacter

Doesnt do anything but pretends it solves everything

>> No.10802329

>it is well known that
> a(-V,||0||0) < {- - 1: R(e1,...,0^-7) > F^-1-CdV}
yeah... cant even believe they mentioned such common knowledge

>> No.10802345

Wtf is a distributed ledger

See what i mean how you guys just throw around buzzwords acting like you are saying something

>> No.10802389

Ok, now I'm pretty sure this is just bait. One last thing, people argue about what link and other cryptos can accomplish because it's really hard to tell what the effect of new technology will be. Some people thought the internet would be a fad, but it runs the world now. It's hard to tell for certain what the effect of crypto will be.

>> No.10802443

No i mean like nodes
Instituions will use their own nodes

Everyone thinks something different about this

Face it its not going to work

Chainlink cant be explained because it doesnt actually do anything

>> No.10802459

$7777 eoy, checked fren.

>> No.10802566
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It means they aggregate a bunch of apis and put them on the blockchain, shit like the price of commodities, the weather, random shit information that you really don’t need to commit to the blockchain.

Then chainlink takes the clean easy-to-parse json data from those apis and turns it into complex convoluted blockchain protocol and renders it absolutely useless.

>> No.10802665

>he doesn't know how many drugs people buy every day through dnms

>> No.10802813

If I'm understanding this correctly, chainlink will give basically a "score" to whomever provides "correct" data and will dock any data provider that it decides is providing false info. This system of scoring is tested against the average. Starting to sound like an Orwellian nightmare of clamping down on "hate data". I'll still be putting $1000 into chainlink in the near future, because why the hell not.

>> No.10802840

Rice can be tricky to get right. And there are so many kinds!

>> No.10802865

>wtf is distributed ledger technology

Everyone stop replying to him. This is bait. Bad bait.

>> No.10802868

If you guys don't want to get strangled by institutions, then don't play the structure game.

>> No.10802907
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Cool thread faggot. $1000 EOY

>> No.10802931

Check'd. Powerful meme magic in your picture

>> No.10802962
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>> No.10803002

>retard getting angry because he doesn't know what oracles are
SUCK A FAT COCK YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT. You are afraid you'll miss out but are too stupid to understand it and expect us to spoonfeed you?


>> No.10803028
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>> No.10803042

This Chainlink meme is getting out of hand. What if some poor anon actually spends their hard earned money on Link? What a scam.

>> No.10803043

Those too dimwitted to understand the astounding heath Robinson contraption will be doomed to have their emoluments mulcted.

>> No.10803099

I read through a lot of it and it's quite coherent and relevant, gave me a lot of faith that my $300 investment will become $1mm

>> No.10803205

inunironically true kek.
>philosophy major can't code
it doesn't matter.